Can You Sense When Someone Likes You? 9 Things You May Feel (2024)

Can you sense when someone likes you? Well, for a person like me who never makes the first move, I have asked myself and others this question on multiple occasions. It’s not that I’m too conservative or that afraid of coming across as desperate. It’s more deep-seated than that. I am terrified of rejection. Yes, you read that right. A writer who is afraid of rejection. Bet that’s one oxymoron you never thought you’d read. But seriously, when it comes to dating and being romantically involved with someone, I can never make the first move.

If you’re on the internet looking up topics such as ‘can you sense when someone likes you’ or ‘how to tell when someone is crushing on you’, you’ve come to the right place. You may not be a mind reader, but once you’re through reading this article, you’ll be able to spot the many signs someone likes you romantically or if someone likes you but is hiding it. It doesn’t really matter if the attraction is mutual or not, but it is certain that at one point or the other, you have had a strong gut feeling someone is attracted to you.

9 Things You Sense When Someone Likes You

Table of Contents

I had a massive crush on this boy I had known for quite some time. I didn’t know if he liked me back. And your dear writer has always been a chicken – too neurotic to confess her feelings and too anxious to casually ask him out on a coffee date. Then began my quest to try and look for signs. If you are also looking for signs and looking for things to talk about with your crush, then you have come to the right place. Let me save you the awkwardness of confessing and not having your feelings reciprocated by sharing with you a few key giveaways to know if someone is attracted to you sexually or some important signs someone likes you romantically.

1. The gaze game

Can you sense when someone looks at you? Yes. That’s the most common and widely practiced game indication you are crushing on someone. If you are wondering how to tell if someone likes you but is hiding it, then try and catch them looking at you when you are looking away. Once you are past this stage, they may lock eyes with you more often instead of playing hide and seek. There’s a good chance they are into you if they lock eyes with you repeatedly.If he keeps gazing at you, then he wants you to notice him badly.

Shy people tend to avert their eyes as soon as you catch them staring at you. But people who are forward and unreserved will look you in the eye on a regular basis. The way they lock their eyes with you will automatically give you the answer to, “Can you sense when someone likes you?” Making eye contact is a great way to tell someone you are attracted to them. It is also one of the signs someone likes you romantically.

2. Smiles and sparks

To quote the famous pop singer Taylor Swift, “sparks fly when you smile”, sparks do fly when you see someone you like smiling at you. A person’s looks and their expressions are a dead giveaway to tell if someone likes you but is hiding it. You will often witness a spark in their eyes when they are looking at you or having a conversation with you. They will smile at you as if you are art personified.

You can tell if someone likes you if you can sense them looking at you even when you are pretending not to notice. One of the signs to look out for to see if someone is attracted to you sexually is when they can’t take their eyes off you. That’s your invitation to go up to them and strike a conversation. When someone likes you at work or at school, they will blush every time you are around them and their cheeks will turn pink.

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3. They flirt with you

Flirting is one of the answers to your question: can you sense when someone likes you? Flirting is a sign of showing romantic interest in a person. Whether you are looking for something serious or just want to have fun, flirting is a good ice breaker and one of the telltales to know if someone is attracted to you sexually.

Some people use words to flirt with someone. They will use flirty conversation starters to strike up an interaction. They will tease you and give you meaningful compliments. Their eyebrows will raise when they are being flirtatious with you.

Some people like to express their interests through touch. Physical touch is in its own way a beautiful love language. Touching them gently on their arms or cheeks, brushing up against them gently and playing with the sleeve of their shirt… How incredibly romantic! These are some of the signs to tell if someone likes you but is hiding it.

4. They find ways to spend time with you

Can You Sense When Someone Likes You? 9 Things You May Feel (2)

It’s one thing to spend time with someone you like but it’s another thing altogether when they try to find ways and reasons to spend some quality time with you in an attempt to get to know you and connect with you on a deeper level. You try to find excuses to spend time with them as well. And when you meet up, you will sense they have eyes and ears for you and you alone.

They will take the lead to make plans with you. They will listen to all your stories no matter how long or boring or detailed they are. They will laugh at all your lame and silly jokes. They will lean toward you and remember all the tiny details about your appearance and about the meeting itself. They will make a humongous effort to keep the conversation going. You will get a gut feeling someone is attracted to you when they do all these things.

5. Mirroring your behavior

When you spend a lot of time with someone, you will subconsciously mirror their behavior. The boy I had a massive crush on used to say “Hi” and “Damn it’ in his own, unique ways which I soon began to unintentionally copy and use quite regularly in my day to day life. When they begin to adopt your mannerisms and behaviors, you will have your answer to can you sense when someone likes you. There are many body language signs that will tell you they secretly like you.

These are the ways in which they try to create a bond with you or show that they are interested in you, such as they may begin to have coffee instead of tea because they want to feel more aligned toward you and your likes and dislikes. They will pick up the flowers you like or mimic the things you do or begin to use the phrases you often utter. These are just some of the ways a person’s behavior can be mirrored when someone is crushing on you.

6. Asking a lot of questions

If you are still asking the question, “Can you sense when someone likes you?”, then the signs detailed above are probably still not transparent to you. So here’s one sure shot sign to tell if someone likes you but is hiding it – when they ask you a lot of questions. Yup. When you suddenly find someone’s curiosity levels are skyrocketing, it could be because someone is crushing on you. And the questions could be regarding anything, from basic and mundane questions about the weather to questions that open up a discussion about your personal life.

Their curiosity to get to know you better is one of the signs someone likes you romantically. When you really like someone, your desire to get to know everything about them multiplies. It’s not that you are being nosey or being inquisitive about them. It’s in fact completely opposite to that. It’s an insatiable curiosity and need to have a better understanding of someone with whom you wish to engage with romantically.

7. Barrier removals

No other sign will give you a clearer answer to the question of can you sense when someone likes you or not or how to know if a girl likes you but is hiding it. If a person is genuinely interested in you and wants to take things further, they will remove all the barriers that serve as an impediment or an obstacle in being with you or in spending time with you. It could be an emotional or a physical barrier.

The physical barrier could be, let’s say, the person you like is sitting opposite to you and there is a vase right at the center of the table. Due to the vase, they can’t get a clear view of you and they move the vase sideways. This sweet gesture is one of the signs someone likes you romantically. I’ll narrate a personal instance of an emotional barrier that I had to tackle to let the other person know I am interested – I buried all my negative emotions and insecurities to initiate a relationship. This isn’t the sort of sign which will immediately tell if someone likes you but is hiding it. This is the kind of sign you find out once you are past the other six stages mentioned above, and this becomes a very important factor to hold on to once the relationship begins.

8. Memes, music and munchies

Sharing memes has become a universal love language these days. It’s cute how when someone likes you at work or it’s a friend who wants to have a romantic relationship with you, they try to make you laugh by sending funny memes. It’s their way of making sure they are the one to put a smile on your face. These days Gen-Z uses memes to flirt and they will be the first person to view and react to all the things you post and share.

Music. That’s my favorite love language. I share my playlist only when I truly want the person I like to reciprocate my feelings. When someone is crushing on you, they will buy the snacks you like because they want to feed off your delight. The significance of food sharing and feeding in relationships is known as an act of service that shapes the relationship. If you notice they are sharing the music they like, sending you memes to make you giggle, and if they get you the munchies you like, then that gut feeling someone is attracted to you starts to make sense.

9. Introductions and invitations

You know how you can sense when someone likes you? When you score an invitation or introduction to their friends or family. When they introduce you to their close ones, it means they are notifying their friends and family about a special person’s existence in their life. And when they invite you to family gatherings and events, then they want you to get along with the people they love.

The fact that they are welcoming you to their intimate space is one of the signs someone likes you romantically. This is a very carefully deduced move. When they are exposing you to their near and dear ones, they are opening themselves to a lot of opinions and reviews about you. They will want to show you around and parade you. Consider this as one of the biggest signs someone likes you romantically.

When someone likes you at work, if they ask you to grab a coffee, as we all know a coffee date makes great first date idea. They can also ask you out to grab a beer after office hours with their buddies, then yup, that’s quite the clue.

Of course, there is no foolproof way to know if someone likes you but is hiding it, however these signs will answer these questions you’ve been asking yourself” can you sense when someone likes you and can you sense when someone looks at you because they are attracted to you. You’ll notice that they will say your name a lot too. That’s got to mean something, right?

In general, you will find them gravitating toward you more and more. Break the wall and ask them out because in the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.

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Can You Sense When Someone Likes You? 9 Things You May Feel (2024)


Can you really sense when someone likes you? ›

They exhibit positive body language

Whether you're chatting via video or having an in-person date night, a person's body language is actually still a good way of determining whether or not they're into you. “If they like you, they'll hold eye contact, smile and there may be increased touch,” explains Lorna.

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Some people are gifted with strong intuition. It gives them insight into situations that's not based on logic or reason. Instead, they pick up on other cues to arrive at the conclusions they come to. Someone with strong intuition will often be able to know when someone likes you as more than a friend.

Can you feel that someone is attracted to you? ›

If you have been wondering, “Can you feel when someone is attracted to you,” you might be under much stress. Well, the simple answer can be, “Yes!” Many times, people can sense when someone is attracted to them. This feeling between two people is frequently called “chemistry” or a “spark.”

Can you feel mutual attraction? ›

Mutual attraction is a lot like gravity—the two of you may feel drawn to one another in ways that feel mysterious, or even confusing. You can absolutely feel this kind of tension, but if you're looking for some help figuring out if the signs you're picking up on are the real deal or not, you're in the right place!

Can you sense when a man is attracted to you? ›

A guy might be sexually attracted to you if he makes flirty eye contact with you and can't stop smiling around you. He might also like you if he touches you often and makes an effort to lean in close to you. A man is probably sexually attracted to you if you catch him staring at you or scanning your body up and down.

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The twinkle in his eye, his swagger, that sexy smile — all are clear signs he's in the mood. And, at least subconsciously, a woman can also tell by the scent of his sweat, according to new research.

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A person who is romantically interested in you will show genuine curiosity about your life. They listen actively, ask questions, and remember the details you share. This demonstrates that they value your thoughts and experiences.

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You can't always trust your gut feelings. Your intuition (or “gut feelings”) is based on your experiences and knowledge, so it's not always accurate. For example, if you have a bad feeling about something, it might be because of a previous experience that you've had.

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Physical signs of attraction can be expressed by touch. If someone goes out of their way to share a gaze or touch your arm, they probably like you. Emotional signs of deep attraction for someone include sharing personal feelings and lighting up when the person enters a room.

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10 signs someone is attracted to you but won't admit it, according to psychology
  • 1) The body never lies. ...
  • 2) They remember the little things. ...
  • 3) They show vulnerability. ...
  • 4) They take an interest in your world. ...
  • 5) They playfully tease you. ...
  • 6) They mirror your actions. ...
  • 7) They're always there to help.
May 1, 2024

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Intuitive Feelings or Gut Instincts

You may suddenly get the feeling that someone is thinking about you or that they are nearby, even if you haven't seen or heard from them in a while. This feeling may be difficult to explain, but it's often described as a sudden shift in mood or a sense of someone's presence.

Can you sense if someone likes you? ›

Here are some signals that they like you: They constantly talk to you to the point where it's on the border of being annoying. They blush at the smallest things you do or say to them. You catch them staring at you and then smiling or making a funny face when you notice.

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Whether he's responding to text messages in a super timely manner, signing up for tasks like helping you move, or making sure you know that he's around if you need anything at all, making time for you is one big sign to make note of.

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Attraction Cue #1: Mirroring

Mirroring is when someone is subtly copying/mimicking your speech or speech patterns and nonverbal behavior. This is a way to test the waters regarding someone's level of interest. People will mirror your behaviors if they like you, even on a subconscious level.

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In fact, your brain is wired to inform you that someone is looking at you — even when they're not. “Far from being ESP, the perception originates from a system in the brain that's devoted to detecting where others are looking,” writes social psychologist Ilan Shrira.

Can you feel if someone likes you back? ›

Pay attention to their body language when they are around you. Signs such as leaning in towards you, maintaining eye contact, mirroring your gestures, or finding reasons to touch you subtly can indicate that they feel a connection and are attracted to you.

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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.