Horses' Horoscope 2023/2022, Monthly Predictions (2024)

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Content Preview Career — Horses’ 2023Horoscope Love — Horses’ 2023Forecast Chinese Zodiac Love Compatibility Calculator Wealth — Horses’ 2023Projection Health — Horses’ 2023Prognosis Year-of-the-HorsesPeople’s 2023Monthly Horoscope Horses’ Month 1 Horoscope (Jan. 22 – Feb. 19, 2023) Horses’ Month 2 Horoscope (Feb. 20 – Mar. 21, 2023) Horses’ Month 3 Horoscope (Apr. 20 – May 18, 2023) Horses’ Month 4 Horoscope (May 19 – Jun. 17, 2023) Horses’ Month 5 Horoscope (Jun. 18 – Jul. 17, 2023) Horses’ Month 6 Horoscope (Jul. 18 – Aug. 15, 2023) Horses’ Month 7 Horoscope (Aug. 16 – Sep. 14, 2023) Horses’ Month 8 Horoscope (Sep. 15 – Oct. 14, 2023) Horses’ Month 9 Horoscope (Oct. 15 – Nov. 12, 2023) Horses’ Month 10 Horoscope (Nov. 13 – Dec. 12, 2023) Horses’ Month 11 Horoscope (Dec. 13, 2023 – Jan. 10, 2024) Horses’ Month 12 Horoscope (Jan. 11 – Feb. 9, 2024) 2022 Monthly Predictions for Horses Horses’ Month 1 Horoscope (Feb. 1 – Mar. 2, 2022) Horses’ Month 2 Horoscope (Mar. 3 – Mar. 31, 2022) Horses’ Month 3 Horoscope (Apr. 1 – Apr. 30, 2022) Horses’ Month 4 Horoscope (May 1 – May 29, 2022) Horses’ Month 5 Horoscope (May 30 – Jun. 28, 2022) Horses’ Month 6 Horoscope (Jun. 29 – Jul. 28, 2022) Horses’ Month 7 Horoscope (Jul. 29 – Aug. 26, 2022) Horses’ Month 8 Horoscope (Aug. 27 – Sep. 25, 2022) Horses’ Month 9 Horoscope (Sep. 26 – Oct. 24, 2022) Horses’ Month 10 Horoscope (Oct. 25 – Nov. 23, 2022) Horses’ Month 11 Horoscope (Nov. 24 – Dec. 22, 2022) Horses’ Month 12 Horoscope (Dec. 23, 2022 – Jan. 21, 2023) Check Other Chinese Zodiac Signs' Horoscope 2023/2022

2023 is a year of the Rabbit. Horses (those born in a Chinese zodiac year of the Horse), according to Chinese astrology, in 2023, you will enter a year in conflict with Tai Sui (the age star), which will have a great impact on your fortunes. This year will be full of ups and downs, and you’ll need to be more careful in your work. With your continuous efforts, though, Horses, you can get through this restless year smoothly.

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  • Career Prediction 2023
  • Love Prediction 2023
  • Wealth Prediction 2023
  • Health Prediction 2023
  • Monthly Predictions 2023
  • Monthly Predictions 2022

Career — Horses’ 2023Horoscope

After entering 2023, Horse people, your horoscope is very turbulent. There will be many villains affecting your life this year. Horses who are newcomers to the workplace this year, you need to be more careful and do not give opportunities to those who would sabotage your career.

Horse people working hard in business, your fortune will have very many twists and turns this year, and there will be situations where you will be subverted by villains. In daily work, you should pay more attention to detail, and you should be careful in dealing with company affairs, and be hands on in your work. Horses in newly founded companies, your ability to resist upsets during this year will be poor, and so, you should do things step by step. If you are careless, all your efforts and those of the startup will be destroyed.

In addition, this year, Horse people engaged in art, you will have a great harvest. As a Horse, you are naturally very moved by art. As long as you seize the opportunity, you can achieve good results.

Love — Horses’ 2023Forecast

Horses' Horoscope 2023/2022, Monthly Predictions (1)Horses' Love Compatibility

Horse people, in 2023, your romantic fortune will be very smooth. Single Horses, you will have a lot of luck in romantic encounters, and can reap a good relationship. Starting from a shallow relationship, you should consider the character and values ​​of the other party, and if you find him/her suitable, you should try to deepen your relationship.

Horses who are in love, if your relationship is going well, you should take your beloved home to meet your elders and hold an engagement ceremony to make the relationship stronger.

Married Horses, this year will be very smooth for your marital development, and you can plan everything about your future in an orderly manner. If conditions permit, you are recommended to take more excursions or self-driving tours with your partner, which can enhance your relationship.

Horses who have children, you should be more patient with your children, and set a good example for them.

Chinese Zodiac Love Compatibility Calculator

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Wealth — Horses’ 2023Projection

After you Horse people enter 2023, there will be great turbulence in your fortunes. Due to the influence of career turmoil, your income will be extremely unstable, and it will be easy for villains at work to affect your career, which will lead to ideas of ​​changing jobs.

Therefore, Horse people, you need to pay more attention to your words and deeds in the workplace this year, and do not disclose your personal details (passwords etc.) to others.

This year's venture forecast is not optimistic. Horses who like to invest and manage money, you must do things on a sound basis, and don't think about making money by taking shortcuts. Due to your poor wealth luck, the risk of losses and bankruptcy is great.

Health — Horses’ 2023Prognosis

In the middle of 2023, due to the influence of malefic stars, Horses, you will be in poor physical condition, and may even be afflicted by diseases. You should have regular physical examinations, strengthen your exercise habits after work, and improve your immunity.

In addition, Horses, you are likely to suffer from physical injury due to busy work. If you encounter difficulties at work, you will need to do everything possible to overcome them. So, you should develop a healthy work and rest pattern, eating and sleeping on time.

All in all, in this year, due to the influence of Tai Sui, your physical health is doomed to be adverse. Although this will not endanger your life, there will be minor illnesses that you must deal with quickly.

Year-of-the-HorsesPeople’s 2023Monthly Horoscope

In popular Chinese astrology, a Chinese zodiac sign's horoscope and monthly predictions are dated according to the Chinese lunar calendar. As such, Horses, your 2023 horoscope starts from January 22nd, 2023 (Chinese New Year) and ends on February 9th, 2024 (Chinese New Year’s Eve).

Your horoscope below covers months 1–12 of the Chinese lunar calendar for 2023, and Gregorian calendar dates have been given for reference.

Horses’ Month 1 Horoscope (Jan. 22 – Feb. 19, 2023)

Horse people, your horoscope is relatively optimistic this month 1. In your career, Horse people, you will be appreciated by your boss, and there will be the possibility of a promotion and salary increase. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to perform well this month, you need to take the initiative and show your talents in front of others.

But try to keep a low profile in your behavior if you achieve success, and don't be overly public about it. Because, in 2023, in a year of opposing Tai Sui, there will inevitably be fluctuations in your career. Due to the risk of interference by villains, it will be necessary to act modestly and low-key, keep things in proportion, and quietly take your career to a higher level with the help of the good fortune you have.

Horses’ Month 2 Horoscope (Feb. 20 – Mar. 21, 2023)

Horses, you’ll tend to develop more steadily in the second month of the lunar calendar, especially in terms of romantic fortune, and your relationship with your other half will progress nicely. Although there will be occasional disputes, they will not affect your overall relationship, and it will always develop in a good direction.

Single Horses, as your relational luck will be stronger than last month, you should find more time to go on blind dates and seek true love, while your career is progressing very smoothly.

In 2023, an extra lunar month 2 (Mar. 22 – Apr. 19)occurs after the standard month 2 in the Chinese calendar. For Chinese astrology purposes, this makes month 2 twice as long, which is very good for Horses in 2023, as month 2’s fortuitous predictions go on for an extra 29 days!

Horses’ Month 3 Horoscope (Apr. 20 – May 18, 2023)

After entering the third month of the lunar calendar, Horse people, you will continue the good luck of the previous three months and make good achievements in your career. Due to your positive work performance of the last three months, you will receive appreciation and a salary increase this month. Take advantage of the good prospects in your career, and continue to work hard to carry forward your good luck.

You only need to be reasonable in your financial planning, as long as you work proactively to cover costs, you can put aside considerable savings from your income. In your spare time, you could accumulate wealth through side jobs.

Relationally, married Horses, you will be extremely happy with your partner. Single Horses, you should continue in the good luck of the previous months and share your feelings with the person you like. As long as you spend more time together, you should together leave your lives of singleness.

Horses’ Month 4 Horoscope (May 19 – Jun. 17, 2023)

Entering month 4, 2023, the fortunes of you Horses will fluctuate greatly, especially in terms of relationships. There may be friction between you and your partner. In this month, you should keep a certain distance from the opposite sex around you, and don't allow a third party to interlope. Especially Horses who have a partner, you must pay more attention to your family life this month.

Horses’ Month 5 Horoscope (Jun. 18 – Jul. 17, 2023)

After entering the fifth month of the lunar calendar in 2023, Horse people, your luck will decline. Especially in terms of career fortune, Horses, you may be plotted against by others at work, so you need to be more careful.

Horses’ Month 6 Horoscope (Jul. 18 – Aug. 15, 2023)

In the sixth month of the lunar calendar, Horse people, your fortunes will decline, and you will need to do your best to maintain positive progress in your careers.

Horses as you often attach great importance to friendship and righteousness, when a friend comes to visit, you will put down your work to welcome them. You will find yourself spending a lot of financial and material resources in the process of hospitality. Things will begin to pile up at work until progress is at a standstill.

Horses’ Month 7 Horoscope (Aug. 16 – Sep. 14, 2023)

In month 7 of 2023, your fortunes will be significantly degraded, Horses. You will be in danger of expending a significant amount of money this month. So, you need to reasonably plan your daily spending, and don't be extravagant. When buying necessities, you should compare more. In this time of poor luck, it is even more necessary to save money.

Manage your money well, don't buy luxury goods just for a moment's pleasure, and carefully weigh up what you can afford in order to live your best life.

If you have enough spare time, you could seek part-time jobs to accumulate more financial stability.

Horses’ Month 8 Horoscope (Sep. 15 – Oct. 14, 2023)

Horse people, lunar month 8 will be relatively turbulent. During this month, you will need to watch out. Your health will easily be affected by the evil spirit of Tai Sui, so you should do more physical exercise to enhance your resistance.

Horses’ Month 9 Horoscope (Oct. 15 – Nov. 12, 2023)

Your fortunes will be better this month 9, Horse people, especially in terms of relational fortune. Single Horse people and those of you with partners will have a good fortune.

You single Horses who are silent and reserved, during this month, you will receive confessions of love or signs of interest from others. If you encounter such an opportunity, you need to seize the opportunity.

For those of you who are already in love, as work will go well this month, you can spend more time with your significant other.

Horses’ Month 10 Horoscope (Nov. 13 – Dec. 12, 2023)

After entering the 10th month of the lunar calendar, Horse people, you will have good fortune and can get the help and appreciation of predestined benefactors. Therefore, this month, you Horse people need to behave well, not only in front of your bosses, but also in a kind and sincere way towards everyone, because you never know who your benefactor will be, maybe a boss, or a colleague, or a family friend... As long as you believe in this, your hard work will eventually pay off.

Romantically, Horses who are single this month, you will have a good chance of starting a relationship. Pay more attention to singles around you, so that you can meet true love and escape singleness.

Horses’ Month 11 Horoscope (Dec. 13, 2023 – Jan. 10, 2024)

In this month 11, Horse people, your luck will decline, and there will be large fluctuations in your fortunes. It will be necessary to plan the use of your money well, and do not blindly invest money in financial plans.

Your love life will tend to develop steadily, but for you married Horses, there will be some friction in your marital relationship during this month. If the situation is serious, there will be a divorce crisis, so you need to be careful.

Married Horses who already have a family, you should keep a good distance from friends of the opposite sex at work. No matter how busy your business is, you should tell your partners when you will go home. Outside work, spend more time with your spouse in order to make your relationship more stable and long-lasting.

Horses’ Month 12 Horoscope (Jan. 11 – Feb. 9, 2024)

In the last month of the lunar year, the prospects of you Horse people will pick up, and you will see things developing in a positive direction, but you should not relax too much.

In terms of career, Horses who have just entered the workplace, if you are diligent in your work, there will be opportunities for promotion and salary increase, which should be firmly grasped. Your business will be relatively busy, and, as long as you work hard, you will reap more opportunities.

It is worth noting Horses that you are predicted to experience physical abnormalities this month. Although it is good to work whole-heartedly, it should be within the scope of your own physical/emotional abilities. If you work too hard, your health will be affected.

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2022 Monthly Predictions for Horses

Horses' Horoscope 2023/2022, Monthly Predictions (10)

In popular Chinese astrology, a Chinese zodiac sign's horoscope and monthly predictions are dated according to the Chinese lunar calendar. As such, Horses’ 2022 horoscope starts from February 1st, 2022 (Chinese New Year) and ends on January 21st, 2023 (Chinese New Year’s Eve).

The horoscope below covers months 1–12 of the Chinese lunar calendar for 2022, and Gregorian calendar dates have been given for reference.

Horses’ Month 1 Horoscope (Feb. 1 – Mar. 2, 2022)

Stepping into the first month of the Year of the Tiger, Horses who do business, your income will be better.

This month 1, you will have a lot of inspiration, and you will often have a lot of novel ideas. You should explore new marketing directions that will bring benefits to your business.

When facing investors’ proposals for cooperation, you should consider them carefully. Based on mutual trust, cooperation can be carried out this month, and mutual benefits can be had.

Horses’ Month 2 Horoscope (Mar. 3 – Mar. 31, 2022)

Horse people, you will have some problems with your interpersonal relations this month 2, most of which will be caused by your irritable emotions. At work, there will be conflicts with colleagues due to trivial matters, and you will find you cannot control your own emotions, and this will break out in conflicts.

It is recommended for you to go out with your spouse/partner/friend in your free time, relax your mind, and don't let your spirit be in a state of stress. Also do not fall into self-doubt.

Horses’ Month 3 Horoscope (Apr. 1 – Apr. 30, 2022)

Everything will develop in accordance with your original plan in month 3, Although there will be many unexpected situations you cannot control.

Fortunately, you will only encounter small problems that will not have a substantial impact on your projects. As long as you are humble and ask for experienced advice from your predecessors, you can get through challenges smoothly.

Horses’ Month 4 Horoscope (May 1 – May 29, 2022)

There will be some twists and turns in your financial luck this month 4. Even if you can get a considerable income, you will have to spend a lot on additional expenses.

It is recommended that you carefully manage your money this month, when your wealth is unstable, to ensure you make ends meet.

Horses’ Month 5 Horoscope (May 30 – Jun. 28, 2022)

Your financial development this month will show a slight upward trend.

You will need to pay special attention to mood swings this month, and don't let yourself fall into pessimism all day because of small things.

Your quality of sleep will be poor this month. It is recommended that you listen to some light music before going to bed in order to relax.

Horses’ Month 6 Horoscope (Jun. 29 – Jul. 28, 2022)

The problem that you could not solve at work will finally be solved this month, and the big “rock” weighing on your heart can now fall to the ground.

Horses’ Month 7 Horoscope (Jul. 29 – Aug. 26, 2022)

Your overall luck this month will return to stability, and everything will slowly come to fruition, especially in terms of career and financial luck. This year, your career development has been hindered, but you will unexpectedly show your skills in your projects this month 7 and receive praise. A promotion is in sight.

Horses’ Month 8 Horoscope (Aug. 27 – Sep. 25, 2022)

Your love life will have a good turn this month 8.

Single Horses, you will meet your ideal partner following an introduction by friends, and the attributes of your prospective partner will be agreeable to you in all respects.

Married Horses, you need to keep a distance from the opposite sex to avoid getting too close and causing unwanted misunderstandings.

Horses’ Month 9 Horoscope (Sep. 26 – Oct. 24, 2022)

This month 9, your luck with noble persons will be strong. When in trouble, you will be able to get help from people of higher rank to help solve the problems in front of you.

But this month, you will be in a bad mood, always feeling irritable because of trivial things, having a poor relationship with your partner, and often arguing about trivial matters.

It is recommended that you go out more and breathe in natural fresh air, which will help to release inner depressing emotions.

Horses’ Month 10 Horoscope (Oct. 25 – Nov. 23, 2022)

This month 10’s financial luck will be smooth. In addition to your main business, your sideline business will also greatly improve in prosperity.

Funds and stocks you have invested in will all be rising, and financial resources will be rolling in. You will be in a happy mood this month, so make sure you have some quality time with your family, and create a better family atmosphere.

Horses’ Month 11 Horoscope (Nov. 24 – Dec. 22, 2022)

This month 11,you may choose to travel or go on a business trip, both of which will dilute your bad luck.

In addition, you should pay more attention to the health of elders in your family, and seek medical treatment promptly if you feel unwell.

Horses’ Month 12 Horoscope (Dec. 23, 2022 – Jan. 21, 2023)

Your interpersonal relations will continue to decline this month, and because of differences in opinion with colleagues at work, your situation will be very embarrassing and will even affect the impression you have with your boss. This month, it is recommended that you speak less and do more to avoid trouble.

Check Other Chinese Zodiac Signs' Horoscope 2023/2022












Horses' Horoscope 2023/2022, Monthly Predictions (2024)
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