How to Successfully Make Someone Like You Over Text Message (2024)

Hey, introverts! So you want to know how to make someone like you over text, eh?

Well, you’ve come to the right place.

I’m going to share with you some of my top tips for crafting the perfect text message that will have them crushing on you in no time.

But before we get started, let’s take a moment to acknowledge the fact that this whole process can feel daunting. I mean, how are we supposed to present ourselves in a way that’s both genuine and appealing through mere words on a screen?

Don’t worry, I promise it’s not as hard as it seems. With these proven tips, you’ll be winning them over in no time.

By the time you finish reading, you will know how to:

  • Identify 5 texting habits that indicate someone likes you
  • Make your romantic interest smile via text
  • Make them chase you so they don’t lose interest

At its core, getting someone to like you over text messages is an extension of the banter lessons we teach at The Art of Charm.

How to Successfully Make Someone Like You Over Text Message (1)

The Key to Effortless Flirting Over Text Messages

Whether you’re texting someone you just met or someone you’ve known for a while, the most important piece of advice is to have fun.

Keep your texts playful and lighthearted. Make someone smile and light up when they see your message and you are on your way to getting them to like you over text.

But how will you know if someone likes you or they’re just playing games?

How to Successfully Make Someone Like You Over Text Message (2)

5 Obvious Texting Habits That Reveal Someone Likes You

There are a lot of ways to tell if someone likes you based on how they text, but here are five of the most common texting habits that give it away.

1) Quick to respond

Short response times are the most obvious texting habit that clue you in on whether or not someone likes you.

If someone is excited to talk to you, the easiest way to tell is how quickly they respond to your messages. If they send a message back within minutes (or even seconds), it’s a good sign that they’re into you.

It’s even better if it turns into a back-and-forth conversation where you’re texting each other in real-time.

2) They ask questions

The next texting habit is whether or not they’re asking you questions.

Attraction stems from the curiosity you feel about someone, so if someone is into you, they will ask questions about you. They want to know more about who you are and what makes you tick.

3) They keep the conversation going

If someone likes you, they will want to keep talking to you.

They might ask another question right after sending you a text. Or after you answer a question they asked, they might answer it themselves without you asking.

Pay attention to how the conversation flows. If it feels like you’re pulling teeth after you start talking, it could mean they’re not into you (or they don’t like texting).

4) Vulnerability

Being vulnerable can be scary.

And it can be scarier over text messages in the early stages because we can’t see facial expressions or body language. We can only read how they want to respond via text message.

But vulnerability is how we connect as humans. So if the other individual opens up and shares personal details about their life, it is a good sign they like you and trust you not to judge them.

5) Good morning and good night texts

If someone texts you, they are thinking about you.

So, if someone is thinking about you in the morning, they are likely starting their day with good thoughts about you.

And if someone texts you good night, it means they’re ending their day thinking about you and how they hope to see you again soon.

How to Successfully Make Someone Like You Over Text Message (3)

How to Make Your Romantic Interest Smile Over Text

“At the end of the day people won’t remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.” ― Maya Angelou

The goal then is to make people feel good whenever they’re texting you so they will associate you with positive feelings. And people want to spend time around people who make them feel good.

You may not be able to see their face, but here are some surefire ways to make your romantic interest smile by text:

Tease them. Don’t be afraid to poke fun at someone you’re texting in a playful, good-natured way. Not only does teasing someone makes them laugh, but it shows that you’re not just a suck-up.

Teasing alone can show that you have confidence, and this will help build attraction.

Here’s an example of a fun text to send someone that reflects this confident, playful teasing:

  • “You’re a closet dork, aren’t you… except without the closet!”
  • “When we go out on Friday… do you promise not to kidnap me?”
  • “If we were on a sinking ship and there was only one life jacket left… I’d miss you tons and think of you often”

Make fun of yourself. A surefire way to get someone to smile over text is to make fun of yourself in a tongue-in-cheek kind of way. By making fun of yourself, you get them laughing and show that it’s okay for them to let their guard down. They’ll feel more comfortable with you, which will allow them to become more attracted to you.


  • “I used to think I was indecisive, but now I’m not too sure”
  • “Take my advice—I’m not using it!”

Guess their answers. Another way to have fun and keep your texts interesting is to guess how they might answer. This is a great way to turn boring text into a flirty text, separate yourself from others, and ultimately get them interested in you.

For example, your text could read:

  • “What are you up to this weekend? Let me guess… taking a speed knitting class so you can make me a scarf! You are sooo sweet!”
  • “How was your vacation? Wait, let me guess… you made friends with a mysterious old man who taught you how to be a master jewel thief!”

Roleplay. The same banter techniques that work in meeting and attracting someone in real life also work great over text. Initiate a scenario in which you’re already a couple in some capacity: a husband and wife headed toward divorce, a rock star and a groupie, a pair of buddy cops on the case—anything else you can think of.

Banter through made-up roleplay is great.

It provides a playful way to create a shared experience that makes the other person smile. The other person also feels more connected to you by sharing what your collaborative imaginations can come up with.

Examples to get roleplay rolling:

  • “Green Sparrow, I’ve got the target in my sights! Should I take the shot? Over!”
  • “I’m in the lab inventing a new ice cream flavor. What should I bring us home for dessert, dear?”
  • “I’m putting together a crew for a bank heist this weekend. What skillset are you bringing to the table?”
  • “I’m looking for a superhero sidekick. Tell me about the last time you saved the world from an evil supervillain.”

How to Successfully Make Someone Like You Over Text Message (4)

Make Them Chase You

When seeking romance, we tend to go for the ones who provide us with some kind of challenge—and this goes both ways. Make things too easy for your prospective partner and it will be a turn-off, so give them the chance to chase you.

You can do this by following these two texting tips:

Disqualify yourself. To look more confident and avoid coming across as needy, playfully disqualify yourself from your crush’s dating pool. That is a joke about how the two of you would never be right for each other.

You could, for instance, text something like: “Woah, woah! You like [thing s/he likes]? I didn’t know you were that type! I might have to get my mom’s permission just to kick it with you…”

By playfully pushing away like this, you create the space for them to chase you.

Do not over-text. This is one of the worst texting mistakes as too much texting can destroy attraction. As a general rule, whoever is putting the most effort into communication is the one doing the chasing.

So if you want to be pursued rather than the pursuer, then you must not over-text.

Instead, look to keep the text ratio close to 1:1 and text the other person about as frequently as they text you.

Make Someone Feel Special over Text Messages

Another trick to make someone like you over text is to stroke their ego. Let them know they’ve made a positive impact on you and that they’re still on your mind.

An example of this would be:

  • “I just saw the cutest little squirrel in the park gathering nuts and it made me think of you!”

A text like this is going to make the other person feel special—and making someone feel good is a surefire way to get them to like you.

How to Successfully Make Someone Like You Over Text Message (5)

Can you fall in love through texting?

You can start falling in love through texting, but to fall in love requires more than words on a screen. Text messaging is great for getting to know someone. It can help you figure out if there is a spark of chemistry present, but to fall in love with someone, you have to spend time together and get to know each other on a deeper level. If the two of you hit it off with a good conversation over text, then move on to meeting up for a date.

Don’t spend too much time texting because it’s easy for people to lose interest. There’s more to falling in love with someone than the words, emojis, and memes they use.

In a Nutshell

Whether you want to know how to make someone like you or you’re just looking for ways to make your text convos more interesting, we’re here for you.

Remember the tips:

Have fun! If your love life isn’t fun, you’re doing it wrong.

The 5 texting habits of someone who likes you. Short response times, asks questions, easy and fluid conversation, comfortable opening up, and good morning/night texts.

Make your romantic interest smile by teasing playfully, making fun of yourself, guessing their answers, and roleplaying. Make them feel good about texting you and it will lead them to text you more.

Make them chase you by disqualifying yourself and NOT over-texting. Disqualifying yourself makes you look confident because you don’t need anyone’s validation to feel good about yourself. And keep the 1:1 text ratio so you maintain your mystery and keep them wanting more.

You can’t fall in love over text, but you can find out if there’s a spark of chemistry. If you want to fall in love, you have to spend time with someone.

If you don’t want to risk getting tongue-tied and screwing things up, check out Conversation Magic now to make sure your next date doesn’t crash and burn. With our bulletproof formula, you’ll be flirting up a storm, sparking unforgettable conversations, and attracting the high-quality humans you want to date!

How to Successfully Make Someone Like You Over Text Message (2024)


How do you trick a guy into liking you over text? ›

How to Make a Guy Chase You over Text
  1. 1 Talk about what you're doing that day.
  2. 2 Keep some details about your life to yourself.
  3. 3 Ask him thoughtful questions about himself.
  4. 4 Send a fun picture of your location.
  5. 5 Text him the song you're listening to.
  6. 6 Send him a funny meme.
  7. 7 Give him some sincere compliments.

How do you melt your crush's heart over text? ›

  1. You're my whole world.
  2. I'd be lost without you.
  3. Just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you right now.
  4. I wish I was in your arms.
  5. I love you more than you will ever know.
  6. You make my heart beat out of my chest.
  7. I'm getting butterflies just thinking about seeing you later. ...
  8. I feel so safe when I'm with you.

What texts do guys love? ›

The 5 texts guys love to receive:
  • The Ball Is In Your Court Text. “Last night was fun. ...
  • The Give Me Advice Text. “I need new headphones, do you have any suggestions?”
  • The Short and Sweet Text. “I work till 6. ...
  • The Pick the Place Text. “Do you want to meet at Smitty's at 6 tomorrow for Happy Hour?” ...
  • The Sexy Text.
Jun 14, 2018

What men want to hear in a text? ›

Good options include things like: “My day would've been a lot better if you were in it.” “Even over text, you're adorable.” “I had a stressful day, but talking to you makes it fade away like magic.”

What text makes a guy smile? ›

You fill my life with so much joy, happiness, and love. Thank you for bringing your light into my world. When someone asks me what I'm thinking about, and I respond with “Oh, nothing,” you are what's really on my mind. You make me laugh more than anyone else ever has or ever will.

What are flirty things to say over text? ›

Flirty texts for him
  • Y/N: Thinking about me?
  • Feeling cuddly? ...
  • Still wearing your sweatshirt…
  • Netflix? ...
  • Can't stop thinking about your lips.
  • How much skin is too much skin to show on our date tonight?
  • You're my favorite veggie—a cute-cumber!
  • Thinking a lot of things about you I can't say…but I could text.
May 21, 2022

What do guys find attractive? ›

10 things men find attractive about women
  • Embracing the style. ...
  • Being an equal. ...
  • Taking the lead. ...
  • Being confident and smiling. ...
  • Laugh at their jokes. ...
  • Passionate women. ...
  • Maintaining eye contact. ...
  • You keep him intrigued.
Sep 14, 2022

How do you tell if a guy likes you? ›

22 Subtle Signs A Guy Likes You, From Dating Experts
  1. He leans toward you during conversation. ...
  2. He angles his body toward you in the room. ...
  3. He finds small ways to compliment you. ...
  4. He makes eye contact. ...
  5. He steals a glance at you. ...
  6. He singles you out in a group. ...
  7. He seems drawn to you in the room.
Nov 26, 2021

How to make a guy fall for you? ›

How To Make Guy Fall In Love With You: 20 Simple And Crazy Ways
  1. Dress up confidently. Save. ...
  2. Make him smile. Who doesn't want to be around someone who makes them laugh? ...
  3. Take a stand for him. ...
  4. Smell great. ...
  5. Take an interest in his hobbies and interests. ...
  6. Carry your style. ...
  7. Try to be his friend. ...
  8. Be yourself.
Dec 15, 2022

What texts do guys like to get from girls? ›

Take a look at our whole list of loving texts for him.
  • I definitely have become a better person because of you. ...
  • I had a dream about you last night.
  • You honestly make me laugh harder than I've ever laughed before.
  • My day would've been much better if you were in it.
  • I could text you until two in the morning.
Nov 13, 2020

How do you make a girl instantly like you? ›

Things You Should Know
  1. Show your crush that you're confident and charismatic—smile around her, make strong eye contact, and be polite.
  2. Build up your rapport with her. ...
  3. Start flirting with her to let her know you're interested and when you're ready, be open about your feelings for her.

How do you make a girl deeply like you? ›

How To Make a Girl Fall For You: 20 Simple Strategies
  1. Work on yourself & have your own life. ...
  2. Be optimistic. ...
  3. Keep the conversation going. ...
  4. Respect her as an equal. ...
  5. Be her friend and make it fun. ...
  6. Be anything but clingy. ...
  7. Take it slow – things will fall in place. ...
  8. Don't make yourself too available.
Apr 23, 2018

How do I keep a girl deep over text? ›

How to Keep a Conversation Going with a Girl over Text
  1. Ask Her Interesting Questions. ...
  2. Ask Her about Her Life and Background. ...
  3. Ask Her about Her Hopes and Dreams. ...
  4. When You Learn Something about Her, Ask More Questions about It. ...
  5. If She Asks You about Yourself, Be Vulnerable and Share. ...
  6. Leave Her Wanting More.
Dec 19, 2022

What words make guys happy? ›

Sweet Things to Say to Your Boyfriend
  • I love you for everything you are.
  • I feel so safe with your arms around me.
  • I can't stop smiling around you. You make me so happy.
  • I crave you more than pizza.
  • I love your _____.
  • You're more than my boyfriend. ...
  • Every day is an adventure with you.
  • I'd do anything to see you smile.

How to make him blush over text? ›

Playfully teasing him will make him blush a little from embarrassment. Just don't say anything that's too mean, or else you'll hurt his feelings. Sending flirty, playful messages is a great way to turn him on and make him blush.

How can I attract my friend through text? ›

Keep Your Crush's Attention
  1. Keep it light. Tease your crush for watching a silly movie or spending too much time with his guitar.
  2. Make sure your crush gets that you're joking. ...
  3. If you have a silly nickname for your crush, use it when you're texting.
  4. Send a wink face emoticon to show that you're just teasing.

How do you make a guy fall in love with you through chatting? ›

Put a smile on his face by sending him a cute little text about something you're doing and he is not there to share. Or send something sweet and funny to let him know you're thinking about him even when you're not together. Men like attention.

How do you hint to a guy you like him without saying it? ›

Especially if it's a budding relationship, these little actions can be the perfect way to drop hints.
  1. Touch your face and hair when you're talking to them.
  2. Touch them, casually, on the arm or knee when you're talking to them.
  3. Laugh at their jokes.
  4. Touch their arm or knee when you laugh at their jokes.
Mar 27, 2019

How do you secretly make a guy like you? ›

What men find sexy: Simple ways to get him to notice you
  1. Smile. TODAY. ...
  2. Don't hide in the corner. Stay away from hiding yourself in the corner, with furniture or plants. ...
  3. Ask for his help. ...
  4. Talk about your hobbies. ...
  5. Don't dress for your girlfriends. ...
  6. Look him in the eye. ...
  7. Avoid the obvious. ...
  8. Go out alone or with one other friend.
Jul 20, 2016

Can a guy like you through text? ›

You can be 100% sure that a guy likes you if he responds to your texts immediately. At the very least, he has started to develop feelings for you, which is actually the first step to liking everything about you.

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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.