6 Tips for Hanging Art Like a Professional (2024)

6 Tips for Hanging Art Like a Professional (1)

Hanging art can sometimes dampen the joy of collecting. You want your new painting to look PERFECT, but you can’t find a wall stud, you’re having issues with your level, and the frame is a lot heavier than you realized.

We’ve all been there, but, fortunately, there are some easy tips for hanging art that can make the whole process much, much simpler.

If you’re not sure about the best way to hang your art, these 6 tips from Craig Walker—one of the experienced gallery professionals at Park West Gallery—will help you transform your home into the art showcase of your dreams.

1. Choose a pattern

The rule of thumb is that artwork should be easily viewable, regardless of if it’s one work or multiple works hanging as a group.

When hanging multiple artworks, select a pattern to follow. It can be a simple grid that maximizes the use of line or a more organic layout that suits your personality like the Simon Bull paintings seen below. With any pattern, try to keep the spacing between the artworks consistent.

“Just make sure everything is level when you hang the artwork up,” Walker says.

2. Work within the space

Walker says, when hanging art, try not to place it too high or low on the wall. Consider the room it’s hanging in when determining the right height – are people sitting down often or simply walking through?

“You want to have the artwork at eye level,” Walker says. “You want to see it without moving your head up or down.”

A horizontal arrangement of Tomasz Rut art

The typical eye level is about 57 inches from the floor, so having the center of the art at this height – not the top – is recommended.

If a room has multiple doors and windows, arrange the artwork to line up with the middle of the frames instead of the top or bottom. Even the corner of a room can be utilized, as seen here in this unique setup ofMark Kanovich works:

A corner display can transform your home into a gallery space

3. Make a “rough draft” before hanging

Cut newspaper or kraft paper into templates that match the size of the art and tape them to the wall with painter’s tape. This will give you a nice visual as to how it’ll look prior to hanging your artwithout hammering a bunch of unneeded holes into your wall.

Another option is to lay the artwork out on the floor in your desired pattern. By doing so, you can play around with the configuration, see how they look when placed next to one another, and determine their optimal arrangement.

Notice how these works by Yaacov Agam pair well together

4. Consider your color schemes and themes first

When choosing which works to place together, Walker suggests selecting a color scheme and choosing art based on that scheme. By doing this, you can use different framing styles and still maintain a uniform aesthetic. Art with neutral colors can also be mixed into a bolder color scheme to provide some variety.

Whether it’s one work or many, keep in mind what mood you’re hoping to evoke in each room. Exciting, bold colors from artists like Peter Max liven up a room, while warm, subdued colors from artists like Csaba Markus reflect a more calming energy.

Naturally, specific rooms can have matching paintings. Those with a bar or poker table are perfect for works from artists like Scott Jacobs and Michael Godard. Landscapes like those created by David Najarcan help open up a smaller room.

This landscape by David Najar opens up the space of this corner

5. Match up different sizes

Large art is impressive and makes a statement, and thus requires room to be admired. Smaller artwork, on the other hand, is perfect for wall space in between doors and windows or creating a group to display together.

When hanging art above furniture like a sofa or bed, make sure the layout is about a third of the furniture’s size, as the artwork will otherwise appear odd by comparison. Again, keep it within eye level.

Artwork of different sizes by Autumn de Forest are used to great effect in this pattern

6. Create a rotating gallery

If you’ve simply run out of wall space, try changing out the artwork periodically. Who knows? Swapping out one work for another might completely change the mood or feel of the room and provide a different atmosphere that might make the artwork (and your living space) pop.

Regardless of how you hang your art, Walker’s last bit of advice is the most crucial.

“Make sure when you’re hanging art that you have a sturdy place on the wall so it doesn’t fall,” he says.

If you’re interesting in building up your own art collection—or if you’re just sick of staring at blank walls—our gallery team can help.

You can contact our gallery consultants at (800) 521-9654 ext. 4 during business hours or atsales@parkwestgallery.com. They are experts at helping people find the perfect work of art.


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6 Tips for Hanging Art Like a Professional (2024)
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