Drinking Tap Water in Other Countries: When Is It Safe? (2024)

Drinking water in other countries is
one of the leading causes of health issues for travelers. It may lead to days in bed and missed adventures—or can even result in time spent in the hospital.

The most common culprits causing water-borne illnesses include bacteria (like e. coli, salmonella, and cholera), protozoa, viruses (like hepatitis, rotavirus, and polio), and chemical pollutants.

While the locals might have immunity from these pathogens, foreigners run a higher risk. So, how can you avoid getting sick when drinking water in other countries?

Know Your Risk

Can tap water make you sick? Which countries have safe tap water? Which don’t?

Important Note

The countries’ tap water listed as “safe” or “unsafe” below are based on standards from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A country with tap water listed as “unsafe” doesn’t necessarily have water that’s unclean or polluted, but it does have impurities that pose a high risk to travelers who haven’t built up a tolerance. It’s best to avoid the tap water in these countries for this reason.

Countries with Safe and Unsafe Tap Water

If you’re traveling anywhere in Africa, South America, or Central America, it’s safe to assume you shouldn’t drink the tap water. In North America, Canada, Greenland, and the United States are the only countries that have generally safe tap water.

Mexico is one popular tourist destination to cause concern. Drinking water in Mexico is a common cause of traveler’s diarrhea. Stick to sealed bottled water instead.

In Europe, it’s necessary to check the tap water status of your destination (see “Using the CDC Travelers’ Health Tool” below), as most Eastern European countries do not have safe tap water.

On the other hand, most Western European countries are safe for drinking water. European countries with generally safe drinking water include:

  • Andorra
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Liechtenstein
  • Luxembourg
  • Malta
  • Monaco
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • San Marino
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom
  • Vatican City

In Asia, the following countries generally have safe water:

  • Brunei
  • Hong Kong
  • Israel
  • Japan
  • Singapore
  • South Korea

In other countries in Asia, you’re probably best to go with bottled water.

Lastly, in the continent of Oceania, it’s safe to drink tap water only in Australia and New Zealand. Again, use caution in other countries in this region.

What About Ice from Tap Water?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises against consuming any drink with ice made from tap water in any country where drinking tap water is ill-advised.

When it comes down to it, limit your risk. Research before you leave. Find out where the tap water comes from in your destination country. You can do this through simple online research, including using the CDC Travelers’ Health Tool. If it seems risky, play it safe and only drink bottled water.

Using the CDC Travelers’ Health Tool

On the CDC website, the Travelers’ Health Tool provides an easy way to measure your risk when traveling. Scroll down on the main page to see all the latest travel health notices.

You can also select your destination country under the “For Travelers” heading to find more detailed and specific travel health information. The top of your destination country page will immediately signify any current outbreaks. The CDC also assigns a travel health notice to your selected country to inform you about current issues that could impact your health.

Notices are as follows:

  • Watch Level 1 – Practice usual precautions
  • Alert Level 2 – Practice enhanced precautions
  • Warning Level 3 – Avoid all non-essential travel

You’ll also find a full list of vaccinations and medications you need, eating and drinking safety tips, bug bite prevention tips, and more. Be sure to explore this tool before you leave your home country.

Food and Drinks to Avoid

When you stick to food and drinks that are generally safe, you further lower your risk of becoming ill from food or water-borne illness. Below is a list of food and drinks that the CDC considers “safe” or “unsafe” when traveling.

Safe vs Unsafe Food

Usually, hot food, prepackaged food, and dry food are safe to consume. Heat kills germs. As long as it isn’t left out to sit for too long and it’s cooked thoroughly, it’s probably safe. However, watch out for buffets. Food left out without heat could become contaminated.

Most germs also need moisture to grow, which makes dry food a safe bet. Dry food items such as potato chips, bread, and crackers are unlikely to cause any serious harm.

In contrast, street food, raw food, or wild game meat is taking a risk. Many foods are prepared with tap water and may carry bacteria from drinking water. Street food vendors are also generally held to a different hygiene standard than regular restaurants. This means you should always use caution.

“If you watch something come straight off the grill (cooked and steaming hot), it’s more likely to be safe,” shares the CDC.

Safe vs Unsafe Drinks

Factory-sealed bottles and canned drinks are relatively safe to consume. When drinking from a can, clean off the top before bringing it to your mouth.

Carbonated drinks such as soda and sparkling water are the safest bottled drink option, since you can quickly tell if a bottle is factory-sealed by the gas escaping when you first open it. But be careful with some street vendors who may refill bottles with tap water and reseal it with glue. GrrrlTraveler.com recommends listening for the subtle “click” or “pop” plastic caps often make when they’re unscrewed for the first time.

Hot drinks, alcoholic drinks, and sealed pasteurized milk are further considered safe. Be careful with hot drinks when adding lemon or any other fruit, however. These fruits may have come into contact with contaminated water.

Avoid drinking milk that has been sitting at room temperature. When it comes to alcohol, steer clear of “on the rocks” drinks. Further limit your risk by avoiding tap water, fountain drinks, ice, and fresh juice in developing countries and regions where you’re unsure of its safety.

How to Test the Quality of Water When Traveling

Signs that your water may be unsafe include a change in odor, color, or taste. However, many microbes are odorless and colorless and are undetectable without proper water testing tools. Many of these tools include strips you compare to a colored chart. If you really want to play it safe, purchase a kit before you leave for your destination.

You can also turn to reliable water purification methods and devices when traveling, such as the ones described below.

Method #1: Boil Water While Traveling

Is boiled water safe to drink? Most of the time, yes. How do you do it? First, remove any big particles from the water via a filter or similar device. Bring the water to a boil for one minute or more. If you’re above 6,500 feet in elevation, boil the water for three minutes or more. Let the water cool before you drink or use it.

Method #2: Use Iodine Tablets or Solution

First remove the bigger particles. Afterward, read and follow the instructions on the tablets or solution you purchased. Usually, iodine purification requires shaking or mixing of the water and a 30-minute wait.

Iodine tablets or solution are easy to find. Your local sporting goods or outdoor store likely has some in stock. Or you can even order them on Amazon.

Method #3: Add Chlorine Drops

Chlorine drops for water purification work similar to iodine solution or tablets. They also effectively kill all germs and bacteria. Be careful to only add the recommended amount. Too much chlorine can lead to symptoms like those which result from water-borne or food-borne illnesses.

You can find chlorine drops at Amazon or your local sporting goods store.

Method #4: Purchase a Travel Water Purification Device

There are various innovative and compact water purification devices on the market. You can even buy water bottles with a built-in filter and purification system. There are also pump filters, which require a bit of manual effort, or gravity filters for those planning on hiking while traveling with a bigger group.

Lastly, UV purifiers, like the Steripen, are compact and very effective.

You can purchase many of these devices at your local outdoor or camping store. Buying them online is also a convenient option. Yet, these items may cost a bit more than the other methods. Some, like the pumps, may also require slightly more work.

Ultimately, the choice is yours. And when you have the option, bottled water is always best.

Symptoms of Drinking Contaminated Water

The main symptom of drinking contaminated water involves gastrointestinal issues, including diarrhea, nausea, and stomach pain. The exact symptoms may depend on the specific contaminate or germ. Either way, getting sick from contaminated water can ruin a trip or vacation.

If you’re traveling abroad and may encounter unsafe drinking water, always use best safety practices to help you and your family stay healthy.

Also make sure you have coverage for unexpected medical expenses, such as those that might result from water or food-borne illnesses. Your health insurance from home may not cover you when traveling abroad, and getting sick in a foreign country can leave you vulnerable to medical expenses. Atlas Travel insurance is one plan designed for international travel. It covers many unexpected illnesses and injuries you might incur outside of your home country, as well as travel scenarios like trip interruption or travel delay.

Learn more about what travel medical insurance is or explore the benefits of Atlas Travel. Leave on your next adventure knowing you have coverage for the unexpected that might occur abroad.

Drinking Tap Water in Other Countries: When Is It Safe? (2024)


Can you drink tap water in other countries? ›

Some large cities may advertise their drinking water as being chlorinated, but this should not be interpreted that their water is contaminant-free. The best way to stay safe is to avoid it. Travelers become ill because the water pathogens are foreign to their immune systems.

Which country tap water is safe to drink? ›

The countries with 100 percent access to safe drinking water include Greece, Iceland, Kuwait, Lichtenstein, Malta, Monaco, New Zealand, San Marino and Singapore.

How can we make water safe for drinking answer? ›

Boil. If you don't have safe bottled water, you should boil your water to make it safe to drink. Boiling is the surest method to kill disease-causing germs, including viruses, bacteria, and parasites.

What happens if you drink tap water abroad? ›

Many illnesses, including travellers' diarrhoea, hepatitis A, typhoid and cholera are contracted through contaminated food and water. Travellers' diarrhoea is the most common illness contracted abroad, affecting 20-60% of overseas travellers.

Why is tap water not safe in other countries? ›

The most common culprits causing water-borne illnesses include bacteria (like e. coli, salmonella, and cholera), protozoa, viruses (like hepatitis, rotavirus, and polio), and chemical pollutants. While the locals might have immunity from these pathogens, foreigners run a higher risk.

Is it safe to drink tap water? ›

All tap water intended for human consumption supplied by water companies is subject to stringent standards, which make sure you can drink it on a daily basis without any harm.

What is the safest water in the world? ›

These are the countries with the cleanest drinking water in the world:
  • Greece.
  • Iceland.
  • Ireland.
  • Malta.
  • The Netherlands.
  • Norway.
  • Switzerland.
  • United Kingdom.

Is tap water safer than? ›

However, tap water is generally a better option, as it's just as safe as bottled water but costs considerably less and has a much lower environmental impact.

What is safe water answer? ›

Detailed Solution

The water that is safe to drink is called potable water. It is suitable for human consumption or to make food. The potable water which is drinkable, as well as safe, maintain good health and physical activity level.

What are the three ways to keep water safe? ›

Easy Things You Can Do To Protect Drinking Water Sources
  • Properly dispose of hazardous products Put up signs. ...
  • Use and dispose of harmful materials properly. ...
  • Volunteer in your community. ...
  • Join in a beach, stream or wetland cleanup. ...
  • Prepare a presentation about your watershed for a school or civic organization.
Mar 15, 2022

Why is tap water good for you? ›

Tap water usually contains a variety of healthy minerals like calcium and magnesium since it travels through rock formations. Fluoride is added to most sources of tap water since the mineral isn't found in many food sources. It's beneficial for healthy teeth and bones.

Where is world's purest water? ›

While there are a few places that boast extremely clean water, such as Canada, Iceland, Antarctica, or even Upstate New York, the team of scientists determined that the cleanest water in the world was in the Patagonia region of Chile, Puerto Williams.

What is the number 1 water in the world? ›

Aquafina was established in 1999 and has since become the largest bottled water brand in the world. Currently owned by PepsiCo, the company produces both flavored and unflavored water, as well as other branded products such as lip balm and even clothing.

Which city has cleanest tap water? ›

City Rankings
OVERALL RANKCityOverall Score
1Cary, NC88.339
2Winston-Salem, NC85.504
3Yonkers, NY84.902
4Bellevue, WA84.757
73 more rows
May 13, 2021

What is tap water called? ›

Tap water, also called municipal water, comes from large wells, lakes, rivers, or reservoirs. This water typically passes through a water treatment plant before being piped into homes and businesses (2).

How pure is tap water? ›

You may think that tap water is safe to use in many areas but tap water still has a chance of having contaminants in trace amounts. The water safe for human usage must follow the legal limitation by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for having only 90 contaminants in drinking water.

Can you drink rain water? ›

Germs and other contaminants are found in rainwater.

While useful for many things, rainwater is not as pure as you might think, so you cannot assume it is safe to drink.

Is toilet water the cleanest water? ›

The toilet tank (sometimes called a toilet cistern) sits above the toilet bowl and is what holds the water ready for you to flush. The water, as we stated above, is normal residential fresh water, so technically speaking, it's clean. The problem is when the water gets into the top tank.

What are 5 basic rules of water safety? ›

Before taking your kids to the pool, beach or lakeshore, teach them these 10 basic water safety tips to ensure a safe and pleasant water experience.
  • Never Swim Alone. ...
  • Supervise Children When They're in the Water. ...
  • Don't Play Breath-Holding Games. ...
  • Always Wear a Life Vest. ...
  • Don't Jump in the Water to Save a Friend.
Jun 14, 2019

What is a safe word for drinking water? ›

fit or suitable for drinking: potable water. Usually potables. drinkable liquids; beverages.

What is the Safe Drinking Water Act and why is it important? ›

The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) was passed by Congress in 1974, with amendments added in 1986 and 1996, to protect our drinking water. Under the SDWA, EPA sets the standards for drinking water quality and monitors states, local authorities, and water suppliers who enforce those standards.

Which is the correct method to save water? ›

Don't let your water consumption run out of control. Save 6 litres of water a minute by turning off your tap while you brush your teeth. Fix leaky taps too – and stop what could be 60 litres of water going straight down the drain every week. Every minute you spend in a power shower uses up to 17 litres of water .

How can we improve water quality in the world? ›

Implement rainwater harvesting systems to collect and store rainwater for drinking or recharging underground aquifers. Build wells to extract groundwater from underground aquifers. Provide home water-treatment capability through the use of filters, solar disinfection, or flocculants, to make drinking water safe.

Can you drink tap water Europe? ›

While the majority of countries in Europe do have safe drinking water, there are few where you'll need to take precautions and some, where you'll want to avoid the water at all costs. In general, Western Europe has safe tap water and Eastern Europe is a place to be wary of the water.

Can foreign people drink English tap water? ›

If you're in mainland Europe or the North Americas, generally you can rest assured that the water will be of a high enough standard to mean drinking will not result in illness. Although regions vary and if you are at all suspicious, feel free to buy bottled water from the shops or use a filtration device.

Can you drink tap water in China? ›

No, the tap water in China is not safe to drink. Unlike most western countries where there is easy access to safe tap water, in most places in China the tap water, although it looks clear, is not safe for drinking unless it has been boiled.

Can you drink tap water in Japan? ›

Tap Water in Tokyo is soft water, and the taste is mild

The taste of soft water is mild, so Tap water in Tokyo is good for drinking!

Can you drink tap water France? ›

In France, turning on a tap to obtain drinking water is a particularly easy daily gesture, which gives us access to water of very good microbiological quality - which can be very useful, especially with the summer heat...

Can Indians drink tap water? ›

We do not recommend ever drinking tap water in India, as it's just not worth the risk (or the stomach cramps). India is notorious among travellers for sickness – we've all heard horror stories about Delhi belly – and waterborne diseases are common due to bacterial contamination in public water, including E.

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