An Egyptological Review of 'The Mummy' - Nile Scribes (2024)

The Mummy, released last month (June , 2017) in the USA and Canada, is the latest in the long-established franchise that started in 1932. Tom Cruise stars in the latest reboot playing the charming boy-scoundrel Nick Morton who, while stationed in Iraq, seizes the opportunity to hunt for antiquities.

For this review, the Nile Scribes do what Egyptologists do best: talk about ancient Egypt. All too often, films like this one become the only interaction the general public has with ancient Egypt, something even more true since the Egyptian Revolution in 2011, when international tourism to Egypt has been at an all time low.

Unfortunately, we only get to see the ancient Egyptians in brief flashbacks: princess Ahmanet with her father the king, and a couple quick glimpses into the royal palace. Historians have rolled their eyes at the ethnically inaccurate casting of ancient Egyptians since the beginning of filmmaking, including such decisions as Yul Brynner as Ramesses II, Sigorney Weaver as Queen Tuya, and Gerard Butler as the god Seth. The original mummy in the 1932 film, Boris Karloff, was a British actor.

For this retelling, princess Ahmanet is played by Sofia Boutella, an Algerian-French actress, and her father King Menhepetre is played by Selva Rasalingam, a British actor of partly Tamil descent (of South India and Sri Lanka). These casting decisions are perhaps the most ethnically accurate for ancient Egyptians in the mummy franchise, to date.

An Egyptological Review of 'The Mummy' - Nile Scribes (1)

Our mummy antagonist is the Egyptian princess Ahmanet, the first female mummy of the franchise. Her name means “the hidden one” and is obviously in homage to the name of the goddess Amunet, consort of the god Amun. There were no doubt numerous historical Amunets but our villain does not appear to be based on a known person. Her father, King Menehptre, whose name might mean “the established one is the steering oar of Re,” is also not a historical person, but his name might be a phonetic conglomeration of the throne and birth names of Mentuhotep Nebhepetre (II), pharaoh of the Eleventh Dynasty and founder of the Middle Kingdom.

An Egyptological Review of 'The Mummy' - Nile Scribes (2)

The source of the “mummy’s curse,” and Ahmanet’s powers, is the Egyptian god Seth, the god of chaos and disorder, deserts and desert animals, foreigners and foreign lands. Through Seth, she is endowed with tattooed symbols (that are oddly not Egyptian hieroglyphs) and a number of fearsome powers. She controls swarms of rats, birds, and camel spiders (a non-venomous arachnid that lives in desert biomes like Iraq); drains the life out of living persons with a kiss; and raises an army of undead crusaders with a single command in ancient Egyptian (weben, meaning “to rise”). While Seth does not actually make a physical appearance, he is represented as the god of death throughout. The Egyptians would have understood him as the negative counterpart to Osiris, whom he killed only for Osiris to return as god of the underworld. An equation as god of death, though, reflects more Western attitudes with connections to Lucifer or Satan.

Fact-checking the Ancient Egyptian elements

The legendary dagger of Seth with a ruby on its hilt is central to Ahmanet’s plans. In the story, Crusaders stole the dagger and took it to England; the ruby was buried with a crusader and the dagger was hidden away in a mediaeval reliquary. Rubies, not native to Egypt, did not come into use in Egypt until the Roman period (or over 1,500 years after the plot of the film), when the stone was imported from as far away as India. Egyptians did believe, however, that materials had symbolic properties and could have positive or negative connotations.

The movie begins with a (fictional) quote from the “Prayer of Resurrection”:

“Death is the doorway to new life.
We live today. We shall live again.
In many forms shall we return.”

Many examples of prayers inscribed by individuals on stelae or ostraka (sherds of broken pots) were often directed toward a specific deity and survive from ancient Egypt, but the writers of The Mummy have not used an authentic example of such prayers.

Despite this, quite a bit of the film’s dialogue is spoken in the ancient Egyptian language, which means that Ahmanet’s lines were translated from English into Egyptian for the film (we scanned the credits for the Egyptologist(s) who consulted on the film, but either they have not been credited or we missed them). Egyptologists take much of their understanding of the language’s pronunciation from Coptic, the last phase of the Egyptian language and a language still used liturgically today in Coptic churches. Students of Egyptology learn to read the signs aloud, but our pronunciation varies from school to school based our tutelage.

Pro-tip: they’re called hieroglyphs not hieroglyphics. ‘Hieroglyphic’ is an adjective, while ‘hieroglyph’ is a noun that means “sacred carvings” in Greek. Shame on our fictional film archaeologist for the mix up.

An Egyptological Review of 'The Mummy' - Nile Scribes (3)

Our first glimpse of ancient Egypt in the film is a bizarre (and very un-Egyptian) wall carving of hieroglyphs discovered in the crusaders’ catacombs. While we only get a brief look, a cartouche of King Unas (last king of the Fifth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom) is visible in the hieroglyphs, if you’re quick enough to try and read them. Unfortunately his cameo is entirely arbitrary – we learn later that our mummy Ahmanet was a New Kingdom princess during her lifetime. Confusingly, Jenny (Annabelle Wallis), the film’s “archaeologist for hire,” dates the New Kingdom (1,550-1,069 BC) to 5,000 years ago, or around 3,000 BC, a period that most Egyptologists ascribe to the Early Dynastic period.

An Egyptological Review of 'The Mummy' - Nile Scribes (4)

However, Ahmanet’s story does seem to be a nod to Hatshepsut, famous Queen-turned-King of the New Kingdom who became co-regent with her stepson Thutmose III, when her husband, Thutmose II, died. Hatshepsut’s solution was more cunning than Ahmanet’s, who simply makes a pact with the god Seth for eternal life and power. She promises to aid Seth in his desire to rule with her in human form and then kills her father, his queen, and the newborn prince. (After a few years of ruling alongside her stepson, Hatshepsut declared herself king, even changing her image to that of a man’s.)

Curiously, in the very beginning of the film, Egyptian priests pour mercury into Ahmanet’s coffin and lower it into a “ritual well” filled with mercury (the archaeologist explains that the Egyptians believed the material wards off evil). Ancient Egyptians, of course, never did use the commodity in this capacity; however, red mercuric sulphide (Cinnabar) is present in Egypt and was used to create a bright red pigment, or mixed with other metals as a compound (especially gold and silver) as early as the 5th century BC.

An Egyptological Review of 'The Mummy' - Nile Scribes (5)

Ahmanet’s Cruel Fate

As punishment for murdering her father, princess Ahmanet is mummified alive and taken far away from Egypt to be buried outside the pharaonic lands. The ancient Egyptians believed that the foreign lands were under the tutelage of the deity, Seth, another (unseen) antagonist of the film. While there isn’t any evidence of an ancient Egyptian royal burial outside of Egypt, the filmmakers’ adoption of this idea finds corroboration in Egyptian attitudes to being buried abroad in Egyptian literature. In the well-known Story of Sinuhe, the protagonist laments the possibility of dying outside of Egypt and feels redeemed, when Pharaoh welcomes him back to pharaonic lands to be buried here.

An Egyptological Review of 'The Mummy' - Nile Scribes (6)

The location of her burial under an Iraqi village seems striking. Egyptian tombs are normally located on the west bank of the Nile (as Egyptians believed that the entrance to the underworld is found at the place where the sun sets) in close proximity to the river’s floodplain. The village is not located near a body of water – a fact perhaps emphasising her wrongdoing and offence of the gods. The tomb’s entrance and a monumental face, uncovered after an airstrike on the town, marked the location of a huge underground cavern. The face wears anemes-headdress (a sign of royalty) and evokes a loud scream. The style and overall carving of the face does adopt some Egyptomanian aspects, though like Ahmanet’s coffin it could have used more Egyptian influences.

At the bottom of the cavern a shaft was filled with mercury and was encircled by four statues of Anubis, their faces pointing toward the centre. This is obviously a way for the deity to ‘guard’ over the tomb, ensuring the evil stays contained. Egyptian tombs are famous for their many books of the afterlife that are inscribed on the walls: a normal burial would encourage the deceased to be born again through these texts. Ahmanet’s burial lacks these texts entirely, instead, she is watched by the protective gaze of Anubis.

An Egyptological Review of 'The Mummy' - Nile Scribes (7)

Portraying the Middle East

The opening sequence is a chilling look into how a colonial power asserts its quest for antiquities in far off lands. The overall sentiment of the opening is a disrespectfully light-hearted portrayal of the destruction and looting currently happening in the war-torn landscape of Iraq (Iraqi forces are poised to liberate Mosul from the Daesh (ISIS) this month). Nick and his partner Chris Veil (Jake Johnson) possess a map that tells them a cache of treasures is to be found in a northern Iraqi village, appropriately named Haram, or “forbidden” in Arabic. As they run into the insurgents almost immediately after entering the village, they do not toy for long with the threat of the insurgents and call in an air-strike. The village is flattened, the insurgents leave, and the protagonists are at last in peace to claim the spoils and pillage Ahmanet’s tomb, declaring that they are not looters but “liberators of antiquities.”

The carelessness of our protagonists in approaching members of a different culture is enough to bring chills to the spine of the modern archaeologist. The field has long struggled with the ever-changing regulations of the countries we work in; archaeologists were once allowed to export their finds back to their respective countries with only minor limitations. The film, perhaps unintentionally, gives a nod of approval to the many antiquities dealers or professional looters who combed through Egypt and the Middle East over the last few centuries, filling the coffers of many modern museums in the process. The situation is not helped with the stereotypical portrayal of sand dunes, village terrorists, and endless, seizable treasures – all elements we associate with the Middle East. The scenes were not even filmed in the Middle East, but within continental Africa in Namibia.

The Archaeology

The discovery of the ruby from Seth’s dagger’s by a construction crew in London who were digging railway tunnels gives viewers a realistic, if somewhat embellished, glimpse at one way antiquities and archaeological sites are commonly discovered in the modern era. Construction projects in all parts of the globe often reveal secrets of the past that have long been buried, especially in cities that have been continuously inhabited for centuries. Only months ago an aqueduct dating to the 3rd century BC was discovered in Rome during construction of a metro line.

An Egyptological Review of 'The Mummy' - Nile Scribes (8)

Our biggest disappointment was just how little Egypt features in the film at all, which takes place entirely in Iraq and the UK (and filmed in the UK and Namibia). Moviegoers get a couple quick glimpses of a computer-generated Giza plateau, and a typical Hollywood-ified ancient royal palace in flashbacks of Ahmanet’s life, but otherwise, our Egyptian mummy finds herself in a C-130, medieval churches and catacombs, and the Natural History Museum in London (although wouldn’t the British Museum have been a more fitting place for her to wind up?).

If you’re looking for a heavy dose of ancient Egypt in your life this week, you might want to look elsewhere. But if you always wanted to see an Egyptian mummy command an army of zombie crusaders while Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde attempts to rid the world of supernatural evil, this is your film.

Did you see the movie? What did you think?

Our rating:

An Egyptological Review of 'The Mummy' - Nile Scribes (9)

Interested in other Egyptological reviews of The Mummy? Check these out:


  1. Relief of Mentuhotep II from his tomb and mortuary temple at Deir el-Bahari, Thebes (11th Dynasty) [07.230.2, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York] – LINK
  2. Looking toward the burial chamber within the Pyramid of Unas at Saqqara (5th Dynasty) [WikiMedia]
  3. An Osiride column from the Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut from Deir el-Bahari (18th Dynasty) – [authors’ photo]
  4. The mummy gallery within the British Museum in London – [authors’ photo]
  5. Image from ‘The Mummy’ trailer posted on the Website of theWashington PostLINK
  6. Image from ‘The Mummy’ trailer posted on the Website of theWashington PostLINK


An Egyptological Review of 'The Mummy' - Nile Scribes (2024)


Is Hamunaptra based on a real place? ›

The lost city of Hamunaptra also had to be recreated, as the location is entirely fictional and merely based on other long-lost civilizations. To capture that Ancient atmosphere and sense of history, The Mummy's crew scouted the Moroccan town of Erfoud to serve as the movie's Hamunaptra.

Are they speaking real Egyptian in The Mummy? ›

We really had to make up this language because there's not a recorded example of it. It's not like current Egyptian by a long shot. These guys who can read hieroglyphs can phonetically conjure up some sort of version of what they thought it sounded like.

Is The Mummy historically accurate? ›

The horror-adventure franchise featured several figures with foundations in history, including the Medjay, the army in Hamunaptra, and the main antagonist Imhotep. Though The Mummy included these legends from Egyptian history, the backstories and their attributes are dramatized to create an engrossing fantasy plot.

Is The Mummy 2017 based on a true story? ›

And the story is rooted in actual Egyptian mythology, with Karloff's character, Imhotep, named after a historical Egyptian figure and his ancient bride named after King Tutankhamun's real princess. Tut's tomb had been excavated in 1922, and audiences were still familiar with the details.

Did they find Imhotep tomb? ›

The architect's cult survived till Graeco-Roman times. Yet, despite the efforts of archaeologists over many decades, Imhotep's tomb has never been found. Scholars have two theories: His tomb could be somewhere in Djoser's burial complex because he was member of the royal family.

Was Imhotep real? ›

Conclusion: Imhotep was a real historic person from the period of the 3rd Dynasty of Old Kingdom (2686-2637 BC) and he served under the pharaoh Djoser as his vizier and high priest.

Was the Egyptian pregnant mummy found? ›

Estimated to have been between 14 and 17 years old, the mummy was found with a partial fetus lodged in her pelvic cavity surrounded by numerous bandages. Researchers determined the woman died during childbirth, when the baby's head became stuck in the birth canal.

Is AHM Shere real? ›

fictional desert and oasis of the 2001 film The Mummy Returns.

Was a mummy ever found in a pyramid? ›

The mummy was buried in a simple, circular grave at the top of the pyramid, which is located in the heart of a residential area in the Peruvian capital of Lima. Huaca Pucllana is a large clay pyramid standing more than 70 feet tall in the city's Miraflores district.

Why did Imhotep fear cats? ›

Imhotep fears cats because "cats are the guardians of the Underworld". In Egyptian mythology, cats were associated with the goddesses Bastet (fertility, motherhood and protection) and Sekhmet (healing) and not the Underworld. Both times, when the Arab horsem*n are attacking Hamunaptra, the sound of ululation is heard.

What language does Imhotep speak? ›

Imhotep : [his High Priest takes him away, and Imhotep continues speaking in Ancient Egyptian] You shall live again!

Why was The Mummy not filmed in Egypt? ›

They shot in North Africa, but not in Egypt

However, due to the political situation, none of The Mummy was shot in the country. Marrakech, Morocco, stood in for Cairo, and then they went to shoot in the Sahara Desert in Morocco as well. Interestingly, England served in place of Egypt as well.

Why was Rachel Weisz replaced in The Mummy? ›

Weisz simply did not like the script enough to sign on. Rumours circulated that Weisz chose not to be seperated from her (toddler) son at the time, but she has since made it clear that this had no impact on her decision whatsoever, and pointed to two other films that she starred in that very year.

How much did Tom Cruise make for The Mummy? ›

Cruise, who was paid between $11–13 million for his involvement, was expected to hold a degree of power during development.

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Casting. Jacks offered the role of Rick O'Connell to Tom Cruise (who was later cast in the reboot film), Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, but the actors were not interested or could not fit the role into their respective schedules.

Where is Hamunaptra supposed to be? ›

Historically, there was no such place as Hamunaptra. Several necropoleis existed in Egypt, most notably at Saqqara, Giza, Amarna and Thebes, but these were associated with living cities (Memphis, Akhetaten, and Thebes, respectively), and their locations were, at least in ancient times, public knowledge.

Where was Hamunaptra filming location? ›

The crew scouted the Moroccan town of Erfoud to serve as the fictional city of Hamunaptra, capturing its ancient atmosphere and unique architecture.

Where is Hamunaptra located? ›

Hamunaptra (also known as the City of the Dead) is a fictional Egyptian city in Egypt and a location in The Mummy. It is an ancient lost city that served for many centuries as the resting place for the Pharaohs of Egypt and their treasures.

Where did they film The Mummy Hamunaptra? ›

It's set, naturally, in 'Egypt', but was filmed mainly in Morocco. 'Cairo' of 1925 is Marrakech, and the lost city of 'Hamunaptra' was a vast set built at an old fort inside a dormant volcano crater about 12 miles southwest of Erfoud, in the southeast of the country.

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