Destiny (2024)

Though no man, no matter how great, can know his destiny, some lives have been foretold...
Kilgharrah to Merlin[src]

Destinies are futures predetermined by the Old Religion itself. Destinies of individuals are often foretold in prophecies.

Though predestined events are often regarded as being set in stone, it is possible (though extremely difficult) to avert or fail in one's destiny.


  • 1 Individual Destinies
    • 1.1 Merlin
    • 1.2 Arthur Pendragon
    • 1.3 Morgana Pendragon
    • 1.4 Guinevere Pendragon
    • 1.5 Mordred
  • 2 Joint Destinies
    • 2.1 Merlin and Arthur
    • 2.2 Mordred and Morgana
    • 2.3 Morgana and Emrys
  • 3 Oddities and Inaccuracies

Individual Destinies


Your destiny is to protect the young Pendragon until he claims his crown.
Kilgharrah to Merlin[src]
Destiny (1)

According to Kilgharrah, Merlin was destined to protect Arthur Pendragon and help him bring about the golden age of Albion by uniting the old ways with the new (The Dragon's Call, Le Morte d'Arthur). The Druids also had prophecies to this effect, in which Merlin was known by the name Emrys (The Beginning of the End, The Secret Sharer).

Though Merlin's destiny was a secret to most, many unknowingly sought to avert it by preventing Arthur's destiny from coming to pass. Morgana, for example, would have averted it had she succeeded in killing Arthur and seizing the throne of Camelot, and a troll who impersonated Lady Catrina might have averted it had she managed to replace Arthur as Uther's heir (The Coming of Arthur, The Sword in the Stone, Beauty and the Beast).

It is unknown whether Merlin failed or fulfilled his destiny. Though Arthur's death would appear to have averted it, the Great Dragon told Merlin that all he had dreamt of building had come to pass and that when Albion's need was greatest, Arthur would rise again. This may imply that the remainder of their destinies would be carried out upon Arthur's return (The Diamond of the Day).

Arthur Pendragon

Arthur is the Once and Future King who will unite the land of Albion.
Kilgharrah to Merlin[src]
Destiny (2)

According to Kilgharrah, Arthur was destined to become the Once and Future King and to unite the land of Albion (The Dragon's Call, Le Morte d'Arthur).

Many people sought to avert Arthur's destiny, including his half-sister Morgana, who wanted to rule Camelot herself (The Coming of Arthur, The Sword in the Stone, The Diamond of the Day). It was also because of his destiny that Aulfric and Sophia chose him as their sacrifice to the Sidhe Elders, as they considered Arthur to be the greatest prince of all (The Gates of Avalon).

It is unknown whether Arthur failed or fulfilled his destiny. Though his death would appear to have averted it, Kilgharrah told Merlin that when Albion's need was greatest, Arthur would rise again. This may imply that the remainder of their destinies would be carried out upon Arthur's return (The Diamond of the Day).

Morgana Pendragon

You are destined to bring back the Old Ways.
The Dochraid to Morgana[src]
Destiny (3)

According to the Dochraid, it was Morgana's destiny to restore the customs of the Old Religion to Camelot, and possibly Albion as a whole (Lancelot du Lac).

Morgana followed in her half-sister's footsteps and became a High Priestess, but made no move to reinstate the Old Religion during either of her reigns as Queen. However, it is possible that she would have done so had Arthur been captured or killed (The Coming of Arthur, The Sword in the Stone).

At the time of her death, Morgana had not restored the Old Religion to Camelot and most of her followers and allies were lost in the Battle of Camlann. As such, she likely did not fulfill her destiny (The Diamond of the Day).

Guinevere Pendragon

They show a ceremony in Camelot. It's my serving girl, Gwen, and she sits beside Arthur on a throne. She's crowned Queen.
Morgana tells Morgause about her dreams[src]
Destiny (4)

According to Morgana, who learned of it through a prophetic dream, Gwen was destined to marry Arthur Pendragon and be crowned Queen of Camelot (Queen of Hearts).

Morgana made four attempts to avert Gwen's destiny. She led Uther to believe that Gwen had enchanted Arthur, used an enchanted bracelet to trick her into kissing Lancelot, and attempted to kill her on at least two occasions (Queen of Hearts, Lancelot du Lac, The Darkest Hour, The Sword in the Stone).

Gwen was crowned Queen in the aftermath of Morgana's second reign, thus fulfilling her destiny (The Sword in the Stone). Morgana, however, refused to admit defeat. She kidnapped Gwen and enchanted her into trying to kill Arthur so she could ascend the throne and then pass the crown to Morgana (The Dark Tower, A Lesson in Vengeance, The Hollow Queen). Fortunately, Merlin and Arthur discovered and broke the enchantment before her plan could succeed (With All My Heart).


It is his destiny to bring about Arthur's doom!
Kilgharrah to Merlin about Mordred[src]
Destiny (5)

According to Kilgharrah, Mordred was destined to kill Arthur Pendragon, a claim later corroborated by Merlin's vision of the Battle of Camlann (The Beginning of the End, The Witch's Quickening, Arthur's Bane).

Mordred unwittingly came close to fulfilling his destiny when he allied himself with Alvarr, who wanted him to use the Crystal of Neahtid to strike down Uther and all who served him, which included Arthur (The Witch's Quickening).

Merlin made four attempts to avert Mordred's destiny. He tried to stop him from escaping by tripping him with his magic, refused to heal him when he was mortally wounded by the Disir and told Arthur not to accept their demands, abandoned him to the mercy of Morgana, and tried to prevent him from losing faith in Arthur and leaving Camelot (The Witch's Quickening, The Disir, With All My Heart, The Drawing of the Dark).

Mordred himself appeared to have averted his destiny when he chose to save Arthur from Morgana. He became a Knight of Camelot and one of Arthur's closest friends, but ultimately turned against him after his lover, Kara, was arrested and executed for treason and murder (Arthur's Bane, The Drawing of the Dark).

Mordred and Morgana conspired to take away Merlin's magic, then launched an attack on Camelot. They later took part in the Battle of Camlann, where Mordred fulfilled his destiny by mortally wounding Arthur before he was killed himself (The Diamond of the Day).

Joint Destinies

Merlin and Arthur

He and the young Pendragon one day will unite the land of Albion.
Kilgharrah to Gaius about Merlin[src]
Destiny (6)

According to Kilgharrah, Merlin and Arthur were destined to unite the land of Albion and bring about a golden age (The Dragon's Call, A Remedy to Cure All Ills). Merlin was initially skeptical of his claim, as he and Arthur had gotten off on the wrong foot and he thought Arthur was an idiot. When he said as much, however, Kilgharrah merely replied that perhaps it was his destiny to change that (The Dragon's Call).

Merlin and Arthur became good friends over time and Merlin eventually took on the role of Arthur's unofficial advisor. It was partially due to his influence that Arthur became willing to recognize the worth of commoners, knighting untitled men who had proven their loyalty and skill and choosing Gwen as his Queen because of her counsel and nobility (The Coming of Arthur, The Hunter's Heart, The Sword in the Stone).

Merlin also influenced Arthur to be more compassionate and make peace with his enemies when possible. He advised him to spare Caerleon's life rather than kill him as a show of strength and to make peace with Odin rather than seek revenge (His Father's Son, Another's Sorrow).

Through Arthur's actions and leadership, Camelot gradually became more united with the other kingdoms of Albion. As prince, he helped to preserve their peace treaty with Lord Bayard of Mercia, ensured that peace talks with Kings Olaf, Alined, and three other rulers were successful, and preserved their alliance with Lord Godwyn and Princess Elena (The Poisoned Chalice, Sweet Dreams, The Changeling).

Later, as King, Arthur made peace with Queen Annis of Caerleon, settled a land dispute with Princess Mithian of Nemeth, and established alliances with both kingdoms (His Father's Son, The Hunter's Heart, Arthur's Bane). He also made peace with Odin and tried to establish an alliance with Sarrum of Amata, but Sarrum was killed during the treaty signing (Another's Sorrow, The Hollow Queen).

Destiny (7)

Many people sought to avert Merlin and Arthur's destiny, including Morgause and Nimueh, High Priestesses who sought revenge against Camelot for the Great Purge; Morgana, who wanted the throne for herself; Agravaine, who wanted revenge for Ygraine's death; and Mordred, who was destined to kill Arthur and turned against him after his lover was executed for treason.

It is unknown whether Merlin and Arthur fulfilled their destiny. Though Arthur's death would appear to have averted it, Kilgharrah told Merlin that all that he had dreamt of building had come to pass and said that when Albion's need was greatest, Arthur would rise again. This may imply that the remainder of their destiny would be carried out upon Arthur's return (The Diamond of the Day).

Mordred and Morgana

The ancient prophecies speak of an alliance of Mordred and Morgana united in evil.
Kilgharrah to Merlin[src]
Destiny (8)

According to Kilgharrah, the ancient prophecies foretold an alliance between Mordred and Morgana, the former of whom was destined to kill Arthur (The Witch's Quickening).

Morgana first met Mordred when she helped him escape execution. She felt oddly drawn to him and once told Gwen that she believed there was a bond between them like nothing she'd ever felt before (The Beginning of the End).

They first became allies against Camelot when Alvarr recruited Morgana to steal the Crystal of Neahtid from the castle vault. He hoped that Mordred would be able to use the crystal to strike down Uther and those who served him. Morgana was troubled by this, but ultimately agreed. Their alliance came to an end after their whereabouts were discovered and Alvarr was arrested, forcing Mordred to flee (The Witch's Quickening).

Several years later, Mordred and Morgana were reunited in Ismere. Now a High Priestess of the Old Religion and openly an enemy of Camelot, Morgana was searching the Fortress of Ismere for the key to all knowledge to learn the secret of Arthur's bane while Mordred was working for a band of slavers.

Though he was no longer a child, Morgana immediately sensed his identity and was overjoyed to see him. But though she assumed he would once again be a trusted ally against Camelot, Mordred soon became disturbed by how bitter and hateful Morgana had become. He later stabbed her in the back to stop her from killing Arthur, after which he became a Knight of Camelot (Arthur's Bane).

Though Mordred's betrayal appeared to have averted their destiny, Morgana still cared for him and at one point tried to regain his allegiance. He chose to remain loyal to Arthur, but later changed his mind after his lover was executed for murder. Furious and betrayed, Mordred fled to Morgana intending to join her ranks. He proved his loyalty by revealing the identity of her enemy Emrys: Merlin (With All My Heart, The Drawing of the Dark).

Destiny (9)

Allies once more, Mordred and Morgana conspired to take away Merlin's magic, then launched an attack on Camelot. When they learned Merlin had gone to the Crystal Cave, Mordred recognized the location's significance and told Morgana he was likely trying to get his magic back, allowing her to intercept Merlin and trap him within the Cave.

Mordred and Morgana carried out their prophesied alliance at the Battle of Camlann. With an army of Saxons and a dragon at their command, they appeared to have the war all but won until Merlin arrived. Having regained his magic, he struck down the Saxons with lightning, knocked Morgana unconscious, and commanded Aithusa away from the battle. However, he was unable to stop Mordred from fatally wounding Arthur (The Diamond of the Day).

Morgana and Emrys

The one they call Emrys will walk in your shadow. He is your destiny, and he is your doom.
The Cailleach to Morgana[src]
Destiny (10)

According to the Cailleach, Morgana was destined to die at the hand of the sorcerer Emrys. Morgana was greatly disturbed by this prophecy, especially after she had a prophetic dream of herself begging Emrys for help during a battle (The Darkest Hour).

Determined to discover the old man's identity, she hired Alator of the Catha to kidnap Gaius and torture him into revealing who Emrys was. Alator succeeded, but ultimately chose to betray Morgana and protect Emrys' identity (The Secret Sharer).

Three years later, Morgana hunted down Alator and tried to torture him into revealing what he knew. When that failed, she killed him and targeted his servant Finna, who committed suicide to protect the secret (The Kindness of Strangers).

Soon afterwards, Mordred allied himself with Morgana and proved his loyalty by revealing that Merlin was Emrys. Together they conspired to take away his magic, leaving Camelot vulnerable to attack. Later, when Merlin went to the Crystal Cave to get his powers back, Morgana trapped him inside so he would be unable to help Arthur during the Battle of Camlann (The Drawing of the Dark, The Diamond of the Day).

Despite their efforts, however, Merlin regained his magic and escaped from the Cave in time to join the battle. He struck down the Saxons with lightning and knocked Morgana unconscious. When she eventually woke up, her army with scattered, the battle was lost, and Mordred was dead.

Destiny (11)

When she learned that Merlin was taking a badly wounded Arthur to the Lake of Avalon, Morgana intercepted them and attack Merlin with her magic. He quickly recovered and confronted her with Excalibur, which unbeknownst to Morgana had been forged in a dragon's breath.

Confident that her status as a High Priestess meant no mortal blade could kill her, Morgana made no move to defend herself and allowed Merlin to run her through. She died soon afterward in his arms (The Diamond of the Day).

Oddities and Inaccuracies

Destiny (2024)


What is the hardest content in Destiny 2? ›

Forsaken may be the best Destiny 2 expansion, and Riven is by far the hardest final boss in the series. Queen Mara Sov found Riven when she was a baby, and she raised her in secret, away from the Guardians who wiped out the rest of her kind.

What is the best GPU for Destiny 2? ›

Recommended GPUs for Destiny 2

For max settings at 1080p with 60 FPS, we recommend at least an RX 570. For max settings at 1440p with 60 FPS, we recommend at least an GTX 1660 Super. For max settings at 4K with 60 FPS, we recommend at least an RTX 4070 Ti.

Is this the end of destiny? ›

Destiny 2 Lightfall will not be the last expansion as Bungie has already confirmed the arrival of the next chapter. Temporarily entitled The Final Shape, the eighth expansion will be released in 2024 and will apparently serve as the conclusion for the The Light and Darkness Saga.

What should I be doing Destiny 2? ›

8 Things To Do Daily On Destiny 2
  • 2 Farm For Rolls On Weapons.
  • 3 Spend Some Time In The Vanguard Playlist. ...
  • 4 Work Towards Threader Quests. ...
  • 5 Experiment And Put Together New Builds. ...
  • 6 Attempt To Increase Reputation In New Areas. ...
  • 7 Take Part In A Couple Games Of Crucible Or Gambit. ...
  • 8 Play Any Unfinished Expansions. ...
Apr 1, 2023

What is the most op class in Destiny 2? ›

1. Warlock Dawnblade (Solar 3.0) A subclass primarily used for support, Dawnblade fills its lack of ad clear and boss damage with some of the most powerful buffs in the game. Radiant provides a whopping 25% increase to damage, and Restoration provides continuous health regeneration even through damage.

Is Destiny 2 losing content? ›

In August 2022, it was announced that Destiny 2 expansions would no longer be vaulted.

How well can 3060 run Destiny 2? ›

Despite being older graphics cards, the RTX 3060 and RTX 3060 Ti can flawlessly handle Destiny 2's latest expansion. Although both cards can achieve over 60 FPS while maxing out the game at 1080p, it may not be the most optimal way to experience the game.

What is the most powerful GPU in existence? ›

The undisputed heavyweight champion of consumer graphics cards, nothing else comes close to the RTX 4090 in performance or price. It's time for the monster. The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 is the undisputed best graphics card for gaming right now. It's also the most expensive, coming in at more than $2,000.

Is Destiny 2 CPU heavy or GPU heavy? ›

However, while this is a useful feature, Destiny 2 is still a graphically intensive game, and thus the GPU is used much more. If your CPU isn't quite up to the standards of the minimum system requirements, your graphics card will likely be able to cover for it. So, there's your answer – Destiny 2 is more GPU intensive.

Are they making Destiny 3? ›

Bungie Is Supporting Destiny 2 For The Long Haul, And There's No Room For Destiny 3. Furthermore, it's important to note that Bungie has already stated that there are no plans for Destiny 3 at the moment, and it's unclear if they have any plans for future releases beyond Destiny 2.

Is Destiny 2 Lightfall worth it? ›

At its core, Destiny 2 Lightfall is pretty good. It's a fun, solid experience that keeps you busy with plenty of things to do compared with previous expansions, but it's not without its flaws.

Is Destiny 2 ending after Lightfall? ›

Bungie traditionally keeps expansion releases a year apart, so, using this logic, we'd expect Destiny 2: The Final Shape to release sometime in February 2024. The Witch Queen was released in February 2022 and Lightfall was in February 2023, so expect The Final Shape to stick with this unless delays get in the way.

What is the best character for beginners Destiny 2? ›

Warlocks. As a perfect starter class, Warlocks fulfill a middle-of-the-road role. They're not as slippery as a Hunter or as resistant to damage as a Titan, but they're easy to pick up and have some minor support responsibilities in Destiny 2.

What to do solo in Destiny 2? ›

How to have fun in Destiny 2 Solo
  1. #1 Complete the story campaign of Destiny 2 and its expansions. Source: Bungie. ...
  2. #6 Play with Fun Weapons and Experiment with Them. Source: Bungie. ...
  3. #7 Participate in various game events. Source: Bungie. ...
  4. #8 Check out all the content in the last season. ...
  5. #9 Try to Search for Teammates.
Oct 25, 2022

What is the least liked class in destiny? ›

Hunters are generally the most popular, with titans either being the least popular or very close in population compared to warlocks.

Who is the most popular Destiny 2 player? ›

All Platforms Glory Rating Leaderboard
RankPlayerRounds Played
1sirvalon #478573
96 more rows

Is Destiny 2 nearing its end? ›

Destiny 2 is nearing the end of its current story saga, with the release of The Final Shape signaling the close of the Light and Dark saga. The Final Shape will be the last major expansion of the saga, with minor seasonal patches introduced quarterly to keep Destiny 2 players engaged.

What year will Destiny 2 end? ›

There will also be a final chapter in 2024 marking Year Seven, The Final Shape, to close out the first saga of Destiny, called the "Light and Darkness Saga," before beginning a new saga for the franchise.

Is Destiny 2 almost over? ›

Destiny 2 isn't going anywhere, of course. The Witch Queen expansion continues to receive seasonal support since its release in February. There are also reports of two more planned expansions for Destiny 2 before Matter's rumored 2025 release window.

Is 3060 overkill for gaming? ›

No, the cpu is okay. 6 cores cpu will deliver a good performance for the 3060. And no, it's not overkill for 1080p. Actually it will run great as 3060 is the low end of the 3000 series.

Is RTX 3060 overkill? ›

3060 Ti is not an overkill, that card has a good value and actually is more meant for 1080p maybe 1440p. Overclocked, it's only 2 percent behind the stock RTX 3070, so maybe even 4k performance.

What FPS should I be getting with a 3060? ›

The 3060 delivers a cinematic 33fps at 4K, but things look a lot better at 1440p (54fps) and 1080p (68fps).

What is the weakest GPU ever? ›

GeForce GTX 480

Although Nvidia has been in business for over 20 years now, there's really only one GPU the company has ever put out that was truly terrible on a technological level, and it's the GTX 480.

What is the oldest GPU ever? ›

Nvidia popularized it in 1999 by marketing the GeForce 256 add-in board (AIB) as the world's first GPU. It offered integrated transform, lighting, triangle setup/clipping, and rendering engines as a single-chip processor.

What is the world's oldest GPU? ›

The first GPU in history was known as the Geforce 256. 1999 was also the year Nvidia launched its initial public offering (IPO) at $12 per share.

How much RAM should Destiny 2 use? ›

Destiny 2 on PC System Requirements
CPU: AMDAMD FX-4350 4.2 GHzAMD Ryzen R5 1600X 3.6 GHz
GPU: NVidiaNvidia GeForce GTX 660 2GB or GTX 1050 2GBNvidia GeForce GTX 970 4GB or GTX 1060 6GB
GPU: AMDAMD Radeon HD 7850 2GBAMD R9 390 8GB
1 more row

What is the max FPS in Destiny 2? ›

Aercus limited their testing to the PS4 and PS5 versions of Destiny 2 to be able to deliver fast results, but they warned that it can be extrapolated that running the game at 120 FPS might mean an up to 190% damage increase, compared to capping it at 30 FPS.

Does Destiny 2 use a lot of RAM? ›

Destiny 2 requires at least 6GB of RAM. This is its minimum RAM requirement.

What is being vaulted in Lightfall? ›

The destinations leaving when Lightfall and Destiny 2 season 20 release are the H.E.L.M. wings for the Crown of Sorrow and Rasputin Exo Frame, the Psisorium, the Warmind Launch Facility, the Derelict Leviathan, and the Eliksni Quarter of the Last City.

How old is Lord Saladin? ›

The iron lords disapeared roughly 400 years ago, and we know saladin would have been arround before that so at the verry least he would be around 400 years old(assuming he got res'd and immediatly joined the iron lords).

Do people still play Destiny 1? ›

Players can still play through the original Destiny and its expansions, and while the world is a bit emptier, The Taken King remains one of the best expansions in the series to date.

How much is 1000 silver in Destiny 2? ›

1000 Silver (+100) - $10. 2000 Silver (+300) - $20. 5000 Silver (+800) - $50.

Do I get witch queen if I buy Lightfall? ›

Will you get The Witch Queen if you buy Lightfall? Unfortunately, you will not get The Witch Queen if you buy Lightfall. You'll only be able to get and play the previous expansion if you purchase it by itself.

Can I refund Lightfall Destiny 2? ›

- If you are already charged for it, you can request a refund here: Hope this helps.

Is Lightfall part of Witch Queen? ›

Destiny 2: Lightfall is the follow-up to The Witch Queen DLC expansion. So here's everything we know about Lightfall, including its launch time and release time, release date, trailer, story, the Strand subclass, and even more planned content.

Is the Final Shape the last expansion? ›

Given that Destiny 2's Lightfall expansion just debuted a few months ago, I was not expecting promotion to already be ramping up for The Final Shape, the last expansion in the game's Light and Darkness saga. But we got a teaser trailer for The Final Shape yesterday, right after Bungie's debut of Marathon dropped.

Will Lightfall have a new subclass? ›

Destiny 2 Lightfall new subclass

A showcase event gave players their first glimpse at the Destiny 2 Strand subclass, which will debut with the Lightfall expansion. Strand appears to be about movement, with the most notable feature being players' ability to grapple through the world around them.

Why is it so hard to aim with controller? ›

Essentially, the higher the stick sensitivity, the harder it is to control. If you are a newer player, or you have been playing on the default sensitivity for a while and feel like it's holding you back, head into the settings and customize your stick sensitivity to match your play style.

What is the best position for aim? ›

You need to be sitting upright, and high enough that you can comfortably sweep your mouse over the entirety of your pad without any effort. Ideally, your elbow should be just above the surface of your desk, and you want to hold the mouse so that your wrist sits straight in line with your forearm.

What anti cheat does destiny use? ›

BattlEye uses an intelligent dynamic on-the-fly detection system, ensuring that unrelenting cheaters are removed quickly. To learn more about BattlEye, visit their website. PLEASE NOTE! Beginning in Destiny 2 Update 3.3.

Who is the oldest character in Destiny? ›

Among the Guardians we know, several of them are quite ancient, the oldest examples being people like the Speaker, the Drifter, Lords Shaxx and Saladin Forge, and Osiris.

Who is the strongest Destiny character? ›

Who is the strongest character in Destiny 2 lore?
  • 8 Jolder.
  • 7 Saladin Forge.
  • 6 Lady Efrideet.
  • 5 Radegast.
  • 4 Shaxx.
  • 3 Ikora.
  • 2 Osiris.
  • 1 Saint-14.

What is the easiest class in Destiny 2? ›

What Destiny class for beginners? For players unfamiliar with Destiny, the Titan class is the most forgiving. Titans effectively play like tanks: They don't get around the map as quickly as the other two classes, and their melee attacks also take longer to execute.

Is Destiny 2 hard to play solo? ›

Destiny 2 is hard to play alone, but content creators are here to help - Polygon.

Are solo dungeons hard Destiny 2? ›

Dungeons are sort of like mini-raids, with mechanics and encounters, but much less demanding than actual six-man raids. This is why it's possible to also solo them, though it requires tremendous preparation and skill from the player.

What is the hardest emblem to get in Destiny 2? ›

The Levante Prize

Every week they publish TWAB on Bungie's website, where they post the best art and video compilations of their choice. In the case of The Levante Prize, only 264 people have it, and it's one of those hard-to-get emblems in Destiny 2.

What is the hardest enemy in Destiny 2? ›

As a boss fight, Riven is Destiny's toughest encounter. Two teams of three must work synchronously to cleanse images in the arena, damage Riven, and destroy certain eyes on her face or risk defeat.

What is the hardest weapon to get in Destiny 2? ›

Redrix's Claymore, the hardest to get weapon in Destiny 2. But, it's pretty rare, because it's so hard to obtain. To get it, you need to reach the "Fabled" Glory rank in competitive Crucible.

What is the strongest thing in Destiny 2? ›

The 10 Most Powerful Enemies In Destiny 2, Ranked
  • 8 Taken Knight.
  • 7 Overload Taken Hobgoblin.
  • 6 Vex Wyvern.
  • 5 Hive Wizard.
  • 4 Taken Captain.
  • 3 Hive & Taken Ogres.
  • 2 Fallen Overload Captain.
  • 1 Fallen Barrier Servitor.

What is the rarest gun in Destiny 2? ›

Whistler's Whim (12.81%) — Rarest Destiny 2 Weapons

The current rarest weapon in Destiny 2 is Whistler's Whim, a Trials bow added in Season of Plunder.

What is the strongest subclass in Destiny 2? ›

The Gunslinger subclass is the best Hunter subclass thanks to its versatility. The Golden Gun super is one of the best in the game. It can wipe out an entire team in the Crucible or deal massive damage to bosses in strikes and raids.

What is the hardest dungeon to solo in Destiny 2? ›

Destiny 2: Every Dungeon, Ranked By How Hard They Are To Solo
  • 6 Easiest: Shattered Throne.
  • 5 Pit Of Heresy.
  • 4 Prophecy.
  • 3 Spire Of The Watcher.
  • 2 Grasp Of Avarice.
  • 1 Hardest: Duality.
Feb 14, 2023

Who is the strongest god in Destiny 2? ›

Xivu Arath is the youngest of the three siblings, but in terms of sheer physical strength, she is the strongest.

Who is the strongest hunter in Destiny? ›

Lady Efrideet is the only other remaining Iron Lord. By all accounts, she is likely the oldest and most powerful of the Hunters.

Who has most kills in Destiny? ›

All Platforms Kills Leaderboard
96 more rows

What is the most useless exotic weapon in Destiny 2? ›

The Queenbreaker has languished for years as an underwhelming linear fusion rifle. It got a a buff in Lightfall, giving it some new capabilities. Additionally, it escaped unscathed by the linear fusion rifle nerf. Still, The Queenbreaker remains one of the worst and least-used Exotic weapons in Destiny 2.

What is the fastest firing gun in Destiny 2? ›

Best Scout Rifle in Destiny 2

The best Scout rifle in the Destiny 2 beta is the Black Scorpion-4SR, with an optimal TTK of 1.17 seconds. This is the highest rate of fire Scout archetype in Destiny 2 (that we know of so far), so you will need to land 6 headshots for this 1.17 time.

Who has the most power in Destiny 2? ›

All Platforms Power Level Leaderboard
RankPlayerRounds Played
1YapperFlapperr Hunter5,021
2Golbeza-Lv98 Warlock8,981
2Golbeza-Lv98 Hunter8,981
2Golbeza-Lv98 Titan8,981
92 more rows

Who is the strongest Destiny villain? ›

Dominus Ghaul is a major antagonist in the Destiny franchise. He is the unseen overarching antagonist in the Destiny: The Taken King and Destiny: Rise of Iron DLC expansions of the original Destiny, the main antagonist of Destiny 2, and a posthumous antagonist in its DLCs.

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.