Difference between Row level and Statement level triggers - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

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    Triggers are defined as stored programs which are automatically executed whenever some events such as CREATE, ALTER, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE takes place.They can be defined on a database, table, view with which event is associated.

    Triggers can be broadly classified into Row Level and Statement Level triggers.
    Broadly, these can be differentiated as:

    Row Level TriggersStatement Level Triggers
    Row level triggers executes once for each and every row in the transaction.Statement level triggers executes only once for each single transaction.
    Specifically used for data auditing purpose.Used for enforcing all additional security on the transactions performed on the table.
    “FOR EACH ROW” clause is present in CREATE TRIGGER command.“FOR EACH STATEMENT” clause is omitted in CREATE TRIGGER command.
    Example: If 1500 rows are to be inserted into a table, the row level trigger would execute 1500 times.Example: If 1500 rows are to be inserted into a table, the statement level trigger would execute only once.

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    Last Updated : 18 Feb, 2023

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    Difference between Row level and Statement level triggers - GeeksforGeeks (2024)


    Difference between Row level and Statement level triggers - GeeksforGeeks? ›

    Row level triggers executes once for each and every row in the transaction. Statement level triggers executes only once for each single transaction. Specifically used for data auditing purpose. Used for enforcing all additional security on the transactions performed on the table.

    What is the difference between row level and statement level triggers? ›

    Statement versus row triggers

    A statement trigger fires once per triggering event and regardless of whether any rows are modified by the insert, update, or delete event. A row trigger fires once for each row affected by the triggering event. If no rows are affected, the trigger does not fire.

    What is an example of a statement level trigger? ›

    Statement-level triggers execute once for each transaction. For example, if a single transaction inserted 500 rows into the Customer table, then a statement-level trigger on that table would only be executed once.

    What is the difference between for each row and for each statement in postgresql? ›

    With a per-row trigger, the trigger function is invoked once for each row that is affected by the statement that fired the trigger. In contrast, a per-statement trigger is invoked only once when an appropriate statement is executed, regardless of the number of rows affected by that statement.

    What is the order of execution if there is a statement level and row level trigger on a same table? ›

    The following hierarchy is followed when a trigger is fired.
    1. BEFORE statement trigger fires first.
    2. Next BEFORE row level trigger fires, once for each row affected.
    3. Then AFTER row level trigger fires once for each affected row. ...
    4. Finally the AFTER statement level trigger fires.
    Jan 30, 2007

    What is an example of a row trigger and a statement trigger? ›

    Example: If 1500 rows are to be inserted into a table, the row level trigger would execute 1500 times. Example: If 1500 rows are to be inserted into a table, the statement level trigger would execute only once.

    What is a statement level trigger? ›

    Statement-level triggers in Oracle databases execute actions for each transaction, responding to various database events like DML and DDL statements, system events, and user interactions. They act as programmed responses to specific table events, enhancing database management and automation.

    How to write a statement level trigger? ›

    To declare a trigger as a statement-level trigger, you can either use a FOR EACH STATEMENT clause or omit the FOR EACH clause. For clarity, it is recommended that you enter the FOR EACH STATEMENT clause if declaring a statement-level trigger.

    How many times is a trigger statement executed? ›

    When you define a trigger, you can specify the number of times the trigger action is to be run: Once for every row affected by the triggering statement, such as a trigger fired by an UPDATE statement that updates many rows. Once for the triggering statement, no matter how many rows it affects.

    How many rows is too much for PostgreSQL? ›

    There is no official limit on the number of rows in a table, it is virtually unlimited.

    What is the difference between return query and return next? ›

    RETURN NEXT can be used with both scalar and composite data types; with a composite result type, an entire “table” of results will be returned. RETURN QUERY appends the results of executing a query to the function's result set.

    How many rows can you have in a table in PostgreSQL? ›

    Using COUNT function

    Here's an example of COUNT function to find the number of rows in a table: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM your_table_name; Use your own table name in-place of your_table_name . Make sure that you are connected to your Postgres server via terminal before executing this command.

    Which statement marks that the trigger is a row type trigger? ›

    The FOR EACH ROW option determines whether the trigger is a row trigger or a statement trigger. If you specify FOR EACH ROW , then the trigger fires once for each row of the table that is affected by the triggering statement. These triggers are referred to as row-level triggers.

    How many triggers are possible per table? ›

    A table can have a maximum of three triggers: one update trigger, one insert trigger, and one delete trigger. Each trigger can apply to only one table. However, a single trigger can apply to all three user actions: update, insert, and delete.

    What is the maximum size of trigger in Oracle? ›

    Maximum Trigger Size

    The size of a trigger cannot be more than 32K.

    What is the difference between row level and column level? ›

    CLS allows for specific users to access only certain columns of a table relevant to their department, protecting sensitive data. RLS, on the other hand, restricts users to accessing only data rows pertinent to their role or department.

    What is the advantage of using row level rather than table level locking? ›

    Row-level locking has the advantage of minimizing lock contention and maximizing concurrency, as it allows more transactions to access the same table simultaneously. However, row-level locking also has some drawbacks, such as higher overhead, larger lock lists, and potential deadlock situations.

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