Here's why you can't visit Lady Liberty's torch (2024)

Ever wonder why visitors aren't allowed inside the Statue of Liberty’s torch?

The event that sparked the ban occurred 102 years ago Monday, on July 30, 1916. An explosion on Black Tom Island in New York Harbor in the middle of the night could be heard from miles away, shattering glass windows in Manhattan and killing seven people.

"It was a terrific explosion — the worst that had ever happened in New York," said Kenneth Jackson, a history professor at Columbia University and one of the country's foremost scholars on New York history.

Shrapnel hit the nearby Statue of Liberty, closing off the arm to future visitors, as noted on a commemorative plaque that remains on the site to this day. The National Park Service's Statue of Liberty website cites the Black Tom explosion as the reason the torch is closed off, though it is unclear why, a century later, guests are still not allowed inside.

But the legacy of this explosion is deeper than just relegating tourists to Lady Liberty’s crown.

Black Tom had been a center for the production of armaments that were being shipped to Europe to aid mainly Britain and France, both of which were fighting Germany, during World War I — though the United States was technically neutral at the time.

"The Germans probably saw that as an act of war," Jackson said.

The New York Times reported that the explosion was initially attributed to negligence by those working on the island.

It took years for investigators to determine that Germany was actually responsible for the explosion, a conclusion that had been written off in the immediate aftermath.

It wasn’t until 1939 that $50 million in damages were awarded to plaintiffs in the Black Tom explosion, the largest settlement by an international tribunal. But it took until after World War II for Germany to initiate the payout — prolonging the saga until 1979.

According to Chad Millman, who wrote “The Detonators: The Secret Plot to Destroy America and an Epic Hunt for Justice," there were two main reasons that the investigation took so long. First, a lack of documentation made it incredibly difficult to prove Germany was guilty of the crime. Second, for political reasons more than anything, Germany was incredibly reluctant to admit it.

"The new German government felt like if they were to admit to and pay damages for the destruction at Black Tom, it was tantamount to saying that they drew the U.S. into war from this," Millman said. "It meant more to Germany to not have them found responsible for Black Tom than it did for the U.S. to prove Germany was responsible for Black Tom.

"And it wasn't really until it got into the late 1930s, and there was such animus again towards Germany because of Hitler, that all of the sudden the U.S. just became more interested in the case."

Jackson noted that given the massive destructive power of the explosion, it is fortunate that more people were not killed. He said the isolation of the island, along with the decreased influx of immigrants to nearby Ellis Island at the time — other countries were deterring their citizens from leaving and escaping the draft — lowered the casualty count. It also meant fewer people would remember what happened at Black Tom.

"Black Tom is certainly not well known, even in the New York area," Jackson said. "I think partly because of the isolation of the explosion. Most people had never heard of that island, they don't even know where it is."

Here's why you can't visit Lady Liberty's torch (2024)


Here's why you can't visit Lady Liberty's torch? ›

The National Park Service's Statue of Liberty website cites the Black Tom explosion as the reason the torch is closed off, though it is unclear why, a century later, guests are still not allowed inside. But the legacy of this explosion is deeper than just relegating tourists to Lady Liberty's crown.

Why can't you visit the torch of the Statue of Liberty? ›

The torch has been closed since the "Black Tom" explosion of July 30, 1916, which was one of the largest acts of sabotage to our nation prior to the event of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

Why can't you go up in the Statue of Liberty? ›

Public access has been restricted since 1916, when a munitions explosion on what was then Black Tom Island, believed to have been triggered by German agents, caused $100,000 in damage to the monument.

What are the words on Lady Liberty? ›

A gift from the people of France, she has watched over New York Harbor since 1886, and on her base is a tablet inscribed with words penned by Emma Lazarus in 1883: Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

What does the torch on the Statue of Liberty say? ›

The torch in her right hand represents enlightenment, showing the path to liberty. A tablet in her left hand is inscribed with the date of the United States Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776).

Can you still go on the torch of the Statue of Liberty? ›

NPS staff still climb a narrow 40-foot ladder to maintain the 16 floodlights that light the torch. Access to the torch was never reopened, but you can see what it'd be like to stand in it with the Statue of Liberty torch live webcam.

Can you still go to the top of the Statue of Liberty? ›

Due to its extreme popularity, access to the crown is by advanced reservation only. Statue Cruises is the official source for crown reservations as well as the company that provides ferry transportation to the island. All reservations must be made online or by telephone.

Is there a secret room in the Statue of Liberty? ›

Statue of Liberty - a room inside the flame

In 1916, the room in the torch had to be closed after an explosion (which was an act of sabotage committed by German agents during World War I). Since then, the room has been never reopened, mainly out of concern for terrorism and, partially, due to the damage.

What are 5 facts about the Statue of Liberty? ›

5 Things You May Not Know About the Statue of Liberty
  • The statue represents a Roman Goddess. ...
  • The crown's spikes represent the oceans and continents. ...
  • Lady Liberty is struck by lightning 600 times every year. ...
  • Gustave Eiffel helped to build it. ...
  • Lady Liberty's face is modelled on the artist's mother.

What was Lady Liberty's real name? ›

Her official name is "Liberty Enlightening the World." The statue - also known as "Lady Liberty" - has many symbolic features.

What is a famous Liberty quote? ›

Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth.” “Life without liberty is like a body without spirit.” “Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity.”

What is Liberty's slogan? ›

Liberty has more than one catchphrase: "Liberty, reporting for duty!" "PAW Patrol at work!" "This is off the leash!"

Why are there 7 points on the Statue of Liberty? ›

Her crown has seven points that represent rays of light and also the seven seas and continents; the original name for the statue is “Liberty Enlightening the World.” There are broken chains, or shackles, at her feet that also symbolize her freedom. The statue was a gift to the United States from the people of France.

What does the torch symbolize? ›

The symbolism of the torch – often a symbol of knowledge, learning, and enlightenment, is obvious and makes sense in the context of the Library.

Why is the Statue of Liberty a woman holding a torch? ›

It represents the statue's official title: “Liberty Enlightening the World.” The use of the flame was chosen by Bartholdi for a very specific reason. A torch represents progress. Rather than promoting violence or chaos, he wanted to give Lady Liberty a peaceful appearance.

When did they stop tours to torch of Statue of Liberty? ›

The arm and torch were closed to visitors in 1916 after German spies launched shrapnel into the statue as the result of an attack targeting the nearby Black Tom munitions depot. Black Tom Island has since become part of Liberty Island thanks to landfill expansion projects.

Can you go up the Statue of Liberty 2023? ›

The only tours available are the Hard Hat Tour of Ellis Island and the grounds of Liberty Island Tour. All-access to the interior of Lady Liberty is restricted.

Can you go inside Lady Liberty? ›

General Admission tickets do not get you access inside the statue or pedestal. Pedestal Ticket: Tickets are limited and reservations are required. Pedestal tickets allow visitors to access up to the top of the pedestal, which includes lower pedestal levels. These are purchased online only through Statue City Cruises.

Can you go inside the crown of the Statue of Liberty? ›

Climbing to the Crown? Crown access is limited due to safety and accessibility requirements and is reservation-based through the Statue City Cruises ticketing process. Depending on the time of year, reservations need to be acquired between four (4) to six (6) months in advance. Access to the crown is by stairs only.

How much does it cost to go on top of the Statue of Liberty? ›

OptionChildren Under 4Adults 13+
CROWN ACCESS:Restricted$24.30
AUDIO TOURS:IncludedIncluded
2 more rows
May 10, 2023

Can you walk up the stairs in the Statue of Liberty? ›

After visiting the Pedestal and the Statue of Liberty Museum, the climb to the Crown is up a narrow spiral staircase of more than 300 steps (the equivalent of 27 floors) that crosses the entire body of the Statue of Liberty.

Is there a bathroom on Liberty Island? ›

ARE BATHROOMS LOCATED ON THE FERRIES, ELLIS ISLAND, AND LIBERTY ISLAND? Yes, bathrooms are located on our ferries, Ellis Island and Liberty Island bathrooms are wheelchair accessible.

Is there a bathroom in the Statue of Liberty? ›

Restrooms are available in the Monument and near all food and beverage areas.

How many real statues of Liberty are there? ›

There are two genuine statues and several lesser versions of the Statue of Liberty. The original and most famous is the one located on Liberty Island, a gift from the French to America. The second is located in Paris, France, and was a reciprocal gift from the United States in 1889.

Why don't they wash the Statue of Liberty? ›

The copper which clads the Statue of Liberty has oxidized and turned green due to its exposure to the elements. This patina actually helps to protect the underlying copper cladding of the statue. If it was cleaned off, eventually the entire copper covering would be eaten away.

How long will the Statue of Liberty last? ›

But beneath her copper skin of a few millimeters thick, the skeleton is beginning to disintegrate. Steven Ross stated that the steel straps that hold the copper to the steel framework would pull away, along with the rivets which could pull away over a period of 100 to 200 years.

What time of day is best for Statue of Liberty? ›

The absolute best time of day to see the statue is first thing in the morning. In the summer, the first ferry leaves at 8:30 and you should definitely try and be on it. Security will usually open around 8:15 so it's best to be in line before then.

What are 3 things represented by the Statue of Liberty? ›

This massive structure serves as a symbol of hope, freedom, and equal opportunity to all those who choose to venture to the United States and join our great nation.

Why did the Statue of Liberty turn green? ›

The Statue of Liberty's exterior is made of copper, and it turned that shade of green because of oxidation. Copper is a noble metal, which means that it does not react readily with other substances.

How old is Lady Liberty today? ›

What nationality is Lady Liberty? ›

The Statue of Liberty, designed by Auguste Bartholdi (1834-1904), was a gift from France as a symbol of American freedom, and has watched over New York Harbor since its dedication on October 28, 1886.

What is a powerful quote from Give me liberty or give me death? ›

Wirt's account ends with the famous lines, “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

What are some easy lines for the Statue of Liberty? ›

"The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World" was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the United States and is recognized as a universal symbol of freedom and democracy. The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886.

Who famously said give me liberty? ›

"Give me liberty, or give me death!" Patrick Henry delivering his great speech on the rights of the colonies, before the Virginia Assembly, convened at Richmond, March 23rd 1775, concluding with the above sentiment, which became the war cry of the revolution.

What type of dog is Liberty? ›

The Ford's acquired Liberty, a Golden Retriever, as a puppy in the fall of 1974. She grew up in the White House and even gave birth to her first litter of puppies there. A1813-5. President Ford and Liberty in the Oval Office.

What is Liberty's religious affiliation? ›

One question many prospective students have is “What is Liberty University's denominational affiliation?” Liberty does not align with a particular denomination. We are an evangelical institution that recognizes the similarities among all followers of Christ.

What is the Liberty fight quote? ›

I would fight for my liberty so long as my strength lasted, and if the time came for me to go, the Lord would let them take me.

What is the hidden secret Statue of Liberty? ›

Did you know that a secret box is buried under the Statue of Liberty? Inside is a copy of the U.S. Constitution, a portrait of the statue's designer, and 20 bronze medals, like this one of George Washington.

Who is Lady Liberty based on? ›

Statue of Liberty inspiration: The Roman Goddess Libertas

In the late 1800s, one of the most significant female icons in American culture was the Roman goddess Libertas, a female figure clad in robes. In ancient Rome, she was worshipped as the goddess of freedom, particularly amongst slaves.

What does Lady Liberty's crown represent? ›

The crown has 25 windows and seven spikes. Spike That Fact! The seven spikes represent the seven seas and seven continents of the world, according to the Web sites of the National Park Service and the Statue of Liberty Club.

What does torch mean in the Bible? ›

'' n1 This is the light of Spirit, God, and of His Christ, the saving Truth. It's a light that doesn't just appear briefly in four-year cycles but that always casts its rays upon the lives of men and women to benefit and better them. n1 Psalms 119:105. The light of a torch radiates outward and dissipates darkness.

What is the torch God's blessing? ›

Torch God's Favor is a consumable item obtained by surviving The Torch God event. Upon use, it permanently grants the player the ability to automatically convert regular Torches and Campfires in the player's hand to the current biome's Torch/Campfire variant, which positively influences the player's luck in most areas.

What does a torch symbolize in life? ›

Thus the mastery of fire, now wielded purposefully by humankind, has universally represented culture and civilization with the torch being a symbol of liberty, freedom, inspiration, knowledge, and teaching.

What do the broken chains on the Statue of Liberty mean? ›

Liberty from Bondage

In designing the Statue, Bartholdi incorporated broken chains and shackles to represent newly achieved freedom. Originally, the sculptor planned to place the chains in the Statue's left hand, which instead became the position of her tablet.

Could you ever go up into the torch of the Statue of Liberty? ›

Visitors have not been allowed inside the torch for over a century after a massive explosion. Ever wonder why visitors aren't allowed inside the Statue of Liberty's torch? The event that sparked the ban occurred 102 years ago Monday, on July 30, 1916.

What is Lady Liberty's torch called? ›

"The Flame of Liberty.

How did visitors access the torch on tours? ›

In the early days, the military opened the torch up to V.I.P. visitors, who would climb a 40-foot ladder into it and gaze onto New York Harbor from its ornate balcony.

How many times a year does the Statue of Liberty get struck by lightning? ›

3. Lady Liberty is struck by lightning 600 times every year. Standing proud, exposed to the elements, the statue has to withstand around 600 lightning bolts every year and, in high winds, the torch can sway by about 5 inches side-to-side! Luckily, it's a clear day as we land here at the ferry terminal and approach.

How much is the Statue of Liberty worth? ›

How Much Money Is the Statue of Liberty Worth? If the Statue of Liberty's worth was valued on the material costs alone, it would be worth $227,610 as scrap metal.

Why are the public not allowed in the torch? ›

The torch balcony was never reopened to the public after the explosion, perhaps because the only way up is a 40-foot ladder and it could have been a safety concern.

Why do people pass the torch? ›

The Olympic flame symbolizes the light of spirit, knowledge and life. By passing the flame from one person to another in stages, the Torch Relay expresses the handing down of this symbolic fire from generation to generation.

What is Lady Liberty's real name? ›

Her official name is "Liberty Enlightening the World." The statue - also known as "Lady Liberty" - has many symbolic features.

What does the 25 windows in the crown on the Statue of Liberty mean? ›

An alliance that represented freedom and liberty for all people around the world. Atop Lady Liberty's head sits a crown, inside the crown are 25 windows. Each window represents one of the 25 gemstones found on Earth: Garnet. Amethyst.

Will they ever clean the Statue of Liberty? ›

Answer and Explanation: The Statue of Liberty does not receive regular cleaning maintenance, because in the past those efforts have proved to be more damaging than natural weathering and age.

Are there 3 statues of Liberty? ›

There are two genuine statues and several lesser versions of the Statue of Liberty. The original and most famous is the one located on Liberty Island, a gift from the French to America. The second is located in Paris, France, and was a reciprocal gift from the United States in 1889.

How deep is the water at the Statue of Liberty? ›

The water around the Statue of Liberty is 62 feet at its deepest point between Liberty Island and the island of Manhattan. The water in New York Harbor is relatively deep, as it is a major shipping port.

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