Color, Value and Hue (2024)


Color, Value and Hue
Color, Value and Hue (1)
Color is one of the most powerful of elements. It has tremendous expressivequalities. Understanding the uses of color is crucial to effective compositionin design and the fine arts.

The word color is the general term which applies to the whole subject -red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, black and white and all possiblecombinations thereof. Hue is the correct word to use to refer to just the pure spectrum colors. Any given color can be described in terms of its value and hue. In additon, the various physical phenomena and pyschological effects combine to affect our perceptions of a color.

Value and Hue

Value is defined as the relative lightness or darkness of a color. It is an important tool for the designer/artist, in the way that it defines form and creates spatial illusions. Contrast of value separates objects in space, while gradation of value suggests mass and contour of a contiguous surface. In the drawing on the right, value contrast separates the artichoke from the background, and the separate leaves from one another, while gradation suggests the curves of leave surfaces and of the whole form.

Hue also has value. When contrasting hues are made similar in value, the spatial effects are flattened out. The pair of images on the left demonstrate this. In the color image of the fashion model the coat draws our attention through contrast of hue although the skin tones blend with the background(remember the object of the image is to sell the coat, not the model). However, it also seems to be softly blending with a background that seems quite close, and is very similar to the coat in value. The face tends to blend with the background which is similar in both hue and value. In the black and white version, however, the coat virtually disappears, since only value, not hue, are available to distinguish it, and the values are quite similar. However, the strong value contrast of the eyes and hat draw our attention to the face, even though the contours of the face seem to melt into the background. Therefore the black and white version emphasizes the model more than the garment.

To summarize: If values are close, shapes will seem to flatten out, and seem closely connected in space; none will stand out from the others. If values contrast, shapes will appear to separate in space and some will stand out from the others. This works whether the colors are just black, white and gray, or whether hues are involved.

Hue is the term for the pure spectrum colors commonly referred to by the "color names" - red, orange, yellow, blue, green violet - which appear in the hue circle or rainbow. Theoretically all hues can be mixed from three basic hues, known as primaries. When pigment primaries are all mixed together, the theoretical result is black; Therefore pigment mixture is sometimes referred to as subtractive mixture.

The primary colors consist of three hues from which we can theoretically mix all other hues. There are two commonly used definitions of primary colors:

Painters Primaries - red, blue, yellow: This traditional definition of primaries does not in fact mix to clear greens or purples; it is based on 19th century theories.

Printers Primaries - magenta, cyan (turquoise), yellow: This definition of primaries mixes to clear colors across the entire spectrum. It is used as the basis for color printing. The computer screen probably does not give you a true turquoise--the color should be a blue-green-- because of differences between color mixture in pigment and color mixture in light.

In mixing colors hues can be desaturated (reduced in purity, weakened) in one of three ways: mix with white to lighten the value (tint), mix with black to darken the value (shade), or mix with gray or the complement to either lighten or darken the value ( tone).

Light Primaries - red, blue, green. This definition is active when colored light is mixed, as on your computer screen, or when theatrical spotlights overlap on a white wall. Its effects are lessfamiliar than pigment mixture to most people. If all three primaries are mixed,the theoretical result is white light. Therefore Light mixture is sometimesreferred to as additive mixture.

Your computer screen mixes color as light, and therefore follows additive color mixture rules. Therefore it ispossible to check how additive mixture works on your computer screen--try this link to an interactive additive color mixture tool. When you get there, click on the button below the moving primary circles, then see what happens when you slide them around.This means that the depiction of subractive mixture shown here is less than ideal, particularly for the cyan (turquoise) and magenta of the printers primaries.

If you want to see some amazing animations of hue and value relationships, try going to this link, which will also take you to a good descriptive explanation of hues and primaries. Also here is a great interactive test of your ability to distinguish gradations of hue, created by Pantone.

There are many systems for classifying hue, developed so that researchers can measure and define color qualities, and so that designers, industry, and marketing people can communicate color ideas over distance. One example is the Munsell system; another is the Pantone System. However, today the communication of precise color information is mainly done digitally, using spectrophotometers to identify and transmit color information. These digital systems use additive (light) mixture rather than the subtractive (pigment or dye) mixture used in systems like Munsell and Pantone.

Complements are colors that are opposite one another on the hue circle. When complements are mixed with one another in paint, the resuting muted tones desaturate or dull the hues. Such opposite pairs can also be compared in terms of their relative warmth and coolness. Warm-cool contrast of hue can cause images to appear to advance or recede. In this 15th century painting, for example, the warm reds of the man's doublet and his son's cap reinforce the cues of placement to make these figures seem very close. On the other hand, the cool tones of the sea and sky suggest great distance.

Afterimage is another, more specific definition of complements consisting of astimulus color and its physical opposite generated in the eye byexposure to the stimulus color. Afterimage colors tend to make each other appear more intense, and have vibrating boundaries.

Color Illusions

Some of the effects of color occur only in the eye and brain of the viewer, and are not physical properties of light waves or pigment. These illusions, however, are very powerful, and have enormous impact on our responses to color.

Color Proportion refers to the impact of the relative quantity of a given hue or value used in color compositions. In order to achieve over-all unity, and/or create emphasis, one should make a clear decision as to which colors should be assigned the largest and least areas. The color proportion choice will also affect the impact of the color composition. This can be seen in the set of panels shown here. The very same colors are used in each panel. Yet depending on the choice of dominant color, the feeling of the composition, and even the appearance of each color, is altered.

Simultaneous Contrast is the phenomenon which occurs when a color appears to change when seen against adifferent background. A set of principles were first laid out in the 19thcentury by Chevreul, a dye master for the Gobelin tapestry works, who became animportant color theoretician. His principles state that changes in the hue,value, saturation (purity of hue), and area of a background color will alter the appearance ofthe selected color. The print shown here is made up of wavy bands of colors. Some of the bands extend from the center panel to intrude into areas of contrasting hue in the side panels. These extended bands are in fact the same hue and value throughout, but appear to change from left to right.

If you are interested in further information about how our visual response to color may vary, see this section on optical effects in color.

Optical mixture is the phenomenon which occurs when small particles of different colors are mixed in the eye; this type of mixture differs from pigment mixture in that it is based on light primaries. However,optical mixture differs from light mixture in which the primaries will mix to white, and from pigment mixture, in which the primaries mix to black. In optical mixture there is an averaging of hue and value, resulting in grey. Optical mixture is experienced when observing many textiles, such as this example, a detail from a handwoven tapestry. It can also be seen in natural objects, color television, and printed color pictures.

For a brief video demonstration of optical mixture, try this link.

Market researchers have doneextensive studies exploring the emotional responses of people to color. Some of theseresponses seem to be powerful and fairly universal. However, much of thisinformation is culturally biased. We know that cultural traditions endow colorswith powerful meanings that can differ greatly from place to place. Forexample, in Europe and the United States, black is the color of mourning. Inmany tropical countries and in East Asia white is the color of death. On theother hand, white is the color worn by American brides, while brides in much ofAsia wear red. Based on research done in the United States and Europe,we know that the following associations are generallyfound to hold in Euro-American societies:

Red is associated with blood, and with feelings that are energetic, exciting, passionate or erotic. Most colors carry both positive and negative implications. The downside of red evokes aggressive feelings, suggesting anger or violence.

  • Orange is the color offlesh, or the friendly warmth of the hearth fire. The positive implications of this color suggest approachability, informality. The negative side might imply accessibility to the point of suggesting that anyone can approach-- a lack of discrimination or quality.

    Yellow is the color ofsunshine. This color is optimistic, upbeat, modern. The energy of yellow can become overwhelming. Therefore yellow is not a color that tends to dominate fashion for long periods of time.

    Green In its positive mode, green suggestsnature (plant life, forests), life, stability, restfulness, naturalness. On the other hand, green in some tones or certain contexts (such as green skin) might instead suggest decay (fungus, mold), toxicity, artificiality.

    Blue suggestscoolness, distance, spirituality, or perhaps reserved elegance. Some shade of blue is flattering to almost anyone. In its negative mode, we can think of the "blues"-the implication being one of sadness, passivity, alienation, or depression.

    Violet is the color offantasy, playfulness, impulsiveness, and dream states. In its negative mode, it can suggest nightmares, or madness.

    Market research on color is also done to establish color trends. Colorforecasting is accomplished by surveying consumer preferences and otherindicators of changes in taste. Color forecasting firms then issue projectionsdefining palettes of colors that can be expected to rise, fall, or maintain popularity incoming seasons. The design industries then develop their new lines with theseprojections in mind. Some major companies employ their own color forecasters to research and project color trends for their industry. On the whole, color trends change more rapidly for fashion than for interior design, probably because changes in home furnishings entail a more serious financial investment.

    For additional color forecasting information, try these sites:

    Trendstop offers a free trends newsletter if you sign up
    Pantone's projections for 2014 apparel

    A report on color trends in interiors for 2014 (It's hard to get the advance forecasts for free!)
    A directory of websites with information on color trends

    For a more in-depth look at the psychological implications of color, check out any of the following:

  • Effects of color on how we think and feel.
  • Effects of color on food and appetite
  • Effects of color on the body.

    Other websites that offer general information on color:

    A great site covering all aspects of color theory and trends

    a page of optical color effects

    A good overview of color systems for designers

    This web site Copyright © 1995 by Charlotte Jirousek
    Questions or comments? Let us know at
  • Color, Value and Hue (2024)


    Color, Value and Hue? ›

    Hue is described with the words we normally think of as describing color: red, purple, blue, etc. Value (lightness) describes overall intensity to how light or dark a color is.It is the only dimension of color that may exist by itself. Chroma (saturation) may be defined as the strength or dominance of the hue.

    What is the difference between hue and value of a color? ›

    Hues change as you move around the center. Value changes from top-to-bottom; Chroma changes as you move from the center outward. This is a Munsell constant hue chart — a slice or a plane of the Munsell color solid.

    What is the meaning of color value? ›

    Value # Value could also be called “lightness.” It refers to how light or dark a color is. Lighter colors have higher values. For example, orange has a higher value than navy blue or dark purple.

    How does changing a colors value affect its hue? ›

    As is discussed on the “Elements: Value” page, value refers to the lightness or darkness of a color. It indicates the quantity of light reflected. When referring to pigments, dark values with black added are called “shades” of the given hue name. Light values with white pigment added are called “tints” of the hue name.

    What is the relative color hue and value? ›

    Also Hue is the property by which we distinguish it from other colors. 2. BRIGHTNESS (value) - Value is the relative darkness or lightness of a color. This can be illustrated by the evidence of black and white photography of colored objects.

    What are the hue values for colors? ›

    Hue is a degree on the color wheel from 0 to 360. 0 is red, 120 is green, and 240 is blue. Saturation is a percentage value. 0% means a shade of gray, and 100% is the full color.

    What is hue and value in art? ›

    Hue is the color (yellow, orange, red, etc.) Intensity is how much saturation is in it and is on a continuum between a color's most saturated and it's most neutralized grey. Value is how light or dark a color is. The easiest way to see value is to do what's called desaturating an image.

    What is an example value color? ›

    Once you can see color as values, you can assign a numerical value to each color. For example, yellow might be a 2, orange a 3, red a 4, green/blue,violet 5 and so on. Then any color with a value of 3 can be substituted for another.

    How to use color value? ›

    For example, value can be used to direct the eye to a focal point. The point of highest value contrast in an image tends to draw the eye the most. This means putting a very light color against a very dark color or vice versa.

    How to see a color value? ›

    The value of a colour can be most readily determined by making a comparison to a scale of neutrals graded from black to white. Value scales may be numbered with as many graduations as necessary with black usually are represented as “o”. Dark colours are considered low in value while light colours are higher in value.

    What determines a colors hue? ›

    Hue is determined by the dominant wavelength of the visible spectrum. It is the attribute that permits colors to be classified as red, yellow, green, blue, or an intermediate color.

    What is the difference between color and hue and shade? ›

    Primary and Secondary colors (Yellow, Orange, Red, Violet, Blue, and Green) are considered hues. Tint refers to any hue to which white is added. Pastel colors are generally tinted colors. Shade is a hue or mixture of pure colors to which only black is added.

    What is a dark value of a hue called? ›

    Value refers to the lightness or darkness of a color. A light color is a tint. For example, pink is a tint of red. A dark color is called a shade.

    What is the contrast of hue and value? ›

    A hue is a given color created by a specific wavelength of light. Value is the degree of light and dark of a color. You can use it to create contrast and to add visual drama to your work. In watercolor, we add water (not white paint) to a mix to make it lighter.

    What is the difference between color shade and value? ›

    You can find the values of a color by making its tints and shades. Tints are light values that are made by mixing a color with white. For example, pink is a tint of red, and light blue is a tint of blue. Shades are dark values that are made by mixing a color with black.

    What does hue in color mean? ›

    Hue literally means colour. When it is used in a colour name, it indicates that a modern pigment has been used instead of the traditional one. For example, Cadmium Red Pale Hue is a “colour of cadmium red pale”. It is important to note that a hue colour is not necessarily inferior.

    What is a light value of a hue or color? ›

    VALUE Value refers to the lightness or darkness of a hue. Every hue can range in value from light to dark, but we usually think of them in their normal values. Tints are values lighter than normal and shades are values darker than normal. Values are changed by making colors reflect differing amounts of light.

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