Cycling's Recommended Minimum Daily Allowance. Do you ride your bike enough to maintain good health ? (2024)

Do you ride your bike enough to maintain good health ? I suspect that many people actually do not. A surprising amount of cycling is required if that's the main thing you do for exercise

Many sources suggest thathalf an hour a day of exerciseis around the minimum to maintain good health.

Cycling's Recommended Minimum Daily Allowance. Do you ride your bike enough to maintain good health ? (1)
My racing bike. A left-over from the 1980s, steel frame and
non-indexed gearing. Not the most comfy choice for me for
long rides, ideal for a quick spin around town & countryside

Because I work from home,I don't have a commute forced upon me, as was the case inthe past. That means I don't automatically get a daily dose of cycling by going to work and back. Our deliveries are all made at least partially by bike, but while that means I'm riding a relatively heavily loaded cargo bike, the short round-trip distance of about 3 km doesn't take long enough. For that reason,I go out for a "commute" on at least some mornings even though I don't have to.

This morning I rode a little over 16 km, going through the town, stopping for traffic lights, heading out into the countryside against a stiff headwind and returning home again with a tailwind which of course can never add as much as the headwind already took away. It took me 31 minutes to cover the distance. I'm not about to set any records at that speed. That's not the point. This is moderate exercise, taking it fairly easy, expending enough effort to get slightly out of breath sometimes, enough to raise a bit of a sweat but certainly not enough to make my heart pound as if is going to pop out of my chest.

Recommended Minimum Daily Allowance - 15 km
At a moderate rate of exertion, 30 minutes of cycling at a rate conducive to maintaining health equates to covering about 15 km at an average speed of about 30 km/h. 15 km per day equates to about 100 km per week or about 5500 km a year. i.e. it takes about 5500 km of cycling each year to do enough exercise to maintain health.

Cycling's Recommended Minimum Daily Allowance. Do you ride your bike enough to maintain good health ? (2)
Another day, with company, I rode anothertrusted old friend
on which I've ridden many thousands of kilometres over the
last 20 years.

If you ride a round-trip commute of around 21 km (13 miles) each day five days a week then that's just about perfect and will add up to about the annual target figure. If your commute is shorter, take a detour sometimes. People like me who don't have a regular commute to account for 5500 km (3300 miles) each year probably ought to get out on their bikes more often, which is what I do these days.

An inexpensive bike computer helps keep track of the total. It's December and we're heading into winter, but that's no reason to stop:Cycling in winter is particularly rewarding.

How this relates to other means of transport
If cycling is to benefit us as exercise as well as a form of transport it should be our first choice for at the first 5000 km that we travel each year. Until we've covered that distance we can consider the cost of the "fuel" used to cycle to be zero as the alternative would be to burn away the same amount of energy by wasting it at a gym or in some other sporting activity.

Motor vehicle enthusiasts occasionally make an absurd claim that the environmental cost of providing food to humans riding bicycles makes us so much less efficient than modern motor vehicles that we'd be better off driving a car than riding a bike. It's nonsense of course. Bicycles are the most efficient vehicles on the planet by some margin. This goes double for the first 5000 km because expending that energy through our bodies isn't optional. We don't need to eat extra to be able to ride those kilometres, we merely need to eat what is required to maintain a healthy weight while also taking a healthy amount of exercise.

Faster than light travel
Further to the above, cycling is the only means of travel which allows you to cover distances at infinite speed, taking no time at all to make your journey. No time at all needs to be allocated for most cycling journeys. How so ?

Let's begin by assuming that we will actually do that 30 minutes a day of exercise which is required to remain healthy. By exercising while you cycle you can fit in two 15 minute journeys each day (e.g. to work and back) without allocating any specific "cycling" time. It's just your minimum exercise. By comparison, driving a car might appear to get you to work in about half the time, taking 8 minutes each way, but afterward you'll also need to drive to a gym and back (5 minutes each way) and you'll also still still have to spend 30 minutes exercising, but in this case pointlessly staring into space on a machine in the gym instead of watching the world go by as you cycle. So overall, driving takes as much time out of your day as the actual travel time in the car, in this case 26 minutes (8+8+5+5), while cycling anything up to thirty minutes a day actually takes no time at all.

I sometimes write about health and cycling, but I am not a doctor. In particular, I am not your doctor and I certainly cannot offer health advice to you personally. If you need health advice or you're thinking about changing your exercise habits please see a professional.

Update: What about the Dutch average ?What about e-bikes ?
It's often quoted that the average Dutch person cycles less than 1000 km a year. If so, they're obviously not doing nearly enough exercise on their bikes to keep themselves healthy. I'm not sure I know anyone who really cycles just 1000 km a year, though. It's almost impossible to ride less than a thousand kilometres a year if you use a bike for everyday journeys. I find I often cover twice that distance on my town bike each year even though most of the distance that I cover is on other bicycles, and I don't even have a regular commute these days.

Research has shown thataverage e-bike riders don't get much exerciseat all. If you are trying to maintain your health by riding an assisted bicycle then you will possibly not get much benefit unless you turn the assistance down and also ride much more than 5000 km a year. If you ride less than that distance then you could consider turning off the motor altogether. Otherwise you can expect less of a health benefit than would result from riding a 100% human powered bike.

Cycling's Recommended Minimum Daily Allowance. Do you ride your bike enough to maintain good health ? (3)
Cycling's Recommended Minimum Daily Allowance. Do you ride your bike enough to maintain good health ? (2024)


Cycling's Recommended Minimum Daily Allowance. Do you ride your bike enough to maintain good health ? ›

At a moderate rate of exertion, 30 minutes of cycling at a rate conducive to maintaining health equates to covering about 15 km at an average speed of about 30 km/h. 15 km per day equates to about 100 km per week or about 5500 km a year.

How much cycling is recommended per day? ›

Cycling for 15 to 20 minutes per day has some important health benefits. The effort and intensity of your cycling will dictate how far these benefits go, but even 15-minutes of gentle exercise is beneficial for overall health.

How much should you cycle to stay healthy? ›

It only takes two to four hours a week to achieve a general improvement to your health. Cycling is: Low impact – it causes less strain and injuries than most other forms of exercise. A good muscle workout– cycling uses all of the major muscle groups as you pedal.

Is 30 minutes of cycling a day enough? ›

According to The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, adults should aim for 150 minutes of moderate cardio, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity cardio weekly. Therefore, 30 minutes of moderate cycling 5 days a week or 30 minutes of high-intensity cycling 3 times a week meets this requirement.

Is 10 minutes of cycling a day enough? ›

As long as each biking session is at least 10 minutes in length — which is enough for a healthy adult to receive their aerobic benefits — then daily biking can provide an easy way to get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week.

How many hours of cycling is good for health? ›

Health and cardiovascular fitness

So, since cycling is typically a mixed-intensity activity, 3-5 hours a week is a good starting point for recreational cyclists looking to achieve the basic cardiovascular and metabolic benefits of aerobic exercise.

Should you ride a bike everyday for exercise? ›

According to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, adults need at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week. So riding your bike for 20 minutes or more every day can definitely help you hit this mark.

Is 20 minutes of cycling a day enough? ›

What many do not know is that a daily cycle ride of only 20 minutes is sufficient to achieve this target! Regular cycling helps in burning around 1,000 calories a week, and even cycling at a mild pace of 12 mph will help you burn 563 calories per hour, says research.

Is 25 minutes of cycling a day enough? ›

But what are the benefits of regular cycling, and are exercise bikes good for weight loss? For those who are looking to lose weight, you should aim for 30 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio activity at least five days per week, or at least 25 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity three days per week.

Is 1 hour cycling a day good? ›

According to Channa, one must cycle for at an hour or more, for fat loss. "Cycling is a cardio workout, in which one usually begins to burn fat only after the first 20 minutes. If you are walking, the fat burn will begin after that amount of time. So make sure that you do cycling for at least 30 minutes," he says.

Is cycling 2 hours everyday good? ›

Cycling is most often a mixed-intensity activity so we can estimate something like 2-4 hours of cycling per week to hit the recommendations from WHO. This should be enough to enjoy the basic cardiovascular and metabolic benefits that aerobic exercise offers.

What are the benefits of cycling 45 minutes everyday? ›

If you are looking at using a bicycle as your main form of exercise, a good way to start is by riding for 45 minutes at moderate intensity. This will burn approximately 500 calories per cycling session, setting you on track to meet average weekly exercise goals.

What are the benefits of cycling 45 minutes? ›

A 45-minute indoor cycling workout can burn 350- 600+ calories. Indoor cycling is a low-impact way to get a high-intensity cardio workout. In addition to a heart-pumping cardio workout, cycling works you lower body, especially your glutes and quads.

Is cycling 2 hours a day too much? ›

Keeping active has been shown to increase life expectancy, strengthen your body, decrease the risk of depression and provide other benefits. Cycling is a great way to keep moving and is often more fun than other activities. So if you can ride for two-hours, go for it.

Does cycling strengthen hips? ›

Cycling keeps the hips mobile which benefits overall hip function and athletic performance. It tones the abdominal and oblique muscles, but it also engages the ones on your back, legs, and hips.

Is it better to ride a bike or treadmill? ›

A study concluded that treadmills are optimal indoor exercise machines for enhancing energy expenditure. Since a treadmill workout is a weight-bearing exercise, you will burn more calories and belly fat per minute on a treadmill than on a regular stationary bike.

How many miles can you cycle a day? ›

Statistics tell us that a person of average fitness can cycle approximately 10 miles per hour. In a day, an average person should be able to cover between 40 and 50 miles if they take it steadily and have breaks.

Is 60 minutes of cycling a day enough? ›

Improved blood flow is good because the red stuff delivers all sorts of goodies that keep us healthy - and the study concluded that we should cycle for 45-60 minutes, at 75-85 per cent of max 'hear rate reserve' (max heart rate minus resting heart rate) four times a week. Nothing stopping you riding more, of course.

How many hours a day do cyclists ride? ›

Deciding How Much To Train

Pro cyclists often ride 20-30 hours a week. Riders training for ultramarathon events may log even more. Recreational racers (category 3, 4, 5 and masters) usually put in about 10 weekly hours, although some get by on 5 or 7 quality hours if their events are short.

How many steps is a 30 minute bike ride? ›

For example, if you bicycled at a leisurely pace for 30 minutes, multiply 116 X 30 to come up with 3,480 steps.

Is biking an hour a day too much? ›

Cycling one hour a day for weight loss is an excellent way to boost weight loss. A 180-pound individual cycling for an hour at a moderate intensity burns about 650 calories. If you ride six days a week for a year, you will burn about 202,800 calories, which translates to about 58 pounds of body fat!

Can too much cycling bad for you? ›

Despite these benefits, cycling commonly leads to injury, with up to 85% of all recreational cyclists citing an overuse injury. Given unbalanced pressure distribution when on the bike, the neck, hands, wrists, lower back, knees, and perineum are the regions most frequently affected by cycling.

Is biking everyday too much? ›

If you're wondering how often to cycle, There is nothing wrong with biking everyday . Doing so gives you many benefits, but you must consider how long and hard you ride for if you want to set goals and progress.

How long should a 70 year old ride an exercise bike? ›

The elderly will experience various benefits from regular exercise, and as an exercise bike is low-impact, it would be a perfect choice for them. As with beginners, the elderly should ride a stationary bike 20 minutes a day. Two to three sessions per week will suffice.

Does cycling burn belly fat? ›

Besides being a recreational activity, cycling is an excellent cardio workout that helps one shed weight and lose belly fat. That said, you should cycle at a certain speed to reap the benefits of belly fat loss.

What happens if you cycle everyday? ›

Regular or daily cycling has been found to prevent weight gain, fight depression, and help stave off a host of health problems, including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Is riding a bike good for your knees? ›

Cycling makes knee joint bend and stretch gently and helps to ease the movement of the joint. Cycling also improves the muscle strength around the knee joint, which ultimately protects the knee joint if there are any impact actions. So it's wise to say that cycling promotes knee joint health in many ways.

Can you get in shape riding a bike? ›

To keep progressing and improving your fitness, you ideally need to be riding your bike every two to three days, even if it's just a short turbo trainer workout. The minimum you can get away with and still see significant fitness gains is three rides a week.

Will riding a bike build leg muscle? ›

2. Cycling will help strengthen your legs. Cycling improves overall function in your lower body and strengthens your leg muscles without overstressing your joints. It targets your quads, glutes, hamstrings, and calves.

Is riding a bike a full body workout? ›

Both indoor and outdoor biking qualify as full-body exercises, and the type of bike you're riding won't change the muscles being used. However, the type of bike can affect just how much certain muscles are being taxed. Generally, outdoor bikes draw on your core and upper body more than stationary bikes.

Is it better to ride a bike in the morning or Evening? ›

If you're wondering if it is better to cycle in the morning or evening, it depends on the goal of your ride. Cycling in the late afternoon/early evening seems to be slightly better for performance, whereas morning rides may be better for weight loss, fat-burning, and appetite control.

How many miles should you bike in 45 minutes? ›

A good average for a ten mile bike ride is between 45 minutes and an hour. If you're a beginner, it's more likely to be closer to the hour mark. Over time your average speed for each of your rides will increase and so the time it takes to cycle 10 miles will be reduced.

Is riding a bike good for your Liver? ›

Cycling and strength training are two activities that may prevent a condition known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), new research shows.

Is 30 minutes of cycling a day enough to lose weight? ›

In order to lose weight, the American Council on Exercise (ACE) says you'll need to cycle at a moderately intense level for at least 30 minutes at a time. To burn even more calories, you'll want to cycle for longer. ACE also suggests incorporating two activities into one cross-training session to boost weight loss.

How long should I bike for a good workout? ›

Plan to get on your bike and ride for 30-60 minutes, 3-5 days a week. Start every ride with a warm-up. Pedal at a slow, easy pace for 5-10 minutes. Then boost your speed so you start to sweat.

What are the benefits of cycling 90 minutes a day? ›

'Cycling is a great way to improve your cardiovascular fitness as it raises your heart rate and helps burn calories, which could contribute to weight loss. The resistance element of cycling also helps to build and tone muscle, improving your overall fitness.

Is cycling good for arthritis? ›

Cycling is a fantastic activity, especially if you have arthritis, particularly knee osteoarthritis, as it places very little stress on your joints. It can be done outdoors, at a gym or at home.

Does cycling hurt hip arthritis? ›

Nope, exercise is not going to make your joints feel worse. And yes, you can still ride a bike with arthritis. In fact, you should: Cycling is a great cardiovascular exercise, says Lauren Shroyer, MS, senior director of product development at the American Council on Exercise.

What muscles get tight from cycling? ›

With more riding comes tighter leg muscles, especially the quadriceps, hip flexors, hamstrings and hip rotators. As these muscles tighten, they act like shrink wrap on the lower back, pulling at the spine and pelvis, and this tightness can result in low back tension.

Which is better for seniors treadmill or stationary bike? ›

"The exercise bike is typically better suited for geriatric populations due to the ability to be in a sitting position while exerting energy," Camargo says. By comparison, a traditional treadmill is probably the better option for people with no injuries or mobility issues and those wanting a more intense workout.

Is a bike or treadmill better for over 50? ›

A treadmill may be better for people with limited joint mobility than an exercise bike. However, if you are 50+ and are concerned about future issues with arthritis etc, you should probably consider an exercise bike and just go for longer periods of time.

Is walking or biking better for belly fat? ›

As the table above shows, cycling tends to burn more calories in the same time period compared with walking (1, 2). Thus, cycling may be the better choice if you want to lose weight but don't have a lot of time for exercise.

How fast should I cycle for my age? ›

Cycling and age are indirectly related to the power a biker produces. With growing age, there is a sudden decrease in power, hence, the decrease in average cycling speed.
Average Cycling Speeds by Age Comparison.
AgeAverage Speed – km/hAverage speed – mph
40 – 4528.517.7
45 – 502415
50 – 552213.6
55 – 602012.4
6 more rows
Oct 5, 2022

What are the symptoms of bicycle seat neuropathy? ›

A recreational or elite cyclist who complains of numbness or impotence after cycling is the typical presentation of bicycle seat neuropathy. The amount of time the athlete spent cycling before the onset of symptoms is variable; however, studies have focused upon longer distance, multiday rides.

How many miles should I cycle a day beginner? ›

To give you an idea of distances and speed, the average cycling speed for a beginner is about 12mph. This means that in your first week, you'll be covering distances of up to 2 miles. After eight weeks, the 10-mile ride shouldn't feel daunting at all.

How much cycling per day is healthy? ›

It only takes two to four hours a week to achieve a general improvement to your health. Cycling is: Low impact – it causes less strain and injuries than most other forms of exercise. A good muscle workout– cycling uses all of the major muscle groups as you pedal.

Does indoor cycling build muscle? ›

Cycling primarily targets your lower body, particularly the leg and gluteal muscles. As your indoor cycling workout simulates various outdoor terrains, you will raise and lower into the saddle of your exercise bike. While seated, you will build the gluteus and hamstring muscles.

Is cycling better than running for knees? ›

Cycling is an exercise with lower impact than running and does not exert too much force on the joints. Cycling may help reduce symptoms of arthritis, lubricate the joints, and reduce pain and stiffness.

How many days a week should I ride my bike? ›

Minimum of 3 rides a week: To make sustained improvements, you should ride at least 3 times a week. This is only the minimum amount, and you may choose to ride more often. Don't overtrain: Different riders respond differently to varying levels of training.

How many hours do cyclists sleep? ›

Professional cyclists might spend anywhere from 10 to 12 hours sleeping for each day of racing.

How much sleep do cyclists need? ›

He say's that the vast majority of cyclists require 7-to-8 hours of sleep. Some can survive on less, some require more. “The thing that is though,” Armstrong says, “is that you need to be in bed for 8-to-9 hours, because falling asleep, and staying asleep requires extra time in the sack.”

Does pedaling a bike count as steps? ›

Generally speaking, riding a bike is equal to about 220 steps per minute or about 13,200 steps per hour.

How many miles on a bike equals 1 mile walking? ›

According to the chart, for bicycling on a road or paved trail you take the distance you cycled and multiply that by . 3 to convert it to miles walked.

How many steps is 1 mile on a bike? ›

Cycling and walking are excellent ways to exercise, and we highly recommend doing them to help keep fit. We can roughly say for every mile that you are cycling, you can equate it to roughly 440 steps.

How much biking is too much? ›

"If you're going out, and feeling sluggish, and you can't complete the session you want to complete, that's an obvious sign. Listen to your body, the sensations and how you feel. I'd say anybody riding their bike six or seven times a week is probably riding too much.

Is 2 hours a day too much to ride a bike? ›

Keeping active has been shown to increase life expectancy, strengthen your body, decrease the risk of depression and provide other benefits. Cycling is a great way to keep moving and is often more fun than other activities. So if you can ride for two-hours, go for it.

What happens if you bike 30 minutes a day? ›

Thirty minutes of cycling burns 200 calories on average, although that number depends on a few factors, including your weight, the intensity of your workout, and the resistance, Chew explains.

Is cycling hard on your knees? ›

Even though cycling is low-impact, it uses a lot of repetitive motion and positions that put strain on your knees if you're not careful. Just like any sport, you can hurt yourself if you don't take precautions or prepare correctly.

Why are my legs so tired after cycling? ›

Cycling depletes your energy, creates muscle trauma, and reduces muscle strength. Because of this and without enough recovery sandwiched between hard cycling efforts, you'll find yourself either underperforming, and you'll feel much more leg fatigue in cycling.

Why do my legs hurt after a long bike ride? ›

This feeling is known as 'DOMS' or Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, which is usually experienced most severely 24-48 hours after an unusually tough or unaccustomed exercise. It is the damage to your muscle fibers, which is the most likely cause, which usually subsides after 72 hours.

Should you ride a bike everyday? ›

According to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, adults need at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week. So riding your bike for 20 minutes or more every day can definitely help you hit this mark. Keep these pay-offs in mind as you strive to hit that goal—or go beyond it.

Is cycling 1 hour a day enough? ›

Cycling for 1 hour a day is likely to help with weight loss, but it's also important to build rest days into your schedule, especially if you're riding intensively or participating in other high-impact and intensity forms of exercise.

Can cycling reduce belly fat? ›

Besides being a recreational activity, cycling is an excellent cardio workout that helps one shed weight and lose belly fat.

Is 40 minutes of cycling a day enough to lose weight? ›

According to Channa, one must cycle for at an hour or more, for fat loss. "Cycling is a cardio workout, in which one usually begins to burn fat only after the first 20 minutes. If you are walking, the fat burn will begin after that amount of time. So make sure that you do cycling for at least 30 minutes," he says.

How long should I cycle a day? ›

The habit of cycling regularly for at least 30 minutes a day will help you lose weight and keep fit. We can gain many health benefits through daily cycling, such as cardiovascular fitness, improved joint health, and improved muscle strength and tone.

Can cycling cause prostate problems? ›

Biking Can Increase Inflammation

While cycling doesn't directly cause prostate cancer, it can increase your risk of inflammation. This, in turn, may increase your risk for prostate cancer or other conditions such as prostatitis.

What happens to your body when you ride a bike everyday? ›

Regular or daily cycling has been found to prevent weight gain, fight depression, and help stave off a host of health problems, including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

How long do I have to bike to see results? ›

As a general rule, the average person should start seeing noticeable results after one month of using an exercise bike as part of their regular routine. Exercising is a long-term commitment, so don't be discouraged if you can't see results straight away.

How much weight can I lose cycling 1 hour a day for month? ›

Aim for a rate of weight loss of up to 1kg per week

“For most people, if they have an hour a day, and they are happy doing an hour a day of exercise, then they can expect to lose a kilo a week,” says Andy Wadsworth, a personal trainer and coach.

Does cycling strengthen knees? ›

Cycling makes knee joint bend and stretch gently and helps to ease the movement of the joint. Cycling also improves the muscle strength around the knee joint, which ultimately protects the knee joint if there are any impact actions. So it's wise to say that cycling promotes knee joint health in many ways.

Does cycling tone your legs? ›

Cycling is great for toning the lower body, particularly the legs. The hamstrings and quadriceps are two of the most targeted muscles during a cycling workout, as they play a huge role in pedalling. The hamstrings are positioned at the back of your thighs (the posterior) and are involved during the upstroke motion.

Does cycling build abs? ›

Will Cycling Give You Abs? Cycling won't give you rock-hard abs but that doesn't mean that your core won't benefit from it. And building a stronger core will make you a better cyclist, too. In cycling, you use your abs for stabilisation; your core keeps you steady and stable in the saddle.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.