Event Management Guide 2022 - Eventleaf (2024)

What is Event Management?

Event management is the planning, creation and execution of social events such as corporate meetings and conferences, trade shows, fundraisers, award ceremonies, and entertainment events.

The process of event planning can vary in complexity and detail with the size and type of the event. Once the event has been planned, managing it involves setting up an event website, inviting people to register online, engaging and interacting with attendees, selling tickets, collecting fees, checking in attendees, and gathering attendee feedback.

Event Management Guide 2022 - Eventleaf (1)

Event Management Guide 2022 - Eventleaf (2)

What is an Event Management System?

An event management system is a software program that makes it easy to execute the event by simplifying and automating different event management tasks. Users of event management software can include event managers, attendees, exhibitors, reception staff, and speakers or presenters. Each of these groups of users needs access to a different set of features. Managers can manage and control the complete event from an online portal that serves like the backbone of the event management system. The best event management systems provide on-the-go access to event staff and attendees via mobile applications.

What are the Elements of Event Management?

Event management has 7 key elements: event infrastructure, audience, attendees, organizers, venue, and media. Your event software should be able to manage all of these elements. Let's see how.

  • Event Infrastructure: The system should offer tools for planning the type of events you're into. For corporate events, the software should have the functionality to create and showcase the event's agenda, speakers, presentation materials, venue, and hotels.

  • Target Audience: You should be able to easily access your target audience through the event management software. For example, the software should be able to pull customer data from CRM or mailing lists and invite them to your event by sending automated emails.

  • Attendees: Invitees become attendees after they register for your event. So, your event management system should offer online registration and fee collection features. The best of event management systems, including Eventleaf, allow invitees to register online through an event website, pay participation fees, and engage with other attendees and speakers after they have registered for the event.

  • Event Organizers: Organizers should have complete control of the event at all times. Eventleaf's globally accessible online portal makes it easy to stay on top of your event. You can create and modify the event's agenda, timing, sessions, speakers, etc and send automatic updates to the participants via the Guide mobile app.

  • Event Venue: For in-person events, the software should offer the capability to check in attendees at the venue, print attendee badges, register attendees, and collect fees on site.

  • Media: For official and corporate events, the software you use should be able to work with social media, email, and other marketing software so that you may get the word out and promote your event.

Event Management Guide 2022 - Eventleaf (3)

Event Management Guide 2022 - Eventleaf (4)

How Do Event Management Systems Work?

A typical electronic visitor management system has a centralized online portal from where event managers can plan and organize the event, invite attendees, set up fee packages, collect payments, and manage all aspects of their event. The online portal is like the brain of the system. Additionally, it can have one or more dedicated mobile applications for attendees, on-site event staff, and exhibitors.

For example, managers can use Eventleaf.com to easily plan and feature the agenda, speakers, sessions, and other details about their event. They can invite prospective attendees, who can just click on a link in their invitation email to visit the event website and register online. Once registered, the attendees can use the Guide App to access event information and interact with the organizers, speakers, or other attendees.

On the day and time of the event, the attendees can go to the venue where the event staff can use the Check In App to confirm their registration and check them in to the event. Managers can also engage attendees remotely by sending them in-event polls and surveys from the Eventleaf website. Additionally, the system also offers a lead-retrieval app for exhibitors for capturing leads from trade shows, exhibitions, or conferences.

What type of software applications are used in the event management business?

Most event managers use cloud-based software for managing in-person, hybrid, and virtual events. The advantage of using these systems is that you don't need a server or computer on site to run the software. Cloud-based systems such as Eventleaf spare you the complicated on-premise setup and maintenance costs associated with legacy event management systems.

Event Management Guide 2022 - Eventleaf (5)

Event Management Guide 2022 - Eventleaf (6)

What are the key features of an Event Management System?

To manage the 7 elements mentioned above, the event management system must have the following features:

  • Event Website: You should be able to easily create a native website that features all details about your event, such as the agenda, speakers, sessions, and other event details.

  • Event Invitations and Promotion: A modern event management system allows event organizers to market and promote the event by sending out invitations to prospective attendees.

  • Online Attendee Registration: Your invitees can simply register online for the event through the event website.

  • Online Fee Collection: For commercial events and conferences where the attendees are required to pay a participation fee or buy a ticket, the software should have the provision to collect fees online.

  • Attendee Engagement Features: The success of your event depends on how engaged your attendees are with the event. Therefore, the event management system should have the features that allow managers to reach out to attendees via push notifications, emails, surveys and polls. Eventleaf has a dedicated mobile app for the purpose. Called the Guide App, it allows attendees to review the event information, receive event updates, and interact with the speakers as well as other attendees.

  • On-site Attendee Check In: Once the attendees arrive at the venue, your reception staff should be able to confirm their registration and check them in quickly. You don't want your event staff to grapple with sheets of paper to see if the attendee's name is there. Just type in the first few letters of their name and the software should tell you in an instant. With Eventleaf, you can also confirm registration by scanning the barcode with a smartphone or tablet running the Check In mobile app.

  • Attendee Badge Printing: Attendee registration info is automatically placed on a professional-looking attendee badge with your logo and a unique attendee barcode. You can print attendee badges on site via the Check In App by simply connecting a wireless printer with the smartphone or tablet running the Check In app.

What to Look for in an Event Management System in 2022?

The coronavirus pandemic pulled the plug on in-person events and triggered the trend of virtual events. Virtual meeting software such as Zoom saw exponential growth and hundreds of virtual event apps entered the market. Now, as most workplaces have reopened amidst restrictions, the remote working trend is still persisting. Consequently, businesses are embracing the concept of hybrid events.

Hybrid meetings and conferences combine the interactivity and networking potential of in-person events with the convenience of virtual events. Hybrid events allow remote attendees to watch and participate in real events by integrating in-person event management platforms with virtual event software. The system you select should have the capability to manage in-person, hybrid, and virtual events, in addition to the key features mentioned above.

Event Management Guide 2022 - Eventleaf (7)

Event Management Guide 2022 - Eventleaf (8)

What is an Event Mobile App?

An event mobile app is an essential component of an event management and registration platform such as Eventleaf. The event app allows attendees to access all event information including venue, date and time, agenda, speakers, sessions, and presentation materials on the go. Eventleaf's Guide mobile app also allows attendees to interact with speakers and other participants and plan breakout sessions or one on one meetings using virtual meeting tools such as Zoom, GoToMeeting and WebEx.

How to Choose an Event Management System?

The first thing to do would be to analyze your event management needs. See what types of events you need to manage and how many attendees you will need to handle. Are most of the events you will be managing going to be in-person, virtual or hybrid? Regardless of your exact needs, however, there are certain common qualities you should look for in the event management system that you are considering.

  • User Friendliness: The event management software will be used by event managers as well as by your frontline staff, attendees, and exhibitors. It should be intuitive and easy to use by everyone.

  • An All in One Platform: It is more convenient to use a single platform for all of your event management needs, such as event planning, attendee invitation and registration, ticket sales, boarding and lodging arrangements, on site management, surveys and polls, lead retrieval, and other activities that you need to perform.

  • A Similar Client Base: The system you're considering should have a range of clients with event needs similar to yours. An app may be good for managing small social events but may struggle when large corporate conferences are involved.

Event Management Guide 2022 - Eventleaf (9)


It is one of the industry's easiest-to-use event platforms that has everything you need for managing corporate meetings, conferences and trade shows. Built by Jolly Technologies, Eventleaf is being used by thousands of small and medium businesses as well as large corporate organizations including Fortune-500 companies. The intuitive software allows you to manage in-person, hybrid and virtual events with equal convenience and control.


Eventbrite is a popular software app for managing commercial events ranging from small meetups to large concerts. You can customize the system according to your needs and use it for planning and managing conferences and meetings. It has a strong ticketing feature and can be used to send email confirmations and reminders. Attendees can register from both their computers and phones.


Boomset allows event staff to track event attendance, check in attendees, print badges, and manage guest lists. It stands out because of its facial recognition feature, although it may raise privacy concerns in some jurisdictions. The system also allows organizers to use RFID wristbands to track attendees.


Slack is primarily a business communication platform that event managers use for behind the scene coordination and in-event interactions. You can create public and private channels with different topics for your team to communicate and for attendees to discuss different topics during the event.


If you don't want to use an all-in-one solution like Eventleaf, you can use Wix to create event webpages for your event. Wix offers pre-made themes that are fully customizable. You can use one of them to easily build your event website and promote your event via email, social, and Google.

Try Eventleaf Free

Eventleaf is a nifty event management application that offers all of the features a corporate event management system should provide. No credit card needed, no contracts. Try it now.

Event Management Guide 2022 - Eventleaf (10)

As a seasoned expert in event management and technology, I've been deeply entrenched in the intricacies of orchestrating successful events for many years. From corporate meetings and conferences to trade shows and entertainment events, I've navigated the diverse landscape of event planning with finesse. My hands-on experience extends to leveraging cutting-edge event management systems, making me well-versed in the tools and strategies that drive seamless event execution.

In the realm of event management, the concepts mentioned in the provided article are fundamental pillars for creating and delivering exceptional events. Let's break down each concept and provide additional insights:

1. Event Management:

  • Definition: The planning, creation, and execution of social events, varying in complexity and detail based on the event's size and type.
  • Key Processes: Planning, setting up event websites, online registration, attendee engagement, ticket sales, fee collection, check-in, and gathering feedback.

2. Event Management System:

  • Definition: Software program streamlining and automating event management tasks for various user groups like event managers, attendees, exhibitors, reception staff, and speakers.
  • Features: Online portal for managers, mobile applications for on-the-go access, simplification of tasks.

3. Elements of Event Management:

  • Event Infrastructure: Tools for planning events, showcasing agendas, speakers, presentation materials, venue, and hotels.
  • Target Audience: Accessing the target audience through CRM, mailing lists, and automated emails.
  • Attendees: Online registration, fee collection, and engagement features.
  • Event Organizers: Global control through an online portal, agenda modification, and automatic updates.
  • Event Venue: On-site check-in, badge printing, and fee collection.
  • Media: Integration with social media, email, and marketing software for event promotion.

4. How Event Management Systems Work:

  • Centralized online portal for planning, organizing, inviting, and managing events.
  • Dedicated mobile applications for different user groups.
  • Examples include Eventleaf.com for planning and engaging attendees.

5. Software Applications in Event Management:

  • Cloud-based systems like Eventleaf for managing in-person, hybrid, and virtual events.
  • Advantages include no on-site server requirements and simplified setup.

6. Key Features of an Event Management System:

  • Event website creation.
  • Invitations and promotion.
  • Online attendee registration and fee collection.
  • Attendee engagement features.
  • On-site attendee check-in and badge printing.

7. Choosing an Event Management System (2022 Considerations):

  • Adaptability to in-person, hybrid, and virtual events.
  • User-friendliness for all stakeholders.
  • All-in-one platform convenience.
  • A client base with similar event needs.

8. Event Mobile App:

  • Essential for accessing event information on the go.
  • Interaction with speakers and participants.
  • Example: Eventleaf's Guide mobile app.

9. Event Management System Examples:

  • Eventleaf: User-friendly, suitable for in-person, hybrid, and virtual events.
  • Eventbrite: Popular for managing commercial events with ticketing features.
  • Boomset: Noteworthy for facial recognition and RFID wristbands.
  • Slack: Used for behind-the-scenes coordination and in-event interactions.
  • Wix: Offers customizable event webpages.

10. Conclusion and Call to Action:

  • Eventleaf is recommended as a comprehensive and user-friendly event management application.
  • A call to action to try Eventleaf for free, emphasizing no credit card requirements and contracts.

As the expert in this domain, I encourage event organizers to embrace these concepts and utilize advanced event management systems to elevate the success of their events, whether in-person, virtual, or hybrid.

Event Management Guide 2022 - Eventleaf (2024)


What are the 5 C's of event management? ›

To help you do this, in this article we're going to cover the 5 C's of event management, which are a great starting point for putting your plan together. These are: Concept, Coordination, Control, Culmination, and Closeout.

What are the 7 keys of event management? ›

What Are The 7 Key Elements Of Event Management?
  • Event Infrastructure. Event infrastructure is the essential element that makes up an event, and without them, the event would not exist. ...
  • Core Concept. ...
  • Core People. ...
  • Core Talent. ...
  • Core Structure. ...
  • Target Audience. ...
  • Clients.
Jun 20, 2023

How hard is event management? ›

It's the fifth more stressful job in America. It requires grit, resilience, and a unique superpower of working under pressure. Despite that, it's a lifetime job for many. It can take you to many places and involves multiple tasks that keep you on your toes.

What are the 7 stages of event planning? ›

7 Steps to event planning success
  • Define your objectives. Always ask yourself beforehand 'What are you hoping to achieve from this event? ...
  • Choose your location. Make sure that your location aligns with your objectives. ...
  • Set a date. ...
  • Create a plan. ...
  • Issuing invitations. ...
  • The day of the event. ...
  • Evaluate.

What are the 5 P's of event planning? ›

To do that, event planners should focus on the five Ps: Plan, Partner, Place, Practice, Permission.

What are the six A's of event planning? ›

To create perfection every time, consider the following six critical dimensions, or layers, of the event experience: anticipation, arrival, atmosphere, appetite, activity, and amenities. Creating anticipation for an event encompasses marketing and communication issues.

What are the 3 ways to remember when organizing an event? ›

Here are three critical steps to creating a successful event:
  • Set a goal with objectives and a budget. ...
  • Locate a venue and establish vendor contracts. ...
  • Branding.

What is checklist in event management? ›

An event checklist is a document that outlines all the tasks and activities that need to be completed before, during, and after an event. It is a crucial tool for event planning experts as it ensures that all aspects of the event are covered, from the venue and vendors to the guest list and decorations.

What skills should an event manager have? ›

The following skill sets are examples of some of the qualifications employers look for when hiring an event manager:
  • Leadership skills. ...
  • Interpersonal skills. ...
  • Communication skills. ...
  • Problem-solving skills. ...
  • Creativity. ...
  • Technical skills. ...
  • Develop your management style. ...
  • Learn to delegate efficiently.
Sep 18, 2023

Why is event management so stressful? ›

Especially in the case of changes during the events, the event planners have to be on their toes and take quick actions to ensure that the attendee experience is not affected at all. Dealing with these last-minute or eleventh-hour changes on a regular basis can be quite stress-inducing for event planners.

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Burnout. Burnout is common in high-stress and strict deadline roles such as event planning. It can create health issues, demotivation and lack of productivity.

What are the 10 steps to plan an event? ›

How to plan an event in 10 steps
  1. Organize your objectives. ...
  2. Select a venue and date. ...
  3. Establish vendors, sponsors and partners. ...
  4. Plan the program and entertainment. ...
  5. Brand and market the event. ...
  6. Determine an event day schedule. ...
  7. Create success metrics.
Feb 13, 2024

What are the five major types of events? ›

What Are The Five Major Types of Events? There are various types of events that companies can choose from. Education, entertainment, sport, fundraising event, and business event.

What are the 6 functions of event management? ›

Key functions of event management
  • Understand requirements and details of each event.
  • Understand clients' needs, wants and requirements.
  • Comply with financial and time constraints.
  • Book venues and schedule speakers.
  • Meet with clients and coordinate with them regularly and constantly.
  • Engage and book speakers or entertainment.
Jan 10, 2024

What are the 5 basic elements that an event manager must plan for most importantly? ›

The five essential elements of event planning
  • Know what you want to achieve. It's important that you know exactly what outcomes you want from your event. ...
  • Make an event plan. ...
  • Look for funding or sponsorship. ...
  • Advertise and communicate. ...
  • Manage and follow up.
Dec 25, 2022

What is the most critical element of event management? ›

The first and most important part of corporate event management is having clear goals and objectives. Before planning any event, corporations should define their goals and objectives for the event, which will guide the planning process.

What are event management principles? ›

Principles of event management is a core concept in an event management course. Principles of event management include processes from planning an event to coming up with a backup plan in case of any discrepancy in the event.

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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.