BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (2024)

Table of Contents
Change for the better The gift that keeps on giving Quiet quitting Hang in there Read the room Rinse repeat A million to one Cash in on something Makes your hair stand on end On the go A blow Rear its head Elbow grease Bring to the party Light up like a Christmas tree I don't buy it Touch grass I'm out Plan B Sound out Fly by night One-up Tread on someone's toes Mental gymnastics Call dibs Run for the hills Hard at it Each to their own Fill your boots Join the club Go with the flow Cakeism Drip feed Scatterbrain Be in with a shout On point Kiss something goodbye Productivity theatre Pet hate On the table Jump through hoops Famous last words Hard pass Level up Get with the programme Shout-out Fitspiration Hats off Under your breath Be at a loss Go off on one Wiggle room (It's the) story of my life No ifs or buts Caught red-handed Rabbit on Thanks a bunch Slow walk Take something to heart Know the score Jog your memory A flying start Steal someone's thunder Call it a day Off the top of my head Bite your tongue Win hands down Fever pitch Twiddle your thumbs Get your act together Dog's dinner Sitting pretty Feast your eyes Put the brakes on Second-guess Ins and outs Yes and no Eat your words Bug someone Willy-nilly Gnarly Smash it a doddle It's now or never Happy days Double down Game face Bitten by the bug It escapes me Onboarding Thereby hangs a tale The royal treatment Tell me about it Creatively bankrupt As if Ish Bad hair day Promises, promises Not see hide nor hair Curate's egg That'll be the day Gathering dust Easier said than done The plot thickens All at sea Don't mind me Cramp my style You couldn't make it up Cool cat There's nothing to it As sick as a parrot Eke out Say no more Scrub up well You shouldn't have Not looking too clever Not like the sound of something I'll give you that Another string to your bow Clap back Talk through your hat quote ... unquote Not a patch on something No cap Moreish A legend in one's lifetime Live rent-free in one's head Now you're talking Hits different Extra Zhuzh Lo and behold Bigwig Cringe it’s the … for me Obvs Down / up for something Savage Lit Yikes! YOLO Vibe Noob Adulting Slay Push back The CEO of Zip it! Botch job It slaps! Have a lot of plates spinning Pizzazz Oomph Snap up Nothingburger Awesomesauce Clout GOAT Workation Moonshot Slap-bang Sadfishing Mic drop Tone deaf A game Frontliner You do you On fleek Contact tracing Key worker Sharenting Plastic footprint Spoiler alert! Listicle Doomscrolling Crowdsourcing One step at a time Bog-standard A wake-up call Climate emergency Thirsty Vanilla Roast Sticking point Flatten the curve Living in a bubble Cancelled New normal A slippery slope Throw shade Bite the bullet Blended working JOMO It happens to the best of us Furlough Spill the tea Flexing Salty Skeleton crew Lowkey Live for something Cabin fever Bang on about something Fire Running on fumes Left on read Sheeple Hater Talk shop Snackable A memory like a sieve Nomophobia Peaco*cking To kick (something) into the long grass Rat race Microworker Serial returner Talk the talk Out with the old, in with the new The more the merrier Take one for the team Mind your Ps and Qs Dad dancing Big data Punch above your weight Social media influencer Goldilocks Ghosting Slow TV Tiger mother Buzzkill Buyer's remorse Freecycle Carbon footprint Cough up Brain fade Fib Hot under the collar Eat your heart out Across Fat chance Milk it Cherry-pick To fight tooth and nail It's a small world To vanish into thin air Get the short straw Soft skills Big deal Clever clogs Couch surfing Like riding a bike On fire Out of order Dead Give someone the runaround Laughing all the way to the bank The joke is on you Keep a lid on it To pull the wool over someone's eyes To take the rough with the smooth Hard-nosed To have a soft spot To make a song and dance (about something) Giant killer A shock to the system From pillar to post Small talk A bright spark To be all downhill Fireworks To have all your Christmases come at once It's the thought that counts Digital detox: What's the meaning? 'It leaves a bad taste in your mouth': What does it mean? Pea-souper Throw in the towel A walk in the park Dumbphone No fear Something to chew on Waffle on skew-whiff To play a blinder Miffed Humblebrag Out of your depth Mardy Curry favour Take the biscuit Step on it Ping Crunch time Have a pop A necessary evil If the cap fits My bad To have a good nose (for something) Friends in high places Catch-22 Let the dust settle Nothing to shout about Let sleeping dogs lie Bleed someone dry Small change That'll teach you! An old hand Out of the loop Rub it in Smombie Freegan Barking up the wrong tree Cloud cuckoo land A taste of your own medicine Happy-go-lucky Whizz-kid The best of both worlds Bone idle To cut a long story short Just the ticket FOMO Do a runner A thing All that jazz Not gonna lie Up your game To shout it from the rooftops To blow the cobwebs away A knees-up To put someone on the map Down in the dumps Excuse me! A sting in the tail So done with Lolz Have a go About Wing it Pot luck It beats me Jiggery-pokery Left, right, and centre Donkey's years Give us a bell Echo chamber Snowflake The heat is on Wet weekend No picnic A busman's holiday Fuddy-duddy No great shakes Not a sausage Long Not half All over the shop It comes with the territory It won't wash Jack-of-all-trades The coast is clear Pull a fast one Suck it and see To cut your teeth Shrinkflation La-la land A different kettle of fish At the drop of a hat Brass neck Reinvent the wheel Frenemy To be fair On the box Duck Bottle Got your number A slap in the face Clickbait Mash-up Air kiss Mansplaining Rolling in it Photobomb Cyberchondriac To wash your dirty linen in public Cat got your tongue? It takes two to tango Knee-jerk reaction To have an axe to grind Close, but no cigar Get somebody's goat Bust a gut Old-school Shedloads Hangry To pull something out of the hat In the blink of an eye Off the hook Barefaced To make a mountain out of a molehill The last/final straw The university of life White-collar worker / blue-collar worker Drama queen It's on the cards Until you're blue in the face Clean up your act You're pulling my leg! One good turn deserves another To fall at the first hurdle Pain in the neck Burn a hole in your pocket To turn something upside down Going forward A recipe for disaster Crash course You've sold it to me Full of the joys of spring A leopard can't change its spots Six of one, half a dozen of the other Test the water To lie through your teeth To make a monkey out of me Hot potato There's method to my madness In good nick Cheap and cheerful A bitter pill to swallow Potty I'm game That'll put hairs on your chest! Fancy someone Down the pan Part of the furniture Sweet tooth Bumper-to-bumper Eye candy Thingy Across the pond People person It's a steal! Bull and bear market Social media words Don't give up the day job A barrel of laughs To know something like the back of your hand A face for radio Give me credit To keep the wolf from the door Hot desk Out of juice The penny dropped Red tape Words for underwear To drink someone under the table Me time Cyberbullying Take a back seat In black and white A sticky situation A close shave My mind's gone blank To sleep on it All over the place To go around the houses Done and dusted Chill pill Put a sock in it! A wild card To take a shot / stab in the dark To keep a lid on it To be on the ball Mind-blowing Out for the count Game changer Wow factor Full-on Stab in the back To downsize At the movies Killing time Like turkeys voting for Christmas Face the music Internet speak Viral Give the cold shoulder Phishing Take to the cleaners Eat humble pie Like water off a duck's back Take for a ride Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater Joe Bloggs Butter up Food for thought Frogmarch Proof is in the pudding
  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (1)

    Change for the better

    Episode 2201226 / 26 Dec 2022

    What changes do you want to make?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (2)

    The gift that keeps on giving

    Episode 2201219 / 19 Dec 2022

    Do you like receiving presents?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (3)

    Quiet quitting

    Episode 2201212 / 12 Dec 2022

    A phrase about just doing enough.

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (4)

    Hang in there

    Episode 2201205 / 05 Dec 2022

    A phrase about encouragement

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (5)

    Read the room

    Episode 240304 / 04 Mar 2024

    A phrase that means to work out how people feel.

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (6)

    Rinse repeat

    Episode 240226 / 26 Feb 2024

    It's the same every day! Rinse, repeat

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (7)

    A million to one

    Episode 240219 / 19 Feb 2024

    Don't take this literally

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (8)

    Cash in on something

    Episode 240212 / 12 Feb 2024

    Do you have anything you can cash in on?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (9)

    Makes your hair stand on end

    Episode 240205 / 05 Feb 2024

    What makes your hair stand on end?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (10)

    On the go

    Episode 240129 / 29 Jan 2024

    A phrase to describe how busy you are

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (11)

    A blow

    Episode 240122 / 22 Jan 2024

    It'll be a blow if you don’t watch this lesson

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (12)

    Rear its head

    Episode 240115 / 15 Jan 2024

    What things can rear their ugly heads?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (13)

    Elbow grease

    Episode 240108 / 08 Jan 2024

    What do we use elbow grease for?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (14)

    Bring to the party

    Episode 240102 / 02 Jan 2024

    A phrase about offering something positive

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (15)

    Light up like a Christmas tree

    Episode 231226 / 26 Dec 2023

    An expression to describe your happy face

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (16)

    I don't buy it

    Episode 231219 / 18 Dec 2023

    Learn an informal way of saying 'I don't believe you'

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (17)

    Touch grass

    Episode 231211 / 11 Dec 2023

    Do you know anyone who needs to touch grass?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (18)

    I'm out

    Episode 231204 / 04 Dec 2023

    A phrase about not having anything left

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (19)

    Plan B

    Episode 231127 / 27 Nov 2023

    A phrase for when you need another option

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (20)

    Sound out

    Episode 231120 / 20 Nov 2023

    When do you think it's important to sound someone out?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (21)

    Fly by night

    Episode 231113 / 13 Nov 2023

    What do you call a business that disappears overnight and leaves you with a lot of problems?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (22)


    Episode 231106 / 06 Nov 2023

    A phrase about showing off

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (23)

    Tread on someone's toes

    Episode 231030 / 30 Oct 2023

    An expression all about doing something you're not responsible for.

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (24)

    Mental gymnastics

    Episode 231024 / 23 Oct 2023

    How do we talk about complicated tasks done by your brain?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (25)

    Call dibs

    Episode 231017 / 16 Oct 2023

    When did you last call dibs on something?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (26)

    Run for the hills

    Episode 231010 / 10 Oct 2023

    A phrase about avoiding something

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (27)

    Hard at it

    Episode 231003 / 02 Oct 2023

    A phrase about working hard

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    Each to their own

    Episode 230925 / 25 Sep 2023

    Who do you know who does things differently?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (29)

    Fill your boots

    Episode 230919 / 18 Sep 2023

    When did you last fill your boots?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (30)

    Join the club

    Episode 230911 / 11 Sep 2023

    Expressing your bad situation

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    Go with the flow

    Episode 230904 / 04 Sep 2023

    The easy option!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (32)


    Episode 230828 / 28 Aug 2023

    Is there any cake in this phrase?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (33)

    Drip feed

    Episode 230821 / 21 Aug 2023

    How to use ‘drip feed’

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (34)


    Episode 230814 / 14 Aug 2023

    Are you a scatterbrain?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (35)

    Be in with a shout

    Episode 230807 / 07 Aug 2023

    A phrase about possibility!

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    On point

    Episode 230731 / 31 Jul 2023

    A phrase about being perfect

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    Kiss something goodbye

    Episode 230724 / 24 Jul 2023

    A phrase about accepting loss.

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    Productivity theatre

    Episode 230717 / 17 Jul 2023

    A phrase about pretending to work

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (39)

    Pet hate

    Episode 230710 / 10 Jul 2023

    How to describe your annoyance

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (40)

    On the table

    Episode 230703 / 03 Jul 2023

    A phrase for business.

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    Jump through hoops

    Episode 230627 / 26 Jun 2023

    Not everything is easy to achieve.

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (42)

    Famous last words

    Episode 230612 / 12 Jun 2023

    A phrase about telling someone they'll be wrong.

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    Hard pass

    Episode 230605 / 02 Jun 2023

    A phrase about saying 'no'

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    Level up

    Episode 230529 / 29 May 2023

    A phrase about making things equal

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    Get with the programme

    Episode 230522 / 22 May 2023

    A changing phrase

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    Episode 230515 / 15 May 2023

    A praising phrase

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    Episode 230508 / 08 May 2023

    Get fit with this new word

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    Hats off

    Episode 230501 / 01 May 2023

    A phrase about impressing people

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    Under your breath

    Episode 230424 / 24 Apr 2023

    Make sure you're heard with this expression.

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (50)

    Be at a loss

    Episode 230417 / 17 Apr 2023

    Don't be at a loss with this expression!

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    Go off on one

    Episode 230410 / 10 Apr 2023

    An phrase about getting angry

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    Wiggle room

    Episode 230403 / 03 Apr 2023

    A phrase for negotiating

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    (It's the) story of my life

    Episode 230327 / 27 Jan 2023

    A phrase about bad luck

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    No ifs or buts

    Episode 230320 / 20 Mar 2023

    A phrase to say that something has to be done

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    Caught red-handed

    Episode 230313 / 23 Mar 2023

    Have you ever been caught doing something bad?

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    Rabbit on

    Episode 230306 / 06 Mar 2023

    A phrase about talking too much

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    Thanks a bunch

    Episode 230227 / 27 Feb 2023

    Saying thanks but you don't mean it!

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    Slow walk

    Episode 230220 / 13 Jan 2023

    Learn a slow phrase

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    Take something to heart

    Episode 230213 / 13 Jan 2023

    A sensitive phrase

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    Know the score

    Episode 230206 / 06 Feb 2023

    A phrase about understanding the situation

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    Jog your memory

    Episode 230130 / 30 Jan 2023

    A phrase about remembering

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    A flying start

    Episode 230123 / 23 Jan 2023

    A phrase about an amazing start

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    Steal someone's thunder

    Episode 230116 / 16 Jan 2023

    Give this phrase some attention

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    Call it a day

    Episode 230109 / 09 Jan 2023

    A phrase about doing enough

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    Off the top of my head

    Episode 230102 / 02 Jan 2023

    A quick-thinking phrase

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    Bite your tongue

    Episode 221128 / 28 Nov 2022

    Don’t take this phrase literally!

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    Win hands down

    Episode 221121 / 21 Nov 2022

    An easy phrase for an easy win!

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    Fever pitch

    Episode 221107 / 14 Nov 2022

    Are you crazy with excitement about the World Cup?

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    Twiddle your thumbs

    Episode 221107 / 07 Nov 2022

    A phrase for boring times

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    Get your act together

    Episode 221031 / 31 Oct 2022

    A phrase about good organisation

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    Dog's dinner

    Episode 221024 / 24 Oct 2022

    You need to learn this messy phrase

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    Sitting pretty

    Episode 221017 / 17 Oct 2022

    A phrase to describe a good situation

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    Feast your eyes

    Episode 221010 / 10 Oct 2022

    A phrase worth looking at.

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    Put the brakes on

    Episode 221003 / 03 Oct 2022

    Stop! You need to learn this expression.

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    Episode 220926 / 16 Sep 2022

    Can you guess what this phrase is about?

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    Ins and outs

    Episode 220919 / 19 Sep 2022

    Here's a phrase about learning more details about something

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    Yes and no

    Episode 220912 / 12 Sep 2022

    Not all answers in life are 'yes' or 'no'!

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    Eat your words

    Episode 220905 / 05 Sep 2022

    Learn a phrase about being wrong

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    Bug someone

    Episode 220829 / 29 Aug 2022

    Don’t get too irritated!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (80)


    Episode 220822 / 22 Aug 2022

    A random phrase

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    Episode 220815 / 15 Aug 2022

    A word for something disgusting

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    Smash it

    Episode 220808 / 08 Aug 2022

    A phrase to give encouragement

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    a doddle

    Episode 220801 / 01 Aug 2022

    Is this phrase easy to learn?

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    It's now or never

    Episode 220725 / 25 Jul 2022

    A phrase about doing something immediately

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    Happy days

    Episode 220718 / 18 Jul 2022

    Here's a way to respond to good news

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    Double down

    Episode 220711 / 30 May 2022

    Learn a phrase about extra effort

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    Game face

    Episode 220704 / 04 Jul 2022

    A phrase about determination

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    Bitten by the bug

    Episode 220627 / 27 Jun 2022

    Is this a phrase to get excited by?

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    It escapes me

    Episode 220620 / 20 Jun 2022

    A phrase about forgetting something

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    Episode 220613 / 13 Jun 2022

    New job, new word!

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    Thereby hangs a tale

    Episode 220606 / 06 Jun 2022

    A Shakespearean phrase for when there's more to something than you think

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    The royal treatment

    Episode 220530 / 30 May 2022

    Are you ready to feel like a king or a queen?

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    Tell me about it

    Episode 220523 / 12 May 2022

    Learn an agreeable phrase

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    Creatively bankrupt

    Episode 220516 / 16 May 2022

    Learn a phrase about being unoriginal

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    As if

    Episode 220509 / 09 May 2022

    Learn an unlikely phrase

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    Episode 220502 / 02 May 2022

    Learn an imprecise phrase

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    Bad hair day

    Episode 220425 / 25 Apr 2022

    Is this an unattractive phrase?!

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    Promises, promises

    Episode 220418 / 25 Mar 2022

    Is a promise a promise?

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    Not see hide nor hair

    Episode 220411 / 11 Apr 2022

    Have you seen this phrase?

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    Curate's egg

    Episode 220404 / 04 Apr 2022

    Learn a phrase that is good and bad at the same time.

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    That'll be the day

    Episode 220328 / 28 Mar 2022

    When will be ‘that day’?

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    Gathering dust

    Episode 220321 / 21 Mar 2022

    What’s gathering dust in your house?

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    Easier said than done

    Episode 220314 / 24 Feb 2022

    This phrase shouldn’t be complicated!

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    The plot thickens

    Episode 220307 / 07 Mar 2022

    A mysterious phrase!

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    All at sea

    Episode 220228 / 28 Feb 2022

    Don’t let this phrase confuse you

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    Don't mind me

    Episode 220221 / 21 Feb 2022

    Don’t ignore this phrase

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    Cramp my style

    Episode 220214 / 14 Feb 2022

    Who’s cramping your style?

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    You couldn't make it up

    Episode 220207 / 07 Feb 2022

    You couldn’t make up this phrase!

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    Cool cat

    Episode 220131 / 31 Jan 2022

    Do you know someone who is hip and trendy?

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    There's nothing to it

    Episode 220124 / 24 Jan 2022

    Learn a simple phrase

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    As sick as a parrot

    Episode 220117 / 17 Jan 2022

    A phrase about disappointment

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    Eke out

    Episode 220110 / 10 Jan 2022

    Don’t waste this phrase!

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    Say no more

    Episode 220103 / 03 Jan 2022

    Do you get me?

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    Scrub up well

    Episode 211227 / 27 Dec 2021

    Learn a smart phrase

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    You shouldn't have

    Episode 211220 / 20 Dec 2021

    Learn the gift of English!

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    Not looking too clever

    Episode 211213 / 13 Dec 2021

    Learn a clever phrase!

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    Not like the sound of something

    Episode 211206 / 22 Oct 2021

    Learn a phrase about not liking something

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    I'll give you that

    Episode 211129 / 24 Oct 2021

    Do you agree?

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    Another string to your bow

    Episode 211122 / 22 Nov 2021

    A skilled phrase!

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    Clap back

    Episode 211115 / 15 Nov 2021

    Do you clap back?

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    Talk through your hat

    Episode 211108 / 08 Nov 2021

    A phrase about talking nonsense

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    quote ... unquote

    Episode 211101 / 01 Nov 2021

    Try repeating this phrase

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    Not a patch on something

    Episode 211025 / 25 Oct 2021

    An expression for when something is far worse than something else

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (124)

    No cap

    Episode 211018 / 18 Oct 2021

    Do you know someone who always tells the truth?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (125)


    Episode 211011 / 11 Oct 2021

    An expression you can use to talk about tasty food

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (126)

    A legend in one's lifetime

    Episode 211004 / 04 Oct 2021

    Do you know a famous living person? Here’s a phrase to describe them.

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    Live rent-free in one's head

    Episode 210927 / 27 Sep 2021

    What or who do you think about all the time?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (128)

    Now you're talking

    Episode 210920 / 10 Sep 2021

    Learn a phrase to get you talking

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (129)

    Hits different

    Episode 210913 / 13 Sep 2021

    What hits different for you?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (130)


    Episode 210906 / 06 Sep 2021

    Who do you think is extra?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (131)


    Episode 210830 / 30 Aug 2021

    Can you pronounce this word?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (132)

    Lo and behold

    Episode 210823 / 23 Aug 2021

    What is surprising for you?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (133)


    Episode 210816 / 16 Aug 2021

    A phrase with power

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (134)


    Episode 210809 / 09 Aug 2021

    An expression about something that makes you feel uncomfortable

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (135)

    it’s the … for me

    Episode 210802 / 02 Aug 2021

    Learn an expression about why you love or hate something.

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    Episode 210726 / 14 Jul 2021

    An obvious phrase

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (137)

    Down / up for something

    Episode 210719 / 14 Jul 2021

    How to express wanting to do something

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (138)


    Episode 210712 / 12 Jul 2021

    Possibly a cruel word

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (139)


    Episode 210705 / 05 Jul 2021

    What thing do you think is awesome? Is it lit?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (140)


    Episode 210628 / 28 Jun 2021

    A shocking new word!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (141)


    Episode 210621 / 21 Jun 2021

    Do you take risks?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (142)


    Episode 210614 / 21 Jun 2021

    Have you got a good vibe?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (143)


    Episode 210607 / 07 Jun 2021

    Are you a newbie?

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    Episode 210531 / 31 May 2021

    A grown-up phrase

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (145)


    Episode 210524 / 24 May 2021

    What do you think slays?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (146)

    Push back

    Episode 210517 / 17 May 2021

    A phrase to use later

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (147)

    The CEO of

    Episode 210510 / 10 May 2021

    What are you brilliant at?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (148)

    Zip it!

    Episode 210503 / 03 May 2021

    Stop talking!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (149)

    Botch job

    Episode 210426 / 26 Apr 2021

    What do we call a job done badly?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (150)

    It slaps!

    Episode 210419 / 19 Apr 2021

    What do you think slaps?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (151)

    Have a lot of plates spinning

    Episode 210412 / 12 Apr 2021

    A phrase about having a lot of things to do

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    Episode 210405 / 05 Apr 2021

    Do a lot of people remark on how glamorous you are?

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    Episode 210329 / 29 Mar 2021

    Do you have a sparkle when you speak?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (154)

    Snap up

    Episode 210322 / 22 Mar 2021

    A quick expression!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (155)


    Episode 210315 / 15 Mar 2021

    Describing something insignificant

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (156)


    Episode 210308 / 08 Mar 2021

    An amazing phrase!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (157)


    Episode 210301 / 01 Mar 2021

    Do you have some clout?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (158)


    Episode 210222 / 22 Feb 2021

    Who do you think is the GOAT?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (159)


    Episode 210215 / 15 Feb 2021

    A phrase to describe an experimental project.

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    Episode 210208 / 08 Feb 2021

    A word to describe an experimental project

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    Episode 210201 / 01 Feb 2021

    A phrase to describe an exact position

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    Episode 210125 / 25 Jan 2021

    A phrase that needs your attention!

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    Mic drop

    Episode 210118 / 18 Jan 2021

    Have you performed a mic drop?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (164)

    Tone deaf

    Episode 210111 / 11 Jan 2021

    Learn when 'tone deaf' has nothing to do with music...

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    A game

    Episode 210104 / 04 Jan 2021

    Have you brought your A game?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (166)


    Episode 201228 / 28 Dec 2020

    Do you know any frontliners?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (167)

    You do you

    Episode 201221 / 21 Dec 2020

    Doing it your way!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (168)

    On fleek

    Episode 201214 / 14 Dec 2020

    Learn a good-looking phrase!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (169)

    Contact tracing

    Episode 201207 / 07 Dec 2020

    Have you downloaded a contact tracing app?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (170)

    Key worker

    Episode 201130 / 30 Nov 2020

    Do you know any key workers?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (171)


    Episode 201123 / 23 Nov 2020

    Don't share too many photos of your children!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (172)

    Plastic footprint

    Episode 201116 / 16 Nov 2020

    Here's how to describe the amount of plastic you use

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (173)

    Spoiler alert!

    Episode 201109 / 09 Nov 2020

    Don't spoil the ending!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (174)


    Episode 201102 / 27 Oct 2020

    Is it an article? Is it a list? No, it's a listicle!

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    Episode 201026 / 26 Oct 2020

    Scrolling for bad news!

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    Episode 201019 / 14 Oct 2020

    Getting big ideas

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (177)

    One step at a time

    Episode 201012 / 07 Oct 2020

    Learn a 'progressive' phrase

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (178)


    Episode 201005 / 18 Sep 2020

    Learn a ‘basic’ phrase

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (179)

    A wake-up call

    Episode 200928 / 28 Sep 2020

    A warning sign!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (180)

    Climate emergency

    Episode 200921 / 21 Sep 2020

    What is the 'climate emergency'?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (181)


    Episode 200914 / 14 Sep 2020

    A new word for social media show-offs!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (182)


    Episode 200907 / 19 Aug 2020

    A boring word!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (183)


    Episode 200831 / 31 Aug 2020

    How can a person be roasted?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (184)

    Sticking point

    Episode 200824 / 24 Aug 2020

    What is the sticking point?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (185)

    Flatten the curve

    Episode 200817 / 17 Aug 2020

    What did you do to flatten the curve?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (186)

    Living in a bubble

    Episode 200810 / 10 Aug 2020

    Get out and see the world – stop living in a bubble!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (187)


    Episode 200803 / 03 Aug 2020

    Learn a new meaning for the word ‘cancel’

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (188)

    New normal

    Episode 200727 / 27 Jul 2020

    Do you find that daily life is a bit different now?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (189)

    A slippery slope

    Episode 200720 / 20 Jul 2020

    Learn a slippery phrase

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (190)

    Throw shade

    Episode 200713 / 13 Jul 2020

    Throwing shade isn’t cool

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (191)

    Bite the bullet

    Episode 200706 / 06 Jul 2020

    An English expression with bite!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (192)

    Blended working

    Episode 200629 / 29 Jun 2020

    A mix of home and office working has led to a new English expression.

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (193)


    Episode 200622 / 22 Jun 2020

    What is your JOMO?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (194)

    It happens to the best of us

    Episode 200619 / 19 Jun 2023

    A phrase about making people feel better.

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (195)


    Episode 200615 / 15 Jun 2020

    A temporary working absence.

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (196)

    Spill the tea

    Episode 200608 / 08 Jun 2020

    Who do you know who spills the tea?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (197)


    Episode 200601 / 01 Jun 2020

    Who do you know who flexes?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (198)


    Episode 200525 / 25 May 2020

    What makes you get salty?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (199)

    Skeleton crew

    Episode 200518 / 19 Apr 2020

    An expression for when there aren't many people working.

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (200)


    Episode 200511 / 11 May 2020

    What do you lowkey love?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (201)

    Live for something

    Episode 200504 / 04 May 2020

    What’s are you living for?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (202)

    Cabin fever

    Episode 200427 / 27 Apr 2020

    What is cabin fever?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (203)

    Bang on about something

    Episode 200420 / 20 Apr 2020

    What are you banging on about?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (204)


    Episode 200413 / 13 Apr 2020

    This phrase is fire!

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    Running on fumes

    Episode 200406 / 06 Apr 2020

    So tired!

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    Left on read

    Episode 200330 / 30 Mar 2020

    Received, but not replied!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (207)


    Episode 200323 / 23 Mar 2020

    A phrase to follow!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (208)


    Episode 200316 / 16 Mar 2020

    Don’t hate this phrase!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (209)

    Talk shop

    Episode 200309 / 09 Mar 2020

    Something to talk about!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (210)


    Episode 200302 / 02 Mar 2020

    Something to snack on

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (211)

    A memory like a sieve

    Episode 200224 / 24 Feb 2020

    An English phrase to remember

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (212)


    Episode 200217 / 17 Feb 2020

    No phone – no-mophobia!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (213)


    Episode 200210 / 10 Feb 2020

    A phrase to show off with

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (214)

    To kick (something) into the long grass

    Episode 200203 / 03 Feb 2020

    Give your English a kick!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (215)

    Rat race

    Episode 200127 / 27 Jan 2020

    Join the rat race for the 'Year of the Rat'

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (216)


    Episode 200120 / 20 Jan 2020

    If you do small tasks for tech firms then this new word describes your job!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (217)

    Serial returner

    Episode 200113 / 13 Jan 2020

    Feifei's had a new coat every day this month. How?!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (218)

    Talk the talk

    Episode 200106 / 06 Jan 2020

    Neil can talk the talk, but does he know what he's talking about?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (219)

    Out with the old, in with the new

    Episode 191230 / 30 Dec 2019

    A phrase to describe what you can do at this time of year!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (220)

    The more the merrier

    Episode 191223 / 23 Dec 2019

    Learn a merry phrase with friends!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (221)

    Take one for the team

    Episode 191216 / 16 Dec 2019

    Three tickets, four people. What to do?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (222)

    Mind your Ps and Qs

    Episode 191209 / 09 Dec 2019

    Don’t forget these letters at an important meeting

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (223)

    Dad dancing

    Episode 191202 / 24 Oct 2019

    Swing those arms, shake those hips!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (224)

    Big data

    Episode 191125 / 25 Nov 2019

    Data is everywhere… But what to do with it?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (225)

    Punch above your weight

    Episode 191118 / 02 Oct 2019

    It sounds violent, but this phrase might surprise you!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (226)

    Social media influencer

    Episode 191111 / 11 Nov 2019

    What exactly is a social media influencer?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (227)


    Episode 191104 / 04 Nov 2019

    Too hot? Too cold? Or just right?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (228)


    Episode 191028 / 28 Oct 2019

    Is someone ignoring all your calls and messages? 👻

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (229)

    Slow TV

    Episode 191021 / 21 Oct 2019

    Because life doesn’t need to be fast, fast, fast

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (230)

    Tiger mother

    Episode 191014 / 14 Oct 2019

    What’s the best way to help your kids succeed in life?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (231)


    Episode 191007 / 28 Aug 2019

    One minute you were feeling happy, then…

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (232)

    Buyer's remorse

    Episode 190930 / 22 Aug 2019

    Have you ever regretted an expensive purchase?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (233)


    Episode 190923 / 23 Sep 2019

    When you don't want to sell, freecycle!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (234)

    Carbon footprint

    Episode 190916 / 16 Sep 2019

    Love to travel, but worried about the environment?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (235)

    Cough up

    Episode 190909 / 09 Sep 2019

    When is a cough not a cough?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (236)

    Brain fade

    Episode 190902 / 02 Sep 2019

    Where did I leave my keys?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (237)


    Episode 190826 / 26 Aug 2019

    A little word for a little lie

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (238)

    Hot under the collar

    Episode 190819 / 03 Jul 2019

    Cool off and learn this phrase with us

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (239)

    Eat your heart out

    Episode 190812 / 12 Aug 2019

    Could this be the scariest phrase we’ve ever taught?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (240)


    Episode 190805 / 05 Aug 2019

    When is ‘across’ not ‘across’?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (241)

    Fat chance

    Episode 190729 / 29 Jul 2019

    An expression about likelihood

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (242)

    Milk it

    Episode 190722 / 22 Jul 2019

    Are you looking for sympathy?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (243)


    Episode 190715 / 15 Jul 2019

    Picking the best!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (244)

    To fight tooth and nail

    Episode 190708 / 08 Jul 2019

    A phrase about determination

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (245)

    It's a small world

    Episode 190701 / 01 Jul 2019

    An expression about coincidences

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (246)

    To vanish into thin air

    Episode 190624 / 24 Jun 2019

    A disappearing phrase

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (247)

    Get the short straw

    Episode 190617 / 17 Jun 2019

    A phrase that sucks!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (248)

    Soft skills

    Episode 190610 / 10 Jun 2019

    This phrase isn’t hard!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (249)

    Big deal

    Episode 190603 / 03 Jun 2019

    An unimpressive phrase!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (250)

    Clever clogs

    Episode 190527 / 27 May 2019

    Intelligent footwear!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (251)

    Couch surfing

    Episode 190520 / 20 May 2019

    A phrase for moving around

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (252)

    Like riding a bike

    Episode 190513 / 13 May 2019

    An 'easy' phrase

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (253)

    On fire

    Episode 190506 / 06 May 2019

    Why is Neil 'on fire?'

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (254)

    Out of order

    Episode 190429 / 29 Apr 2019

    What actions are considered out of order in your country?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (255)


    Episode 190422 / 22 Apr 2019

    Learn a new way to say ‘very’ in this week’s The English We Speak!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (256)

    Give someone the runaround

    Episode 190415 / 15 Apr 2019

    A phrase to describe being unhelpful

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (257)

    Laughing all the way to the bank

    Episode 190408 / 08 Apr 2019

    Learn a funny phrase!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (258)

    The joke is on you

    Episode 190401 / 01 Apr 2019

    It's no joke!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (259)

    Keep a lid on it

    Episode 190325 / 25 Mar 2019

    Keep this phrase a secret!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (260)

    To pull the wool over someone's eyes

    Episode 190318 / 18 Mar 2019

    A deceiving phrase

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (261)

    To take the rough with the smooth

    Episode 190311 / 11 Mar 2019

    A good and bad phrase

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (262)


    Episode 190304 / 04 Mar 2019

    A tough phrase

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (263)

    To have a soft spot

    Episode 190225 / 25 Feb 2019

    A phrase you'll really like

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (264)

    To make a song and dance (about something)

    Episode 190218 / 18 Feb 2019

    A phrase to sing about

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    Giant killer

    Episode 190211 / 11 Feb 2019

    A phrase about big vs small

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (266)

    A shock to the system

    Episode 190204 / 04 Feb 2019

    Prepare to be shocked!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (267)

    From pillar to post

    Episode 190128 / 28 Jan 2019

    A moving phrase!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (268)

    Small talk

    Episode 190121 / 21 Jan 2019

    Informal chat

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (269)

    A bright spark

    Episode 190114 / 14 Jan 2019

    Is this a clever phrase?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (270)

    To be all downhill

    Episode 190107 / 07 Jan 2019

    An easier phrase

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (271)


    Episode 181231 / 31 Dec 2018

    A phrase to shout about

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (272)

    To have all your Christmases come at once

    Episode 181224 / 24 Dec 2018

    Get that festive feeling again and again

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (273)

    It's the thought that counts

    Episode 181217 / 17 Dec 2018

    A phrase for bad presents

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (274)

    Digital detox: What's the meaning?

    Episode 181210 / 10 Dec 2018

    A detox of a different kind

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (275)

    'It leaves a bad taste in your mouth': What does it mean?

    Episode 181203 / 03 Dec 2018

    Great food but a bad taste

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (276)


    Episode 181126 / 26 Nov 2018

    Is it a meal or a type of weather?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (277)

    Throw in the towel

    Episode 181119 / 19 Nov 2018

    Time to give up

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (278)

    A walk in the park

    Episode 181112 / 12 Nov 2018

    An easy expression

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (279)


    Episode 181105 / 05 Nov 2018

    A less intelligent phone

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (280)

    No fear

    Episode 181029 / 29 Oct 2018

    Who's scared?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (281)

    Something to chew on

    Episode 181022 / 22 Oct 2018

    An indecisive phrase

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (282)

    Waffle on

    Episode 181015 / 15 Oct 2018

    Believe it or not, not all waffles are good!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (283)


    Episode 181008 / 08 Sep 2018

    When things aren't quite straight

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (284)

    To play a blinder

    Episode 181001 / 01 Oct 2018

    Doing something amazing

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (285)


    Episode 180924 / 24 Sep 2018

    Has someone annoyed you?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (286)


    Episode 180917 / 17 Sep 2018

    What’s worse than bragging?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (287)

    Out of your depth

    Episode 180910 / 10 Sep 2018

    A deep phrase

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (288)


    Episode 180903 / 03 Sep 2018

    A moody expression

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (289)

    Curry favour

    Episode 180827 / 27 Aug 2018

    A spicy expression

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (290)

    Take the biscuit

    Episode 180820 / 20 Aug 2018

    A sweet phrase

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (291)

    Step on it

    Episode 180813 / 13 Aug 2018

    Hurry up!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (292)


    Episode 180806 / 06 Aug 2018

    Press 'send'

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (293)

    Crunch time

    Episode 180730 / 30 Jul 2018

    No biscuits required

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    Have a pop

    Episode 180723 / 23 Jul 2018

    A trying expression!

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    A necessary evil

    Episode 180716 / 16 Jul 2018

    Unavoidable situations

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    If the cap fits

    Episode 180709 / 09 Jul 2018

    A truthful phrase

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    My bad

    Episode 180702 / 02 Jul 2018

    It was me!

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    To have a good nose (for something)

    Episode 180625 / 25 Jun 2018

    No smelling needed!

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    Friends in high places

    Episode 180618 / 18 Jun 2018

    A phrase about knowing important people

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    Episode 180611 / 11 Jun 2018

    A no-win situation

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    Let the dust settle

    Episode 180604 / 04 Jun 2018

    Dust off an old English phrase

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    Nothing to shout about

    Episode 180528 / 28 May 2018

    A quiet phrase

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    Let sleeping dogs lie

    Episode 180521 / 21 May 2018

    A trouble-free phrase

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    Bleed someone dry

    Episode 180514 / 14 May 2018

    Blood money

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    Small change

    Episode 180507 / 07 May 2018

    A trivial phrase

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    That'll teach you!

    Episode 180430 / 30 Apr 2018

    Serves you right!

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    An old hand

    Episode 180423 / 23 Apr 2018

    Some who's skilled and experienced

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    Out of the loop

    Episode 180416 / 16 Apr 2018

    Are you missing out?

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    Rub it in

    Episode 180409 / 09 Apr 2018

    Reminding someone about something they'd rather forget

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    Episode 180402 / 02 Apr 2018

    Are you a smartphone zombie?

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    Episode 180326 / 26 Mar 2018

    Free food!

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    Barking up the wrong tree

    Episode 180319 / 08 Mar 2018

    Don't blame me!

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    Cloud cuckoo land

    Episode 180312 / 12 Mar 2018

    A ridiculous phrase!

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    A taste of your own medicine

    Episode 180305 / 05 Mar 2018

    Payback time!

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    Episode 180226 / 26 Feb 2018

    A worry-free phrase

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    Episode 180219 / 19 Feb 2018

    Young and clever

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    The best of both worlds

    Episode 180212 / 12 Feb 2018

    Two good things

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    Bone idle

    Episode 180205 / 05 Feb 2018

    A lazy phrase

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    To cut a long story short

    Episode 180129 / 29 Jan 2018

    Just give me the details

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    Just the ticket

    Episode 180122 / 22 Jan 2018

    Just what I wanted!

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    Episode 180115 / 15 Jan 2018

    A phrase about jealousy

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    Do a runner

    Episode 180108 / 08 Jan 2018

    Time to get out of here!

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    A thing

    Episode 180101 / 01 Jan 2018

    Time to lose that beard…

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    All that jazz

    Episode 171225 / 25 Dec 2017

    When jazz isn't jazz…

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    Not gonna lie

    Episode 171218 / 18 Dec 2017

    Not gonna lie: this is a great programme!

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    Up your game

    Episode 171211 / 11 Dec 2017

    Up your emoji game

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    To shout it from the rooftops

    Episode 171204 / 04 Dec 2017

    Shout it out

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    To blow the cobwebs away

    Episode 171127 / 27 Nov 2017

    An energetic phrase

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    A knees-up

    Episode 171120 / 20 Nov 2017

    Party time!

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    To put someone on the map

    Episode 171113 / 13 Nov 2017

    Fame at last!

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    Down in the dumps

    Episode 171106 / 06 Nov 2017

    Is this a rubbish phrase?

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    Excuse me!

    Episode 171030 / 30 Oct 2017

    A polite phrase – most of the time

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    A sting in the tail

    Episode 171023 / 23 Oct 2017

    Learn a phrase with a painful ending

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    So done with

    Episode 171016 / 16 Oct 2017

    Feeling bored of your work?

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    Episode 171009 / 09 Oct 2017

    Fancy a laugh?

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    Have a go

    Episode 171002 / 02 Oct 2017

    Why is Neil being criticised?

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    Episode 170925 / 25 Sep 2017

    Familiar word, new meaning!

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    Wing it

    Episode 170918 / 18 Sep 2017

    Learn an informal expression for when you have to improvise

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    Pot luck

    Episode 170911 / 11 Sep 2017

    Take a chance!

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    It beats me

    Episode 170904 / 04 Sep 2017

    What's going on?!

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    Episode 170829 / 29 Aug 2017

    Don't be tricked by this phrase!

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    Left, right, and centre

    Episode 170822 / 22 Aug 2017

    Doing something everywhere

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    Donkey's years

    Episode 170815 / 15 Aug 2017

    Years and ears!

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    Give us a bell

    Episode 170808 / 08 Aug 2017

    Someone's ringing!

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    Echo chamber

    Episode 170801 / 01 Aug 2017

    Echo echo echo echo…

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    Episode 170725 / 25 Jul 2017

    Do you melt too easily?

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    The heat is on

    Episode 170718 / 18 Jul 2017

    Too much pressure!

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    Wet weekend

    Episode 170711 / 11 Jul 2017

    It's wet and there's no rain!

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    No picnic

    Episode 170704 / 04 Jul 2017

    Learn a phrase that involves effort

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    A busman's holiday

    Episode 170627 / 27 Jun 2017

    Learn a phrase about a working holiday

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    Episode 170620 / 20 Jun 2017

    Not cool!

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    No great shakes

    Episode 170613 / 13 Jun 2017

    Not impressed!

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    Not a sausage

    Episode 170606 / 06 Jun 2017

    Learn a phrase that means ‘nothing’

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    Episode 170530 / 30 May 2017

    Love ironing? Or is it ‘long’?

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    Not half

    Episode 170523 / 23 May 2017

    Learn a phrase which isn’t half useful

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    All over the shop

    Episode 170516 / 16 May 2017

    The phrase about shops that isn’t about shops

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    It comes with the territory

    Episode 170509 / 09 May 2017

    Accept the situation!

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    It won't wash

    Episode 170502 / 02 May 2017

    A dirty phrase

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    Episode 170425 / 25 Apr 2017

    A multi-skilled phrase!

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    The coast is clear

    Episode 170418 / 18 Apr 2017

    Nobody's watching!

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    Pull a fast one

    Episode 170411 / 11 Apr 2017

    Don’t be cheated – learn this phrase!

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    Suck it and see

    Episode 170404 / 04 Apr 2017

    You won’t know until you try

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    To cut your teeth

    Episode 170328 / 28 Mar 2017

    Gaining new experience

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    Episode 170321 / 21 Mar 2017

    Getting less for your money

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    La-la land

    Episode 170314 / 14 Mar 2017

    It's not Los Angeles!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (366)

    A different kettle of fish

    Episode 170307 / 07 Mar 2017

    Fishing for a phrase? This could be the one for you

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    At the drop of a hat

    Episode 170228 / 28 Feb 2017

    Acting on impulse!

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    Brass neck

    Episode 170221 / 21 Feb 2017

    An expression about saying what you think

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    Reinvent the wheel

    Episode 170214 / 14 Feb 2017

    Doing it all over again

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    Episode 170207 / 07 Feb 2017

    False friends

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    To be fair

    Episode 170131 / 31 Jan 2017

    Give both sides of the argument with this phrase

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    On the box

    Episode 170124 / 24 Jan 2017

    Watching a ‘box’ can’t be very enjoyable, can it?

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    Episode 170117 / 17 Jan 2017

    When being called ‘duck’ is a good thing

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    Episode 170110 / 10 Jan 2017

    Don’t lose your bottle!

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    Got your number

    Episode 170103 / 03 Jan 2017

    Understanding someone's true intentions

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    A slap in the face

    Episode 161227 / 27 Dec 2016

    Words not actions

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    Episode 161220 / 20 Dec 2016

    Click here for nonsense. Learn some cyber vocabulary

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    Episode 161213 / 13 Dec 2016

    If you mix A and B, do you get C?

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    Air kiss

    Episode 161206 / 06 Dec 2016

    When is a kiss not a kiss?

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    Episode 161129 / 29 Nov 2016

    Has a man ever over-explained something to you?

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    Rolling in it

    Episode 161122 / 22 Nov 2016

    How much money do you need to roll around in it?

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    Episode 161115 / 15 Nov 2016

    Someone's in my photo!

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    Episode 161108 / 08 Nov 2016

    Is the internet making you ill?

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    To wash your dirty linen in public

    Episode 161101 / 01 Nov 2016

    An expression about not keeping matters private

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    Cat got your tongue?

    Episode 161025 / 25 Oct 2016

    A phrase about not saying much

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    It takes two to tango

    Episode 161018 / 18 Oct 2016

    How many people dance the tango?

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    Knee-jerk reaction

    Episode 161011 / 11 Oct 2016

    An expression connected to the knee

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    To have an axe to grind

    Episode 161004 / 04 Oct 2016

    An expression for when someone's got a strong opinion

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    Close, but no cigar

    Episode 160927 / 27 Sep 2016

    A phrase about almost succeeding

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    Get somebody's goat

    Episode 160920 / 16 Sep 2016

    A phrase about something annoying

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    Bust a gut

    Episode 160913 / 13 Sep 2016

    An expression that means 'to make a great effort'

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    Episode 160906 / 06 Sep 2016

    A phrase that describes old things

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    Episode 160830 / 30 Aug 2016

    A way to say 'lots'

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    Episode 160823 / 23 Aug 2016

    A phrase for people who get angry when they don't eat

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    To pull something out of the hat

    Episode 160816 / 16 Aug 2016

    What surprising things come out of a hat?

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    In the blink of an eye

    Episode 160809 / 09 Aug 2016

    An expression to show speed

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    Off the hook

    Episode 160802 / 02 Aug 2016

    Here's a phrase for when you free someone from an obligation

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    Episode 160726 / 26 Jul 2016

    A phrase about being bold and shameless

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    To make a mountain out of a molehill

    Episode 160719 / 19 Jul 2016

    Don't overreact - use this phrase!

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    The last/final straw

    Episode 160712 / 12 Jul 2016

    Something tiny could cause a lot of problems

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    The university of life

    Episode 160705 / 05 Jul 2016

    Where's the best place to learn about life?

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    White-collar worker / blue-collar worker

    Episode 160628 / 28 Jun 2016

    What does the colour of your clothes say about your job?

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    Drama queen

    Episode 160621 / 21 Jun 2016

    Here's a phrase to describe someone who overreacts easily

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    It's on the cards

    Episode 160614 / 14 Jun 2016

    Learn a different way of saying that something is likely to happen

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    Until you're blue in the face

    Episode 160607 / 07 Jun 2016

    Can you face this phrase?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (406)

    Clean up your act

    Episode 160531 / 31 May 2016

    Someone behaving badly? Here's a phrase that tells them what to do

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    You're pulling my leg!

    Episode 160524 / 24 May 2016

    Want to trick someone? Here is a phrase that involves pulling a part of your body!

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    One good turn deserves another

    Episode 160517 / 17 May 2016

    Has someone helped you with something? If so, here's a phrase that tells you what to do next

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    To fall at the first hurdle

    Episode 160510 / 10 May 2016

    Got an idea that's never going to work? Here is a phrase to describe the situation

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    Pain in the neck

    Episode 160503 / 03 May 2016

    Learn the phrase Helen needs to describe the headache her mobile phone company is causing her

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (411)

    Burn a hole in your pocket

    Episode 160426 / 26 Apr 2016

    Learn a vivid expression to describe someone who cannot save any money

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (412)

    To turn something upside down

    Episode 160419 / 19 Apr 2016

    Learn a phrase about doing a thorough search

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    Going forward

    Episode 160412 / 12 Apr 2016

    Office speak for 'in the future'

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    A recipe for disaster

    Episode 160405 / 05 Apr 2016

    A phrase that means you're heading for disaster

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    Crash course

    Episode 160329 / 29 Mar 2016

    A really fast way to learn something!

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    You've sold it to me

    Episode 160322 / 22 Mar 2016

    Learn a different way to express 'you've convinced me'

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    Full of the joys of spring

    Episode 160315 / 15 Mar 2016

    A seasonal idiom that puts you in a good mood

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    A leopard can't change its spots

    Episode 160308 / 08 Mar 2016

    Learn a phrase about keeping your bad habits

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    Six of one, half a dozen of the other

    Episode 160301 / 01 Mar 2016

    This expression may not have anything to do with numbers

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    Test the water

    Episode 160223 / 23 Feb 2016

    A water phrase which may have nothing to do with water

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    To lie through your teeth

    Episode 160216 / 16 Feb 2016

    Telling lies? Here's an honest phrase to use

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    To make a monkey out of me

    Episode 160209 / 09 Feb 2016

    Looking stupid? This is a phrase for you!

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    Hot potato

    Episode 160202 / 02 Feb 2016

    Learn a phrase to describe tricky situations

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (424)

    There's method to my madness

    Episode 160126 / 26 Jan 2016

    A phrase to describe your seemingly strange behaviour

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    In good nick

    Episode 160119 / 19 Jan 2016

    Learn a phrase to describe something in top condition

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    Cheap and cheerful

    Episode 160112 / 12 Jan 2016

    A phrase to describe an inexpensive but fun product

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    A bitter pill to swallow

    Episode 160105 / 05 Jan 2016

    Learn a phrase to describe a situation that is hard to accept

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    Episode 151229 / 29 Dec 2015

    Learn a phrase to describe someone going mad

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    I'm game

    Episode 151222 / 22 Dec 2015

    Neil is dying for a game of squash but Li is not game

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    That'll put hairs on your chest!

    Episode 151215 / 15 Dec 2015

    An expression said when someone is about to have a strong alcoholic drink

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    Fancy someone

    Episode 151208 / 08 Dec 2015

    They seem to be getting on well... maybe they 'fancy' each other?

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    Down the pan

    Episode 151201 / 01 Dec 2015

    Learn a phrase to describe a disastrous situation

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    Part of the furniture

    Episode 151124 / 24 Nov 2015

    Learn a new idiom about being around a long time

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    Sweet tooth

    Episode 151117 / 17 Nov 2015

    Do you have a sweet tooth? Is it something that you are born with or do you develop it?

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    Episode 151110 / 10 Nov 2015

    It looks pretty bad on the road

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    Eye candy

    Episode 151103 / 03 Nov 2015

    Going out with a good-looking but uninteresting person?

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    Episode 151027 / 27 Oct 2015

    An expression for when you forget English words

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    Across the pond

    Episode 151020 / 20 Oct 2015

    Learn an expression which makes an ocean sound very small indeed

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    People person

    Episode 151013 / 13 Oct 2015

    An expression for those who get along with people

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    It's a steal!

    Episode 151006 / 06 Oct 2015

    An expression for when you get a bargain

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (441)

    Bull and bear market

    Episode 150929 / 29 Sep 2015

    Learn what we say when share prices go up and when they go down

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (442)

    Social media words

    Episode 150922 / 22 Sep 2015

    'Trolls' and 'haters' – the words for people who are just there to annoy you online

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    Don't give up the day job

    Episode 150915 / 15 Sep 2015

    Learn a phrase to give someone some friendly advice

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (444)

    A barrel of laughs

    Episode 150908 / 08 Sep 2015

    How to describe someone who is fun

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (445)

    To know something like the back of your hand

    Episode 150901 / 01 Sep 2015

    A popular expression for letting people know you are an expert

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    A face for radio

    Episode 150825 / 25 Aug 2015

    A useful expression for indirectly saying that someone is ugly

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (447)

    Give me credit

    Episode 150818 / 18 Aug 2015

    Learn a phrase that's full of praise. You won't need a credit card to use this one

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    To keep the wolf from the door

    Episode 150811 / 11 Aug 2015

    Who's that knocking at the door? Someone's here to tell you you're in financial trouble

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    Hot desk

    Episode 150804 / 04 Aug 2015

    Hot-desking is a modern way of working in offices. Learn how to use this phrase as a noun and a verb

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    Out of juice

    Episode 150728 / 28 Jul 2015

    Oh no - your phone's out of battery. We have just the phrase you need!

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    The penny dropped

    Episode 150721 / 21 Jul 2015

    What do you say when you finally understand something? Learn a useful phrase to do just that in this programme

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    Red tape

    Episode 150714 / 14 Jul 2015

    An expression for when there are lots of rules and regulations

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (453)

    Words for underwear

    Episode 150707 / 07 Jul 2015

    What do you call your panties, socks and bra? Listen to the programme to find out...

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (454)

    To drink someone under the table

    Episode 150630 / 30 Jun 2015

    Drink to celebrate the good things in life, drink to forget the bad. Here's an expression for people who like a drink

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (455)

    Me time

    Episode 150623 / 23 Jun 2015

    Both work and home are demanding lots of your time but what you really want is a few hours to yourself. Here's an expression to help you deal with that.

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (456)


    Episode 150616 / 16 Jun 2015

    Is there someone tormenting you online? Here's an expression for when people hide behind a computer to attack others.

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (457)

    Take a back seat

    Episode 150609 / 09 Jun 2015

    Learn a phrase about not taking control. You won't need a car for this driving-related idiom!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (458)

    In black and white

    Episode 150602 / 02 Jun 2015

    What two colours do we use to describe something that's official? Learn a phrase that leaves you in no doubt!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (459)

    A sticky situation

    Episode 150526 / 26 May 2015

    What kind of situation has Rob got into when he bumps into a woman on the way to work?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (460)

    A close shave

    Episode 150519 / 19 May 2015

    What's a razor got to do with Rob's bike ride to work? Here's an expression for when you've had a narrow escape

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (461)

    My mind's gone blank

    Episode 150512 / 12 May 2015

    Why did Rob ask Feifei to meet him in the studio? Here's an expression for when you've forgotten something

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (462)

    To sleep on it

    Episode 150505 / 05 May 2015

    How can sleeping help you make a decision? Learn a phrase that doesn't involve lying on a bed!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (463)

    All over the place

    Episode 150428 / 28 Apr 2015

    What's wrong with Neil today? Here's an expression for when you're badly organised

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (464)

    To go around the houses

    Episode 150421 / 21 Apr 2015

    Where do you go if you waste time asking pointless questions? We explain a useful phrase

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (465)

    Done and dusted

    Episode 150414 / 14 Apr 2015

    When someone says the phrase done and dusted, do they mean doing some proper cleaning?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (466)

    Chill pill

    Episode 150407 / 07 Apr 2015

    It's hard to swallow but maybe it's time for a chill pill! We explain what that is

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (467)

    Put a sock in it!

    Episode 150331 / 31 Mar 2015

    Why has Helen put a sock in the toaster and how is that going to keep her quiet?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (468)

    A wild card

    Episode 150324 / 24 Mar 2015

    Who's the wild card in the office? Rob and Feifei use a phrase to describe an unpredictable colleague

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (469)

    To take a shot / stab in the dark

    Episode 150317 / 17 Mar 2015

    Feifei thinks someone's been killed but then discovers taking a stab in the dark doesn't involve using knives!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (470)

    To keep a lid on it

    Episode 150310 / 10 Mar 2015

    Li and Neil get free coffee at a cafe but they need to keep a lid on it

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (471)

    To be on the ball

    Episode 150303 / 03 Mar 2015

    Learn a phrase to describe the ability to quickly react to things

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (472)


    Episode 150224 / 24 Feb 2015

    Feifei and Harry use an expression to describe things that amaze and astound

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (473)

    Out for the count

    Episode 150217 / 17 Feb 2015

    Neil and Li talk about how a boxing expression can be used in everyday life

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (474)

    Game changer

    Episode 150210 / 10 Feb 2015

    Feifei and Harry use an expression for people and ideas that change the way we do things

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (475)

    Wow factor

    Episode 150203 / 03 Feb 2015

    Harry and Feifei look at an expression for when things surprise and impress you

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (476)


    Episode 150127 / 27 Jan 2015

    Harry and Feifei talk about a common colloquial expression for when things are intense

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (477)

    Stab in the back

    Episode 150120 / 20 Jan 2015

    Harry and Feifei talk about an expression that is not as violent as it sounds

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (478)

    To downsize

    Episode 150113 / 13 Jan 2015

    Neil and Feifei talk about a word made popular by the economic downturn

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (479)

    At the movies

    Episode 150106 / 06 Jan 2015

    Sci-fi, romcom, whodunnit – What kind of movies do you like?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (480)

    Killing time

    Episode 141230 / 30 Dec 2014

    Neil tells Helen to kill time but she smashes up a clock. Find out why and learn a useful expression.

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (481)

    Like turkeys voting for Christmas

    Episode 141223 / 23 Dec 2014

    Do you celebrate Christmas? Do you like eating turkey? Do you think turkeys like Christmas? Learn this humorous idiom

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (482)

    Face the music

    Episode 141216 / 16 Dec 2014

    There's something Neil's forgotten to do and now he has to face the music. Listen to the programme to find out why.

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (483)

    Internet speak

    Episode 141209 / 09 Dec 2014

    'Snail mail', 'post' and 'hard copy' – learn expressions connected with computers

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (484)


    Episode 141202 / 02 Dec 2014

    Li's cat video has gone viral. Will she be happy about it? Learn an expression from the internet age

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (485)

    Give the cold shoulder

    Episode 141125 / 25 Nov 2014

    Is Feifei's designer shawl a solution to her problems with Lisa? Listen to the programme to find out

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (486)


    Episode 141118 / 18 Nov 2014

    Rob is deleting some emails. He won’t take the bait sent in by criminals!

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (487)

    Take to the cleaners

    Episode 141111 / 11 Nov 2014

    Rob's very expensive shirt is ruined! Who will pay for it? Listen to the programme to find out

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (488)

    Eat humble pie

    Episode 141104 / 04 Nov 2014

    Is Rob hungry enough to win a pie-eating competition? Listen to the programme

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (489)

    Like water off a duck's back

    Episode 141028 / 28 Oct 2014

    Feifei has a thing or two to learn from the ducks in the park. So do you. Listen to the programme

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (490)

    Take for a ride

    Episode 141021 / 21 Oct 2014

    Cars that run on air? Sounds too good to be true. But Li thinks they're the future and wants to invest in a company that makes them. Will she lose her money?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (491)

    Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater

    Episode 141014 / 14 Oct 2014

    Is Feifei giving up her job to take care of babies? Learn an amusing idiom

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (492)

    Joe Bloggs

    Episode 141007 / 07 Oct 2014

    Do you know Joe Bloggs? He might be just beside you

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (493)

    Butter up

    Episode 140923 / 23 Sep 2014

    Is this butter for a cake, for toast or... to put on a person? Finn and Feifei explain

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (494)

    Food for thought

    Episode 140914 / 14 Sep 2014

    Finn wants to buy a sports car. But Feifei gives him some 'food for thought'

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (495)


    Episode 140826 / 26 Aug 2014

    Rob challenges Helen to a word game about a funny-sounding phrase. But what has it got to do with frogs?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (496)

    Proof is in the pudding

    Episode 140819 / 19 Aug 2014

    Feifei doesn't like Rob's cooking. But Rob wants Feifei to try his dumplings and promises 'the proof is in the pudding'. What does he mean?

  • BBC Learning English - The English We Speak / It's a steal! (2024)
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    Name: Tuan Roob DDS

    Birthday: 1999-11-20

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    Job: Marketing Producer

    Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

    Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.