Does cataract surgery hurt? What will I feel and see during cataract surgery? (2024)


Cataract surgery is not a painful procedure.

If you ask a friend or colleague who might have had cataract surgery, they’ll tell you that they feel a slight stinging sensation when we first place drops inside the eye at the start of the operation. But very soon after that, the eye is completely numb. The only thing you will feel is a touching sensation and a little tightness from time to time. But that’s all.

Cataract surgery is done mainly under topical anaesthesia. It’s very unusual to give sedation or general anaesthesia. Patients cope very well with the topical numbness of the eye. We rarely ever have a patient that can feel anything during the operation.

You might be worried about what you’ll see during the operation. All you see is a bit of light, which some patient describe is like looking through a kaleidoscope because the lights keep changing.

As soon as I implant the new lens inside your eye, you’ll suddenly find that things are becoming more into focus again. It’s very quick and pain-free.

Are you ready to get started on better vision? Thenbook a cataract surgery consultationwith us today. We have both virtual and in-person appointments with optometrists (free) and surgeons (paid).

Does cataract surgery hurt? What will I feel and see during cataract surgery? (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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