How to Bulletproof Your House and Walls - Survival Sullivan (2024)

When SHTF, protecting your family is of the utmost importance. But, while many people think that their homes are bulletproof, most walls aren’t designed to shield you from gunfire.

In fact, thick furniture, drywall, and most home appliances aren’t going to do much to protect you and your family from an intruder, particularly if they’re armed with a large caliber weapon. So, finding ways to fortify your home in the event of an emergency is critical.

How to Bulletproof Your House and Walls - Survival Sullivan (1)

To help you protect your family when it matters most, here’s all the information you need on how to bulletproof your walls.

Table of Contents

The Need To Bulletproof Your Home

If you live in a calm neighborhood or out in the countryside, you probably don’t get many unwanted visitors. So, bulletproofing your entire house might be pretty low on your to-do list.

However, investing the time and resources into bulletproofing your home can make a real difference in a life or death situation when SHTF. Even if your town is safe you never know when someone will go on a rampage through your neighborhood.

Ultimately, spending time and money on reinforcing your home with bulletproof materials is better than losing a loved one at the hands of a violent thug.

N. Idaho man creates way to make walls bulletproof

What Makes A Material Bulletproof?

Bulletproof materials (also known as ballistic materials) are gaining increasing popularity among non-military and non-law enforcement civilians because of their ability to save lives.

However, when most people think of something bulletproof, they often think of thick steel walls or a massive tank, not fabrics and fibers. In reality, though, there are many different ballistic materials, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.

Bulletproof Metals

For metals, bulletproof-ness comes down to thickness. Each type of metal, depending on is density, requires a certain thickness to protect you from gunfire.

For example, it takes around 1/4”-1/2” (0.6 – 1.27 cm) of steel or upwards 3/4” (1.9 cm) of aluminum to stop a 9mm round, depending on the angle of the shot.

Ballistic Fabrics

For a fabric to stop a bullet, though it’s as much about the microscopic construction of each fiber as it is about the thickness of the material.

Kevlar, one of the most popular fabrics in ballistic vests, has bulletproof properties because of how parallel and organized its tiny molecules are.

Additionally, Kevlar fabrics are made with very tightly knit fibers with an incredibly high tensile strength. This gives them the ability to stop a decently large caliber weapon, especially when reinforced with steel rifle plates.

Since the fibers in Kevlar are woven so tightly together, a bullet can’t physically push them apart, helping to absorb the energy of the impact. Other non-metal ballistic fabrics work in a similar manner.

Bulletproof Glass

Bulletproof glass is usually made from layers of alternating hard and soft glass. The softer glass layer provides a decent amount of elasticity, which gives the window the ability to flex instead of shattering on impact. Meanwhile, the harder glass provides more stopping power against a bullet.

Bulletproof glass varies quite a bit in thickness, depending on what it’s being used for. Glass rated to stop a 9mm round (UL 752 Level 1) is usually about 1.25” (3.175cm) thick.

Meanwhile, glass that can stop .44 Magnum rounds (UL 752 Level 3) is generally around 2.01” (5.3cm) thick. However, these thicknesses vary based on the precise type of glass laminate that’s being used.

Fiberglass Laminates

Fiberglass is often included as a laminate in a variety of different bulletproof materials because of its ability to dissipate energy. Most ballistic fiberglass panels will layer sheets of kevlar with a synthetic resin for maximum protection.

When a bullet hits a panel that’s reinforced with fiberglass, the energy of the projectile is spread out across the surface of the panel, preventing it from penetrating through to the other side.

Fiberglass also has the additional benefit of reducing ricochet, which can be just as dangerous as a direct shot.

Bulletproofing Your Walls

Thankfully, when it comes to protecting your home against gunfire, you have quite a few options. Here’s what you need to know:

Brick, Poured Concrete, And Cinderblock

Technically, brick, poured concrete, and cinderblock aren’t truly bulletproof because they won’t necessarily withstand the impact of high caliber weapons. But, they offer a good amount of bullet resistance, particularly against smaller rounds.

Plus, these materials tend to be quite affordable, which is why people often use them to externally reinforce the structure of their home.

While I wouldn’t recommend that brick, poured concrete, and cinderblock as your only line of defense against a bullet, they’re a decent place to start if you’re on a budget.


Sandbags are an often overlooked method of bulletproofing an area, but they are quite effective. In fact, sandbags have been used by militaries for decades as protection because they are so good at stopping a bullet in their tracks.

Sand works well to stop a bullet because it absorbs energy. Although the particles in sand will move out of the way when you stick your hand in the ground at the beach, a bullet travels so quickly that these particles can’t move fast enough to get out of the way.

So, the sand ends up acting like a solid that most bullets can’t penetrate.

While sandbags are quite effective at stopping bullets, it’s not necessarily the most practical thing in terms of bulletproofing all the walls in your home because they are quite bulky.

Some people have placed them in the space in between walls for protection from gunfire, but this will be effective only against smaller rounds.

However, sandbags are fairly affordable (especially when compared to other more high-tech options), and having a cache of sandbags in your basem*nt ready to go in an emergency can be helpful.

Sandbags can also be helpful for preventing flooding (among other things), so they’re a good multi-purpose thing to add to your stockpile of supplies.


Many ballistics materials companies now make fiberglass panels that are solid enough to reinforce your walls against a bullet. These panels are made from super-tough fibers, such as Kevlar, which are then woven and layered onto a mat using a synthetic resin.

When a bullet hits these panels, they absorb the energy and stop it from passing through. Ballistic fiberglass panels need to be mounted directly onto the studs of your walls, so installing them will involve removing your current drywall.

But, one the fiberglass is installed, it can be covered with either paneling or drywall and finished however you want. So, fiberglass panels are a good way to bulletproof walls without compromising the look of your home.

In fact, unless someone opened up the drywall in your house, they’d never know the paneling was there.

The downside to fiberglass paneling is the cost. As you can imagine, this paneling costs more than your average sheet of drywall. Panels that are rated to withstand larger, more powerful rounds, are also more expensive.

You can expect to pay between $13-$50 per square foot for ballistic fiberglass paneling. However, these panels will generally be shipped via freight in the form of pallets, so you’ll also want to factor in the cost of shipping when you make your budget.

Additionally, you will have to remove and then re-install your drywall to mount these panels, which is a labor-intensive process. So, this method is best used when you’re already planning to renovate your home.

Ballistic Concrete (BallistiCrete)

If you’re not interested in completely renovating your home and taking down your drywall to install ballistic paneling or steel, then ballistic concrete might be a solid option.

Ballistic concrete, also known as “BallistiCrete” is a type of protective coating that can actually be sprayed onto your existing walls.

BallistiCrete Testing

BallistiCrete can be applied at a variety of thickness levels. As you can imagine, the thicker the coating, the more protection you get from bullets. It can protect you from all handgun bullets and most rifle rounds, even those that are designed to pierce through body armor.

The company that produces BallistiCrete is also doing some testing to see how much protection it can offer against blasts, and early results are looking quite promising.

The major advantage of BallistiCrete is that it can be applied to nearly any surface, including drywall, cinderblock, and stucco.

The only thing BallistiCrete can’t be applied to is metal. This is because it actually bonds to the surface it’s applied to, providing you with maximum protection from bullets.

Additionally, BallistiCrete doesn’t affect how you can design or decorate your home. Once it’s cured, you can paint over it or just leave it as-is.

You can also drill right into BallistiCrete if you want to hang up artwork or photos, so it has minimal, if any effect, on the actual layout of your home. Plus, BallistiCrete is fire-proof so it doesn’t produce smoke if there’s a fire. It’s also mold and mildew resistant.

Like fiberglass paneling, BallistiCrete is expensive. It starts at about $12 per square foot, but the final cost will vary based on the thickness of the concrete and any associated labor. But, if you want ballistic protection that doesn’t involve major renovations to your home, this is a solid option.


Ballistic steel armor plates are often used to make safe rooms, guard booths, and to reinforce vehicles. It is highly effective at bulletproofing your walls, but it is not as popular as fiberglass paneling or BallistiCrete.

This is because steel armor plates are expensive, heavy, and difficult to install. They also can’t be trimmed on-site and need to be sent back to a shop for any alterations.

A more affordable option is to mount stainless steel sheets to your walls’ studs. But, these aren’t specifically tested to stop a bullet, and most steel sheets will have microscopic variations within the metal that can limit their ability to protect you.

Additionally, if you’re installing steel thick enough to stop a bullet to your walls, you’ll probably need to reinforce them so they’re strong enough to support this extra weight.

All these reinforcements could rack up costs similar to what you’d find if you used either fiberglass or BallistiCrete, so steel isn’t always the best option for bulletproofing large areas of your home.

Alternative Methods

Instead of purpose-built ballistic paneling, many people opt for DIY methods to bulletproof their walls. Some options include filling the space in between walls with gravel, sand, or bricks.

These options aren’t rated to withstand a bullet so I can’t tell you that they’re going to 100% protect you in an emergency. But, they are better than nothing, especially if ballistic paneling isn’t a viable option for you.

The main thing to consider here is the weight of all these filling materials. This added weight can damage your home if your floors aren’t properly reinforced.

So, if you choose to use alternative materials to bulletproof your walls, be cautious about where and how you do it. Try to avoid adding extra weight to the upper floors of your home to prevent any potential damage to the structure of your house.

Bulletproofing Your Windows And Doors

While bulletproofing your walls might be your top concern, none of this will matter if an intruder can break through your windows and doors. Indeed, reinforcing your home’s access points is just as important as installing bulletproof walls. Here’s what you need to know:

Bulletproof Windows

If you’re looking to install bulletproof windows, you have a whole lot of options. There are a lot of companies that make ballistic glass and most will offer custom-designed windows to protect your home.

You can generally choose from different glass thicknesses, depending on how much protection you’re looking for.

The glass’ UL 752 level certification will you precisely what caliber round they’re designed to stop. Anything with a UL 752 Level 1-3 will stop a handgun bullet while UL 752 Level 4 glass will stop a 30-06 round.

As you can imagine, bulletproof windows can be quite costly. These windows are usually made-to-order, so getting a ballpark price estimate for your home is tricky without requesting a quote from a manufacturer.

At an absolute minimum, you can expect to pay at least $45 per square foot, but the actual cost, including framing and labor, is likely to be a bit higher.

To help reduce your overall costs, you can consider installing bulletproof windows in just a few rooms of your home.

While it’s best to replace all your windows with ballistic glass, starting with just your bedrooms can be a good way to save money while still getting some protection from intruders.

Bulletproof Doors

Bulletproof doors are actually a bit more common than ballistic glass in homes because you just need to buy the door and the frame.

Unlike windows, which are almost always custom-designed, most residential doors are a fairly standard size, so getting a quote is fairly simple, and some companies will have ballistic doors in stock at their factory.

That being said, most ballistic door manufacturers offer a full range of different customizable options, and you can choose from glass, wood, steel, or even acrylic models.

Companies will generally offer a variety of design options, too, so you can get a door that looks great in your home. Like windows, bulletproof doors will have a UL 752 level rating that will tell you how much protection they offer.

When you install a bulletproof door, though, you’ll also have to install new framing. A ballistic door will do nothing for you if someone can just kick it open.

So, most companies will install a new steel frame to help reinforce the door and create a more secure barrier between you and an armed intruder.

Of course, ballistic doors aren’t cheap. The most affordable options will run you at least $3,000, and can increase quickly in price from there. So, swapping out all of your house’s doors for bulletproof options isn’t possible for most people.

If you’re limited financially but still want to reinforce your home with bulletproof doors, consider replacing just your front and backdoor.

This will help stop an intruder from getting into your home in the first place and will allow you to shelter your family elsewhere until the threat is gone.

Alternative Option: Build a Safe Room

Understandably, the cost of all these ballistic materials might make you think that bulletproofing your walls is out of the questions for your budget. If this is the case, you can still protect your family without wiping out your bank account.

The solution? Build a safe room.

Instead of trying to bulletproof every wall in your home, you can turn one room into your safe haven. Ideally, this would be somewhere that your entire family can fit and where you have supplies that can help you ride out a fairly long emergency.

A spare bedroom is ideal, but a space that’s window-free is even better.

Once you identify a good place for your safe room, you can focus on making it bulletproof. Installing fiberglass paneling or using BallistiCrete is the easiest way to reinforce these walls without making the space seem conspicuous. Then, you can replace the door with a bulletproof model to keep intruders out.

Ultimately, while bulletproofing every wall, window, and door in your home is the goal, designating a specific bulletproof safe room is a great compromise if you’re working on a budget.

Bulletproofing Is The Ultimate Protection

Protecting your family and your home from an intruder is critical. Bulletproofing your walls can make a huge difference in a SHTF situation.

Ballistic fiberglass or BallistiCrete are your best options for ultimate protection, but you have a few different options when it comes to shielding your family from an armed attacker.

How to Bulletproof Your House and Walls - Survival Sullivan (2)

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How to Bulletproof Your House and Walls - Survival Sullivan (2024)


Can you make your house bullet proof? ›

One way to make walls bullet resistant is to use ballistic-grade wall panels made of fiberglass. These fiberglass wall panels can be hidden behind drywall, wood, and other materials to add a layer of ballistic protection to your walls.

What is the cheapest bullet proof material? ›

Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (say that ten times fast) is a plastic that can be found in Tupperware. The ballistic material is remarkably reliable and affordable.

What material can stop a bullet? ›

Bullet-resistant materials (also called ballistic materials or, equivalently, anti-ballistic materials) are usually rigid, but may be supple. They may be complex, such as Kevlar, UHMWPE, Lexan, or carbon fiber composite materials, or basic and simple, such as steel or titanium.

How do you make a bulletproof door? ›

The most efficient way to create a bullet-resistant metal door is to make it from solid steel and hang it from a solid steel frame. Because steel is so much denser than aluminum, solid steel doors can provide a high level of ballistic protection.

Can house walls stop bullets? ›

Most household objects won't reliably stop a bullet. Bullets easily puncture most walls, doors, and floors. However, brick, concrete, and cinder blocks effectively stop most common calibers. But each bullet takes out chunks, so it can only protect you for so long.

Can drywall stop a bullet? ›

Handgun rounds (9mm and . 45 ACP) all penetrated at least six walls of sheetrock and, in the case of 10mm, over 10 walls.

What type of bullet is best for home defense? ›

The most successful defensive bullet design has historically been the jacketed hollow point, or JHP. These bullets have a lead core that expands and transfers energy, as well as a partial copper jacket that controls the expansion of the lead for deep penetration.

What is the thinnest bulletproof material? ›

Graphene, the world's strongest material, is made up of carbon atoms that are linked together in a honeycomb pattern. It can be produced in one-atom-thick sheets. The new material, conceived of by CUNY associate professor Angelo Bongiorno, consists of two sheets of graphene and is called diamene.

What is the strongest bulletproof material? ›

Kevlar. Perhaps one of the better-known bulletproof materials, Kevlar is a synthetic fiber that's heat resistant and incredibly strong.

What bullets don't go through walls? ›

One is frangible ammo which turns to powder if it hits something hard. No chance of penetrating walls, for instance. Another is hollow-point ammo. It is designed to mushroom upon hitting your target, dumping its energy into the target and not coming out the other side.

Will bullets go through water? ›

bullets can travel 60 meters through water or penetrate 2 cm of steel through 17 meters of water.

Can magnets stop a bullet? ›

Typically, no. Most bullets aren't ferromagnetic – they aren't attracted to magnets. Bullets are usually made of lead, maybe with a copper jacket around them, neither of which sticks to a magnet. These magnets made a bullet tumble on Mythbusters, but didn't change where it hit the target.

What bullets go through houses? ›

Loads on the long end of bullet penetration will also penetrate on the long end in home materials. The results of these tests show that 9mm, . 357 Magnum, and . 45 ACP JHP bullets are probably the best choices for home defense.

What bullet can penetrate a wall? ›

Handgun rounds (9mm and . 45 ACP) all penetrated at least six walls of sheetrock and, in the case of 10mm, over 10 walls.

How long does ammo last in house? ›

What's the shelf life of ammo? Modern ammo is made to last over a decade (and possibly up to twenty years), provided you stick to proper storage practices. The usable shelf life of ammo is relative and based on several considerations.

Will ammo go off in a house fire? ›

In a structure fire, the heat produced during the burn activates and causes the bullets to explode; the larger the caliber of the bullet, the more explosive potential.

How thick should a wall be to stop a bullet? ›

Recommended constructions for bullet resistance are 8 in. (203 mm) solid or grouted concrete masonry walls or 12 in. (305 mm) hollow units with sand- filled cores.

Do bullets bounce off concrete? ›

Bullets are more likely to ricochet off flat, hard surfaces such as concrete, rock or steel, but a ricochet can occur from irregular surfaces within heterogeneous materials including soil and vegetation.

How many bullets are enough for home defense? ›

A good rule of thumb is to consider a 500-round stash your starting point for your handgun. That might seem high but it does go fast. Of those 500 rounds at least 150 should be defensive, not target rounds. If you can afford to stash mostly defensive ammo, do it.

What handgun will stop a bear? ›

For big bear defense handguns, the Smith & Wesson 629 is hard to beat. Many laud the . 44 Magnum as real bear medicine, and it's got plenty of power for a bear defense handgun—as long as you remember that it's still not a rifle. The 629 is an excellent revolver.

How many rounds should a home defense gun have? ›

A good starting point is to have 500 rounds, 200 of which should be defensive ammo, for each regular-use handgun. This isn't the end goal, it's where you start, meaning you should plan to build your ammunition reservesinto the thousands. AR-15s being used for defensive purposes require a larger store than handguns.

Can aluminum foil stop a bullet? ›

Aluminum armor can deflect all the same rounds from small-caliber weapons as traditional bulletproof glass. But while traditional bulletproof glass warps, fogs, or spiderwebs when shot, transparent aluminum remains largely clear. It also stops larger bullets with a significantly thinner piece of material.

What is the strongest metal to stop bullets? ›

In the end, titanium is bulletproof for the most part against bullets fired from guns that one would likely find on the shooting range, on the street or on the hunt in the mountains. Most guns legally bought and owned by individuals will likely not penetrate titanium.

What is the lightest bulletproof? ›


Engineered with the world's best polymer chemistry, and processed under 25 million pounds of force, Hardwire soft armor outperforms at the lightest weight. It's 30% lighter and 50% thinner than anything else on the market.

Can a bullet go through a car door? ›

That same . 223 round easily penetrated car doors and wheels at distances up to 100 yards. A shot from a . 45 handgun at a distance of 15 yards penetrated a car door.

Can a knife go through a bulletproof vest? ›

Some armor is made to be stab and/or spike resistant, while others are made to be bulletproof. If a vest has stab protection, it may not be bulletproof. Equally, a bulletproof vest may offer no protection to bladed weapons.

Which gun can break bullet proof? ›

30-06 rifle rounds to break most bulletproof glass panes. While high-powered handguns, like a . 44 magnum or a . 45, are more powerful than smaller handgun calibers, even these can't match the power of a rifle.

Can bullets go through wooden doors? ›

Bullets, especially from high-powered rifles and machine guns, could easily travel through most wooden doors. When a bullet hits wood, it causes splintering, which can slow down, but not stop it.

Do bullets stop under water? ›

Hiding underwater can stop bullets from hitting you. All supersonic bullets (up to . 50-caliber) disintegrated in less than 3 feet (90 cm) of water, but slower velocity bullets, like pistol rounds, need up to 8 feet (2.4 m) of water to slow to non-lethal speeds.

Can an ammo can explode? ›

Will ammo explode in a fire? If your home or storage spaces catches fire, it can cause your stored ammo to explode. The larger the caliber, the more explosive it is.

Can a gun fire underwater? ›

If you're wondering how it's even possible to shoot a gun underwater, gunpowder contains oxygen — a key element in the firing process — the gun still goes off exactly as it would on land.

Is a brick wall bulletproof? ›

Fortunately, most commercial building materials used in exterior walls inherently offer decent bullet resistance. Poured concrete, cinderblock, and even lowly red-brick veneer will, for all practical purposes, stop any common domestic bullet.

Do bullets come out hot? ›

The bullet leaving the barrel is hot and cools down over the course of the flight.

Is there poison in bullets? ›

Little attention has been focused on hunting or fishing activities that may cause harmful lead exposure. Lead has long been the primary metal used for ammunition because of its mass and malleability, but lead is an extraordinarily toxic element.

What kills a magnet? ›

A magnet can be demagnetized by: Heating to a high temperature. Hammering repeatedly. Passing alternating current through a coil around the magnet keeping it in the eastward direction.

Can a refrigerator stop a bullet? ›

A refrigerator door can stop a spray of 9mm bullets.

Every shot easily penetrated both the door and a block of ballistic gelatin placed behind it, indicating lethal impacts. The same result was achieved with a double-walled steel refrigerator door from the 1950s.

How do you Apocalypse proof the house? ›

How to Protect Your Home From a Zombie Invasion
  1. Install Doors of the Dead. ...
  2. Make Sure Windows Are Also Walking-Dead-Proof. ...
  3. Remember: Good Fences=Good Zombie Neighbors.
Oct 26, 2011

How do you Apocalypse proof your home? ›

5 Tips to Safeguard Your Home Against Zombies
  1. Secure the Perimeter. You should alwayskeep your doors and windows locked to keep out unwanted guests. ...
  2. Keep a Low Profile. We all know zombies are attracted to noise, so keep the house as quiet as possible. ...
  3. Coordinate with the Neighbors. ...
  4. Rise Above. ...
  5. Have a Backup Plan.
Oct 12, 2015

How do you make a zombie at home? ›

  1. 25ml dark rum (or a mixture of dark rum and golden rum)
  2. 25ml white rum (or a mixture of white rum and overproof rum)
  3. 50ml lime juice.
  4. 150ml pineapple juice.
  5. ice.
  6. 1 tsp grenadine.

How do I turn my house into a fortress? ›

10 Ways to make your home an unbreakable fortress
  1. Make Sure There's Nowhere To Hide. Make sure you're not being generous by giving intruders somewhere to hide outside. ...
  2. Install High-Quality Alarms. ...
  3. Invest in CCTV. ...
  4. Have The Right Lighting. ...
  5. Use Signs. ...
  6. Strengthen Windows And Doors. ...
  7. Get A Dog. ...
  8. Use Apps And Smart Systems.
Mar 10, 2020

How do you lock a door with a sock? ›

Simply stuff your sock under the door. Now you could be forgiven for thinking that by using unwashed socks the smell might keep away any would-be intruders but the intention is that the sock acts as a door wedge.

Will a falling bullet go through a roof? ›

Bullets often lodge in roofs, causing minor damage that requires repair in most cases. Normally, the bullet will penetrate the roof surface through to the roof deck, leaving a hole where water may run into the building and cause a leak.

Can a falling bullet penetrate a metal roof? ›

I most often find bullets partially lodged in a composition shingle roof system, but I occasionally find them fully penetrating the roof. I have also seen evidence of this type of damage in TPO/Vinyl roof systems, metal roofs, and modified bitumen roof systems.

How bulletproof is concrete? ›

To these standards, some materials are natively “bulletproof”: a foot-thick concrete wall or two inches of solid steel will withstand many shots from a handgun, sub-machine gun, or rifle.

How much does bulletproof glass cost for house? ›

How Much Does A Bulletproof Window Cost? The cost of a bulletproof window ranges from $150 to $800 per square foot depending on what bullets are to be stopped, whether the window is opening, how intricate the design is, and the size of the window.

How many walls does it take to stop a bullet? ›

To these standards, some materials are natively “bulletproof”: a foot-thick concrete wall or two inches of solid steel will withstand many shots from a handgun, sub-machine gun, or rifle.

How much does bulletproof drywall cost? ›

Generally, a 4' x 8' sheet bullet-resistant panel costs as low as $350 per sheet and go as high as $1,800 per sheet. So costs can range from $10 – $60 per square foot for the material. But why would you need bulletproof drywall?

Can a bullet go through a bulletproof window? ›

It is designed to withstand one or many rounds of bullets depending on the firing weapon and the thickness of the glass. Bulletproof glass reduces the velocity by absorbing the energy from the bullets. However, it is not fully impenetrable.

Do bulletproof windows crack? ›

Can Bullet Proof Glass Crack? Yes, although the glazing that is used on bullet resistant glass is tested to stop bullets from penetrating, the material can still be vulnerable to cracking if it isn't properly maintained.

How long does bullet proof glass last? ›

Ballistic framing is as equally important as ballistic glass and should be considered during the design phase. With proper maintenance, bulletproof glass has a life span of up to twenty years.

Can bulletproof glass be smashed? ›

Bottom: Bulletproof glass shatters too, but the layers of plastic sandwiched between the layers of glass absorb and dissipate the bullet's energy. If it does manage to penetrate through the glass, it will be greatly slowed down and it will do much less damage.

Can water stop a bullet? ›

Water molecules are packed much more tightly together than air molecules and therefore in water, there are many more collisions as the bullet moves forward, and the bullet stops much more quickly.

Will brick stop a bullet? ›

Most household objects won't reliably stop a bullet. Bullets easily puncture most walls, doors, and floors. However, brick, concrete, and cinder blocks effectively stop most common calibers.

How many layers of drywall will stop a bullet? ›

Handgun rounds (9mm and . 45 ACP) all penetrated at least six walls of sheetrock and, in the case of 10mm, over 10 walls.

How thick does concrete need to be to stop bullets? ›

Recommended constructions for bullet resistance are 8 in. (203 mm) solid or grouted concrete masonry walls or 12 in. (305 mm) hollow units with sand- filled cores. Both walls provided equal protection under test conditions.

What plastic is bulletproof? ›

The most popular form of bullet-resistant plastic sheeting is polycarbonate sheet. A&C Plastics stocks both containment grade polycarbonate sheeting and bullet resistant polycarbonate sheet. BR polycarbonate has an extremely high resistance that does not shatter even when exposed to violent impact.

What can a bullet not penetrate? ›

Common bulletproof materials include:
  • Steel. Steel bulletproof materials are heavy duty, yet at just a few millimeters thick, extremely effective in stopping modern firearm rounds. ...
  • Ceramic. ...
  • Fiberglass. ...
  • Wood. ...
  • Kevlar. ...
  • Polyethylene. ...
  • Polycarbonate.

What glass can stop a bullet? ›

Bulletproof glass, ballistic glass, transparent armor, or bullet-resistant glass is a strong and optically transparent material that is particularly resistant to penetration by projectiles.

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