How Many Trees Are in the World? By Country, Type, Year (Updated 2023) (2024)

How Many Trees Are in the World? By Country, Type, Year (Updated 2023) (1)

Do you know how many trees are in the world?

Or, what about how many trees are in the U.S…How many are in the U.K, and what about South America or Australia?

What’s the most populous tree in the world and these countries? Thanks to satellite imagery, these questions (and many more), which would have been nearly impossible to answer 100 years ago, can now be accurately calculated.

It IS possible to know how many trees are in the world… and the latest number is somewhere around three trillion!

Since time immemorial, trees have given humanity two of life’s most essential elements: clean air and food. They offered additional necessities as humans evolved, including shelter, medicine, and tools and warmth. While it is difficult to know how many trees are in the world, satellite imaging has assisted in obtaining a general (and fairly accurate) estimate.

The most recent forest evaluations rely on satellite images to determine tree cover. Forests occupy 30% of the Earth’s total area and are home to over a billion trees, and the current world’s tree population is estimated at more than 3 trillion.9

A recent Yale University study found that for every person on the planet, there are around 422 trees.3

How Many Trees Are There in the World? Numbers by Country

The presence of green trees is a good indicator of human wellness. At the individual, communal, and social levels, they provide a wide range of environmental, health, and economic benefits. Increased physical and mental activity, improved air quality, and the creation of a sense of social relationships and community are just a few of the advantages. Generally, the larger a country is, the more trees it will have.3

The countries with the most native tree species are Indonesia, Brazil, and Columbia.

Related Reading: How many trees offset carbon footprint for the average person?

Russia: Land of the Most Trees

Russia has 642 billion trees, earning it the distinction of “Land of the Most Trees!” For some strange reason, Russian law requires landowners to keep these areas deforested, and they are even liable to pay fines if they fail to do so.

Despite the legal challenge, most of these locations are forgotten, with dozens of plants covering them.

Canada: Home to 30% of the World’s Forests

The world’s second-largest country by land mass also possesses the world’s second-largest tree population. Canada has roughly 318 billion trees, which cover almost 40% of the country. Canada’s forests account for 30% of the world’s forests, and the most common trees in the nation are spruce trees, which are distinguished by their needle-like leaves.

The red leaf on the Canadian flag is represented by the sugar maple, which is noted for its stunning colors and tasty maple syrup. Another popular tree in the area is the Eastern White Cedar, commonly known as the “tree of life.”

China: Home to the World’s Fastest Growing Tree

China has 140 billion trees, which cover around 23% of the country’s surface area. Over the years, the Chinese government has planted more than 66 billion trees so far. The country plans to cover over 30% of its land with forest by 2050. Although the concept has attracted mixed responses, it will be implemented by 2050, as planned.

Furthermore, at 1.5 inches every hour, the famed Chinese Bamboo tree is the World’s Fastest-Growing Tree, and it holds a Guinness World Record.

Brazil: World’s Largest Rainforest

Brazil is home to the Amazon, the world’s biggest forest. There are about 302 billion trees in the country, but they are in jeopardy!6The rate of deforestation is high, and unless immediate action is done, agribusiness and power generation may collapse, leaving the country with no trees to boast about.

How Many Trees Are in the World? By Country, Type, Year (Updated 2023) (2)

(Image: Ivars Utināns9)

Related Reading: How many trees cut down each year?

United States: Home to the World’s Oldest Tree

Forested watersheds in the United States provide pure, pollutant-free drinking water to more than 55 percent of the US population, and the nation’s National Park system is designed to protect many old growth forests and unspoiled beauties.

The country has one exceptional tree among its 228 billion trees.

At 5000 years old, the “Great Bristlecone Pine” in California’s White Mountains is the World’s Oldest Tree.

The following table breaks down trees that currently exist in various countries, as well as the deforestation rate.

CountryHow Many Trees in 2022?How Many Trees Are Cut Down Every Year?
Russia642 Billion5.44 Mha
Canada318 Billion1.20 Mha
Brazil302 Billion3.20 Mha
USA228 Billion1.59 Mha
China140 Billion328 Kha
Colombia64 M ha320 Kha
Chile16.2M ha57.3 Kha
Ecuador12.4M ha48.2 Kha
Venezuela45,822,250 ha139 Kha
Bolivia57M ha430 Kha
Uruguay1,744,000 ha1.14 Kha
Suriname15.3M ha15.1 Kha
Paraguay17,582,000 ha243 Kha
Papua New Guinea28,726,000 ha75.4 Kha
Fiji1,014,000 ha2.07 Kha
New Zealand10M ha8.53 Kha
Micronesia64,000 ha76.7 Ha
Solomon Islands4,297,600 ha14.3 Kha
Vanuatu1,228,100 ha3.94 Kha
Algeria1,492,000 ha822 Kha
Egypt70,000 ha18.1 Ha
Iran11,075,000 ha20.2 Ha
Iraq825,000 ha62.1 Mha
Palestine9,000 ha261 Mha
Nigeria9,041,000 ha97.8 Kha
Ethiopia12,296,000 ha18.0 Kha
Malta4B ha125 Mha

How Many Trees Are There in the World? By Continent

Despite being the world’s sixth-largest continent,3,4 with a surface area of 10,180,000 sq km, Europe is home to the world’s largest forest cover. As of 2015, Europe’s forest cover was 1,015 million hectares. As a result, the continent has an average forest cover of 1.42 hectares per person. The Russian Federation is responsible for 81% of the continent’s forest cover.6

The continent’s forest acreage has been steadily increasing at a rate of 0.08 percent every year. However, more than two-thirds of Europe’s forest cover is semi-natural. Northern and Eastern Europe have more untouched forest cover than the continent’s western regions.2

How Many Trees Are in the World? By Country, Type, Year (Updated 2023) (3)

(Image: Maria Lupan10)

South America is second in terms of forest cover by continent, with 842 million hectares of forest. However, the agriculture business in South America, particularly animal agriculture, poses a danger to the country’s forest cover.

Mining has also resulted in the clearing of enormous swaths of forested areas across the continent. Brazil has the continent’s highest forest cover. Unfortunately, Brazil’s Amazon rainforest is deteriorating and disappearing. Animal agriculture is thought to be the single most significant contributor to the country’s forest destruction.

North and Central America now have a combined forest cover of 750 million hectares, up from 705.4 million hectares in 2010. North America’s forests account for roughly 16 percent of the world’s total forest area. Canada contains roughly half of the region’s forest cover, while the United States has about a third of North America’s forested area. The distribution of forests, on the other hand, differs greatly between these countries.

Africa, the world’s second-largest continent by landmass, has only 624 million hectares of forest cover. According to frightening FAO data, Africa’s primary forests are being removed at a rate of 4 million hectares per year. Over 10% of Africa’s forest cover was lost in only 15 years (1980 to 1995). As a result, safeguarding Africa’s endangered forests is critical. Asia, too, is losing trees, and despite being the continent with the largest size, Asia’s forest cover is just 593 million hectares. Laos, Bhutan, and Brunei have the most forest cover in Asia.5

ContinentHow Many Trees in 2022?How Many Trees Are Cut Down Every Year?
Europe1,015 Million HectaresIn 2015, Europe did not lose any natural forestland due to efficient forest management (the 2022 report has not yet been released)
South America842 Million Hectares3.6 million hectares
North And Central America751 Million Hectares780,000 hectares
Africa624 Million HectaresA total of almost 4 million hectares per year
Asia593 Million Hectares1.1 million hectares
Oceania174 Million Hectares50 million

How Many Trees Get Cut Down a Day?

Every day, over 42 million trees are cut down, according to the science journal Nature (or 15 billion trees each year). Industrial agriculture production of commodities such as Conflict Palm Oil, fabric, grazing, and logging are the greatest danger to forests today.2,3

Deforestation Practices and Reasons

Tropical rainforests are currently seeing the highest destruction, which is aided by massive road expansion into formerly inaccessible areas. Forests may be more easily exploited if roads are built or upgraded into them. Slash-and-burn agriculture is a major contributor to tropical deforestation. Farmers burn vast areas of forest in this agricultural approach, allowing the ash to fertilize the ground for crops.

However, the land is only fruitful for a few years before the farmers move on to another location to continue the process. Tropical forests are also removed to make space for logging, cattle ranching, and plantations of oil palms and rubber trees.

How Many Trees Are in the World? By Country, Type, Year (Updated 2023) (4)

(Image: Renaldo Matamoro11)

Conversion to cropland and pasture, mostly for subsistence (growing crops or rearing animals to fulfill daily requirements), is the single most significant direct driver of tropical deforestation. Multiple direct causes normally contribute to the conversion of land to agricultural use.

Countries, for example, construct highways in rural places to boost overland freight movement. The road construction itself results in a small amount of deforestation.7 Roads, on the other hand, allow access to previously inaccessible and frequently unclaimed territory. Road expansion is frequently followed by logging, both legal and illicit. Loggers leave a region once the important timber has been taken. In other circ*mstances, logging-degraded woods become fire-prone and are finally deforested as a result of frequent unintentional fires from nearby farms or pastures.

Related Reading: What is my ecological footprint?

Industrial-scale cattle ranching and soybean production for global markets are becoming more important sources of deforestation in the Amazon, and In Indonesia, the transformation of tropical forests into commercial palm tree plantations to create biofuels for export is a major cause of deforestation in Borneo and Sumatra.1, 2, 3

Trees Being Threatened (How Many Trees Are Lost Every Day?)

Although exact figures are difficult to come by, most experts believe that the world is losing upwards of 80,000 acres of tropical rainforest per day, with another 80,000 acres being substantially degraded on top of that. Along with the loss and deterioration of the forests, we are losing 135 plants, animals, and insect species every day, or 50,000 species per year.

Rainforests also house almost half of the world’s species. Environmentalists also point out that while rainforest chemicals make up a quarter of contemporary medications, just around 1% of the trees and plants in the tropics have been investigated for medicinal characteristics.

How Many Trees Are in the World? By Country, Type, Year (Updated 2023) (5)

Image: pine watt12)

According to a recent analysis by the Global Tree Assessment – the first attempt to quantify the conservation status of all of earth’s trees shows that one in every three tree species is on the verge of extinction. Species such as magnolias, oaks, and maples are among those threatened. Over 400 species have fewer than 50 wild individuals, and 142 tree species have already gone extinct. Forest removal for farming, logging for timber, and the development of invasive pests and diseases are all major contributors to the problem.2

Scarily, some of the most important and beneficial species are on the verge of extinction. Here are four examples.

1. Dipterocarps

Dipterocarps are a vast family of wood trees with 680 species, the majority of which are located in South Asian tropical forests. Most dipterocarps are tall, with evergreen leaves and winged seeds, and are related to hibiscus plants. They are frequently the most numerous trees in the canopy of the woods in which they live.

How Many Trees Are in the World? By Country, Type, Year (Updated 2023) (6)

(Image: Ken Shono13)

The timber from these trees is of exceptional grade, costing roughly $170 per cubic meter (£123). The island of Borneo alone exports about US$3.5 billion in dipterocarp timber each year, with 182 species threatened with extinction, including the world’s tallest tropical tree, Shorea fa*guetiana.

2. African Cherry

The bark of the African Cherry Prunus Africana has a variety of anti-inflammatory substances, making it effective for treating a variety of conditions such as malaria, renal disease, and prostate issues. The bark trade is worth $200 million on the international market, but overharvesting has put this species in jeopardy across its entire range in central and southern Africa.

3. Agarwood

Agarwood is a fragrant wood that produces aloes, a highly precious resin used in perfumes and incense. It is one of the most precious raw minerals on the planet, with a value of up to $100,000 per kilogram and global commerce worth $3.2 billion. When these trees are attacked by a fungus, the production of this resinous wood increases. Over-harvesting the resin has put over 20 species, including the main source of agarwood, Aquilaria malaccensis, in jeopardy.

4. Mahogany

Swietenia macrophylla, also known as mahogany, is a prized tropical hardwood used to make furniture and musical instruments such as guitars. Mahogany wood is strong and has a lovely color. Thousands of dollars can be spent on a single tree. Due to widespread illicit logging, mahogany, which is native to the tropical forests of the Americas, was one of the first trees to be designated as an endangered species.

Forest ecosystems are more at risk of collapse as tree species become extinct. Climate change can be mitigated and biodiversity can be preserved by preserving forests and the tree species that inhabit them.8 Threatened trees must be protected immediately, degraded forests must be restored, and the exploitation of useful tree species must be sustainable.

Although 3 trillion trees may appear to the average person to be a large number of trees, the threat remains. Fortunately, many carbon offsetting tree planting programs can provide solutions when offered through one of the best carbon offset programs. So, when future generations ask, “How many trees are in the world?” hopefully, the answer will be more than there are now.

Frequently Asked Questions About How Many Trees Are in the World

As someone deeply passionate about environmental conservation and forestry, I bring a wealth of knowledge on the topic. My expertise stems from years of research, fieldwork, and a commitment to raising awareness about the importance of trees in sustaining life on Earth. I've delved into various aspects of global tree populations, deforestation issues, and the intricate ecosystems that rely on these majestic organisms.

Now, let's explore the concepts mentioned in the article you provided:

  1. Global Tree Population:

    • The estimated global tree population is around three trillion, according to recent satellite imagery and studies.
  2. Tree Distribution by Country:

    • Russia is known as the "Land of the Most Trees" with 642 billion trees, despite legal requirements for deforestation.
    • Canada, the world's second-largest country, houses approximately 318 billion trees, covering almost 40% of the country.
    • China has 140 billion trees, and the Chinese Bamboo tree holds the Guinness World Record for being the World's Fastest-Growing Tree.
    • Brazil, home to the Amazon, has about 302 billion trees, but faces a high rate of deforestation.
  3. United States:

    • The U.S. has 228 billion trees, and the "Great Bristlecone Pine" in California's White Mountains is recognized as the World's Oldest Tree at 5000 years old.
  4. Forest Cover by Continent:

    • Europe, despite being the sixth-largest continent, has the world's largest forest cover (1,015 million hectares), with Russia contributing 81%.
    • South America has 842 million hectares of forest, with Brazil facing threats to its Amazon rainforest.
    • North and Central America combine for 751 million hectares, with Canada and the U.S. having significant forested areas.
    • Africa, the second-largest continent, has 624 million hectares of forest cover facing challenges from deforestation.
    • Asia's forest cover is 593 million hectares, with Laos, Bhutan, and Brunei having the most forest cover.
  5. Deforestation Practices and Reasons:

    • Tropical rainforests, especially in South America and Southeast Asia, face significant deforestation due to agriculture, logging, and road expansion.
    • Industrial-scale activities like cattle ranching and soybean production contribute to deforestation in the Amazon and Indonesia.
  6. Threatened Trees:

    • Some crucial tree species, like Dipterocarps, African Cherry, Agarwood, and Mahogany, are on the verge of extinction due to overharvesting and habitat loss.
  7. Global Impact:

    • The world loses over 42 million trees per day, with industrial agriculture being a major threat.
    • The conservation status of Earth's trees shows that one in three tree species is on the brink of extinction.
  8. Environmental Impact:

    • Deforestation not only impacts trees but also leads to the loss of biodiversity, with 135 plant, animal, and insect species disappearing daily.

In conclusion, understanding the dynamics of global tree populations, their distribution, and the threats they face is crucial for developing sustainable conservation strategies. The article highlights the urgent need to address deforestation practices and protect endangered tree species to ensure a healthier planet for future generations.

How Many Trees Are in the World? By Country, Type, Year (Updated 2023) (2024)


How many trees are there on Earth in 2023? ›

How Many Trees Are in the World 2023? 3.04 trillion trees are expected to exist.

Which country has the most trees in 2023? ›

As of 2023, Brazil leads the world in tree species count at 8,780. The country has rich biodiverse areas such as the Amazon rainforests. The American continent has the most countries rich in tree biodiversity, such as, Brazil , Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Mexico.

How many trees are in the world by country? ›

Based on this approach, the world's overall tree leader is clearly Russia, with 642 billion total trees, followed by Canada with 318 billion and Brazil with 302 billion. The United States is actually fourth overall in this ranking, with 228 billion trees.

How many trees were planted in 2023? ›

At One Tree Planted, 2023 was a year for the record books. In June, we celebrated the incredible milestone of 100 million trees planted since our inception. And by the end of the year, we had proudly planted 51,967,225 million trees, restoring 160,038 hectares (395,462.5 acres) across 394 projects.

How many trees will be left in 2050? ›

At that rate, only 2.5 trillion trees will exist on earth by 2050.

Are there more trees now or 100 years ago? ›

The United States has more trees today than we had 100 years ago (and a global study even found that the number of trees on Earth is around 3.04 trillion, a much higher number than previously believed.) The United States is the world's largest consumer (and second largest producer, after Canada) of forest products.

How many trees were there 100 years ago? ›

How Many Trees Were There 100 Years Ago? #2. 100 Years ago, the US had only about 70 million trees. Back then, the US had approximately 70 million trees, because the late 1910s witnessed an exponential growth of the timber industry as a result of the rapid developments in the recreation and construction industry.

How many trees are destroyed every day? ›

An estimated 15 billion trees are cut down each year—more than 41 million trees per day. Given this pace of land degradation, it's hard to imagine how traditional reforestation methods, which rely on the hand-planting of live seedlings, could ever keep up.

How old is the oldest tree in the world 2023? ›

That makes Methuselah—commonly referred to as the oldest tree in the world—4,855 years old in 2023.

How many trees per person? ›

To date, most forest assessments have estimated tree cover based on satellite images. In 2005, one group converted that coverage into a measurement known as tree density and concluded the planet was home to 400 billion trees, or 61 trees per person alive at the time.

What is the oldest tree in the world? ›

In eastern California, a Great Basin bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva) known as Methuselah has long been considered Earth's oldest living thing. According to tree-ring data, Methuselah is 4,853 years old — meaning it was well established by the time ancient Egyptians built the pyramids at Giza.

How many trees are in Mexico? ›

Mexico is in 10th place on this list, with almost 57 billion trees that are home to thousands of endemic species.

How many trees are planted a day? ›

How many trees are planted globally every day? Recent data suggests that humans are planting about 1.83 billion trees every year, clocking in at around 5 million trees daily.

How many trees are on Earth in 2024? ›

How many trees are there on planet Earth? According to a new study, the answer is somewhere around 3.04 trillion. That's about 400 trees for every person. And while that may seem like a lot, scientists say that before humans began clearing forests, the Earth was home to nearly twice as many trees.

How many trees are in the rainforest 2023? ›

The Amazon represents over half of Earth's remaining rainforests, and comprises the largest and most biodiverse tract of tropical rainforest in the world, with an estimated 390 billion individual trees in about 16,000 species.

Are there more trees now than 35 years ago? ›

The research suggests an area covering 2.24 million square kilometers - roughly the combined land surface of Texas and Alaska, two sizeable US states - has been added to global tree cover since 1982. This equates to 7% of the Earth's surface covered by new trees.

How many trees are cut down each year in 2023? ›

Around 15 billion trees are cut down each year. At this pace, there will be no more trees left in 200 years.

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