Alligator Exhibit at Key West Aquarium (2024)

Alligator Mississippiensi

The Florida Everglades’ most important and well represented predator is the alligator. Alligators are crocodilians in the genus Alligator of the family Alligatoridae. There are two alligator species: the American and the Chinese (Alligator sinensis). The word “alligator” comes from the Spanish word for lizard, el lagarto, which is the term the early settlers of Florida used when they first encountered them.

What’s the difference between an alligator and a crocodile?

Alligators and crocodiles are in different families. Alligators have a wider, rounded U-shaped snout while crocs have a more pointed V-shaped snout. While alligators primarily live in the southeastern U.S., crocodiles are found in North, South, and Central America as well as Africa, Southeast Asia, and Australia. Crocodiles favor saltwater areas while alligators prefer freshwater and brackish water habitats. Southern Florida is the only place where alligators and crocodiles coexist.

Where are they found in the United States?

American alligators inhabit most of the southeastern United States; primarily Louisiana, Florida, and Georgia. They live in freshwater rivers, lakes, swamps, and marshes. There are an estimated five million American alligators in the southeastern U.S. with a quarter of the alligator population in Florida. Year after year we find that children and adults are always interested in learning more information about alligators when visiting Florida.

How large can they grow?

Alligators can grow up to 800 pounds and 13 feet long on average. Females do have a tendency to be smaller than males. According to the Everglades National Park, the largest alligator ever recorded measured 17 feet, 5 inches.

What do they eat?

They eat primarily fish, birds, turtles, various mammals, and other reptiles. If the alligator is big enough it will eat larger prey such as deer, bear, razorbacks, or other alligators. If the gator has caught something too large to consume in one bite it typically drowns it by violently spinning it in the water. This is commonly called a “death roll”. It will then store it for a couple days to allow decomposition and easier consumption afterward.

How do you tell males from females?

You cannot tell a male from a female alligator unless you perform an internal examination by identifying it’s sexual organs. Judging the size of an alligator is not a reliable way to determine it’s sex.

How long do they live?

Alligators live an average of 35-50 years in the wild. They have been known to live 60-80 years in human care.

When do they reproduce?

Mating season is mid-April through May and alligators have a heightened aggression during this time. The female will build a nest in the vegetation in or around the water and lay a clutch of 20-50 eggs. Incubation is 60-65 days and hatchlings will stay with the mother for up to 2 years. Female alligators are fiercely protective of the nest and hatchlings and are especially dangerous. The temperature in the nest determines sex of the offspring. Temperatures above 93 degrees will produce males while temperatures of 86 degrees and below produce females.

How good is their sight? Smell? Hearing?

The senses of all crocodilians are quite powerful in comparison to other reptiles. They have an excellent sense of hearing and a well developed inner ear; mothers can actually hear hatchlings calling while still inside the eggs. They have extra sensory organs inside the snout for a heightened sense of smell and their vision above water can be compared to that of an owl. They also have excellent night vision and are thought to be able to see color.

What is the “growl” or “bellow” sound that the gators make?

Alligators have no vocal chords so the growl is a sound made when the gator sucks air into their lungs and blows it out to produce very loud, deep toned roars. It is used to show dominance, territorialism, and to attract mates.

Do alligators hunt people?

No, they do not. Alligators do not naturally regard humans as prey, unlike the crocodile. However, attacks on humans are on the rise due to the loss of their habitat and irresponsible behavior of humans (feeding them, approaching and harassing them) that all contribute to lessening their natural fear of man.

Are they endangered?

No, not anymore. They were removed from the endangered species list in 1987, but are still classified as a threatened species. The hunting and trapping of alligators is only legal through proper permits and strictly enforced quotas.

Living With Alligators in Florida

Alligator Exhibit at Key West Aquarium (5)

Florida, the 27th state, is the most southeasterly state in the entire United States. As locals and tourists continue to flock to the region to live, retire and vacation, more and more homes and resorts spring into action. As the population increases, the swamplands, once patrolled mostly by reptiles and nature’s creatures, become less and less and the possibility of animal encounters increases. The state of Florida presently has over 20 million people and over one million alligators. When it comes to encounters with alligators, the best possible advice is to try your best not to have those encounters by staying a safe distance of at least 50 feet away. If one bites you, the advice is to make the most noise possible and work hard to get away. Use force if necessary. Don’t approach to take selfies; don’t approach to check if it’s alive; and if you’re headed into any of Florida’s many fresh water streams, lakes or springs, take great care – alligators areoften around even if you can’t see them.

Alligator Facts

  • American alligators were once considered almost extinct
  • By the 1950s, endless hunting had almost wiped out the population
  • By the 1980s, the population managed to recover; gators were removed from the endangered species list
  • Although confrontations occur, attacks on humans by alligators are still considered rare
  • Homes and communities now lie on edges of alligator habitats or have water that alligators seek
  • Alligators are often drawn to storm water ponds of all sorts
  • Regardless of whether it’s natural or man-made, if there’s a body of water in Florida, there could be an alligator in it
  • Alligators have a preference for fresh water and sometimes brackish water
  • Statistical data suggests that the probability of being killed by an alligator is low
  • Since the early 1970s, there have been 23 fatalities and under 400 unprovoked bites by alligators in Florida
  • Mating season for alligators is late April through early June
  • Females build their nest and lay on average 20-45 eggs in June/July
  • Eggs traditionally hatch from the middle of August through the beginning of September
  • Egg, hatchling and nest survival is often stunted by predators (like raccoons) and flooding
  • Alligators rely on external heat sources in order to regulate their body temperature (which is why they can often be found lying in the sun or on a hot surface)
  • 80-90 degrees Fahrenheit is the range of temperature when gators are most active
  • Limited feeding takes place during temperatures less than 70 degrees Fahrenheit
  • The hibernation or dormant period for gators is often when the temperature is below 55 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Alligator classification: reptiles (direct ancestors: dinosaurs)
  • An alligator’s heart has four chambers (most reptiles have 3)
  • The American alligator is known as the largest reptile in North America
  • Alligators are the official state reptile of Florida
  • The alligator is the mascot of the University of Florida

Advice From The Experts

Alligator Exhibit at Key West Aquarium (6)

Jack Hanna

Director Emeritus of Columbia Zoo/Aquarium

  • Alligators can go six months a year without eating
  • Alligators migrate far distances (they walk on roads, crawl through pipes, slug through swamplands)
  • It is difficult to keep alligators contained to one space
  • Alligators mostly ignore humans and are often unsettled/frightened by them
  • If hungry, and humans are in the water, alligators may go for the ankles of that nearby human (regardless of age, weight or size)
  • An alligator is able to outrun all human creatures within the first 20-30 feet of exiting the water – making it very difficult for humans to outrun alligators
  • It is difficult to spot an alligator in the water or on land if it’s in a secluded area
  • Alligators watch from above the water but they listen and feel vibrations of prey from below the water
  • Alligators are known to lie on tar roads due to the hot surface
  • Alligators are prevalent all over Florida
  • If bit by an alligator, make a lot of noise, use force, poke eyes

According to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation

Alligator Exhibit at Key West Aquarium (7)

  • Alligator diet includes prey that is easy to find and available often
  • Adult alligators eat snakes, turtles, smaller mammals, small birds, large/rough fish
  • Young alligators eat mostly insects, smaller fish, other amphibian creatures/invertebrates
  • Alligators have been known to eat other alligators and dead animals
  • Female alligators typically remain under 10 feet long
  • Male alligators can be much larger than females and over 10 feet in length


  • Do not feed alligators
  • If taking a photo or looking at an alligator, remain at least 50 feet away in distance
  • Do not swim in areas where it’s a known alligator community
  • Never go near an alligator nest
  • Never touch or go near an alligator on a road even if it looks dead
  • Stay away from water at night and definitely stay away during the breeding season
  • If you’re in fresh or stagnant water (natural or man-made) in Florida, know that alligators could be anywhere
Alligator Exhibit at Key West Aquarium (2024)


Alligator Exhibit at Key West Aquarium? ›

A trip to the Everglades Alligator Farm includes an exciting airboat tour, an alligator show, and an alligator feeding demonstration! If you are headed to Key Largo or Key West, this is an attraction you absolutely won't want to miss.

Where can I see alligators in Key West? ›

A trip to the Everglades Alligator Farm includes an exciting airboat tour, an alligator show, and an alligator feeding demonstration! If you are headed to Key Largo or Key West, this is an attraction you absolutely won't want to miss.

Are there alligators in Key West waters? ›

Probably not. There's simply not enough fresh water in Key West, which has no lakes, no rivers, and gets significantly less rainfall than the Upper Keys, Everglades, or Miami. Occasionally, Key West gets American Crocodiles. Croc's feel more at-home in our saltwater canals than 'gators.

What to do in alligator encounter? ›

Alligators have a natural fear of humans, and usually begin a quick retreat when approached by people. If you have a close encounter with an alligator a few yards away, back away slowly. It is extremely rare for wild alligators to chase people, but they can run up to 35 miles per hour for short distances on land.

What part of Florida has the most alligators? ›

You can rest assured that many in the Sunshine State are home to gators. According to Florida Fish and Wildlife, Lake George, near the St. Johns River in northeast Florida, has the most-- more than 2,300. Lake Kissimmee, near Orlando, comes in second with just shy of 2,000.

What time is best to see alligators in Florida? ›

Because Florida summers reach peak temperatures during the afternoon, gators are more likely to sunbathe early in the morning or right around sunset. That's because these times of day are a cool escape from the extreme midday heat.

Are there sharks around Key West? ›

Reef sharks make their home near Key West, Florida, because of the coral reefs to be found there. That's where they find their food, munching along on fish, crustaceans, octopus, and squid. There are many different types of reef sharks and they include: Blacktip Reef Shark.

What is the most alligator-infested lake in Florida? ›

The majority of alligator-infested lakes are in Florida, with Lake Jesup being the most infested lake in the United States.

What is the most alligator-infested water in Florida? ›

Lake Okeechobee, which has a surface area measuring 730 square miles, is the largest lake in Florida, as well as the most alligator-infested lake in the state.

Is it safe to swim in Key West? ›

Yes, you can swim in the Florida Keys. Florida – the sunshine state of the United States has some gorgeous beaches, but our unwavering attention falls on the coral cay archipelago nestled in the ocean waters – 120 miles off the southern tip of Florida.

What time of day is best to see alligators? ›

You have to be quick to look with every sound you hear! Early morning is another great time for alligator viewing. When the temperature begins to heat up, alligators tend to come closer to the surface to warm up after a chilly night.

What smell do alligators hate? ›

There is a repellent that you can make at home. All you need is to combine ammonia and human urine in a spray bottle. The reason this is thought to keep alligators out of your lake is because it is similar to a predator's scent. Because of that smell the alligator will often choose to stay away.

What time of day are alligators most active? ›

Alligators are most active between dusk and dawn, so plan accordingly to reduce the chances of running into them. Although many Floridians have learned to coexist with alligators, the potential for conflict always exists.

What city is Alligator Alley in Florida? ›

Driving in areas where alligators are pedestrians is somewhat of a learned skill. Whether you're a resident or a tourist, here are five things you should know about driving through Florida's “Alligator Alley,” an 80-mile stretch of I-75 that runs from Naples to Fort Lauderdale, FL.

What time of year are alligators most aggressive? ›

Alligators are Most Aggressive During Mating Season and Nesting Season. American alligators are most active and aggressive during alligator mating season, which lasts from April to June. Male gators are on the prowl for a female and can have a home range of over 1,000 acres during the mating season.

What attracts alligators to humans? ›

Alligators only attack when threatened or cornered, but if a human is in water with alligators, it may entice them. "Splashing in the water will attract an alligators interest, and if it perceives at that point in time that there's something smaller and weaker in the water, it might attack it," Mazzoti said.

What month are alligators most active in Florida? ›

From April to June, gators all across Florida will be more active with the start of the mating season. During these months, you are much more likely to see alligators. In fact, you might even spot one in your backyard or the pond across the street.

Can alligators swim in the ocean in Florida? ›

There are many things you may encounter when swimming in the ocean. Alligators probably aren't one of them. While alligators can tolerate salt water for a few hours or even days, they are primarily freshwater animals, living in swampy areas, rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds.

Do alligators go on the beach in Florida? ›

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission said alligators can swim in and tolerate salt water for a short period of time, but it's not their preferred habitat. They are common in freshwater lakes, slow-moving rivers, brackish water and their associated wetlands.

Can you swim in the ocean at Key West? ›

Boasting temperate waters and more than 3,400 hours of annual sunshine, the beaches of Key West are some of the most popular destinations on this tropical island paradise. You can enjoy the sun, sand and warm water as well as a variety of activities like swimming, snorkeling and fishing.

Are there pythons in Key West? ›

Pythons are found regularly in the Keys, especially in Key Largo in the Upper Keys. But it's not clear if there are breeding populations or if they swim down from the mainland.

Will I see sharks snorkeling in Key West? ›

It's no guarantee that you'll spot a shark while snorkeling in Key West, but it happens more than you might think. We see sharks at the reef at least once a week, and probably more often than that!

Is it safe to swim in alligator infested waters? ›

Do not allow your dogs or children to swim in waters inhabited by alligators, or to drink or play at the water's edge. To an alligator, a splash potentially means a food source is in the water. It is best to avoid swimming in areas that are known habitats for large alligators but at the least, never swim alone.

How do you scare away alligators? ›

Running away is a good option and a distance of around 20 or 30 feet is usually all it takes to get safely away from an alligator. "They are not made for running after prey," he said. Making a lot of noise can also scare off a gator before any attack begins.

Which US state has the most alligator attacks? ›

The state of Florida, where most attacks and deaths occur, began keeping records of alligator attacks in 1948.

Which 2 states have the most alligators? ›

Louisiana and Florida have the largest alligator populations—there are more than one million wild alligators in each state.

How likely are you to encounter an alligator in Florida? ›

Alligators are a common sight around Florida, although the number of attacks, especially fatal ones, is low.

What is the most vulnerable spot of an alligator? ›

In particular, hit their snout and eyes; the snout is covered with sensitive receptors, and the eyes are one of the only parts of their body that's vulnerable, Ross said.

What should I be careful of in Key West? ›

What NOT To Do On Your Key West Vacation
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  • Don't Let Prices Scare You Off. ...
  • Don't Forget These Key West Essentials: ...
  • Don't Feel Bad Taking a Trolley or Train Tour. ...
  • Don't Miss Sunset in Key West. ...
  • Don't Expect Sandy Beaches.
Dec 18, 2021

Where is the clearest water in Key West? ›

For The Clearest Beaches Visit Fort Zachary Taylor Beach

For you beach purists out there, Fort Zachary Taylor Beach is one of the only natural beaches in the Keys. At Fort Zach, you won't find the same soft white sand that other beaches brought in from the Caribbean.

Can you drink tap water in Key West? ›

The FKAA treated water is pumped 130 miles from Florida City to Key West, supplying water to the entire Florida Keys. The water provided to customers in the Florida Keys is continuously monitored and tested to ensure the water quality is consistent, safe, and meets all federal and state drinking water standards.

Do alligators roam at night? ›

Alligators are nocturnal, thus most active from dusk to dawn. Avoid being near the water's edge or swimming during this key feeding time. Alligators lunge from still water to catch unsuspecting prey near the shoreline.

Is Alligator Alley safe to drive at night? ›

Just like driving during the day time, you should always take caution when driving in Alligator Alley at night. Contrary to popular belief, it is in fact safe to drive the stretch of highway at night. What is this? Keep in mind that the road is only lit by lampposts and the headlights of other cars.

What month do alligators come out? ›

Female alligators deposit their eggs in late June or early July. The eggs hatch around August and into September.

What is a alligator worst enemy? ›

But despite their size and strength, there are animals that do prey on them. Man appears to be their biggest predator. Big cats like leopards and panthers sometimes kill and eat these big reptiles. Large snakes can also do a lot of damage to alligators and crocodiles.

How do you tell if there is an alligator in the water? ›

Since alligators spend most of their time sunbathing on the shores, there are often telltale signs of their presence. Some of these markings might include large indentations or gouges in the ground and sliding marks where they reentered the water.

What to do if you see an alligator while swimming? ›

If you do see one (or several), keep your distance—at least 15 to 30 feet. While alligators aren't typically aggressive, they will protect themselves or their nests if they feel threatened.

Where can I see crocodiles in the Keys? ›

Crocodile Lake NWR was established in 1980. The refuge is one of the four national wildlife refuges that are part of the Florida Keys NWRs complex.

Where is the best place to find alligators? ›

American alligators are mostly found in the Southeastern United States. You can see them anywhere from Great Dismal Swamp in Virginia and North Carolina all the way south to the Everglades National Park in Florida. You can also find them as far west as the southern tip of Texas.

Are there alligators in the ocean in the Keys? ›

Alligators are primarily freshwater animals and they do not live in the ocean.

Where do you see the most alligators? ›

Louisiana and Florida have the largest alligator populations—there are more than one million wild alligators in each state. Although alligators can be found in ponds, lakes, canals, rivers, swamps, and bayous in Louisiana, they are most common in our coastal marshes.

Are there bears in Key West? ›

Yes, We Have Bears In Florida! Before settlement by the early Europeans, Florida black bears occupied all of the Florida mainland, including some coastal islands and larger keys.

Where can you see both alligators and crocodiles? ›

South Florida is the only place you can find both animals in the wild. To distinguish the two, alligators have a more U-shaped snout while crocodiles have a more pointed or V-shaped one. In addition, alligators are black, while crocodiles are usually a lighter grayish brown.

Can you see sea turtles in Key West? ›

If you're on the waters in Key West , you might spot a sea turtle in the wild! Look for a splash at the water's surface and the large head of a loggerhead turtle or keep your eyes peeled under the sea while snorkeling. They're quite the sight!

What is the best time of day to see alligators? ›

You have to be quick to look with every sound you hear! Early morning is another great time for alligator viewing. When the temperature begins to heat up, alligators tend to come closer to the surface to warm up after a chilly night.

What is the most alligator-infested lake? ›

1. Lake Jesup, Florida. Although alligator attacks are rare, Lake Jesup is the most alligator-infested lake in the United States.

What part of the day are alligators most active? ›

Alligators are most active between dusk and dawn, so plan accordingly to reduce the chances of running into them. Although many Floridians have learned to coexist with alligators, the potential for conflict always exists.

Is it safe to swim in Key West Florida? ›

Yes, you can swim in the Florida Keys. Florida – the sunshine state of the United States has some gorgeous beaches, but our unwavering attention falls on the coral cay archipelago nestled in the ocean waters – 120 miles off the southern tip of Florida.

Where are the sharks in Key West? ›

We're situated on a small island surrounded by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico–shark's natural habitat. What kind of sharks can I see at the reef? The most common shark to see at the Key West reef is the docile nurse shark. We also see reef sharks often.

Are there sea snakes in the Keys? ›

Water snakes are harmless, nonvenomous native snakes that typically inhabit wet areas. There are several species of water snake common to peninsular Florida. Banded water snakes inhabit nearly all freshwater habitats throughout Florida except the Keys.

What is the most alligator infested water in Florida? ›

Lake Okeechobee, which has a surface area measuring 730 square miles, is the largest lake in Florida, as well as the most alligator-infested lake in the state.

What city in the US has the most alligators? ›

Gainesville, Florida, has the highest number of alligators in one city. People in Florida have learned to share the wild with these massive predators. Southern Florida is also the only place on earth where alligators and crocodiles live together.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.