Colour Psychology for interiors: The Summer Personailty – Sophie Robinson (2024)


Colour Psychology for interiors: The Summer Personailty – Sophie Robinson (1)

This is the second in the series of blog posts about the Seasonal personalities in terms of Colour Psychology. Next up, Summer. The cliché images that spring to mind might be deck chairs, ice cream and a bright pair of Bermuda shorts but when you look at the English countryside in summer it’s a lot more mellow. As the days grow warmer the colours get bleached out into a more delicate and hazy hue. As we step into holiday mode we enjoy lingering evenings sipping a crisp chardonnay or a long canal side walk on a Sunday afternoon. The spring flowers have moved over to the blousy roses and peonies and the fields gently swish with the soft lilac ears of hay.

Colour Psychology for interiors: The Summer Personailty – Sophie Robinson (2)

The creative energy that spring brought has now mellowed and the pace is not fast but more measured and considered. Indeed quality, not quantity is important to this personality, and the look is rather elegant and stylish rather than trendy.

Colour Psychology for interiors: The Summer Personailty – Sophie Robinson (3)

Image source: The French Bedroom Company

Summer personalities are very well, organised, efficient with a real commitment to quality and luxury. They like order and lack spontaneity and their reserved nature can make them appear aloof. In an ideal world they’d live in an Adams or Nash period property with tall ceilings and an elegant sweeping staircase.

Colour Psychology for interiors: The Summer Personailty – Sophie Robinson (4)

Image source: Farrow and Ball

“Summer personalities should use cool, delicate and muted colours with a touch of grey. The Farrow and Ball colour palette with its endless sea of grey tones is an excellent example of the classiness and quality that the summer personality brings. Flowing lines, floaty, airy imagery and a softness of tone is very summer and the soft, painterly watercolour style that’s so hot right now is suited so well to summer.”

Fiona Humberstone, The Brand Stylist

Colour Psychology for interiors: The Summer Personailty – Sophie Robinson (5)

Image source: Decor Pad

The Lotus wallpaper from Farrow and Ball is a great print for summer with it’s curved flowing lines especially combined with soft marble and gold accessories.


Elegant, understated, balanced, proportion, harmony, faded, luxurious, quality, aspirational, romantic, fine detail, classic architecture, fine bone china, fluid lines, floral displays, curves, period detail.

Colour Psychology for interiors: The Summer Personailty – Sophie Robinson (6)

Image source: Cabbages and Roses


Silk, velvet, rosewood, brass, linen, water colours, satin, painterly florals, honed marble, old gold, chalky pastels, parquet flooring

You can discover more about the facinating essentials of Colour Psychology over on Fiona’s, blog here. Or check out the Colour Psychology course that I’m running that aims to reinvigorate your design practice here.

Colour Psychology for interiors: The Summer Personailty – Sophie Robinson (7)

Image source: Designers Guild

Colour Psychology for interiors: The Summer Personailty – Sophie Robinson (2024)
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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.