How to Restore Your Yellowed Plastic Keyboard Keys - Audio Mentor (2024)

In 2016, I made a career shift from being a full-time music producer to spending more time on digital marketing. Despite that, I still produce music. It’s just that I usually work outside the studio these days.

Wherever I worked, I would have a MIDI controller keyboard with me. Anytime I needed a break from serious marketing work, I would just hook up the MIDI controller and make a bit of music.

Unlike the recording studio, my home office desk had sunlight coming through the window. While that made me more productive, over time, the keys on my MIDI controller keyboard (a Novation Launchkey 49) which was sitting near the window started turning yellow.

How to Restore Your Yellowed Plastic Keyboard Keys - Audio Mentor (1)

At first, I thought the keys were simply dirty and required some cleaning. But after wiping it with all sorts of home cleaning agents – detergents, bleach, baking soda – trust me, I tried it all, the keys stubbornly remained yellow.

Why do plastic keyboards become yellowish?

I eventually found out that the yellowing of the plastic keys was because of bromine – a flame retardant usually found in old ABS plastic. Upon long exposure to UV light, the bromine particles in the plastic within started destabilizing, thus appearing yellowish.

The good news is newer plastic compositions have improved, so this yellowing usually happens on older keyboards and devices. Still, I don’t think the Novation Launchkey 49 is exactly a retro product, so I guess it depends on the type of plastic.

Although not perfect, thankfully, there is a way to restore your yellowed plastic keyboard keys. All you need is hydrogen peroxide cream, UV light, and a bit of patience.

How to whiten yellowed plastic keyboard keys.

The method to restore yellowed plastic was first discovered by a German retrocomputing forum, where they created a chemical mixture, called Retr0bright – which is mainly made up of hydrogen peroxide.

A few disclaimers, however:

The effectiveness of this method is questionable. Some people have found that the yellowing re-appears. There are also claims that doing the process will further weaken the plastic.

In my case, the yellowing of my keyboard keys did come back after a few months. However, it wasn’t as yellowishly bad as it was the first time.

So, restore your yellowed keyboard at your own risk. I had a lot of fun restoring my keyboard. To me, it was a fun and encouraging experience, especially when you see the end results. And I think I wouldn’t feel too bad if I actually did damage my MIDI controller, as it was already quite old.

You can watch my entire restoring process in the video below:

What you will need.

Except for the hydrogen peroxide cream, you should have most of the items you need at home. And you definitely don’t have to spend anymore than USD10 to restore your yellowed plastic keys.

  1. Hydrogen peroxide cream: You can simply buy a 40 volume developer from any hair beauty store. Basically, you simply need a 10% hydrogen peroxide solution as prescribed by Retr0bright. A 40 volume developer happens to contain 12% hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Rubber gloves: You won’t exactly get chemical burns (I got some of the cream on my hand too), but it’s better to be safe.
  3. Screwdriver & tools: To take your keyboard or MIDI controller apart.
  4. Plastic wrap: To prevent the cream from drying out.
  5. UV light (optional): If you don’t have one already, I don’t recommend you to run out and buy a UV light. You can simply use (rather ironically) the sun, to reverse the yellowing.

Let’s go through the items in more detail.

The original Retr0bright recipe prescribed having a 10% hydrogen peroxide solution. Some people, in fact, bought a few liters of the chemical and submerge the yellowed plastic. However, that would only be expensive. Really, all you need to do is to make sure the hydrogen peroxide chemical stays on the plastic. A 40 volume developer, which is used for hair bleaching makes the perfect compound as it comes in a creamy texture.

How to Restore Your Yellowed Plastic Keyboard Keys - Audio Mentor (2)

I bought a 12% hydrogen peroxide cream bottle for RM15 (USD3.5), from an online marketplace locally. I didn’t buy or use a UV light during this process, so other than the cream, the other items you need should be fairly easy to come by.

Got everything ready? Let me walk you through how to restore your yellowed plastic back to white.

1 – Disassemble your keyboard.

How to Restore Your Yellowed Plastic Keyboard Keys - Audio Mentor (3)

To be honest, when I started, I thought of simply applying the cream on the keys and leaving the entire keyboard under the sun – hoping it’ll save me time and the hassle of opening up the keyboard.

However, it would be messy. Not to mention potentially damaging the circuitry, it’s best to disassemble your keyboard and only apply the cream to the yellowed plastic parts.

Depending on your keyboard, the process of taking it apart might be different. Unless you are really careful, I would suggest looking for a teardown video of your keyboard on YouTube before attempting to open it up.

In my case, the case and keys on the Novation Launchkey 49 were simply held down by a number of screws. All I did was remove the screws, carefully detach a few ribbon cables, and the keys came off easily. The black keys don’t need bleaching, so I just set them aside.

How to Restore Your Yellowed Plastic Keyboard Keys - Audio Mentor (4)

When removing screws and parts, make sure to collect the screws in a container and take pictures of the removal process, so you can reverse the disassembly process later on.

2 – Apply the hydrogen peroxide cream.

Lay the keys flat on a table or a surface, directly under the sun. Yes, ironically, while the UV rays are the culprit to making the keys turn yellow, we’re using UV to turn the keys back white again.

Make sure to place the keys at an angle where all of them will receive the same amount of sunlight, to avoid streaking. I recommend doing this in the morning, on a sunny day, so you would have enough time (around 6-8 hours at least) for the UV light to react with the plastic.

How to Restore Your Yellowed Plastic Keyboard Keys - Audio Mentor (5)

Using a brush, apply a generous amount of hydrogen peroxide cream to the keys. Make sure to cover every part of the keys.

Once done, cover the keys with a layer of plastic (I used some unwanted bubble wrap plastic). The reason we do this is mainly to ensure the hydrogen peroxide cream doesn’t dry out as we leave it under the sun.

3 – Leave under the sun for at least 8 hours.

How to Restore Your Yellowed Plastic Keyboard Keys - Audio Mentor (6)

Once you’ve applied the cream and covered the keys with a plastic sheet, just leave it exposed to UV light for the magic to work.

In my case, I did this indoors, under a skylight roof at home, so I left it for longer than 8 hours. In fact, I left it overnight for a total of around 24 hours, so it continued to receive some morning sun the next day.

Throughout the day, slightly adjust the keys to the direction of the sunlight to make sure each part of the keys is evenly exposed.

4 – Clean the keys and reassemble the keyboard.

How to Restore Your Yellowed Plastic Keyboard Keys - Audio Mentor (7)

If you have done it correctly, the plastic keys should be noticeably white (or whiter) than before. It won’t be 100% as new, but definitely a huge improvement.

Put on your rubber gloves and rinse the hydrogen peroxide cream off the keys in a bucket of water. Take your time to clean this and make sure to wipe the keys down dry before reassembling them to the keyboard.

And, that’s it.

The plastic keys on your MIDI keyboard should look near to new!

How to Restore Your Yellowed Plastic Keyboard Keys - Audio Mentor (8)

If the keys turn yellow again, you could simply repeat the entire process to bleach the plastic. However, remember that some experts have advised against doing the de-yellowing process, considering that it further damages the plastic.

For me, restoring the keys on my MIDI controller has been a rewarding experience. Sure, it took up a bit of time and I also risked damaging the keys on my keyboard. However, the Novation Launchkey 49 wasn’t too expensive and I was willing to take the risk. Besides that, it was also a fun activity to do, taking some time off from just staring at the computer.

Your turn.

In an odd way, having whitened the keys on my MIDI controller made playing and producing music with it, a more joyful experience.

It’s your turn now. Did you manage to successfully restore your yellowed plastic keys? How was the experience like for you?

You can drop your comments below.

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How to Restore Your Yellowed Plastic Keyboard Keys - Audio Mentor (2024)


How do you clean yellow plastic keys? ›

Mix four spoonfuls of tap water with a spoonful of white vinegar. Dip a piece of flannel or cheesecloth into the water and wipe down each individual key to get rid of any yellow staining. Don't use pure vinegar for this—acid can wear down the ivory over time. You can also wipe down your keys with an old T-shirt.

How do you restore plastic that has turned yellow? ›

Use bleach - Bleach is easily available and is used as a whitening product. Mix 1 cup of bleach in 1 cup of water. Apply this solution pon your plastic items and let it sit for two hours. After this, you can rinse the plastic with soap and water thoroughly.

Can yellowed plastic be whitened? ›

Coat your yellowed plastic gadget and wrap it. In a nutshell, all you need to do is to coat the plastic (cleaned and dried, of course) evenly with the cream peroxide. Avoid having the cream coming in contact with your skin or eyes, as it can cause burns.

Can you remove yellowing from plastic? ›

Hydrogen peroxide works well on plastics that have turned entirely yellow instead of in just one spot. Fill a plastic bag with enough hydrogen peroxide to cover the plastic. Stick the plastic in the bag of hydrogen peroxide and lay it out in direct sunlight. Wait 3-4 hours before rinsing it off with clean water.

How do you whiten a plastic key? ›

Plastic. Plastic keys are opposite of ivory keys, meaning you can use gentle cleaning solutions to whiten the keys. One of the easiest methods is to mix a couple of drops of dish soap into a damp white washcloth and wipe the keys down with a soft cloth, from top to bottom and not side to side.

How do you whiten yellowed keycaps? ›

Just add some oxy cleaner to some boiling water and let it dissolve, then mix that with the peroxide paste and apply to the caps/keyboard and then leave it under the lamp for a few hours. When I've done it I've left it overnight and the results have been great.

How do you clean plastic piano keys? ›

Is there a method for getting gunk and dirt off piano keys? If they're plastic, rub them with a chamois cloth dipped in vinegar mixed with warm water. But if they're ivory, use a barely damp cloth and a bit of gentle soap to wipe (do not let moisture leak down the sides); dry ASAP.

How do you whiten yellowed switches? ›

How to clean yellowed light switches
  1. Fill a bucket or large bowl with half water and half bleach. You should have enough liquid that your light switch plates are completely submerged.
  2. Wash with dish soap and water and air dry.

How do you turn yellow into white? ›

The most gentle method to whiten washable clothes is to mix a solution of warm water and oxygen-based bleach. Follow the package recommendations as to how much to use per gallon of water. Submerge the white garments and allow them to soak at least eight hours or overnight.

How do you fix discolored plastic? ›

Baking soda paste needs to be mixed with water. Apply directly to the discolored areas of the plastic container. Allow the object to sit for twenty to thirty mins before applying with a moist cloth to the container. Then rinse and dry.

What will bring color back on plastic? ›

Fortunately, you can easily remove oxidation with sandpaper, vinegar, or a bleach solution. Plastic that has faded to a yellow or brown color was made with bromine, which causes the plastic to change color over time. However, you can reverse bromine discoloration with hydrogen peroxide.

Does vinegar clean yellowed plastic? ›

This will only work on smaller appliances, but is still a great solution to revitalize yellowed appliances. "Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water and fill a container with your solution. Then, place your appliance into the solution until the stained or yellowed part is totally submerged.

Does vinegar whiten plastic? ›

White Vinegar

Lemon, vinegar, and baking soda are all natural cleaners that will lift discoloration from plastic.

What causes yellowing of white plastic? ›

For one of the most commonly used plastics, polyethylene, it's long been suggested that ultraviolet (UV) light — the same light that gives us sunburns — initiates reactions in the backbone of the polymer's structure that cause the yellow color change.

How do you make old keys look new? ›

Mix 2 teaspoons salt and 1 cup of white, distilled vinegar with enough all-purpose flour to make a paste. Cover the keys with the paste and leave them sit for 10 minutes before rinsing the keys. Wipe dry with a soft cloth.

How do you clean tarnished keys? ›

If your keys are rusty, you can soak them in a mixture of half water, half white vinegar for half an hour. Use your cleaning toothbrush to scrub off the rust. Repeat 30-minute soaks followed by scrubs until the rust is gone. Dry with a clean rag.

How do I get my piano keys white again? ›

Gently buff white piano keys with a thin layer of mild, white toothpaste, and follow the general key-cleaning tips. Wipe away toothpaste residue with a cloth slightly dampened with whole milk, and dry immediately. Indirect sunlight after a cleaning can help prevent white piano keys from yellowing.

Does rubbing alcohol ruin piano keys? ›

It's important not to use too much alcohol on the keys as it can damage them. If you're afraid to use rubbing alcohol or you don't have any then you can use white vinegar as a replacement. Again, make sure that you don't use too much and that you just dampen the cloth or towel that you are using.

Are my piano keys ivory or plastic? ›

Look for an ultraviolet torch. Hold it above the piano keys. If you notice the keys reflect either bright white or violet-blue colours, the keys are made of ivory. Artificial material like resins or plastics will show a completely different reaction.

How do you remove yellow oxidation? ›

At home, use a good powdered detergent (without bleach) in a bucket of hot water, and make sure the detergent is dissolved prior to adding the clothes. Let the yellowed garments sit for a while (overnight recommended) and clean the next day as the label instructs.

How do you clean plastic switches? ›

"The best way to do this is to start with a soft cloth and dampen it with either water, or better yet, a liquid cleaner, such as Mr. Clean or 409," says Sigmund. "Do not soak the cloth." Once you have dampened the cloth in cleaning solution, you can begin wiping the light switch cover to remove germs and grime.

How do I clean old plastic light switches? ›

Most plastic electric switch covers are treated with bromine, a flame retardant. When exposed to ultraviolet rays, bromine turns yellow, making your switches look old and worn out. It cannot be cleaned with regular light cleaner or household sprays, but you can clean it using baking soda and bleach.

What colors make yellow lighter? ›

You can either use white, grey, or light green to make your yellow shade lighter. Adding a touch of white is the most common and probably the easiest way to lighten yellow. White is one of the most popular shades used to lighten any color, but it does have a downside.

Does bleach turn white yellow? ›

It might be a quick fix solution for stain removal, but in the long run, bleach may cause your whites to turn yellowish and will weaken the fabric, causing it to tear easily. Bleach also tends to weaken the shirt fibers and returns the synthetic polymers back to their original colour, yellow.

What color makes yellow look white? ›

If you add a touch of red-shade blue and black, and then at least as much white as yellow, you will likely end up with a rich cream colour that will functionally appear as a shade of white when surrounded or accented by a dark colour with a violet or mauve tint.

How do you clean white plastic piano keys? ›

The warm water and white vinegar solution are best for cleaning plastic keys since anything else over plastic (including soaps) can be too harmful. Make sure you only use a little bit, a good rule here is one part vinegar to four parts water because the acid in the vinegar can cause damage if you use too much.

How do you make yellowed white again? ›

Use baking soda

Don't add it to the detergent dispenser as this can create a clog. The second way to use baking soda to whiten clothes is to create a solution of baking soda and water to soak your white clothes in for about an hour before they are washed using a “whites” wash cycle.

Can I use vinegar to clean piano keys? ›

If you're looking to disinfect the piano keys, it's better to use white vinegar and clean water. Try to mix this first with ¼ vinegar and ¾ warm water due to the acidity of the vinegar. Use a flannel and maintain the cleaning process of going down the keys towards the bottom.

How do you clean plastic keycaps? ›

Soak your keycaps in warm soapy water to remove any dust or grime. Ideally, swish them around for the first 5-10 minutes, and then let them soak for an additional 45 minutes. Shoot some canned air into the board to further remove any straggling lint or dirt.

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.