How To Achieve Permanent Residence In Germany [2024 English Guide] (2024)

The permanent residence in Germany often referred to as PR by expats, is a crucial bureaucratic document on your way to fully settle in Germany. In this guide, we will discuss its benefits, requirements, and application process.

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What is a German Permanent Residence Permit?

A permanent residence permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis) in Germany allows you to live, work, and study in Germany for an unlimited time. It is also known as a settlement permit. The permanent residence permit is the step after a temporary residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) and a step before acquiring German citizenship through naturalization (EinbĂŒrgerung).

Temporary vs. Permanent Residence Permit Germany

The ID card for your residence permit in Germany looks identical and you need to look closely to identify its type. Below you can see two images indicating the clear distinction between a Niederlassungserlaubnis and Aufenthaltserlaubnis.

German Permanent Residence Permit

How To Achieve Permanent Residence In Germany [2024 English Guide] (1)

German Temporary Residence Permit

How To Achieve Permanent Residence In Germany [2024 English Guide] (2)

What are the benefits of a Permanent Residence Permit in Germany?

The main benefit of achieving permanent residence in Germany is more freedom. Freedom of movement, freedom of employment, freedom of worry. If you wish to change jobs or become self-employed, you can do so without worrying about your visa status. Unlike the temporary residence permits, which you get through any type of visa (except a tourist visa), you are no longer bound to a company or a specific job.

Can you travel with your German Permanent Residence Permit?

Yes, you can travel freely within the EU with your German settlement permit, but be sure to always carry your passport with you as well. For some countries outside the EU, you might encounter fewer visa restrictions, when holding a German permanent residence permit.

Can German Permanent Residence expire?

Yes, it can. If you leave Germany for longer than six months (without prior permission), your German permanent residence permit will expire.

How to maintain German Permanent Residence

Once you receive your permanent residence permit for Germany, it is valid for an unlimited period. However, the residency ID card is only valid for 5 – 10 years, similar to a national ID card or passport. Since it is tied to your passport, you need to keep both documents valid. To renew your permanent residence permit or in case you lose your residence title (Aufenthaltstitel), you need to make an appointment with your localAuslĂ€nderbehördeand request a new physical permit.

How long does it take to get Permanent Residency in Germany?

Usually, you will receive permanent residence in Germany after you have lived and worked for five years in Germany. We will look at the exact requirements below. When you start your stay in Germany with a temporary residence permit, it is usually valid for two years. If you still have a valid work contract after those two years, you will get another temporary residence permit for again two years.

After yet another year, you can schedule an appointment with yourAuslÀnderbehördeto apply for permanent residency. Once you have handed in all necessary documents, it usually takes four to eight weeks until you can pick up your permanent residence title. We list theapplication process in detail below.

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Who can get a Permanent Residence Permit in Germany with reduced waiting time?

There are a few circ*mstances that can allow you to apply for permanent residence in Germany after two or three years. Let’s take a look at the categories entitled to special provisions:

EU Blue Card Holders

As an EU Blue Card holder, you can already apply for permanent residenceafter only 27 months if you can prove A1 German skills. With a B1 German language certificate, you can even applyafter 21 months!This is by far one of the fastest ways of becoming a permanent resident in Germany. Be aware, though, that only those months are counted in which you lived in Germany, you held employment, and you contributed to the statutory pension insurance.

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Graduates Of German Universities Or Vocational Training

In case you have acquired a German degree or vocational training certificate, you can apply for permanent residency after being employed in your field and contributed to the statutory pension insurance for2 years. You must also have sufficient German language skills (B1 level).

Highly Skilled Professionals

In special cases, highly skilled professionals (e.g., scientists and other specialists) can qualify for permanent residency immediately without needing to fulfill any prior time spent in Germany. The requirements for this special treatment are very individual and on a case-by-case basis.

You need an academic degree, several years of professional experience, and a certain level of higher skills. You will also need to demonstrate that you will integrate into life in Germany smoothly and will not require financial assistance from the German social system.

Self-Employed People

When you come to Germany with a freelance visa or acquire it while in Germany, you can already apply for permanent residence in Germany after3 years, provided that your business idea is striving and providing enough financial resources.

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Family Members Of A German Citizen

Suppose you have rejoined with a family member in Germany, who is a German national. In that case, you can change your temporary residence permit for a permanent residence permit after 3 years if the family unit is still in place and you have a B1 level command of the German language. This applies to spouses and minor unmarried children alike.

Requirements for a Permanent Residence Permit in Germany

To be eligible for a permanent residence permit in Germany, you must fulfill the following requirements and provide the following documents:

  • Minimum of 5 years residence in Germanywith at least60 months of contributions to the German pension insurance (Rentenversicherungsverlauf), unless you qualify for a fast-track as described above
  • No criminal record(FĂŒhrungszeugnis)
  • B1 German level(integration course, language course, or test certificate)
  • Proof of being financially secure(work contract, last payslips, or bank records; for self-employed the latest tax return)
  • Proof of registration and accommodation(rental contract andMeldebescheinigung for your living space)
  • Proof of health insurancefrom your health insurance fund
  • For any fast-track applicant, theproof that allows you to fast-track(degree, business permit, EU Blue Card, marriage certificate, etc.)
  • Valid passport
  • 1 biometric photo

Good to know

You don’t have to have a minimum amount of money saved up to apply for a permanent residence permit. You just need to be able to show some proof of financial security. If you’re employed, an example could be your work contract, last payslips, or bank records.

Some cities may require additional documents, so be sure to familiarize yourself regarding your individual case.

Requirements for a Permanent Residence Permit for family members of foreign nationals in Germany

Should you have moved to Germany with your children, they most likely received a temporary residence permit similar to yours. Let’s take a look at their eligibility for a settlement permit in Germany.

Children of Foreign Nationals in Germany

If your child has had a German residence permit for at least five years before turning 16, he or she will be able to receive a settlement permit after his or her 16th birthday, according to BAMF.

If your child only completes the five years of holding a temporary residence permit after turning 16, your child needs to prove a good knowledge of the German language and a ‘secure livelihood’. This includes attending school or vocational training.

Family Members of Foreign Nationals in Germany

Should your life partner or spouse receive a settlement permit, you thereafter qualify to apply for a German settlement permit as well. Even if your relationship or marriage falls apart, you keep that right, as long as you can prove that you are financially secure (including alimony payments from your former partner).

Family reunification and immigration law is a very complex topic with many individual factors. We highly recommend consulting immigration experts such as Schlun & Elseven.

The application process for a Permanent Residence Permit in Germany

The application process for permanent residence in Germany (Antrag auf Erteilung einer Niederlassungserlaubnis) varies from city to city. In some cities, like Berlin, you have to send a written application with all documents, and then you are given an appointment. In other cities, you need to make an appointment first and then present your documents. Let’s have a look at both cases.

How To Apply for A Permanent Residence Permit in Berlin

The governmental office in charge of residence permits in Berlin is the Landesamt fĂŒr Einwanderung (LEA), located in Standort Friedrich-Krause-Ufer. Here is an overview of the application process:

  • Send your documents via the correct contact form
  • You will receive a reply with further details on what to do

Before you apply with them, you must have all the required documents listed on the official website, plus this extra application form. Once you’ve gathered your documents, you need to send a written application to them via their contact form. As of the time of writing this guide, the LEA has stopped accepting email and fax communication.

You need to send your application to the right department. To find the right department, you can check their organizational chart.

If you’re a Blue Card holder or have a residence permit through family reunification, the departments B1 / B2 / B3 are responsible for this process. The cases are assigned to a department based on the letter your last name starts with.

  • B1: Your last name starting with A-G
  • B2: Your last name starting with H – Or
  • B3: Your last name starting with Os – Z

Once you know the department, you can find their contact form in the official department list.

As an example, I have a Blue Card, and my last name starts with a P. So I would need to send my application to the B3 department.

If you have a residence permit other than a Blue Card or family reunification, the departments E2 – E6 are responsible for your case. These departments handle the applications based on your nationality. You can find your nationality on their website.

Once you know the department, you can find their contact form in the official department list.

For example, I have a normal residence permit (NOT a Blue Card) and my nationality is Guatemalan. So I need to send my application to the E2 department.

In other cities, like DĂŒsseldorf, you must make an appointment first and provide all documents in person. Below you can find the links to the requirement pages of the biggest expats cities in Germany. They are in German, but you can use Chrome as a browser and translate the page with a right-click.

During the personal appointment, you might have to prove your knowledge of the German language and your understanding of the legal and social and political system in Germany. For Jen, my wife from Guatemala, it was enough to do some small talk, but you want to be prepared either way.

Costs of a Permanent Residence Permit in Germany

The cost for a permanent residency permit in Germany depends on the job category you are in:

  • General: 113 euros
  • Self-employed: 124 euros
  • Highly qualified professional: 147 euros
  • Re-issuing: 67 euros


Acquiring permanent residence in Germany for the freedom of movement and employment is pretty straightforward and, in most cases, dependent on the number of years you have already lived and worked in this beautiful country. Depending on your degree and job, you may be able to fast-track the usually necessary five years. Your local AuslÀnderbehörde handles the application process.

Good luck with this essential step to settle in Germany for good!

Disclaimer: Neither myself as the author of this article, nor Simple Germany as a business, are qualified to provide immigration advice under German law. We cannot provide specialist immigration services beyond any of the general tips contained herein. For immigration advice, we strongly recommend you consult a professional immigration consultant or your local German embassy or Foreigners office.

How To Achieve Permanent Residence In Germany [2024 English Guide] (2024)


How can I get permanent residency in Germany fast? â€ș

If you are in one of the following categories, then you become eligible for permanent residency in Germany quicker than in four years' time:
  1. A graduate from a German university or vocational school.
  2. A highly qualified professional.
  3. EU Blue-Card holder.
  4. A self-employed person.
  5. A family member of a German citizen.

How to get permanent residency in Germany? â€ș

To be eligible for this permit, you must have lived in Germany for at least five years (or three years if you are married to a German citizen). You must also be able to provide proof of your employment, financial resources, and German language skills. If you have this permit, you can stay in Germany indefinitely.

What level of German language is required for permanent residence? â€ș

You must be able to speak German at level B1 and provide relevant evidence. You must have enough living space for yourself and your family.

How many years to get PR in Germany for international students? â€ș

Time to Get Germany PR from India
Type of Visa Permit in GermanyMinimum Time to Get PR in Germany
Skilled Worker4 Years
PR in Germany after study2 Years
EU Bluecard Holder33 Months
Self Employed3 Years
3 more rows
Sep 12, 2023

What is the new immigration law in Germany in 2024? â€ș

The second stage of Germany's new Skilled Immigration Act came into force on 1 March 2024. The new law will make it easier for foreign skilled workers to come to Germany. This follows the first stage of the new regulations, which came into effect in November 2023.

What documents are required for PR in Germany? â€ș

1 biometric passport photo. Proof that you can provide for yourself (employment contract, certificate of employment and statement of earnings, at least the last 3 wage / salary slips) Proof of where you live and a rental agreement. Proof of basic knowledge of the legal and social order,*

What documents are required for German PR? â€ș

Documents required to apply for PR in Germany
  • Identification proof.
  • Immigration pass.
  • Passport with a validity of six months.
  • Name-changing certificate and deed poll, if required.
  • Two passport-sized photos.
  • Certificate of the highest degree of education.
  • Proof of the individual's date of birth.
Jan 18, 2024

How long do you have to live in Germany to become a resident? â€ș

To be eligible for naturalization, a person has to have lived legally in Germany for at least eight years and possess the appropriate residence permit. Foreigners who have successfully completed an integration course are eligible for naturalization after seven years.

Can I get Germany PR without German language? â€ș

Sufficient knowledge of the German language is essential for German PR for Indian students. Therefore, candidates must be proficient at least at the B1 level of the CEFR. The certificate must show either paid private insurance or statutory pension, and the paid pension insurance plan must cover a two-year time span.

Do I need to learn German to get PR in Germany? â€ș

German Residence Permit Requirements

To apply for a German residence permit, you must provide the following documents: Have a valid passport from another country. Not have a criminal record. Be proficient in German in at least a B1 level.

What are the different types of permanent residency in Germany? â€ș

The following are permanent residence titles:
  • Permanent settlement permit = Niederlassungserlaubnis (with various legal bases)
  • EU long-term residence permit = Erlaubnis zum Daueraufenthalt-EU (pursuant to Section 9a of the German Residence Act (Aufenthaltsgesetz))

Is PR difficult in Germany? â€ș

In order to apply for a PR in Germany, you must meet certain legislative requirements, meet the eligibility conditions, and submit the required documents. It will be simple to obtain permanent residency if you grasp the regulations and requirements and follow the application process meticulously.

How much does it cost to get a PR in Germany? â€ș

Permanent residence permit costs

The cost of applying for a permanent settlement permit varies according to your professional circ*mstances. The fee for a general settlement permit is usually 113 euros. For self-employed workers it is 124 euros and highly-qualified people have to pay 147 euros.

What is a blue card in Germany? â€ș

German: Blaue Karte EU. The EU Blue Card is a residence title for academics outside the EU who wish to work in an EU Member State. To obtain an EU Blue Card, applicants are required to have a university degree and a work contract which meets the minimum gross salary requirement.

How hard is it to become a resident of Germany? â€ș

German Residence Permit Requirements

To apply for a German residence permit, you must provide the following documents: Have a valid passport from another country. Not have a criminal record. Be proficient in German in at least a B1 level.

How much does it cost to become a German citizen? â€ș

If you're applying for German citizenship through marriage, the application fee is €255 for the applicant and €105 for the spouse. If you're applying for German citizenship through descent, the application fee is €300 for the applicant. Remember that these are standard fees.

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