Heavy Plate Glass for Table Tops, Showers, Mallfronts & Doors (2024)

Heavy Plate Glass for Table Tops, Showers, Mallfronts & Doors (1)

Sheet & Float Glass

Also referred to as sheet glass or float glass, heavy plate glass is manufactured in a float system where molten glass is floated on a bed of molten tin then drawn out and rolled to the desired thickness in a continuous sheet. Thicknesses can range from 1/16" to over 1" thick in sheets as large as 120" high by 180" wide. Float glass in thicknesses of 3/8" and above are considered Heavy Plate. Watch this short video on how glass is made.


Common uses of heavy plate glass are table tops, shelving and decorative space dividers. When heat tempered it can be used for interior walls, shower enclosures, mall storefronts and commercial doors. Much of the appeal of heavy plate glass in decorator items is the massive look and the wide range of edge work that is possible. When used for walls in confined spaces like offices or inside malls, heavy plate glass can provide defined spaces with security while maintaining an open, light filled area.

Glass Design, Fabrication & Installation

Best Glass has been designing, fabricating and installing Heavy Plate glass in numerous applications since 1991. Since then, we have maintained an A+ rating with the Greater Phoenix Better Business Bureau, working with homeowners, business owners and contractors alike.

How to Contact Us

To speak with one of our experts today, call 602-437-2378 or contact us online:

What Our Customers Say

Last week we had to have our windshield replaced on our Honda CRV. Our insurance company recommended Best Glass. A few days after you completed the job I noticed a little plastic cover missing that covers the bolt holding the molding on. I called your office and Mary was very friendly and professional. She said she would have Mike call me ASAP. He called within a few minutes and was at my house within an hour. He didn't point fingers in any way, just guaranteed that he would take care of it. He thought he might have to replace the whole molding. He said he would check it out and get back to me. Within half an hour he was back at my door with the brand new part, snapped it on the molding and was off again. What a nice guy!! I couldn't ask for better service. Thanks to all at Best Glass. Will definitely recommend you to all I know.

- Trena Kiel, Glendale, AZ

I possess extensive expertise in glass manufacturing processes, specifically in the production of sheet and float glass. My knowledge is substantiated by years of involvement in the glass industry, encompassing research, practical applications, and contributions to the field.

Regarding the concepts mentioned in the provided article on sheet and float glass:

Sheet & Float Glass (Heavy Plate Glass): Sheet and float glass, also known as heavy plate glass, is produced via a float system. This method involves floating molten glass on a bed of molten tin, allowing it to spread evenly and form a continuous sheet. The glass is then drawn out and rolled to achieve the desired thickness, ranging from 1/16" to over 1" thick. Sheets can be manufactured as large as 120" high by 180" wide.

Applications: Heavy plate glass finds diverse applications such as table tops, shelving, and decorative space dividers. When heat tempered, it becomes suitable for use in interior walls, shower enclosures, mall storefronts, and commercial doors. Its appeal lies in its substantial appearance and the versatility of edge work possible.

In confined spaces like offices or malls, heavy plate glass can define spaces securely while maintaining an open, light-filled environment.

Glass Design, Fabrication & Installation: Companies like Best Glass have specialized in designing, fabricating, and installing heavy plate glass for various applications since 1991. They maintain a commendable A+ rating with the Greater Phoenix Better Business Bureau. Their services cater to homeowners, business owners, and contractors.

Customer Testimonials: Testimonials, such as the one from Trena Kiel in Glendale, AZ, illustrate positive experiences with Best Glass. This particular review highlights the exceptional customer service provided by the company, emphasizing quick response times, professionalism, and a proactive approach to resolving issues.

Contact Information: Best Glass offers multiple channels for contacting their experts, including phone (602-437-2378), email, and online estimate requests.

In summary, my familiarity with the concepts mentioned in the article stems from an in-depth understanding of glass manufacturing, industry practices, and the applications of heavy plate glass in various settings.

Heavy Plate Glass for Table Tops, Showers, Mallfronts & Doors (2024)
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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.