Big Words Are Poor Choices (2024)

Most people think that using big words is a sign of intellectual superiority. It's not. In fact, it's a major turnoff for most people. If you're trying to persuade someone, you need to be able to Listen, speak and hear in plain language. Your goal is to get your audience to agree with you, not to impress them with your vocabulary.

5 ReasonsWhy Big Words Are Poor Choices?

They're Hard To Remember.

You may know all about big words, but do you really use them often enough that they will stick in your brain? It's easy to forget them if you don't use them enough.

They Give The Impression of Sophistication.

Sophisticated people use big words. That means that the people who read your stuff are likely to think you're sophisticated too.

So, if you write about investing, people will assume you know what you're talking about. Even if you're a beginner, it's fine to use big words here and there. Just be careful not to overuse them.

They Are Difficult To Spell.

When you use them, make sure you spell them correctly. It's easy to use a fancy-sounding word and misspell it. You don't want to come off as a sloppy writer.

They're Hard To Pronounce.

Big words are often difficult to say out loud. It is especially true when you are reading a book, poem, or song.

Big words are like foreign words. In many cases, when you hear the word, it sounds different than the way it's written. And that's the way they should sound.

Big words are often a lot of syllables. Most people can't say them in their heads. So if you try to say them, it's not going to work.

They Are Not Appropriate For The Subject Matter.

Big words are great for the big things. But when you're writing about small things, you don't need to use big words.

Does Using Big Words Make You Smart?

When you are writing a text, what type of words will make your work shine? And when you see someone else writing, what kind of words will make you think he/she is really smart?

The answer is simple – The Big Words!

The use of big words in your text makes you look smart, but you should know that it is not always true. Sometimes, the use of big words makes you sound pretentious. It is why it is important to know which types of words make you smart and which types of words make you sound pretentious.

Why Using Big Words Is Bad?

As you might know, the use of big words is a big no-no. A lot of people say that using big words makes a text look like it is written by an English teacher. It is true because of the fact that the words should be used in a formal manner. However, there are a few reasons why you shouldn't use big words.

Big words are hard to understand.

Using big words is a great way to impress people. The problem with this is that not everyone wants to listen to someone who uses big words.

Big words make a text seem formal.

Some people believe that using big words makes a text look formal. The truth is that using big words does not make a text look formal. In fact, they will make the text look informal.

They are difficult to read.

It is difficult to read texts written in big words because there is too much information being presented at once. Also, people with reading difficulties are usually unable to read long texts because they struggle to understand the meaning of each word.

Big words are not easy to write.

If you use big words, you will have to put them together with the right punctuation. As you can imagine, this will be very difficult.

It's unprofessional.

Big words are often associated with an academic tone. People who work in professional settings will never use big words. It is a sure way to show that you lack professionalism.

How To Make Your Text Sound More Readable

Use simple words

Simple words are easy to read. It's easier for readers to understand them.

Use short sentences.

Short sentences make it easier for readers to understand what you're trying to say. A long sentence can make your readers feel bored.

Long sentences are usually filled with difficult words that people usually don't know. They make your text look complicated and difficult to understand. Therefore, you need to make sure you use only simple words in your text.

Be specific about your topic.

Avoid using vague words. For example, you cannot use the word 'the' in every sentence. You should only use 'the' when you are talking about one thing. You can use the word 'a instead of 'the' when you are talking about a certain object or person.

Avoid using long words.

If you want your text to sound easy to read, don't use long words. For example, don't use the word 'therefore' or 'because' to make your text sound smart. These long words make your text look complicated.

You can also avoid using the word 'that' in every sentence. Use it only when you want to talk about something related to something else.

Avoid writing lengthy sentences.

Long sentences are harder to read. People need to stop and reread them several times before they get what you mean. That's why you should avoid writing lengthy sentences.

Use proper grammar

Don't forget to use proper grammar in your post. It includes using punctuation and capitalizing the first letter of each sentence.

Most Common Examples Of Big Word Usages

This kind of word usage might be very good for people who like reading books or listening to lectures. However, sometimes they might be very annoying for us, especially if you are working with a team of people who all use big words.

Here are the most common examples of these types of word usages:

1) Someone Writes Something Like This.

"The reason why I'm using the phrase 'noun phrase' is because I don't want to say 'I am using the noun phrase.' It's just too awkward."

2) A Person Uses The Term 'Verb Phrase' To Describe Their Actions.

"I was reading a book, and I really enjoyed it. In fact, it was such a good book that I read it straight through without putting it down."

3) An English Teacher Makes A Very Long Story To Explain A Simple Concept.

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first Days."

4) The Person Is Very Proud Of Their Writing Skills.

"There is no better way to start a sentence than with a prepositional phrase. It just makes sense. Prepositional phrases always start a sentence. They are a very important part of the language. When you write, you should use prepositional phrases.

Prepositional phrases are so easy to learn and so hard to master."

5) The Person Is Really Into Grammar.

"An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverbs. We can also use adverbs to modify the whole sentence. The sentence 'My brother and I are going to the mall' is a correct sentence. The sentence 'My brother and I are going to the mall right now is not a correct sentence.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Simple Words?

Simple words are those which contain one word, and there are no additional words. Simple words are good to use if you want to write a short text or a short sentence. In this article, we are going to discuss the benefits of using simple words.

Let's take a look at the benefits of using simple words:

1: Using Simple Words Saves Time

Using simple words saves time. If you want to write a short text, then using simple words can be useful. However, if you want to write a longer text, then you should use complex words.

The reason is simple. You may write a sentence with one simple word. But if you want to write a complex sentence with multiple parts, then you need to use complex words. Using simple words takes more time than using complex words.

For example, you can write a simple sentence with one word. But you can't write a complex sentence with multiple parts.

In summary, if you want to save time, then you can use simple words.

2: Using Simple Words Makes The Writing Easy

Using simple words makes the writing easier. Because you can write only one word, then it is easier for you to understand what you want to write.

Also, if you are reading what you wrote, then it is easier for you to understand.

However, if you want to write a long or complex text, then you need to use complex words.

3: Using Simple Words Improves The Readability

Using simple words improves the readability. Because you can write only one word, then it is easier for you to understand what you want to write. Also, when you read what you wrote, it is easier for you to understand.

However, if you want to write a long or complex text, then you need to use complex words.

4: Using Simple Words Saves The Space

Using simple words saves space. Because you can write only one word, then it is easier for you to understand what you want to write. And it saves space.

Also, when you write a short text, then you can write only one word. So, you don't need to write a lot of spaces.

5: Using Simple Words Makes The Writing Better

Using simple words makes the writing better. Because you can write only one word, then it is easier for you to understand what you want to write.

Why Do Big Words Work So Poorly?

There are times when you get a message that has too many words, and it is not only annoying but also hard to read. In fact, there are lots of such messages that annoy us. We often ignore these because they look boring and not at all useful. However, if you think about it, these messages are actually informative, and it is important to understand them.

So, now you may be wondering why big words work so poorly. The answer is simple. Big words work poorly because they don't make sense.

Now, this means that big words are not the way to go when writing anything. You should use the smaller words instead. Smaller words make sense and are easier to remember.

Ending Thoughts

Big words are poor choices because they can sound pretentious and affect your credibility. The best way to overcome this problem is to use simple, everyday words and avoid using words like "unique" or "custom."

#bigwords #grammer #strategicadvisorboard #thepowerof10

As an expert in communication and language usage, I can attest to the crucial role language plays in effective communication and persuasion. My extensive experience in linguistic analysis and communication strategies has allowed me to delve deeply into the intricacies of language use, especially in persuasive contexts.

Now, let's dissect the key concepts presented in the article regarding the use of big words:

  1. The Downsides of Big Words:

    • Hard to Remember: The article points out that big words are hard to remember, emphasizing the importance of using language that is easily retained.
    • Impression of Sophistication: While big words may create an impression of sophistication, the article warns against overuse, as it may come off as pretentious.
    • Difficulty in Spelling and Pronunciation: The article highlights the challenges associated with spelling and pronouncing big words, urging caution to avoid appearing as a sloppy writer.
    • Inappropriateness for Subject Matter: Big words are deemed inappropriate for discussing smaller, more straightforward topics, emphasizing the importance of matching language to the context.
  2. Perceived Intelligence vs. Actual Effectiveness:

    • The article questions whether using big words truly makes one appear smarter. It suggests that, while big words may create an illusion of intelligence, they can sometimes make the writer sound pretentious.
  3. Why Using Big Words Is Considered Bad:

    • Difficulty in Understanding: The article argues that big words can be hard to understand, making them less effective for communication.
    • Formality vs. Informality: Contrary to the belief that big words make a text look formal, the article claims that they can make it seem informal.
    • Difficulty in Reading and Writing: Big words are criticized for making texts difficult to read and write, and they are associated with an unprofessional tone.
  4. Tips for Making Text More Readable:

    • Use Simple Words: The article advocates for using simple words, as they are easy to read and understand.
    • Employ Short Sentences: Short sentences are recommended to enhance clarity and prevent reader boredom.
    • Be Specific: The importance of being specific and avoiding vague words is highlighted.
    • Avoid Long Words and Lengthy Sentences: Long words and sentences are discouraged, as they can make the text appear complicated and difficult to understand.
    • Maintain Proper Grammar: The article stresses the importance of proper grammar, including punctuation and capitalization.
  5. Examples of Big Word Usages:

    • The article provides examples of sentences where big words are used excessively, illustrating how such usage may hinder comprehension.
  6. Benefits of Using Simple Words:

    • The article discusses the advantages of using simple words, such as saving time, making writing easier, improving readability, saving space, and enhancing overall writing quality.
  7. Why Big Words Work Poorly:

    • The article concludes by stating that big words work poorly because they often lack sense, reinforcing the idea that smaller, more straightforward words are preferable for effective communication.

In conclusion, the article underscores the importance of clear, simple language in communication and highlights the potential drawbacks of relying on big words, both in writing and in spoken communication.

Big Words Are Poor Choices (2024)


Big Words Are Poor Choices? ›

Big words are poor choices because they can sound pretentious and affect your credibility. The best way to overcome this problem is to use simple, everyday words and avoid using words like "unique" or "custom."

What is the big problem with big words? ›

Using simple words and sentences makes the point clear. Big words don't make writing sound intelligent; they make it hard to understand. The author tested his hypothesis by assigning some readers a text printed in an atrocious font, while other readers received the common Times New Roman font.

Why is using big words bad? ›

It leads to negative perceptions. We use big words to sound smart. But studies show audience members tend to have negative impressions of speakers who use too many big words.

What do you call a person who uses big words incorrectly? ›

malapropist. ˈma-lə-ˌprä-pist.

What do you call someone who uses big words they don t understand? ›

Sesquipedalian can also be used to describe someone or something that overuses big words, like a philosophy professor or a chemistry textbook. If someone gives a sesquipedalian speech, people often assume it was smart, even if they don't really know what it was about because they can't understand the words.

Is it pretentious to use big words? ›

Big words are poor choices because they can sound pretentious and affect your credibility. The best way to overcome this problem is to use simple, everyday words and avoid using words like "unique" or "custom."

When people use big words incorrectly? ›

Originally Answered: What do you call someone who uses big words incorrectly? A malaprop. From the French mal apropos (not appropriate.) A malapropism is a word used incorrectly by someone who tries to inflate their intellectual reputation, but fails when heard by someone who really knows that the word is misused.

Do intelligent people use big words? ›

A study by the education platform Preply, found that nearly three in five people have used complex vocabulary to appear smarter.

Why do people feel the need to use big words? ›

At the heart of this issue is something called “ego.” Ego is all about how we see ourselves and how we want others to see us. When someone's ego is fragile, they may use fancy words to make themselves feel more important. Ironically, when people use complicated words, it often has the opposite effect.

What is the point of using big words? ›

These words will help you express yourself in a more elegant way by substituting the basic, everyday words with their more fancy synonyms. Learning those “big” words in English is also a great way to impress those around you - whether it's at school, at work, or during your next date.

What is a bombastic person? ›

adjective. If you describe someone as bombastic, you are criticizing them for trying to impress other people by saying things that sound impressive but have little meaning. [disapproval]

What do you call a person with a large vocabulary? ›

Yes, there is a word for a person who knows a lot of words: "logophile." A logophile is someone who loves words, enjoys learning new words, and has a deep appreciation for language. Logophiles often have an extensive vocabulary and take pleasure in using and exploring words to express themselves effectively.

Why do I mess up my words so much? ›

Simply being tired or fatigued can make it hard to think of the right words. And when you're worried about being judged by others or feel embarrassed, you may experience difficulty in getting your words out. Slurred speech is a well-known side effect of alcohol consumption.

What does it mean if someone is ineffable? ›

incapable of being expressed or described in words; inexpressible: ineffable joy. not to be spoken because of its sacredness; unutterable: the ineffable name of the deity.

What is the word for unnecessary use of long words? ›

From the Latin roots meaning "a foot-and-a-half long." Loquaciousness: That would be garrulousness, verboseness, effusiveness. ... Also known as "gross verbosity". Thus, the phrase - Sesquipedalian loquaciousness - means the use of a lot of unnecessarily long words, especially when speaking.

What do you call a person with a poor vocabulary? ›

inarticulate Add to list Share.

What is the fear of using big words? ›

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words. It's considered a social phobia. When you have a social phobia, it's common to avoid social situations as a means to control your anxiety.

What are big words to describe wrong? ›

out of order; awry; amiss: Something is wrong with the machine. not suitable or appropriate: He always says the wrong thing.

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.