How to transfer universities in the UK (2024)

How to transfer universities in the UK (1)

How to transfer universities in the UK (2)

Transfer universities in the UK

If you’re not happy with your current university, you might consider transferring to another.

The process for changing universities in the UK is generally straightforward. However, the process can vary between courses and universities, so it’s important to do your research before committing to the change.

Unfortunately, some competitive courses will not allow you to transfer midway through the program and you will have to reapply as a fresh applicant.

It’s also worth noting that in the UK it's unlikely you will be able to transfer midway through the academic year but will instead have to wait until the end of the year.

Here’s what to do if you want to transfer universities in the UK:

Do some research

How to transfer universities in the UK (3)

If you’re considering changing universities, research is a must. There are several factors that might impact whether or not you are eligible to transfer universities, particularly if you’re looking to transfer directly into second year, so it’s important to ask yourself the following questions.

Why do you want to move?

Think about why you want to move universities. This may be because you don’t think the university is a good match for you, or it may be for personal reasons such as wanting to move closer to home.

During your application, you will need to write a personal statementexplaining your reasons for changing universities and why the new university is a better fit for you.

Do your grades match the entry requirements?

Consider whether your grades match the course’s entry requirements in the university you’re interested in.

If your grades are lower than the entry requirements, speak to the university’s admissions team to see if they will still consider your application.

When do you want to transfer?

If you apply to transfer during your first year at university, you will be classed as a ‘false start’ and will be considered alongside first-time applicants in the admissions process.

If you want to transfer to the second year of the same degree, the university you’re looking to move to will require information about the modules you’ve studied at university.

The university will then assess the curriculum match between the two institutions and see if the appropriate number of credits can be transferred.

It's not normally possible to transfer beyond second year.

Get advice

How to transfer universities in the UK (4)

After doing some research, contact your department office or academic tutor for more information. They will be able to assess your options and give you practical advice about transferring.

Student visa

If you’re an international student, contact the international student support team at your university to find out how transferring universities will impact your UK student visa.

Take into account whether your new course will finish after your current visa expires. If this is the case, you will need to apply to the UK Home Officefor permission to stay in the UK until your course finishes.

Student finance

The impact on your student finance will depend on several things: your current course, your year of study and the course you have chosen to transfer to. Contact Student Finance England (SFE) to update any changes.

If you transfer to a course in another university in the same academic year, SFE will usually carry forward your financial support without any changes.

SFE offer their services for the length of your course plus an extra year, so if you transfer to a brand-new course during your second year you may have to self-fund this additional year.

Contact the universities informally

How to transfer universities in the UK (5)

In the UK all university applications are made through UCAS, so your formal application will go through the UCAS system.

Before doing this, you should contact the relevant universities to informally discuss your situation and find out whether they will consider your application. This is worth doing for a number of reasons.

Firstly, the course you’re looking to transfer into may already be full. If you’re applying after the UCAS deadline, this is likely to be the case.

Secondly, the university or the course may not accept transfer students. This is likely if the course you want to transfer to is particularly competitive, such as Medicine or Veterinary Science.

Thirdly, you may not meet the entry requirements for the course you want to apply to. When emailing the university’s admissions office, ask about the prospects of applying for the course and give information about your current circ*mstances, including:

  • Your full name
  • Details of your current university course
  • The course you’re looking to transfer to
  • Your academic history, including A levels and university grades to date
  • Details of the modules you have already completed

If you choose to phone the admissions office, briefly explain your situation and make sure you have all these details to hand.

The university’s admissions office will then tell you whether the university will consider your offer. You should then formally apply through UCAS.

Apply through UCAS

How to transfer universities in the UK (6)

Once you have informally heard back from the universities you are interested in, you will need to submit a UCAS form based on the information you have already provided.

For first year entry you will normally need to apply by the standard UCAS deadlines (15 January for most courses and 15 October for Oxbridge / Medicine / Dentistry / Veterinary Science courses).

When filling in the UCAS application form, you will be asked to confirm your point of entry for your new course. This means the year you want to start the course. If you want to restart in first year, leave this part blank. If you’ve agreed with the university that they are willing to consider your course after the first year, enter the relevant year in this section.

In the education section, fill in the details of both your A-levels and the details of your university education completed so far.

Once you have filled in your details and submitted your personal statement, you will receive the university’s decisions on track and can then choose whether to accept or decline.

Good luck!

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How to transfer universities in the UK (2024)


How do I transfer from one university to another in UK? ›

If you want to transfer between years, you should apply to the new university using UCAS, using the option on the form to select which year of the course you want to start on. Take your offer of a place and talk to your tutor or head of department to arrange when you will be leaving.

How can I increase my chances of being a transfer student? ›

5 Ways to Improve Your College Transfer Application
  1. Be mindful of deadlines. ...
  2. Collect all necessary documents and transcripts. ...
  3. Write a stellar application essay. ...
  4. Review all requirements. ...
  5. Connect with your admissions counselor.
12 Aug 2020

Is it easy to change university in UK? ›

The process for changing universities in the UK is generally straightforward. However, the process can vary between courses and universities, so it's important to do your research before committing to the change.

Do UK universities accept transfer students? ›

Whatever the reason may be, all major universities in the UK accept transfer students.

Can I change university after 2nd year UK? ›

If you're unhappy with your institution, you may be able to transfer to another. You'll still need to do your research and meet the entry requirements of the university you'd like to move to. Your previous credits might be taken into account if you're hoping to join a new university for the second year onwards.

Can an international student switch university in UK? ›

Applying to transfer

If you want to transfer you will have to apply, showing that you meet the requirements for the UK course and demonstrating your learning and achievements to date. This may affect the point within a course from which you can continue your studies.

What is a good reason to transfer university? ›

Whether it be a disability, bereavement, mental health reason, or other happiness and health-related issue, there are many valid reasons to transfer or drop out. Universities have help and guidance for students suffering from a wide range of issues that might make them feel like they need to quit.

What makes a strong transfer applicant? ›

Earn high grades.

Having a high GPA may impact the number of credits that transfer to your second institution. Since you're unlikely to want to retake the same English and math courses that you're already enrolled in, do your best to achieve high scores in your classes.

Can you get rejected as a transfer student? ›

You can ask a four-year school to reconsider if you get rejected or wait-listed at first. You're understandably hurting if the transfer college at the top of your list just rejected you. But your crusade to get into your dream school isn't necessarily over.

Do UK universities reject students? ›

A lot of times, students who wish to study abroad are unable to make their dream come true as their UK Student Visa gets rejected at the early stages due to many reasons. Today we are going to talk about the most common UK student visa rejection reasons among international students.

Can I change university after 1st semester in UK? ›

Students can change their university after 1st year, second (in a 3-year program), or third year (in a 4-year program) of the program. But, most of the UK universities will not allow students to transfer in their final year.

Is it hard to switch universities? ›

So how hard is it to transfer colleges? The easy answer is that it's just as difficult as applying to colleges normally, but the process is slightly different. Your college GPA and course load will be a larger factor than your high school GPA, unless you're transferring after one year.

Do grades matter for transfer? ›

This means your grades will play an even more important role in the viability of your transfer application than they did the last time you applied. If you've earned less than 60 credits, colleges will generally want to look at both your high school and college grades, so be prepared to submit transcripts for both.

Do transfer students get in easier? ›

Looking broadly at four-year schools across the U.S., transfer students may have slightly more difficulty getting in. According to a report from the National Association for College Admission Counseling, the average rate of admission for a transfer applicant is 62 percent.

Can a university reject you after acceptance UK? ›

Reasons a university may reject you

There could be lots of reasons your application wasn't successful this time round: competition from other applicants, grade requirements, your personal statement. Perhaps the qualifications you're taking don't match up to their favoured subject mix.

How do I transfer from one university to another? ›

  1. First, assess why you want to transfer. There are good reasons to transfer and not-so-good reasons. ...
  2. Begin your college search… ...
  3. Meet with your advisor. ...
  4. Start scoping out schools. ...
  5. Check out which credits transfer. ...
  6. Have a good, long conversation about financial aid. ...
  7. Collect all components of your application. ...
  8. Apply.
21 Oct 2022

Can you retake 3rd year uni UK? ›

Provided you learn from these and are confident you can do better, you could consider re-sitting your exam. However you can't retake specific modules – you would have to re-take the whole exam for the year. You'll need to wait a year to re-sit any exams as A-levels and AS-levels are only assessed by exam in the spring.

Which UK university is best for international students? ›

The best universities in the UK for international students
  • University of Oxford. The English-speaking world's oldest university is perhaps the UK's most well-known and reputable institution. ...
  • University of Cambridge. ...
  • University College London. ...
  • University of Edinburgh. ...
  • University of Manchester.

Do I need new visa if I change my university UK? ›

You will not be able to start your new course until you have returned on the new visa. There is an exception for undergraduates who are applying to extend their visa to progress from a Bachelors to a Masters as part of an integrated programme and they will be able to apply for the new visa inside the UK.

Can I change university after 1st semester? ›

Yes, you can change your college after 1st semester of BTech by following a few necessary steps and procedures.

Can I change my university while on student visa? ›

So, Can I Move University On My Existing Tier 4 Student Visa? You can apply to extend your Tier 4 visa if there are 28 days or less between the expiry of your existing Tier 4 visa and the start of your new course. Within this application, you can change the institution that you are studying in.

What should I say for reason for transfer? ›

The following list defines some of the most common reasons for requesting a transfer.
  • Advancement opportunities. Some facilities perform better than others. ...
  • Life changes. ...
  • Job security. ...
  • Better fit. ...
  • New challenges. ...
  • Shift transfer. ...
  • Versatility transfer. ...
  • Replacement transfer.
23 Apr 2021

How do I give a reason for transfer? ›

Common Reasons For A Transfer Request
  1. Due to family or personal reasons.
  2. Due to marriage and childbirth.
  3. Due to spouse's job relocation.
  4. Due to educational opportunities.
  5. Due to medical reasons.

How do you answer the why do you want to transfer question? ›

Explain what you have realized since choosing your current institution. Whether you need to change your major, want to go to a school with more opportunities, or hope to be closer to home for a personal reason, share it here in this paragraph.

What do universities look for when transferring? ›

Transfer students are evaluated on the basis of the GPA earned and the college work they have completed. If a student is right on the edge between being accepted or not, then in that case Letters of Recommendation may make an impact in the decision process.

What 3 things will help you choose a transfer college university? ›

It's critical that you take a thoughtful and organized approach to your transfer to make sure you're picking the right college for you.
3 Important Factors to Finding Your Transfer College
  1. Ask the right questions. ...
  2. Understand the transfer policies. ...
  3. Think about your finances.
28 Aug 2016

What matters most in a transfer application? ›

Good grades are one of the most important things admissions offices look for in transfer applications. If struggling in school is one of the reasons you want to transfer, be prepared to explain what steps you're taking to improve them in your college essay.

What is the lowest grade that will transfer? ›

Generally, college-level courses completed at regionally-accredited institutions will transfer, provided that a grade of at least "C" (2.0) is earned and the course is similar in content and scope to work offered at your targeted college or university who will assess your academic history.

Do transfer students do well? ›

The graduation rate for students who transfer to the 23-campus California State University system and graduate within two years has significantly improved from 28% in 2012 to 44% in 2020. But that's still fewer than half of transfers graduating on time, Reddy said. (CSU has a 2025 goal to increase that number to 45%).

What can I do if a university rejected me? ›

How to deal with being rejected by a university
  1. Validate your emotions. No one likes rejection in any form. ...
  2. Find ways to relax. ...
  3. Create a list of pros and cons. ...
  4. Stick to what makes you happy. ...
  5. Change your perspective. ...
  6. Chat to a friend. ...
  7. Visit other universities. ...
  8. Rejection doesn't define you.

Which university in UK is hardest to get into? ›

Hardest UK universities to get into
  • University of Oxford (19.1%)
  • University of Cambridge (21.6%)
  • London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) (21.9%)
  • University of St Andrews (25%)
  • Imperial College London (32.5%)
  • St George's, University of London (35.3%)
  • The University of Edinburgh (39.3%)
7 Sept 2022

What are the most regretted degrees UK? ›

Also in the top five subjects most regretted were sociology, liberal arts and general studies, all at 72 per cent, communications, at 64 per cent, and education, rounding up the list at 61 per cent.

How can I get 70 points for UK student visa? ›

How do I gain 70 points?
  1. Hold an offer from an approved sponsor such as a UK university.
  2. Proof of English language proficiency.
  3. Evidence of sufficient funds.
17 Sept 2020

Can I change university in 2nd year? ›

Yes it is possible to change your college in 2nd year but the college you are moving should come under same university. You might also go for another university with same trade if your college is ready to do the transfer .

Can I transfer to another university before 1st semester? ›

Can I transfer to another University before First semester? Yes, you may, depending on the school's policy and their consent with few conditions! It is usually not recommended by international advisors or DSOs to suggest you to do this in first semester.

Can I change my university in 4th semester? ›

Coming to your question then yes definitely can change your college. If your college was a deemed university or any autonomous college then very easily you can change it.

Why is transferring universities so hard? ›

It can involve a lot of paperwork, for example, and time to acclimate to changes in schedules, scenery, and social circles. As with any change, transferring colleges requires adjustment. However, it can be an incredible move for students who are unhappy or unable to continue in their current school.

Do universities like transfer students? ›

Colleges are looking for the same qualities in transfer students as they are in first-time students. It's important that transfer students are both an academic and social fit for the school, and that they have a genuine interest in the programs being offered.

Can I transfer with a 2.8 GPA? ›

Complete 60 semester (90 quarter) units of transferable college credit with a GPA of at least 2.4 (2.8 for nonresidents). No more than 14 semester (21 quarter) units - excluding units completed in winter, spring and summer 2020 - may be taken Pass/Not Pass.

Can you transfer to a university with a 2.0 GPA? ›

accepted. Colleges usually look for at least a 2.0 GPA in order to accept a student as a transfer (and more competitive schools look for higher GPAs).

Can I transfer with a 2.5 GPA? ›

Common application colleges tend to have higher transfer requirements, with some requiring a 2.5 to 3.0 GPA to transfer, with some program-specific requirements being even higher.

How do you know if transferring is right for you? ›

5 Signs You Need to Transfer to Another School
  • You've Already Changed Your Major. ...
  • You Avoid Social Activities and Interactions on Campus. ...
  • Friends and Family Have Taken Notice. ...
  • Lack of Motivation. ...
  • You Feel Disappointed with Your College Experience So Far.

What makes a transfer student competitive? ›

In order to be a competitive transfer student, it is important that students have a high GPA at the first school they attended as a reflection of what could be expected if that student were to enroll at the new college.

How do transfer students survive? ›

5 Survival Tips for Your First Semester as a Transfer
  1. Get to know your own class. ...
  2. Don't latch on to the first people you meet. ...
  3. Take advantage of the opportunities your first school didn't offer. ...
  4. Make the extra effort to stand out to your professors. ...
  5. Bring your wisdom and experience with you.
3 Dec 2019

Why do UK universities reject applications? ›

Unsatisfactory Academic Requirements

Lack of academic achievements is one of the common reasons for UK study visa rejections. The candidate should demonstrate enough knowledge about the specific course and ensure that language does not become a barrier.

How do universities decide who gets in UK? ›

British universities select the students to whom they offer places, generally drawing on the following pieces of information: a 'personal statement', prior attainment, predicted grades, and contextual information about the applicant.

What happens if you accept a university offer and then change your mind UK? ›

The time in which you are given to change your mind is 14 days. Within this time, UCAS states that you are eligible for a full refund to whatever costs you have previously paid (see UCAS webpage on subject). After this time, a full refund may still be possible. However, universities are not obliged to pay it back.

Can we change from one university to another university? ›

Hi, Transfer from college to college or university to university is possible. The procedure for transfer is - Transfer from one College to another: -(1)A student desirous of transfer from one College to another shall apply to the Registrar in the prescribed manner for permission for such transfer.

Is it possible to change university in 2nd year? ›

Yes it is possible to change your college in 2nd year but the college you are moving should come under same university. You might also go for another university with same trade if your college is ready to do the transfer .

Is it hard to transfer universities? ›

So how hard is it to transfer colleges? The easy answer is that it's just as difficult as applying to colleges normally, but the process is slightly different. Your college GPA and course load will be a larger factor than your high school GPA, unless you're transferring after one year.

Can we migrate from one UNI to another? ›

Yes, you can. However, this may depend on the policy of the university you are attending and the one you want to switch to. Some university programs require you to transfer to select universities after completing your first year as a part of your program.

Can I change university after 1st year UK? ›

Transferring university during the second year

If you get a good mark in your first year, you may be able to transfer into another similar course straight into the second year. After January, you can start to look at what's available to transfer to with the credits you'll have at the end of the year.

Is it a good idea to transfer universities? ›

Transferring colleges is worth it for students having financial issues or poor academic performance. It's also ideal for those wishing to earn a four-year degree after completing a two-year degree. However, most financial aid packages will not transfer with transferees to their new school.

Why do you wish to transfer to another university? ›

Community college transfers make up one of the largest groups of transfer students. Other reasons for transferring colleges include finances, COVID-19, and school fit. Transferring can be a smart move for those looking to attend a four-year institution.

Can I change my university in 3rd year UK? ›

You may be able to transfer directly into the second or third year of a degree course (sometimes referred to as 'advanced standing'), if you've studied enough similar content elsewhere. This is not always possible, and you'll need to check with the university or college.

How do I change university after 2 years? ›

it is not possible to change from one NLU to another.

Can we change university after 1st year degree? ›

Yes, you can change your college after 1st semester of BTech by following a few necessary steps and procedures.

Can universities reject transfer students? ›

In conclusion, while transferring is difficult, it is certainly not impossible. Being rejected by a school in the first application process does not mean you cannot now get in.

Do transfer students usually get accepted? ›

The first thing you should know is that college transfer acceptance rates are lower than freshman acceptance rates. According to NACAC's 2019 State of College Admission report, the average admit rate for transfer students was 61% compared to 66% for freshmen.

How do I prepare to transfer to university? ›

How to Prepare to Transfer Colleges
  1. First, Ask Yourself if Transferring Is Really Necessary. ...
  2. Choose Your New College. ...
  3. Make Sure Your Grades and Extracurriculars Are Up to Scratch. ...
  4. Talk With Your Advisor. ...
  5. Get Recommendation Letters From Current Professors. ...
  6. Confirm Which College Credits Will Transfer.
2 Mar 2021

Can I switch universities after accepting? ›

Yes. If you accept an offer but later wish to accept a different offer, you will need to first cancel your accepted offer and then accept the new offer by the stipulated deadline. Be sure to consider all other factors such as scholarships, residence acceptance and deposits before you make your final decision.

Can you transfer universities mid year? ›

Whether you're one week, one month or even one year into your degree, if you aren't happy where you are transferring is an option. Here's how to transfer universities and what it's like to make this change.

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