6 Cheapest Golden Visas In Europe: Ultimate 2023 Guide [UPDATED] | Digital Émigré (2024)

In this article we’ll take a look at the cheapest Golden Visas in Europe, weigh up the benefits and disadvantages and explain how you can use them as a pathway to dual citizenship (and some of the world’s most powerful passports).

Here are the 6 cheapest Golden Visas in Europe:

  1. €100,000: Malta Permanent Residency Program (MPRP)
  2. €250,000: Greece Golden Visa real estate route
  3. €175,000: Portugal Highly Qualified Activity (HQA) Visa
  4. €280,000 Portugal Golden Visa (rehabilitation in low-density zone)
  5. €350,000: Portugal Golden Visa(standard rehabilitation)
  6. €250,000: Latvia Investor Visa

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It’s a common misperception that Golden Visas are only for the super wealthy.

You might be surprised to discover that a number of affordable investor residency schemes exist across Europe – well within the reach of someone with funds from selling a modest property in the UK or US, for example.

Most EU Golden Visa programs allow investors to gain residency in a country in exchange for making a substantial investment there.

This investment is typically in real estate, but can also be in other formats, such as private equity or venture capital funds, government bonds, or donations to art or scientific research.

After a certain number of years, EU Golden Visa investors can apply for citizenship of the country, which grants them an EU passport and all the associated benefits.

But not all Golden Visas are created equal. There are lots of different routes to acquire European residency by investment.

That’s why it’s critical to examine the nuances of each scheme, beyond just looking for the cheapest golden visas.

Here’s the shortlist of the six cheapest Golden Visas in Europe.

Let’s dive in!

The 6 Cheapest Golden Visas in Europe

#1. Malta Permanent Residency Program (€100,000)

6 Cheapest Golden Visas In Europe: Ultimate 2023 Guide [UPDATED] | Digital Émigré (1)
  • Basic cost: €100,000
  • Timeline to citizenship: 5 years


Launched in the spring of 2021, the MPRP is Malta’s newest contribution to Europe’s cheapest Golden Visas stable.

It enables successful applicants and their families to take up permanent residency in the Schengen area, with no physical stay requirements in Malta.

With MPRP, you’re not obliged to purchase a property, but can just rent one instead.

After maintaining residency for five years, you can apply for Maltese citizenship.

However, we’ve heard mixed reports about how easy it is to apply via the standard (i.e. not the citizenship by investment program) Maltese citizenship by naturalization route.

It’s possible that your application could be significantly delayed, or even refused for no specified reason.

We recommend doing further research on Malta expat forums and Facebook groups to learn more about other people’s experiences.

At just €100,000, the MPRP comes in a lot cheaper than Malta’s well-known citizenship by investment program, which starts at €600,000 and leads to a passport in around 18 months.

However, your €100,000 is a donation to the Maltese government; you can’t recover it as you would with a regular investment.

What’s more, applicants for the MPRP are required to show evidence of having €500,000 worth of total assets (including property, investments or savings).That could be a significant barrier for some.

Pros of Malta Permanent Residency Program

  • Low cost of investment
  • No physical stay requirements
  • No need to purchase property
  • Includes immediate family, plus parents or grandparents
  • Can apply for Maltese citizenship after five years

Cons of Malta Permanent Residency Program

  • The €100,000 is a sunk cost that can’t be recovered
  • Also requires proof of total assets at least €500,000

#2. Greece Golden Visa: Real estate route (€250,000***)

6 Cheapest Golden Visas In Europe: Ultimate 2023 Guide [UPDATED] | Digital Émigré (2)
  • Basic cost: €250,000
  • Timeline to citizenship: 7 years


Greece’s Golden Visa is popular because it’s one of the cheapest Golden Visas in Europe.

There are several routes available, but the lowest cost option is purchasing residential property.

The minimum threshold here is €250,000. You should also expect to pay around 10% of the property value in taxes and legal fees.

In September 2022, the Greek governmentannounced planned changesto the Golden Visa program.
The Greek prime minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, said the minimum investment threshold would double to €500,000. This new threshold would apply only to real estate in prime areas, including the capital Athens, and Thessaloniki.
At present, we don’t know when the changes will come into effect. It could be January 1, 2023, or later that year.

With the Greek Golden Visa, you don’t need to actually live in Greece to maintain your residency status.

But if you plan to eventually apply for Greek citizenship, you will need to spend at least 183 days per year on Greek territory.

Greece’s citizenship timeline is 7 years. You’ll need a B1 level in Greek language.

Pros of Greece Golden Visa

  • One of Europe’s cheapest Golden Visas
  • Affordable taxes and legal fees
  • No need to live in Greece to maintain residency status

Cons of Greece Golden Visa

  • Long citizenship timeline of seven years
  • High language requirements (B1) for citizenship
  • Onerous physical stay requirements necessary for citizenship

#3. Portugal Highly Qualified Activity Visa (€175,000)

6 Cheapest Golden Visas In Europe: Ultimate 2023 Guide [UPDATED] | Digital Émigré (3)
  • Basic cost: €175,000
  • Timeline to citizenship: 5 years


Portugal’s newest investor visa, the Highly Qualified Activity (HQA) visa isn’t an EU Golden Visa per se, but it offers many of the same benefits as the cheapest Golden Visas.

For a low investment of €175,000, the investor gets the same low physical stay requirements as a Golden Visa holder and the same timeline to Portuguese citizenship.

The Portugal HQA Visa is designed for entrepreneurial investors who wish to launch and develop a research-driven startup via a Portuguese university.

Applying for the HQA visa requires two key components:

  1. Setting up a Portuguese company
  2. Partnering with a Portuguese university to deliver the project in an incubator-style environment.

If you manage your startup effectively, it’s possible to make returns on your investment. But, of course, that’s not always easy to predict.

For many investors, there’s the risk that their €175,000 investment will end up being a sunk cost.

We partner with a dedicated provider that can handle the whole HQA Visa application process for you.

Pros of the HQA visa route

  • Lower cost of investment than any Golden Visa
  • Faster approval timeline than Golden Visa
  • NO RISK – FULL REFUND of entire investment if visa application fails
  • Low language requirements for citizenship
  • Low physical stay: only 7 days per year
  • Possibility to launch a successful startup and build intellectual property in Europe
  • Possibility to make a return on the initial investment, if the startup is a success

Cons of the HQA visa route

  • Risk of initial investment becoming a sunk cost if startup doesn’t succeed
  • Need for active involvement if you want to generate returns

Want more info on the HQA visa?

Contact our HQA Visa team

#4. Portugal Golden Visa: Real estate option 1 (€280,000)

6 Cheapest Golden Visas In Europe: Ultimate 2023 Guide [UPDATED] | Digital Émigré (4)

The Portugal Golden Visa is one of the oldest and most popular Golden Visa programs in Europe. We believe it’s the best of the bunch.

Portugal offers eight different routes to get the Golden Visa. Here we’ll look at two of the cheapest Golden Visas in Portugal –both based on real estate investment.

Overall, all Portugal Golden Visa routes offer the same great combination of flexibility, low minimum stay requirements, potential for significant tax benefits, a short timeline to citizenship, and easy language requirements for citizenship.

6 Cheapest Golden Visas In Europe: Ultimate 2023 Guide [UPDATED] | Digital Émigré (5)
  • Basic cost: €280,000
  • Timeline to citizenship: 5 years


This is Portugal’s cheapest viable Golden Visa route. (I say viable, because there’s also a €250,000 option available. But this involves making a donation to support art and heritage projects in Portugal. It’s rarely used and not very appealing).

The rehabilitation in a low density area route requires a minimum investment of €280,000 in residential real estate suitable for rehabilitation in one of Portugal’s low density areas.

These are typically more rural areas in central Portugal, and suitable properties can be hard to find.

Investors can also access the Golden Visa at the €280,000 level by investing in a hotel development project in a low density area.

This makes the investment process easier because the project is already in progress and managed by professional developers.

Contact us for more information on available hotel projects at both the €350,000 and €280,000 levels.

Pros of low-density rehabilitation route

  • Low cost of investment, one of the EU’s cheapest Golden Visas
  • Fast timeline to citizenship
  • Low language requirements for citizenship
  • Low physical stay: only 7 days per year
  • Hotel development project investments available to make the process easier

Cons of low-density rehabilitation route

  • Suitable real estate in a rehabilitation and low-density area can be hard to find
  • Low density areas are typically rural and may not appeal to foreign investors
  • It can be challenging to make returns on your investment in a low density area

#5. Portugal Golden Visa: Real estate option 2 (€350,000)

6 Cheapest Golden Visas In Europe: Ultimate 2023 Guide [UPDATED] | Digital Émigré (6)
  • Basic cost: €350,000
  • Timeline to citizenship: 5 years


This is another of the cheapest Golden Visas, allowing access to Portugal residency by investing a minimum of €350,000 in real estate for rehabilitation.

At this threshold, you’re not confined to low density areas, although some of the most popular locations in Portugal –such as Lisbon, Porto and coastal areas of the Algarve – have now been removed from the Portugal Golden Visa program altogether.

So what can you get at the €350,000 rehabilitation level?

To qualify for this level, the property must be within a rehabilitation zone and/or over 30 years old. Rehabilitation zones are defined by the local municipality.

Conducting some form of rehabilitation on the property is a requirement of the process. What constitutes rehabilitation can vary from light work to an entire structural refit.

You could also access the Portugal Golden Visa €350,000 threshold by investing in one of the development projects that are ongoing around Portugal.

In this way, the property already meets the rehabilitation zone requirements.

The developers handle all the complexity, so you just need to invest. With some careful planning, it’s possible to get a brand-new apartment in this way.

Madeira is one of our favorite locations for rehabilitation level investment. There are no plans to remove Madeira from the Golden Visaprogram. Plus, the island’s real estate market is hot at the moment.

Check out our detailed Madeira Golden Visa guide for more information about investment options on Madeira Island.

Pros of the rehabilitation route

  • Low cost of investment
  • Fast timeline to citizenship
  • Low language requirements
  • Low physical stay: only 7 days per year
  • Option to invest cheaply in Madeira, one of Portugal’s hottest real estate markets
  • Possibility of securing a brand-new property through one of the ongoing development projects

Cons of the rehabilitation route

  • Suitable properties may be hard to find
  • The rehabilitation process can involve significant complexity
  • Risk of unexpected legal issues arising from rehabilitation works
  • Added stress of managing ongoing rehabilitation works

#6. Latvia Investor Visa(€250,000)

6 Cheapest Golden Visas In Europe: Ultimate 2023 Guide [UPDATED] | Digital Émigré (7)
  • Basic cost: €250,000
  • Timeline to citizenship: 10 years


Our final option is somewhat lesser known: the Latvia Investor Visa.

One of the cheapest Golden Visas in Europe, it allows successful applicants to secure residency in Latvia for a minimum of €250,000, invested in real estate or government bonds.

There’s also an added fee of €25,000, or 5% of the real estate value (whichever one is higher).

Latvia Investor Visa holders only need to visit the country once a year to maintain their residency status.

That includes the rights to live, work and access healthcare in Latvia, plus travel freely across the Schengen zone.

It’s possible to upgrade your Latvia Investor Visa to permanent residency, but only after five years.

Although it’s one of the cheapest Golden Visas in Europe, Latvia is not an appealing option for those seeking EU citizenship.

For starters, you can only apply for citizenship after being a permanent resident for five years.

Considering that you’ll need five years of temporary residency with the Investor Visa to reach permanent residency status, the total timeline to Latvian citizenship is at least 10 years. That’s double the timeline of Portugal.

What’s more, Latvia doesn’t recognize dual citizenship (you’d have to renounce your old one), except for except for existing EU citizens, plus citizens of NATO and European Free Trade Association countries, or of New Zealand, Brazil and Australia.

Latvia alsohas stringent language requirements for citizenship, requiring all applicants to have “fluency” in Latvian.

To our minds, Latvia is the least suitable option out of the cheapest golden visas in Europe.

Pros of Latvia Investor Visa

  • One of Europe’s cheapest golden visas
  • Offers real estate option plus government bonds option
  • Possibility of return on your investment

Cons of Latvia Investor Visa

  • Long timeline to citizenship (10 years)
  • Doesn’t recognize dual citizenship (except for existing EU citizens, plus citizens of NATO and European Free Trade Association countries, or of New Zealand, Brazil and Australia)
  • Stringent language requirements and citizenship exam

FAQs: Cheapest Golden Visas in Europe

What is the cheapest EU golden visa?

Malta’s new Permanent Residency Program (MPRP) could be Europe’s cheapest Golden Visa program. The basic cost is just €100,000. This is not an investment, but instead a donation to the government. You won’t be able to recover your costs.

What is the Malta Golden Visa?

Malta’s Golden Visa is Europe’s only remaining citizenship by investment program. It allows you to obtain a Maltese EU passport in a timeline of 1-3 years, by investing at least €600,000 in Malta. If you invest €750,000, you can shorten the citizenship timeline to 1 year.

Can you buy citizenship in Malta?

The shortest timeline to Maltese citizenship is one year, available for a minimum investment of €750,000.

What is the easiest country in the EU to get citizenship?

Malta is the easiest country in the EU to get citizenship, if you’re willing to pay a high fee (€750,000). Otherwise, Portugal is the most affordable and fastest route to EU citizenship, with a range of flexible residency options, from the Portugal Golden Visa to the D7 passive income or retirement visa.

What is the Greece Golden Visa?

The Greece Golden Visa Program is a route for foreigners from outside the EU to acquire residency in Greece, in return for an investment of €250,000 in Greek real estate. It’s one of Europe’s cheapest real estate investment golden visas.

Which country is best for the Golden Visa?

Portugal is Europe’s best country for the Golden Visa, offering a wide range of different types of investment, different investment thresholds, and low physical stay requirements.

Does Austria offer a Golden Visa?

Yes, Austria does offer a Golden Visa program, but the requirements are very different from others. To get the Australian residency by investment, you have to invest in either an Austrian business (€10 million) or the government development fund (€3 million). These routes can create jobs and positively affect the Austrian economy.


In this article we explored the cheapest golden visas in Europe.

As you can see, they all have their pros and cons, so it’s important to think carefully about your long-term objectives before choosing an EU Golden Visa program to invest in.

Portugal offers the best all-round pathway to citizenship. It has three of Europe’s cheapest and most flexible golden visa routes.

In particular, the Portugal HQA visa is fast to process, less risky (full refund if application fails!), and much less expensive than the standard Portugal Golden Visa.

If you have an entrepreneurial, technical or managerial background and €175,000 to invest – it’s worth looking at.

Interested in the Portugal HQA Visa?

Book a Free Call With Our HQA Specialist Partner

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6 Cheapest Golden Visas In Europe: Ultimate 2023 Guide [UPDATED] | Digital Émigré (2024)


What is the easiest Golden Visa? ›

The Golden Visa in Greece is one of the cheapest and easiest routes to obtaining permanent residence status in Europe. The program has a fast application processing time of two months, no residency requirements, and provides an opportunity of including the entire family in the application.

How can I get a free visa for gold? ›

Outstanding students of foreign universities may be granted a Golden visa for a period of 10 years without a sponsor, provided that:
  1. The university is rated among the best 100 universities global according to the rating system recognized by Ministry of Education.
  2. The student's cumulative GPA is not less than 3.5.
Nov 14, 2022

Which EU countries offer retirement visas? ›

The 9 Best Retirement Visas in Europe
  • The Portugal D7 Visa.
  • Spain Non-Lucrative Visa.
  • The Greece Retirement Visa.
  • The Italy Retirement Visa.
  • The Malta Retirement Visa.
  • Cyprus Category F Visa.
  • Latvia Retirement Visa.
  • Austria Retirement Visa.

Which is the easiest European country to get a visa? ›

Iceland. With a rejection rate of just 12% if a visa is applied from the New Delhi consulate, chances are that you will get an Iceland tourist visa easily. This is also because since the country receives less visa applications, this country is also a good option to get a visa to the Schengen area.

What is the easiest European country to get permanent residency? ›


What make Portugal the easiest country in Europe to gain citizenship is that there are no physical presence requirements. Meaning you only need to hold your resident permit in order to qualify for naturalization. You don't need to spend most of the year in the country like most other countries.

Which country gives free citizenship? ›

Austria, Belgium, Ecuador, Belize and Costa Rica, countries where you can get citizenship and work visas easily of you have an Indian passport. Travel Tips, Immigration with Indian Passport: There are many countries in the world who give citizenship of their country if you have the passport of India and some documents.

What are the disadvantages of golden visa? ›

There is one disadvantage of the Golden Visa — this residency route does not lead to citizenship. You can renew the visa several times and try to apply for citizenship in 30 years. But there are no guarantees.

Which country gives 10 years visa? ›

Indonesia has entered the race to attract wealthy foreigners into the country using its trump card: Bali. The country has introduced a new “second home visa” of five years and 10 years for those possessing at least 2 billion rupiah ($130,000) in their bank accounts.

Which golden visa is best? ›

Leading golden visa programs
  • Portugal Golden Residence Permit Program.
  • Singapore Global Investor Program.
  • Spain Residence by Investment Program.
  • Swiss Residence Program.
  • Thailand Elite Residence Program.
  • UAE Residence by Investment.
  • UK Innovator Program.
  • US EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program.

How much money do you need for golden visa? ›

Ten-year Golden Visa for investment in real estate.

For this visa, you should buy a real estate property of a minimal value of AED 2,000,000 without a mortgage. Then you should maintain the investment for at least two years after issuing the Golden Visa.

How do I get a 5 year golden visa? ›

Apply for Golden visa through specialists and agencies
  1. Copies of passport, visa and EID card copy.
  2. UAE labour contract.
  3. Salary certificate/income confirmation letter.
  4. Education certificate fully attested and legalised by the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  5. 6 months of personal bank statements.
Oct 19, 2022

What is the easiest country to retire to in Europe? ›

Best European Countries to Retire
  1. Portugal. Portugal has been deemed a secret hot spot for a European retirement. ...
  2. France. The close second to Portugal for retirees came to France. ...
  3. Slovenia. Making its way close to the top of the list for countries in Europe to retire went to Slovenia. ...
  4. Italy. ...
  5. Montenegro.

What is the cheapest country in Europe to retire? ›

Retirees usually choose the capital city Sofia as their destination because of its cheap and affordable lifestyle. The prices of real estate are some of the lowest in Europe.
Living Costs in Bulgaria.
HousingMonthly Costs
Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre$285
Apartment (1 bedroom) Outside of Centre

What is the cheapest country for expats to retire? ›

The Cheapest Countries Where You Can Retire Well
  • Portugal. Cost of Living Index: 42.18. ...
  • Malaysia. Cost of Living Index: 34.41. ...
  • Spain. Cost of Living Index: 47.51. ...
  • Costa Rica. Cost of Living Index: 43.65. ...
  • Panama. Cost of Living Index: 48.25. ...
  • Peru. Cost of Living Index: 30.74. ...
  • Slovenia. Cost of Living Index: 47.30. ...
  • Austria.
Oct 1, 2022

Which Schengen country is fastest to get visa? ›

Let us now have a look at the top 10 easiest Schengen to get a visa based on 2020 statistics
  • Belgium: ...
  • Germany: ...
  • Luxembourg: ...
  • Switzerland: ...
  • Denmark: ...
  • Sweden: ...
  • Iceland: Iceland is a small island known for its beautiful natural attractions like Gullfoss waterfalls and Blue Lagoon. ...
  • Finland:

How much bank balance is required for Schengen visa? ›

You need at least EUR 50 (equivalent to INR 4,341.24)* per day in your bank account to obtain a Greek Schengen visa from India. If you plan to stay in the country for up to five days, the required amount is raised to EUR 300 (equivalent to INR 26,047.44)* per day.

Which European country has highest visa success rate? ›

Europe Visa Success: Discover Which Countries Top The List
CountryVisa Success Rate
6 more rows
Jul 17, 2021

Which country gives free permanent residency easily? ›

Top 20 Easiest Countries to Immigrate To (aggregated sources):
2.New ZealandFinland
5.GermanyCzech Republic
5 more rows

Which country give fast citizenship in Europe? ›

As for European countries, the quickest option is Turkey; obtaining citizenship takes 6—8 months. A Maltese passport, which is an EU passport, can be acquired within 14 months.

What European country is easiest to move to? ›

Ireland. Getting a work visa is relatively easy in Ireland, which offers a number of options ranging from the short-term to the long-term.

Which country gives quick citizenship? ›

Italian citizenship by descent is one of the easiest to obtain. You may be eligible for citizenship if you have Italian heritage. To acquire citizenship, you must have an ancestor who was a citizen of Italy on March 17th, 1861 or was born in the country after that.

Which country give fast citizenship? ›

Dominican Republic

Naturalization is the fastest way to become a citizen after only two years of staying in the nation.

Which is the toughest visa to get? ›

North Korea is by far the most difficult country to get a visa to visit as a tourist. To get a visa to North Korea, you have to apply for the visa through a tourist agency that has state-approved tours. If you hold an American passport, or you are from South Korea you are not eligible for a North Korean visa.

Is there an age limit for golden visa? ›

There are no age restrictions. An applicant can apply for any of the categories of the Golden Visa as long as they meet the necessary eligibility criteria.

How long can I stay in Europe with a golden visa? ›

Yes, a Spain Golden Visa allows you and your family members to travel through Schengen Zone visa-free for up to 90 days within a 180-day period. However, non-Schengen countries in Europe have their own visa requirements, so free travel is not always guaranteed.

What is the easiest country to immigrate to? ›

Having garnered a reputation for being one of the most welcoming countries for immigrants and being ranked as one of the most liveable places in the world, Canada is definitely the best and easiest country to immigrate to.

Which country gives 5 years visa? ›

The Schengen 5-Year MEV is a short-stay visa that allows you to enter the Schengen Zone multiple times. So, as the name suggests, you have "multiple entries." Unlike other multiple-entry visas, the 5-Year MEV can be used for a total of 5 years.

Which country is easy to get a visa? ›

Estonia is known for its high rate of accepted work visa applications, making it the easiest country to obtain a work visa. On the other hand, it receives a relatively small number of requests compared to other countries. Therefore, Estonia might be your best choice for working abroad.

What is the cheapest EU country to live in? ›

Cheapest European countries for expats
  • Portugal. This country is famous for good food, beautiful beaches, a relaxed lifestyle, and affordable living. ...
  • Slovenia. This Central European country became an independent country in 1999. ...
  • Spain. ...
  • Croatia. ...
  • Bulgaria. ...
  • Italy.

Which is the cheapest EU country? ›


One of the cheapest countries in Europe is Bulgaria. You're bound to save money travelling throughout this beautiful country. The capital city of Sofia is absolutely stunning! And luckily most of the main attractions, even in Sofia, are affordable.

Which country has lowest visa fee? ›

Here are some of the cheapest countries to visit:
  • Bolivia.
  • Cambodia.
  • Vietnam.
  • Thailand.
  • Egypt.
  • Morocco.
  • Turkey.
  • Portugal.

Where is the cheapest English speaking country to live? ›

Possibly the cheapest English-speaking country to live in is South Africa. Not only can you get by without having to go to language school, but most South African cities also have a high standard of living, similar to Western cities, which will make the transition much easier.

Where is the cheapest place to live in Europe 2022? ›

1. Romania. If you're looking for an affordable European country to base remote working operations, Romania should be at the top of your list. Despite being one of the cheapest countries in Europe (and the cheapest in the EU), Romania offers a high quality of life, with fast internet speeds and a low cost of living.

What is the cheapest and safest country in Europe? ›

While more expensive than many Eastern European countries on the list, Portugal is the cheapest country in Western Europe. At a monthly budget of about 1200 Euros, Portugal offers a warm climate, access to the ocean, and a high level of safety.

Which city is cheapest in Europe? ›

  • 15 Cheapest Cities in Europe. Herceg Novi, Montenegro. Vilnius, Lithuania. Prague, Czechia. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Skopje, North Macedonia. Ksamil, Albania. Belgrade, Serbia. Riga, Latvia. Bratislava, Slovakia. Warsaw, Poland. Sofia, Bulgaria. Bucharest, Romania. Ljubljana, Slovenia. Tallinn, Estonia. ...
  • Travel Insurance.
Oct 2, 2022

Which EU country is best for living? ›

Switzerland has the highest purchasing power index of all countries in 2022 at 118.44. People have high life satisfaction, which results in higher life expectancy. Residents are happy about their quality of life, health care system, and the job market.

Which airline is cheapest to Europe? ›

Except where noted, major OTAs and metasearch engines include flights on these low-fare airlines.
  • Airberlin. ...
  • Air Transat. ...
  • Condor. ...
  • Corsair. ...
  • Icelandair. ...
  • Meridiana. ...
  • Norwegian. ...
  • Rouge.
May 8, 2014

Which country rejects visa most? ›

Applicantion Refusals
No.Schengen consulateRefusal Rate
67 more rows
Feb 14, 2020

Which country gives free visa? ›

Visa free countries for Indians, region-wise
In AsiaBhutan Indonesia Macao Nepal
In EuropeAlbania Serbia
In OceaniaCook Islands Niue Fiji Micronesia
In CaribbeanBarbados British Virgin Islands Dominica Haiti Jamaica Montserrat St. Kitts and Nevis Trinidad and Tobago
3 more rows

How to get 5 year Schengen visa? ›

5-year MEV is granted to people that have obtained and lawfully used a previous multiple-entry visa valid for at least two years within the previous three years. This visa permits you to enter 26 countries in Europe as many times as you wish, within five years, as soon as you do not violate the 90/180 days rule.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.