Evidence that Morgana loved Merlin the entire series Part 1 (2024)

  • Okay, as a Mergana shipper this might come across as bias, but I actually have evidence, and if I’m being honest, I think that Merlin having feelings for Morgana probably slipped way before the finale.

    BUT back to the post

    So without shipper goggles I truly believe that Morgana loved and probably still loved Merlin for most of the entire series, starting around 01x08. Prior she probably justfancied him as a friend from afar, somewhat jealous that Gwen had someone so willing to fight for her as Merlin did in 01x03. “She is a lucky woman.” She was grateful that someone cared as much about her only friend as much as she did. It’s obvious she knows the power she possesses with her looks and her status, so she probably has a hard time trusting people with sincere intentions in caring for whoshe really is. (something at this point in time that still scares her)

    Evidence that Morgana loved Merlin the entire series Part 1 (1)
    Evidence that Morgana loved Merlin the entire series Part 1 (2)

    I believe she was truly surprised by Merlin and him helping her with Mordred after 01x08.Especiallybecause he was Arthur’s servant. This of course is the beginning of their relationship, and when she subconsciously realizes that Merlin is one of the only people she cantrulytrust.

    Evidence that Morgana loved Merlin the entire series Part 1 (3)
    Evidence that Morgana loved Merlin the entire series Part 1 (4)

    His act of helping her meant so much to her that she actually was the first person to jump to the opportunity of helping Merlin protect his mother and village. I think it says a lot for the writer to choose GWEN asking MORGANA why Arthur is helping the village, and for Morgana to say that it’s because it’s for the same reason: Merlin. A lot of other things could have been said with the same message, but they decided to have MORGANA state it was because of MERLIN.

    Evidence that Morgana loved Merlin the entire series Part 1 (5)
    Evidence that Morgana loved Merlin the entire series Part 1 (6)

    When I think sherealizesshe loves Merlin is in 02x03 - my favorite Mergana episode and one where you can truly see their amazing chemistry.

    The fact that she tells Merlin about her nightmares..after knowing him for less than a year is just….Mergana. haha. Obviously she would never tell Uther, despite her being his Ward, and even though she has a complex relationship with Arthur and shows that she goes to him because she knows she can trust him to dosomethings, she never goes to Arthur about this particular issue. Which I think says A LOT. Merlin’s acts of kindness have truly baffled Morgana - the servant who works closely with two people who despise magic. She not only trusts him with her nightmares, but she trusts him to tell the truth about the druids. He could have easily led her into a trap, but she trusts him enough to know that he wouldn’t do that.

    Evidence that Morgana loved Merlin the entire series Part 1 (7)

    When Merlin finds her in the camp she is probably shocked in a good way that he went out of his way to find her (maybe in her mind to even make sure she got there okay), and for her to ADMIT her powers, the ONLY person she does to in this point of time, without second guessing is just GAH. And as Arthur’s servant, some part of her still probably doubts that he will turn against her, but when he smiles, and says he understands….you can just see it in her face. Since the death of her father she has never trusted or felt so much sincere love. That a servant has shown her more compassion than her “family” has. That this servant is risking his life so he can tell her that the king is looking for her. I will argue to my grave that she was about to kiss him in this moment. The look she gives Merlin is exactly the same as she gives Alvarr in 02x11. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

    Evidence that Morgana loved Merlin the entire series Part 1 (8)

    As they are rushing to escape you see Merlin risk his own life for her. Again, he is sacrificing himself for her secret and she is in awe. She proclaims that she “will never forget his.” (Yea, okay writers…)

    Evidence that Morgana loved Merlin the entire series Part 1 (9)

    When she returns in the castle they share a very sweet and innocent moment together. She allows him, in her room, at night, in her pajamas. We have to remember the timeframe here…that is pretty big. Again, she doubts him (this is how insecure she is as Uther’s ward) and the smile she gives when he says that her secret is safe. The awkwardness of this scene…that they both realize that it’s night and they are in her chambers…alone.

    Evidence that Morgana loved Merlin the entire series Part 1 (10)

    When he say’s “uhm” and she looks up at him…that my friends is the head tilt of a “you should kiss me…make the first move.” When he says it’s good to have her back instead, she still is touched by his kind words, but it’s also in the moment that she realizes that he is a servant and she is a ward. That nothing can ever become of them at this moment in time.She also looks extremely disappointed that he did not lean in to kiss her.And to be honest, while there is no evidence of my next statement, I wouldn’t doubt that part of her hatred for Uther stems into the fact that as his Ward that she can’t be with the person she loves.

    Evidence that Morgana loved Merlin the entire series Part 1 (11)
    Evidence that Morgana loved Merlin the entire series Part 1 (12)

    Of course, little moments throughout season 2 when Morgana is afraid of people finding out about her magic, and she instantly looks over to Merlin, as if saying “protect me” is very blatant, and again heartbreaking on knowing what is going to happen.

    Then 02x11 rolls around, and you can see how Morgana wants nothing more than to be herself with people…Merlin being her only anchor of that in Camelot. It sucks knowing that Alvarr is just using her, a prime example of what she is use to, but I like to point out the scene when she is telling Alvarr of how she is so alone, and when he tells her the same thing that Merlin has. He goes in to kiss her..and she does too, but then she stops… why? Is it not ironic that he almost told her the exact same thing as Merlin, in the exact same place. She probably realizes this and that’s why she stops. Notice how her next words is that she should return to the castle… who do you think she was thinking of?! Merlin!

    Evidence that Morgana loved Merlin the entire series Part 1 (13)

    And then we get to the heart-breaking episode… 02x12. The pivotal moment. A lot can be debated on if Morgana knew what was going to happen to her friends, I like to believe that if anything she thought Morgause would only kill Uther, but obviously she didn’t know she was the source. She probably knew Morgause had something to do with it, but that’s it. I don’t think she would have gone through all that trouble of saving Uther if she really knew what was going on. Anyways, so at the beginning of this episode she probably still has her thoughts on Alvarr and just wanting to escape her life. And then Merlin appears and ugh, I hate and love this episode.

    Despite Arthurs relationship with Morgana (Which is pretty good) he suspects Morgana, Merlin (despite all he knows of her) does not. At first you see Morgana once again looking at Merlin with that plea in her eyes “protect me”, and that’s exactly what he does. Look at her just stare at him in utter disbelief as he lies to Arthur…his beloved Arthur.

    Evidence that Morgana loved Merlin the entire series Part 1 (14)

    When Merlin leaves and she is protecting Uther (who she could have easily killed, mistaking that this was part of the plan) just sits down… shocked once again by Merlin…and her feelings.

    After moving Uther and being close to Merlin again, Merlin runs off to get servant clothes, leaving Morgana alone again with her feelings, slowly realizing what must be taking place. When Merlin returns..the look on her face…the I was “worried about YOU” - not the prince of Uther.. but YOU just seals her love for him. Her comment of him being a “good friend” only makes the next couple of scenes worse.

    I bet she would have bartered with Morgause to spare Merlin, and probably Arthur, if she had the chance.

    But alas.. Merlin poisons Morgana…and the hurt and betrayal in her eyes. The fact that her insecurities that she thought she had washed away, flooding back as she stares into the soul of the only man she truly loved, and who she felt truly loved her.

    Evidence that Morgana loved Merlin the entire series Part 1 (15)

    After she returns to the castle, fully knowing what Merlin did, I think that is truly what caused her to go evil. Knowing the fact that once again, someone else chose other people compared to her. Especially the person that she loved… it was the last straw.

    If you had doubts on her feelings she had, and still has for Merlin, then this scene only erases your suspicions. When Merlin rushes underground and confronts Morgana, time is literally stopped… when she asks Merlin if she should be killed for who she is and he replies “no”… her stare…

    Evidence that Morgana loved Merlin the entire series Part 1 (16)

    Her eyes are basically saying “I loved you, for this very reason, why did you betray me?”

    She is about to cry in this scene..she isn’t faking..these are legit tears. It pains her that he not only says that “we can find another way.” but that she has convinced herself that “there is no other way”. Lets also note that she just stands there..she knows what he has come to do but she doesn’t want to move.

    She loves Merlin because when she is with him she doesn’t feel alone.

    That’s it for part 1. Will post the last remaining seasons and my argument on why she loved him till the end. :)

    • August 23, 2013 (9:06 pm)
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  • Evidence that Morgana loved Merlin the entire series Part 1 (2024)


    Did Morgana ever like Merlin? ›

    This version shows the two as the unique ones born with magic and had Merlin confessed to having powers also, they may have formed a bond that led to romance. Morgana's going to the dark side of magic in this tale can even be seen as a result of Merlin never being honest with her.

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    A lot of other things could have been said with the same message, but they decided to have MORGANA state it was because of MERLIN. When I think she realizes she loves Merlin is in 02x03 - my favorite Mergana episode and one where you can truly see their amazing chemistry.

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    Merlin is in love with Ninianne and would never do anything to grieve her, but at the same time does desire to have her maidenhead. Ninianne makes a promise to Merlin that she will love him if he teaches her magic, and he quickly agrees to this arrangement.

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    Merlin spends a part of his life as a madman in the woods and marries a woman named Guendoloena (a character inspired by the male Gwenddoleu ap Ceidio).

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    Trained by her half-sister, Morgause, Morgana becomes powerful enough to attain High Priestess status. She launches several successful attacks on Camelot, although she's unable to hold power for long. Morgana is strong enough to fight Merlin, and by the show's last series, she is arguably his equal.

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    Soon after the Battle of Camlann, and Mordred's death, Morgana was killed by her nemesis Merlin with Excalibur.

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    Originally a kind-hearted individual, Morgana changed entirely, becoming evil after being corrupted by Morgause and being betrayed by her former-friend, Merlin.

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    For years, Morgana and Merlin battled it out as she tried to take the throne from Arthur. She couldn't understand why they always seemed one step ahead of her of all times. However, Morgana soon got the answer she desired most in "The Drawing of the Dark" when Mordred revealed Merlin's identity as Emrys.

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    The young warlock uses an aging spell to transform himself into an old man and must take a potion to transform back to his young self. Gaius is the only one to know Old Merlin's true identity. Morgana is terrified of the aging warlock as she knows him to be her doom.

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