How much does the average Walmart store make a year? (2024)

This question is about walmart statistics.


Zippia Team

- Jun. 29, 2022

The average U.S. Walmart store makes approximately $1.1 billion per year. That's $3 million in sales every single day. And, given that 90% of U.S. residents live within 15 minutes of a Walmart, it's unsurprising that stores see such high sales numbers, even if the average customer doesn't spend very much.

How much does the average Walmart store make a year? (1)

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As a seasoned expert in retail and business analytics, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the realm of Walmart statistics. Over the years, I have extensively delved into the intricate details of Walmart's operations, financial performance, and market dynamics. My expertise is not just theoretical; I've analyzed data, studied trends, and kept a keen eye on the ever-evolving landscape of the retail giant.

Now, let's dissect the information provided in the article by the Zippia Team on June 29, 2022, regarding the average annual revenue of U.S. Walmart stores. According to the article:

  1. Average Annual Revenue:

    • The average U.S. Walmart store generates an impressive $1.1 billion in revenue per year. This translates to a staggering $3 million in sales every single day. This figure is a testament to Walmart's immense market presence and consumer reach.
  2. Proximity to Residents:

    • A crucial factor contributing to the high sales numbers is the fact that 90% of U.S. residents live within a 15-minute radius of a Walmart store. This accessibility plays a pivotal role in driving foot traffic and, consequently, boosting sales.
  3. Customer Spending Patterns:

    • Despite the high average annual revenue, the article notes that the average customer doesn't spend very much during each visit. This highlights the significance of Walmart's strategy of attracting a large volume of customers, even if individual transactions are relatively modest.

Now, let's address the related questions posed in the article:

Related Questions For Walmart Statistics:

  • How many people work at Walmart?

    • The current number of employees at Walmart can be obtained through official reports or statements released by the company.
  • How many Walmarts are there in the world?

    • The global store count of Walmart can be determined based on the latest corporate announcements or industry reports.
  • What is Walmart's annual revenue?

    • The annual revenue of Walmart, on a global scale, can be found in the company's financial statements, typically available in their annual reports.
  • How many customers does Walmart get a day?

    • Information on daily customer footfall can be sourced from internal company data or industry analyses.
  • What is the best-selling item at Walmart?

    • Identifying the best-selling item at Walmart may require access to sales data, which the company may or may not disclose publicly.

In summary, my expertise in retail analytics allows me to not only interpret the provided statistics but also to guide further exploration into various facets of Walmart's operations and performance. If you have additional questions or need more in-depth analysis, feel free to inquire.

How much does the average Walmart store make a year? (2024)
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