I Made $50,000 Selling Clutter - Here's How I Did It! (2024)

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Have you recently started decluttering your home and found yourself wondering if your unwanted clutter was worth anything? Wondering if you can make money selling your stuff online? Turns out selling clutter can be much more lucrative than you ever imagined!

I started small, making $1,000 a month after decluttering a little bit.

A little bit turned into a lot, and we ended up extreme decluttering our home down to eight suitcases and moving to Europe!

After it was all said and done, I made a grand total of $50,000+ selling my old stuff! Here are just of items that I sold on sites like eBay, Facebook Marketplace, and more.

I Made $50,000 Selling Clutter - Here's How I Did It! (1)

How to sell clutter for cash

Whether you’re looking for a way to sell clutter fast and just make a few bucks or even if you would like to make an extra $1,000 a month or more, selling clutter is a great way to make extra money!

Imagine finding out that an old blanket you had been using as a throw cover on the back of your couch was worth a staggering $500,000!

Or the vintage Rolex watch your grandfather paid $340 for in the 1970s was now worth $400,000.

Stories like this are more common than you realize!

When I first started decluttering our home and casually selling our unwanted clutter I was shocked to find myself making $1,000 a month after a few months – there were months that I made even more!

Even better, it didn’t take much effort! I was making $1,000 a month as a stay-at-home momjust by selling clutter in between my kid’s naptimes – I probably could have made even more money if I had put in more time and effort.

Selling clutter also pairs wonderfully with money challenges to reduce spending and increase income. If you want to know more you can read about how to do a 52-week money challenge or a no-spend challenge to save more money.


Feeling a little weird thinking about selling your old Levi’s to some random? Asking yourself if anyone actually makes money selling clutter?

You are not alone; rest assured that if you own something chances are there is another person out there willing to pay good money for that item you don’t want anymore!

But money isn’t the only reason you should consider selling your clutter – here are three other good reasons to sell clutter rather than donating or recycling it!

1. Getting rid of clutter will make you happier & healthier

Studies have shown that increased clutter is associated with reduced life satisfaction and higher amounts of the stress hormone, cortisol.

Living in a cluttered home literally can stress you out so much it affects your physical and mental well-being!

Children who have fewer toys may also be smarter, happier, and more creative, which you can read about in this post.

2. Selling clutter reduces guilt

There are all sorts of reasons that people avoid decluttering, but one common theme seems to be they are afraid they are wasting money or creating too much trash.

Wasting money by getting rid of something they paid good money for and creating actual physical and environmental waste if they simply toss those items out into the garbage.

While you may not get the full price that you paid for the item when it was brand spanking new, at least by selling you can help recoup some of that cash spent and reduce the money and environmental guilt.

Selling clutter also reduces the likelihood that your items might end up in landfills, which unfortunately happens quite a bit since resale stores like Goodwill and The Salvation Army are literally overflowing with unwanted clutter.

3. Giving away with gratitude

Chances are you loved your clutter at one point; why not give someone else a chance to love it now?

When we extreme decluttered our home down to 8 suitcases in preparation for our move to Europe, I said goodbye to many sentimental mementos left behind by my deceased parents and grandparents.

Although I no longer wanted those items in my home, don’t think for a SECOND I was willing to chance that they might end up in some garbage dump!

I made over $50,000 selling clutter (remember, this includes two cars!) and you can’t imagine what the kind thank you messages I received from the buyers of those sentimental items meant to me.

Although I didn’t treasure my father’s pewter Harley Davidson anniversary pendant, knowing that I was sending it to someone who was absolutely ecstatic to receive it — I can’t begin to describe what that meant to me.


1. Declutter your home

It probably doesn’t surprise you that the first step to selling clutter is, well, to actually declutter!

If you are asking yourself, “How do I declutter my home before selling” you should definitely consider doing a massive decluttering session before you start selling.

The problem with decluttering one piece at a time to sell online is that it is very inefficient.

Think about it, you walk around your house looking for one piece of clutter to sell.

You spy a nice high-end kitchen appliance that you have never used — awesome, you even still have the original box. You grab that appliance and head off to list it.

That means you need to take pictures, edit pictures, pack and weigh the item (if you are shipping), and then list it for sale on the website!

Okay, so you spent half a day working on that one item and now you have to do that over and over and over again with 1,001 other bits of clutter around your home.

Feeling overwhelmed just thinking about it? Read until the end of this post for a helpful FREE 10-page decluttering checklist you can download to get you started.

2. Save time by BATCHing decluttering and selling

Think of decluttering to sell in stages; it makes more sense to do as much as you can in one stage before moving on to the next stage.

It’s much more efficient to do a large-scale declutter in one area, get rid of the stuff you don’t need, and then move on to selling the stuff that will (hopefully) bring in lots of cash! There are even clothing reselling websites that do all the work for you – see this list of the best places to sell clothes online here.

Therefore, an ideal declutter-to-sell workflow would look like this:

  1. Start decluttering
  2. Have boxes marked sell/donate/recycle
  3. Get rid of the stuff that you don’t want to sell
  4. Start selling your clutter for cash!

3. know how to figure out how much your clutter is worth

People are always shocked to hear how much money I have made from selling my clutter; they love to ask me, “How can I make money selling my stuff?”

If you want to make $1,000 a month selling your clutter, you need to know how much your stuff is worth.

Remember, time is money and you don’t want to waste either!

Ever watch the show Antique Road Show?

Please bring in their old junk and find out how much it is worth — sometimes it’s worthless and sometimes it is worth THOUSANDS!

Not everyone has access to experts like the ones on Antique Road Show, but luckily you have something even better.

It’s right there, in your pocket.

That’s right, it’s your smartphone!

My number one tip for selling clutter online is to use the eBay Advanced Search too on the eBay app to quickly and easily see how much your stuff is worth.

If you have never used the eBay app but are interested in hearing more, you can watch this video in which I discuss all these tips and walkthrough using the eBay advanced search app (around the halfway mark).

READ MORE: 75 Shocking Things You Can Sell for Fast Cash Online

4. Storing clutter to selling

Do you get easily overwhelmed by mess?

Make decluttering your home a snap when you start decluttering by having boxes or bins on-hand labeled:

  • sell
  • donate
  • recycle

This method helped keep my home tidy even while I was sorting through 25+ lbs of paper clutter and decluttering for our move overseas!

While you can use cardboard boxes, I found that plastic lidded bins worked even better – any unfinished work can be quickly covered up in a lid, and they stack nicely in the basem*nts or on garage shelves.

If you want to make $1,000 per month or more selling your clutter, it helps to have a system in place.

After decluttering and listing items for sale, I would keep the prepackaged items neatly labeled in plastic bins on garage shelving, similar to the ones pictured below.

I Made $50,000 Selling Clutter - Here's How I Did It! (2)
I Made $50,000 Selling Clutter - Here's How I Did It! (3)

5. Take the best photos for selling your stuff online

A picture is worth a thousand words – or even a thousand dollars!

A great picture can mean the difference between selling clutter for big bucks and not being able to sell it at all.

When you take pictures of your stuff to sell online, make sure you are photographing in a bright and clean location; no dirty clothes or cat hair in the background, please!A white or light-colored wall or door makes a great neutral backdrop.

Try to use natural light shining in the windows whenever possible.

6. know the best camera for taking pictures of stuff to sell online

The best camera for taking pictures of stuff to sell?

Again, it’s your smartphone – your phone is your one-stop shop for taking the best pictures, editing them, and uploading them to your website or app of choice.

Start with around 8-10 pictures – it’s better to take as many as you think you might need while you have everything set up and then delete later when you decide you have enough.

When you are taking pictures of clothing or other items to sell online make sure to get each item from multiple angles, such as:

  • Front
  • Back
  • Sides
  • Interior
  • Tags or makers marks
  • Special logos or identifying marks
  • Any damage or defects

7. Stage your clutter to sell fast

When deciding how to photograph items for listing online, first you can browse similar listings to see how other people are listing the same products.

Are they taking pictures of clothing to sell on hangers, laying on the floor,or using mannequins?

My personal favorite mannequin, Marie Antoinette, was agreat investment; I found that having a mannequin definitely helped sell clothes faster online.

People like to be able to visualize what the clothing would look like when it is being worn.

Don’t worry, the mannequin can also be sold off afterward. 🙂

I Made $50,000 Selling Clutter - Here's How I Did It! (4)
I Made $50,000 Selling Clutter - Here's How I Did It! (5)

8. edit photos before you upload

There are several photo editing apps that you can use to touch up your pictures before posting.

My personal favorite is called Snapseed and it’s totally free to use. Snapseed allows you to crop, rotate, lighten, brighten, and otherwise fancy up your photos with the touch of a finger.

Want to see Snapseed in action?

The YouTube video I shared in tip #2 also shows how I used Snapseed to edit a picture of a vacuum cleaner for sale!

I Made $50,000 Selling Clutter - Here's How I Did It! (6)

9. Give yourself a deadline to sell clutter

If you have trouble letting go of clutter and find yourself tempted to raid your decluttered for-sale clutter stashes you may need to set a sell-by deadline for yourself.

Are you okay as long as the clutter is out of sight, out of mind? If so,then keeping items for months at a time to ensure you make the most money is fine.

If you don’t have a lot of extra space in your home or you are afraid you will start hoarding again, set deadlines; for large items that might be a few days and smaller items a few weeks to a few months.

10. Know the best websites for selling clutter

Although there are TONS of different websites that will allow you to sell your clutter online, not all of them are created equal.

Some websites are better for selling furniture; others excel when it comes to selling old cellphones and video game consoles.

Knowing the pros and cons of each in advance will help you identify which website is the best for selling clutter, which in turn helps you save time, money, and even storage space!

The best way to sell clutter is the one where your item sells quickly, with the least amount of hassle, and for the most money!

Where can you sell your clutter? Here are the top 10 best places to sell clutter online – each of these websites has pros and cons.

  1. eBay
  2. Poshmark (higher-end)
  3. Mecari (regular end)
  4. Facebook Marketplace
  5. Amazon
  6. Gazelle
  7. Decluttr (read myDeclutter review here)
  8. LetGo
  9. Gumtree
  10. Craigslist


The secret to selling stuff fast online?


Remember when you first performed a search to find out how much your stuff was worth using the eBay advanced search function? Well, to run that search and find similar items you used keywordsthat helped identify that item – creating a listing using big keywords will help your potential buyers find your item faster and make them want to buy!

Keywords should be prominently included in your title and description; when people go looking for an item like yours, using the right keywords will help them find it easier and faster!

Using keywords well can mean the difference between being found in the top results on page 1 or getting lost in thousands of other listings!

Keywords to include are:

  • Brand
  • Model
  • Year (if known)
  • Size
  • Color
  • Condition
  • Vintage/retro/antique/etc
  • And more…

12. 5-word phrase TO increase SALES

I want to teach you a secret phrase that will increase your selling success even further.

That phrase is pet-free smoke-free home.

Obviously, you can only use this incentive if your home is actually pet- and smoke-free, but if it is make sure to say so because mentioning that helps tip the selling odds even further in your favor.

There are two reasons for this; first, many people nowadays have allergies, second, people want to know they are getting a fresh item – they don’t want to potentially smell your cigarettes or dog on that $200 vintage wool coat!

13. Write a mouth-watering description that makes people WANT to buy stuff

Besides using keywords, a description is a place where you can coax the viewer to become a buyer by painting a picture with your words.

Describe the item so that the buyer can see themself buying and using the item in their daily life.

You should try and answer any questions that someone might ask right there in the description – this will cut down on the time you have to spend answering questions.

If you are selling clothing you can include the measurements, such as the pants’ inseam length or armpit-to-sleeve hem for jackets.

A few people might skip reading and go straight to messaging you with questions, in which case you can tell them (nicely) all the info is in the description.

It’s way more efficient!

14. Always be HONEST

Never, never, never lie.

Sure, you might get away with stretching the truth about an item and make a bit more cash once or twice, but more than likely you’ll soon enough get caught – and if the buyer isn’t happy, to keep them from leaving a negative review you are probably going to have to deal with a refund and comp them the shipping sinceyour item was not as described.

Always note defects clearly in the description!

Use a pen, pencil, or other long thin objects to clearly point out defects in photographs.

Don’t think that defects will stop people from buying your item, either.

There are people who specifically look for defective iPhones or other electronics to buy and fix themselves because they know they are getting a bargain.

I Made $50,000 Selling Clutter - Here's How I Did It! (7)

15. Keep profits high by keeping shipping low

Ah, shipping – the online seller’s arch-nemesis.

Shipping fees can quickly eat up the costs of your profits if you aren’t careful.


Here are some tips if you are selling your item online and need to deal with shipping; remember, certain websites also offer shipping discounts to sellers that open stores!

  1. Find the cheapest shipping supplies possible. You can do this by saving Amazon packages, asking family and friends for leftover packaging, and checking with local stores that receive daily deliveries that just get trashed.
  2. Package and weigh items BEFORE you list. Take all photos and then package and weigh the item before trying to list it.
  3. If possible, keep your shipping weight under 16 ounces. If you can keep the total weight of the item and box under 16 ounces, it will qualify for First Class Shipping, which is a flat rate based on the weight and BY FAR the most cost-efficient shipping method. You need to be able to specify the weight down to the ounce and going even one ounce over can make a difference of several dollars. This is my favorite scale, and it is accurate up to 86 lbs, which is more than enough for most sellers.
  4. Don’t fully tape the boxes closed until the item sells and you are ready to ship. Sometimes customers will ask questions that you can’t answer without removing the item from its box!
  5. Label your packages so you don’t forget what is inside of them!I like to write the listing in black Sharpie (just make sure to cover it with the shipping label before shipping so no one can read it later).
  6. ALWAYS use quality packaging so that your item arrives at the buyer’s location in perfect condition. This makes for great reviews and encouragesrepeat customers.
I Made $50,000 Selling Clutter - Here's How I Did It! (8)
I Made $50,000 Selling Clutter - Here's How I Did It! (9)

Now get out there and start selling your clutter!

To learn more: find out the best tips and tricks specifically for making thousands of dollars selling on eBay or learn how you can turn your passion for thrifting into a way to make money working from home by learning the secrets of thrift flipping pros!


Ready to get started decluttering your home and making extra cash?

Grab this FREE 10-page decluttering checklist and get started decluttering your entire life so you can take the next step of cashing in on your clutter!

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I Made $50,000 Selling Clutter - Here's How I Did It! (10)
I Made $50,000 Selling Clutter - Here's How I Did It! (2024)


How to turn clutter into cash? ›

Garage or Yard Sale

The easiest way to clear the clutter and cash in on a wide variety of items quickly is to hold a yard or garage sale. This is the chance for anything goes – clothing, furniture, household items, cookware, books, DVDs, toys – the list of what treasure hunters will snap up is endless.

How do I sell my clutter? ›

There are many options for reselling your clutter. You can try Facebook buy/sell groups in your area or marketplace, Craigslist, Offer Up, Mercari, eBay, consignment stores, or hosting a garage sale. There are more options than this. These are the ones I've used the most.

What is the psychological cost of clutter? ›

Clutter and mental health are connected. While clutter is sometimes associated with increased creativity, it can also leave you feeling stressed and overwhelmed if it gets to be too much or interferes with your ability to function effectively in your daily life.

How do I sell all my stuff at once? ›

Local online marketplaces: If you have furniture, electronics, gently used toys, kitchen gadgets, or other household items, selling them on a local online marketplace such as Facebook Marketplace, Nextdoor, OfferUp, or Craigslist can be an easy way to get rid of items fast.

How do I start decluttering to sell? ›

5 Steps on How to Declutter Your House for Sale
  1. Start small and choose one area at a time. ...
  2. Phone a friend to help declutter. ...
  3. Rent a dumpster. ...
  4. Deal with electronics and hazardous materials. ...
  5. Edit each room from the buyer's perspective.

Can you sell a house with clutter? ›

Junk & Clutter Decreases The Value of a Home

It can be challenging for potential buyers to see the value in a cluttered home. It can be also be challenging for them to picture themselves living there.

What is the root cause of clutter? ›

Signs That the Root Cause of Your Clutter is Transitional.

Transitional Clutter is usually a temporary, albeit overwhelming dilemma that occurs as a result of a major life change. Some examples of transitional clutter can be a move, a divorce, an illness, a job change, or a family member's death.

How cluttered is the average home? ›

It has been estimated that most homes have an average of 300,000 items or more in the average American home, and most of those items have some sort of emotional value to those that live in the home.

Is clutter a mental health issue? ›

Clutter May Lead to Decreased Focus, Confusion, and Tension

To the brain, clutter represents unfinished business and this lack of completeness can be highly stressful for some people. This fact is especially true when people have significant concerns pressing in on their lives.

How can I sell my stuff for fast cash? ›

Online platforms like eBay, Facebook Marketplace, and Craigslist provide convenient ways to sell used items. Specialized platforms like Poshmark for clothing or Decluttr for electronics offer targeted selling options. Local consignment stores and thrift shops can be good options for selling used items in person.

What is it called when you sell everything in your house? ›

Estate liquidation companies organize your household items and host estate sales—usually directly on the property—so the public can buy everything in your house and sometimes even the house itself.

How do I sell my unwanted stuff? ›

Here are some local selling sites that we recommend:
  1. Facebook Marketplace. ...
  2. WeBuyBooks. ...
  3. Gumtree. ...
  4. eBay. ...
  5. Shpock. ...
  6. Car Boot Sale. ...
  7. Yard or Garage Sale. ...
  8. Contact a Local Store.
Dec 15, 2023

How to turn junk into cash? ›

Simple Ways To Turn Your Junk Into Cash
  1. Set reasonable prices. Go on the low side. ...
  2. Advertise! Set ups flyers, and let all the local community Facebook groups know it's happening.
  3. Let people know what you have. ...
  4. Make your sale easy to navigate. ...
  5. Start your sale early.
Apr 20, 2017

Where do I start when overwhelmed with clutter? ›

Work on Your "Hot-Spot" First

Similar to starting small, Ludsvinsky suggests starting with a "hot spot" or commonly used room first. "I always tell people to start where clutter bothers you the most—even a little bit of clear space in that area will give you some peace," she says.

How do you safely stash cash? ›

That being said, the following detailed tips are worthwhile considerations for those who want to best protect their at-home cash stash:
  1. Select a Secure Location. ...
  2. Use Tamper-Evident Bags. ...
  3. Be Discreet with Your Storage. ...
  4. Place Cash in a Liberty Cool Pocket. ...
  5. Use a Dehumidifier. ...
  6. Place Cash in a Waterproof Container.
Sep 19, 2023

How do I get rid of unwanted clutter? ›

Here are some ideas:
  1. One in, two out. Make it a rule: for every new item that comes into your life, you need to remove two. ...
  2. Limited storage. ...
  3. Clear floors and flat surfaces. ...
  4. Designate a home for everything, and be fanatic. ...
  5. Regular decluttering sessions. ...
  6. Reduce your desires for more. ...
  7. Change your habits.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.