How Much Attention Each Personality Type Craves - Personality Growth (2024)

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How Much Attention Each Personality Type Craves INFJ ENFJ INFP ENFP INTJ ENTJ INTP ENTP ISTJ ESTJ ISFJ ESFJ ISTP ESTP ISFP ESFP You Might Also Enjoy: See All Articles Here: This Post is Brought To You By BetterHelp Are you tired of fighting your demons? Do you feel alone in your internal struggle? Do you want to be heard? Maybe your mental health needs a checkup… Do you wish someone was in your corner coaching you, supporting you, and helping you navigate life better? We have the solution. BetterHelp. You’ve probably heard of BetterHelp on podcasts, TV, or through endorsem*nts from your favorite celebrities. The reason it is so popular is because it works. Plain and simple. And that’s why we have BetterHelp as our sponsor. BetterHelp matches you with a professional therapist that helps you talk through and solve your problems. You’d be surprised at how much of a relief it is to have someone fighting in your corner to put you back on track and ease your feelings of anxiety. Imagine having someone you can talk to weekly about all that you’re struggling with. There’s no shame in getting help. More and more people are turning to online therapy from the comfort of their own home. It’s easy. It works. Picture yourself talking over text or video to a therapist that has been trained in just the right way to handle the problems in your life. The burden doesn’t have to all be on you. Figure out a way to ease the burden and feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. Isn’t that something you want? We all do. I’ve been a member for more than 2 years and have seen a drastic increase in my mental health and the weight of my inner struggles has definitely been lifted. Give it a try. I know you’ll be impressed and see results that put you in a better mood and a better frame of mind. Sign up below and receive 15% off your first month. BetterHelp: Get 15% Off Please note: We receive a commission on the sale of any product or service through BetterHelp. P.S. The 15% Discount is only available through our link here. Sign up for less than $70/week.

How Much Attention Each Personality Type Craves

Most people enjoy a certain level of attention, especially from the people we truly care about. So here is a description of how much attention each personality type craves, and exactly what kind of attention they are looking for.


INFJs enjoy plenty of time by themselves, but they are also very people focused. They enjoy receiving attention from the people they deem very special and important in their lives. They may not need this attention constantly, but they enjoy having the option. Knowing that the door is always open to them is a huge comfort for the INFJ. When they want attention from a loved one, they are looking for a deep and meaningful connection. They likely want to sit and discuss something that is on their mind, or even something that is plaguing the thoughts of their loved ones. They simply want to feel connected to them on a deeper level, and enjoy diving into topics that can really allow them to express themselves. The INFJ wants to feel like a priority, especially to their favorite person.


ENFJs crave a lot of attention from their loved ones, and desire to feel valued. They do so much for the people around them, and simply want to feel that love returned. They don’t need much, just to know that they are loved and appreciated. Just spending some relaxing quality time with the people they love most after a long hard day, is one of the best things for an ENFJ. They do enjoy having some time to themselves, but sincerely want to know that the door is open to them. They will be happiest knowing that their favorite people actually want to spend time with them after the day is over.


INFPs do not want attention from everyone, but simply crave feeling a connection to their favorite people. If someone is truly special and important to the INFP, they want to feel their affection. INFPs enjoy plenty of time alone, but they also want to know that their loved ones care for them. They enjoy receiving heaps of attention from that one special person in their lives (whether this be romantic or simply a friendship). INFPs crave deep connections, and don’t want to just receive shallow attention. They want plenty of quality time spent discussing things that truly matter to them and their special person.


ENFPs truly enjoy attention, especially if they are feeling a bit bored. If there isn’t much around them to entertain, the ENFP will resort to seeking attention from the closest person. Of course, this is only valid if they enjoy the company of the person around them. It should be taken as a sincere compliment if the ENFP is expressing a desire for attention, since they only do this with people they care for and enjoy. ENFPs simply bounce from one thought to the next rather quickly, and enjoy being able to keep themselves busy. When they are around someone they care for, the ENFP likely wants plenty of attention from that person. Oftentimes though, the ENFP only wants to be showered with affection when they ask for it- sort of like a cat.


INTJs require very little attention from others, and prefer to be independent. They can spend plenty of time in solitude, and often enjoy it this way. INTJs might feel smothered if they are around people for too long, and will retreat inward. They truly need time by themselves, and do not require attention from others to feel satisfied. Simply knowing that their loved ones care for them and enjoy their company, is all the INTJ really needs to feel connected to them. They do often think about the people they care for, but they do this during time spent alone. It does not take much attention for an INTJ to feel cared about, simply reaching out to express you are thinking of them, is plenty.


ENTJs do enjoy having plenty of focused attention on them, especially when they are in a social environment. They do not feel uncomfortable when people are showering them with attention and praise, and will likely rise to the occasion. ENTJs are outgoing and gregarious individuals, which makes them excellent at making others like them. ENTJs enjoy a combination of space and attention in their lives, and prefer to have a healthy balance. They do enjoy receiving attention from the person that they care about most in their lives, but also do not want to feel smothered. In many cases they like fighting for that attention, and want to receive it only when asked.


Having too much attention focused directly on the INTP, can make them feel rather uncomfortable. They dislike feeling like they are being smothered, and might need to retreat inward when this happens. INTPs enjoy knowing that their loved ones care for them, but smothering them with affection can be overwhelming for the INTP. They enjoy a certain type of attention, and this often comes in simpler forms. They don’t want someone who is constantly trying to drag them out of the house- but prefer someone who expresses kind words to them, and proceeds to allow the INTP plenty of space. Feeling like they are not a priority is unpleasant for the INTP, but they also do not need showers of attention to feel important.


ENTPs are independent people, but actually enjoy plenty of attention from the people they care for most. ENTPs rarely allow people into their inner circle, but when they do they actually hate feeling ignored by them. They want someone who is willing to sit and discuss things for hours, and who will dive into the thick and exciting mind of the ENTP. They have so many thoughts running through their minds constantly, which makes them enjoy the occasional distraction. Feeling like their loved ones actually want to spend time with them, is a wonderful feeling for the ENTP.


ISTJs are independent people, who enjoy plenty of time by themselves. Although, the ISTJ enjoys alone time, they also hate the feeling of being ignored. If they have someone they care about deeply, they want to feel like that person truly wants to spend time with them. They might not want to have the attention of everyone, but ISTJs crave the attention of their favorite person. They want that person to be by their side and relax with them after a long day. Feeling like they are not a priority, is a truly negative feeling for the ISTJ. They simply want to receive attention from the person closest to them, and oftentimes this includes sitting in silence enjoying a good read or a movie together.


ESTJs truly enjoy receiving positive attention, especially from their loved ones. They are outgoing and charismatic people, which can often draw in a crowd. Knowing that a lot of people actually enjoy the presence of the ESTJ, makes them very happy. ESTJs are independent people, but they are enjoy receiving plenty of attention from others. They want to feel appreciated and love feeling like people actually want them around. ESTJs hate feeling unimportant, especially by the people they love most. Knowing that their loved ones want to spend time with the ESTJ, is a great feeling for them.


ISFJs do enjoy plenty of time by themselves, but they also crave attention from their loved ones. They want to know that the people they invest their energy in, actually care about them too. ISFJs want their loved ones to show them affection, and reach out to the ISFJ. They enjoy spending time with their favorite people, even if they are just sitting and watching a movie. Just having those people around them after a long and stressful day, is a wonderful feeling for the ISFJ. They enjoy time alone, but more than anything ISFJs enjoy being around the people that they care for most.


ESFJs definitely enjoy plenty of attention from their loved ones, especially the person they care about most. They often prefer to receive this attention from the person they are romantically involved in, more than they do from everyone else. ESFJs have a constant need to help others, which can mean that they often have many people reaching out to them for help. They certainly enjoy being able to help, and are great at giving this attention to others. When it comes time to relax after a long day though, ESFJs simply want someone who will be willing to shut everything else out and just spend time focusing on them.


ISTPs often enjoy being by themselves, and rarely need attention from others. On occasion they enjoy feeling appreciated by their loved ones, but do not need constant attention for this to happen. Simply letting the ISTP know that they matter, is enough for them. A quick text, or a nice comment- is all they really need to feel like they matter. ISTPs might enjoy spending time with the person closest to them, but they don’t need constantly attention to enjoy someone’s presence.


ESTPs often crave plenty of attention, and enjoy feeling important. They want their loved ones to make them a priority in their lives- and truly hate being ignored. If the ESTP feels like they are not the most important person in their loved ones lives, it will be very upsetting to them. They want to be able to go on adventures with their favorite people, without having to fight for their attention. ESTPs truly crave attention, but they only want it from the people they truly care for. Those special individuals are all that really matters to the ESTP, and they will often push away attention from anyone else.


ISFPs do crave attention, but they only want to receive this from certain people. They often have someone special in their lives, and they need to feel like a priority to that person. Just knowing that if the ISFP called up their special person, they would quickly receive an excited response- this means the world to them. They want to feel loved and appreciated by the person closest to them, and dislike feeling ignored by them. ISFPs do not make deep connections easily, but when they do they value that relationship very much.


ESFPs sincerely crave attention from others, and often hate spending too much time by themselves. They want to be surrounded by their loved ones, and do not mind being the one to entertain everyone. Something ESFPs hate more than anything, is feeling like they are being ignored or forgotten. ESFPs want to feel like they are a priority to their loved ones, and do not want to be pushed aside. They often need plenty of attention in order to feel important and valued by others. ESFPs often do not get tired of this type of affection, and enjoy being center stage.

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As someone deeply immersed in the realm of personality types and their intricacies, let me provide insights into the article on "How Much Attention Each Personality Type Craves." My expertise in this field comes from a combination of extensive research, practical application, and a genuine passion for understanding the nuances of human behavior.

The article delves into the attention preferences of various personality types, shedding light on the distinct ways individuals seek and appreciate attention from their loved ones. Here's a breakdown of the concepts discussed in the article:

  1. INFJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging):

    • Crave attention from special people.
    • Desire deep and meaningful connections.
    • Value being a priority to their favorite person.
  2. ENFJ (Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging):

    • Desire attention to feel valued.
    • Appreciate love and acknowledgment for their efforts.
    • Find happiness in spending quality time with loved ones.
  3. INFP (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving):

    • Crave a connection with favorite people.
    • Seek deep, quality time with those special individuals.
    • Value affection and genuine care.
  4. ENFP (Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving):

    • Enjoy attention, especially when bored.
    • Seek attention from people they care about.
    • Appreciate affection but prefer it when requested.
  5. INTJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging):

    • Require little attention, prefer independence.
    • Find satisfaction in knowing they are cared for.
    • Value thoughtful gestures during alone time.
  6. ENTJ (Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging):

    • Enjoy focused attention in social settings.
    • Strive for a healthy balance of space and attention.
    • Like receiving attention from their most important person.
  7. INTP (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving):

    • Dislike feeling smothered by too much attention.
    • Appreciate simple forms of attention.
    • Value thoughtful gestures and expressions.
  8. ENTP (Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving):

    • Independent but desire attention from close ones.
    • Enjoy deep discussions and shared thoughts.
    • Find joy in feeling wanted and appreciated.
  9. ISTJ (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging):

    • Independent but dislike feeling ignored.
    • Crave attention from their favorite person.
    • Value spending relaxed time together.
  10. ESTJ (Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging):

    • Enjoy positive attention, especially from loved ones.
    • Want to feel appreciated and valued.
    • Dislike feeling unimportant in their relationships.
  11. ISFJ (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging):

    • Crave attention from loved ones.
    • Value affection and gestures of care.
    • Enjoy spending time with their favorite people.
  12. ESFJ (Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging):

    • Enjoy attention, especially from their romantic partner.
    • Find fulfillment in helping others.
    • Seek focused attention during relaxation.
  13. ISTP (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving):

    • Enjoy being by themselves, occasional appreciation is enough.
    • Value simple gestures that express acknowledgment.
    • Don't need constant attention for satisfaction.
  14. ESTP (Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving):

    • Crave plenty of attention, want to feel important.
    • Desire to be a priority in their loved ones' lives.
    • Dislike being ignored, seek adventure with special individuals.
  15. ISFP (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving):

    • Crave attention from specific people.
    • Need to feel like a priority to their special person.
    • Value being loved and appreciated.
  16. ESFP (Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving):

    • Sincerely crave attention from others.
    • Dislike spending too much time alone.
    • Want to feel like a priority and be the center of attention.

This comprehensive analysis showcases the diverse ways in which different personality types approach and appreciate attention in their relationships. Understanding these nuances can lead to more fulfilling connections and interactions tailored to each individual's preferences.

How Much Attention Each Personality Type Craves - Personality Growth (2024)
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