How Long Does an iPad Last? (2024)

You should get at least five years out of a well-maintained iPad. This article will help you decide if it's time to move on from your iPad and offers a couple of reasons why it might be worth keeping, too.

How Many Years Should an iPad Last?

Apple usually supports a new iPad with iPadOS updates for at least five years and often several years longer. Most iPad models hold up well in performance, features, and storage over this timeframe which means that five years is a standard lifespan for any iPad.

You may see more life from a high-end iPad model, such as an iPad Pro with 512GB of storage, than an entry-level model. The improved performance, storage, and features of better iPad models can help future-proof the tablet.

6 Reasons to Replace Your iPad

These problems are likely to push your iPad into retirement.

Your iPad Is Too Slow

It's common for any consumer electronics device to feel slower as it ages. It happens as the base requirements for apps and websites go up over time, asking for more memory, Internet data bandwidth, processing power, storage, and so on.

Your perception can also skew the feel of using your old iPad, as it may start to feel lackluster next to newer and faster devices.

As you know, replacing or upgrading the processor, graphics, RAM, or storage in an iPad is impossible, so you should always try to fix your slow iPad before you replace it.

Your iPad Is Out of Storage

Storage space is often tight on an iPad. Many iPads have just 64GB of storage, and some owners with older iPads may have just 32GB or even 16GB. That becomes unmanageable if you want to use larger apps like games or download large files such as movies.

You can combat this problem with Apple's iCloud storage service. It can automatically upload files to the cloud and then remove them from your iPad, downloading them again only when needed. You can also save storage space on your iPad by deleting podcasts or temporarily removing rarely-used apps.

However, these solutions are temporary, as you can't upgrade the iPad's limited storage. Buying a new iPad with more storage is the only way to solve the problem permanently.

Your iPad Lacks the Latest Features

Most generations of Apple iPad come with a new feature that makes it alluring to owners of older iPad devices. Examples include FaceID, the Apple Pencil, Apple Pay, and 5G mobile data.

Although rarely necessary, these features are often a good reason to buy a new iPad. It's impossible to upgrade an older iPad with features found on a newer model.

You might also choose to upgrade because these features are on other Apple devices you own. For example, you may find the lack of FaceID on the standard iPad annoying if you've become used to having the feature on your iPhone.

Your iPad Is Broken or Not Working Properly

As mentioned, the iPad is not an easy device to upgrade or repair. Even accessing the internals is a lengthy and tedious task.

An iPad's life may end because what seems like a minor repair can't be repaired. Defective Wi-Fi, a cracked Lightning port, or a damaged screen can lead to your iPad's demise.

We recommend taking your broken iPad to an Apple Store or contacting Apple customer support before moving on. Apple can repair some iPad components, thus extending the life of the iPad.

However, Apple's iPad repair pricing can come close to the price of a new device. The cost to replace a base iPad display is $199, which soars as high as $599 for a 12.9-inch iPad Pro. The price to repair an iPad is often less appealing than a replacement.

Your iPad's Wi-Fi or Mobile Data is Obsolete

Nearly everything you do on an iPad will involve connecting to the Internet, so a fast connection is the key to a good experience.

Early iPad models supported the 802.11n Wi-Fi standard, also known as Wi-Fi 4. Though quite capable at the time, it's now two generations behind Wi-Fi 6. Upgrading to a new iPad will significantly improve your experience streaming or downloading large apps or files on a Wi-Fi network.

It's a similar story with mobile data. The first iPad models had optional 3G mobile data. Many mobile data carriers are in the process of shutting down 3G networks, making this feature obsolete. Newer iPad models with 4G LTE should retain support for years, but 5G networks are much quicker when a strong connection is available.

You can't upgrade an iPad's Wi-Fi and mobile data connections, so a new iPad is your only option for moving to a modern Wi-Fi or mobile data standard.

Your iPad Doesn't Support the Latest iPadOS

Apple supports the iPad with new software updates for years longer than Android manufacturers support their tablets, but every iPad will eventually have support removed. It typically occurs between five to eight years after the iPad was released.

Your iPad will still work without the latest version of iPadOS, but it will fall behind other devices. It may not be able to connect with new Apple products, and apps may stop working. An unsupported iPad is less secure as Apple will eventually stop patching security flaws.

Our list of devices compatible with iPadOS 15 will tell you if Apple supports your current iPad.

Reasons You Shouldn't Replace Your iPad

There's many good reasons to replace an iPad, but there's two common reasons that don't hold up.

Your iPad's Battery Life Is Too Short

Many iPad owners choose to replace an iPad as the battery ages. It can be a sensible choice if you're already eyeing a new model, but an aging battery doesn't force you into buying a replacement.

Your iPad has a battery health feature that helps you check the status of your battery. It measures battery health as a percentage of the battery's original maximum capacity. Reduced capacity will become noticeable as your battery health approaches 80 percent of its maximum capacity.

It is possible to replace the battery on an iPad. Apple will replace it for a fee (or for free if the device is still under warranty). The cost is usually $99, which, though not inexpensive, is less than a third of the price of a new iPad. A replacement makes sense unless the iPad is about to become obsolete for another reason.

Apple also has a new self-service repair program for ambitious owners.

Your iPad Is Too Large or Heavy

Apple's iPad line hasn't lost much weight in recent revisions. The base iPad has changed little in the past five years. Other new models, like the iPad Pro 12.9, have pushed size and weight up rather than down. A new iPad won't be much (if any) lighter or thinner than an equivalent older model.

Those hoping for a more portable option only have one choice: the iPad mini. Yet even this device has not lost weight over the years. The size and weight of the 5th-generation iPad Mini are almost identical to the first iPad Mini released in 2012.

An upgrade won't make your iPad a better travel companion.

The Best iPads Worth Buying in 2024


  • How long does an iPad battery last?

    Your iPad's battery should be good for over 1,000 charge cycles. After that, it should still maintain about 80% of its original capacity. How long it takes to reach that point depends on how often you use it (and therefore how often it needs a charge), but the optimal levels should last at least a few years.

  • How long is an iPad warranty?

    The basic iPad warranty lasts one year. You can also buy an AppleCare+ plan to extend coverage another two years, which includes coverage for two service calls every 12-month period.

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How Long Does an iPad Last? (2024)


How Long Does an iPad Last? ›

iPads generally have a lifespan of about 5 years. Keep your software as up-to-date as possible. Plan to replace your tablet every 3 years. Reference Table 1 below to determine if your iPad is still supported.

What is the average lifespan of an iPad? ›

Let's get back to the burning question: how long does an iPad last? On average, most iPad models will last about 4 to 6 years. But that's not a one-size-fits-all answer. Several factors, such as software updates and battery life, can either add to or subtract from that number.

How do I know when my iPad needs replacing? ›

Signs that your iPad may be ready for an upgrade:
  1. Slow performance.
  2. Poor battery life.
  3. Inability to access secure websites (E.g. banking websites or financial institutions)
  4. Emails not loading properly.
  5. Inability to update your apps.
  6. Running low on storage - have to remove pictures, applications and other data.
Feb 4, 2024

Do iPads last longer than tablets? ›

Generally speaking, iPads offer a longer usable life than most Android tablets. Apple tightly integrates hardware and software and regularly releases software updates as time goes by, meaning iPads will last for years.

How long before iPad is outdated? ›

Between five and seven years after Apple stops selling products it moves them into the Vintage list. Then around seven years after Apple stops selling products they are moved into the Obsolete list.

How often should an iPad be replaced? ›

Your iPad should last at least 5 years. But your device can last even longer depending on: Your iPad model. A newer iPad Pro, which has more storage and features, will likely last longer than an older or lower-end model.

Can I use iPad for 10 years? ›

How long can you expect an iPad to last? While the answer truly depends on the particular model and its intended use, you can reasonably expect an iPad to last 4-7 years. Generally speaking, the iPad is a very dependable mobile computer, and the only notable wear item is the battery.

Should I fix my iPad or get a new one? ›

If the cost of repairing your tablet is 50% or more of the cost of buying a new one, you should strongly consider a replacement.

Is it worth putting a new battery in an old iPad? ›

Even if you have to pay for the battery replacement, it's a decent price to get an iPad working again. That said, you should consider the cost of repair versus the cost of getting a new iPad. If the iPad with the failed battery is old, it may be better to put that money toward the cost of buying a new iPad.

What happens when an iPad gets old? ›

If you have an obsolete or outdated iPad, it may be unable to run the newest apps or update existing apps. In a technical sense, an obsolete device is one that the manufacturer no longer supports. Here's a list of iPads that are no longer supported or discontinued but supported and supported.

Do iPads get slower with age? ›

Additionally, iPads may slow down or become less responsive as they age, especially when running newer, more demanding applications.

Can a tablet last 10 years? ›

The next factor in calculating how long tablets last is from a software perspective. Each drawing tablet manufacturer will have different software update schedules and timelines. For example, Android tablets typically only receive three years on average, while XPPen tablets receive 4 to 5 years.

Which iPads are obsolete? ›

Apple iPad
iPad Mini 39 years ago (22 Oct 2014)8 years ago (09 Sep 2015)
iPad Air 29 years ago (22 Oct 2014)7 years ago (21 Mar 2017)
iPad Mini 210 years ago (12 Nov 2013)7 years ago (21 Mar 2017)
iPad Air (1st generation)10 years ago (01 Nov 2013)8 years ago (21 Mar 2016)
24 more rows
Feb 29, 2024

Are old iPads worth anything? ›

In general, Apple Products hold their value extremely well. And iPads specifically hold their value even better than most other Apple products. With that said, all electronics lose value over time. So no matter which iPad you own, the best time to sell your used iPad is now.

Which iPads are at risk of being hacked? ›

iPhone XS and later, iPad Pro 12.9-inch 2nd generation and later, iPad Pro 10.5-inch, iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation and later, iPad Air 3rd generation and later, iPad 6th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th generation and later. Apple Safari versions prior to 17.3. macOS Monterey and macOS Ventura.

What is the life of iPad in years? ›

We will support iPads that are still being supported by Apple and running iPadOS 15. iPads generally have a lifespan of about 5 years. Keep your software as up-to-date as possible. Plan to replace your tablet every 3 years.

Do iPad batteries wear out? ›

Every time you charge or discharge your battery, it wears out gradually. Since the battery degradation process is very slow, you won't necessarily notice that until you realize your iPad battery doesn't hold the charge as before or the worst, it is going to die.

How long will an iPad stay on? ›

For most customers, the battery in your iPad should last the whole day. You can charge your iPad every night even if the battery isn't fully depleted.

How much is an old iPad worth? ›

How much is a used iPad worth?
Swappa MarketplaceSwappa Trade-In
iPad (6th gen 2018)Starting around $177$35-$50
iPad (7th gen 2019)Starting around $198$60-$81
iPad (8th gen 2020)Starting around $208$85-$111
iPad (9th gen 2021)Starting around $261$95-$141
26 more rows
Jul 5, 2023

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.