Cycling Doesn’t Always Target Your Glutes, Which Is Why You Should Build Them Off the Bike (2024)

Aesthetics aside, building strong, powerful glutes is a solid goal for cyclists. These large muscles of the posterior chain not only help you stand, sit, lift, and climb, but they also stabilize your pelvis and can help prevent back pain. But does cycling build glutes?

Unfortunately, the answer is: It depends. Although you use your glutes to sit on your bike, cycling—depending on where and how you ride—doesn’t always build these important muscles.

In fact, you could probably ride across Kansas (the pancake-flat part anyway) while your butt muscles mostly snooze, explains kinesiologist Stuart McGill, Ph.D., professor emeritus at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada and author of Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance.

“Typical cycling challenges the thighs—the quads and the hamstrings—but not really the gluteals,” he says. There are exceptions. “Sprinters use the glutes for acceleration. Hill climbers will use them when they’re out of the saddle. Otherwise, you will see most cyclists with hypertrophied [enlarged] legs, but the same could not be said for their glutes.”

Weak, underdeveloped glutes can be a problem if you have a history of back pain and can compromise your hip mobility and set the stage for hip impingement (if you’ve ever gotten off your bike and couldn’t stand up straight without some effort, you know how that feels). “Strong glutes can prevent those issues,” says McGill. But here’s the good news: You can build yours on and off the bike with a few simple exercises.

How to use this list: The exercises below are demonstrated by Amanda Butler, certified personal trainer, so you can learn the perfect form.

Aim to do these moves three days a week. Perform one to three sets of 10 to 20 reps, depending on your fitness level. You can also perform the off-bike moves before a ride as part of your warmup to activate the glutes. You will need a looped resistance band. An exercise mat is optional. The last move is a bonus drill you can perform on the bike.

1. Banded Glute Bridge

Cycling Doesn’t Always Target Your Glutes, Which Is Why You Should Build Them Off the Bike (1)

Why it works: Cyclists sometimes have what McGill calls “mental glute amnesia.” Because of the chronic repetitive patterns of cycling, they “forget” to fire their glutes and tend to trigger their hamstrings to do all the work. McGill recommends firing up the quads when you do glute bridges to reduce the hamstring load.

How to do it: Place a resistance band around legs, just above the knees. Lie faceup with knees bent, feet flat on floor, and arms resting at sides. Push knees out slightly so that there is tension on the band. Squeeze glutes and hamstrings to lift hips up off floor, keeping core engaged throughout so body forms a straight line from knees to shoulders. Lower hips. Repeat.

2. Banded Squat

Cycling Doesn’t Always Target Your Glutes, Which Is Why You Should Build Them Off the Bike (2)

Why it works: Placing an exercise band just below or above the knees to perform bodyweight squats adds an extra challenge. Pressing outward to maintain tension on the band will activate your glutes and hips.

How: Place a resistance band around both legs, just above or below knees. Stand with feet just wider than hip-width apart, toes turned out slightly, hands clasped in front of chest. Keeping weight in heels, send butt and hips back and down as if sitting in a chair and lower down as far as possible, pressing legs outward against the band. Drive through feet to stand back up. Repeat.

Climbing Drill

For a bonus on-the-bike move, head to the hills and climb in and out of the saddle to really get your rear in gear. Find an 8- to 10-minute climb and do a series of three hill repeats on it, alternating between standing and sitting so you spend about half the hill charging out of the saddle. If you don’t have that long of a climb near you, you can use a shorter one and increase the number of repeats accordingly.

Cycling Doesn’t Always Target Your Glutes, Which Is Why You Should Build Them Off the Bike (3)

​Selene Yeager

“The Fit Chick”

Selene Yeager is a top-selling professional health and fitness writer who lives what she writes as a NASM certified personal trainer, USA Cycling certified coach, Pn1 certified nutrition coach, pro licensed off road racer, and All-American Ironman triathlete.

As a seasoned fitness enthusiast with a deep understanding of the human body's biomechanics and exercise physiology, my expertise is grounded in both theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Over the years, I have closely followed the work of renowned kinesiologist Stuart McGill, Ph.D., whose insights into back fitness and performance have significantly influenced my approach to training.

The article at hand delves into a critical aspect of cycling that often goes overlooked – the development of strong and powerful glutes. Drawing on my extensive knowledge, I can affirm that the gluteal muscles play a pivotal role not only in aesthetic concerns but also in the functional aspects of cycling. The assertion that cycling may not always effectively target the gluteal muscles aligns with McGill's observations, emphasizing the importance of understanding the nuances involved in this physical activity.

The author highlights McGill's viewpoint that typical cycling predominantly challenges the thighs, specifically the quadriceps and hamstrings, rather than adequately engaging the gluteals. This information is consistent with the broader understanding of muscle recruitment during cycling, where different riding conditions may impact muscle activation patterns.

The potential consequences of weak and underdeveloped glutes, such as compromised hip mobility and the risk of hip impingement, are accurately presented. McGill's endorsem*nt of strong glutes as a preventive measure aligns with my own experiences in addressing muscular imbalances and promoting overall athletic performance.

The article takes a positive turn by providing practical solutions to address this issue. The inclusion of exercises demonstrated by certified personal trainer Amanda Butler adds a layer of credibility to the recommendations. The prescribed exercises, such as the Banded Glute Bridge and Banded Squat, are well-supported by the rationale provided, emphasizing the importance of proper muscle activation and engagement.

Furthermore, the incorporation of a bonus on-the-bike move, the Climbing Drill, adds a dynamic dimension to the training regimen. This aligns with my own belief in the effectiveness of diverse training modalities to target muscles from various angles.

In conclusion, the information presented in this article reflects a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies involved in building strong glutes for cyclists. The integration of expert opinions, practical demonstrations, and a variety of exercises ensures a well-rounded and evidence-based approach to achieving the stated goal. As someone deeply immersed in the world of fitness, I endorse the provided insights and recommendations for cyclists looking to enhance their gluteal strength and overall performance.

Cycling Doesn’t Always Target Your Glutes, Which Is Why You Should Build Them Off the Bike (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.