IELTS Speaking Part 1 : Bicycles (Question-Answer) - IELTS Practice Online (Band 9) (2024)

Q. How popular are bicycles in your hometown? [Why?]
Q. How often do you ride a bicycle? [Why/Why not?]
Q. Do you think that bicycles are suitable for all ages? [Why/Why not?]
Q. What are the advantages of a bicycle compared to a car? [Why?]

Q. How popular are bicycles in your hometown? [Why?]
Answer: Well, I would say bicycles are moderately popular in my hometown. It was widely used when I was a child and I have seen so many people using bicycles to reach their destinations. In fact, the majority of people used to ride bicycles to travel to and from their offices at that time. But, the motorized vehicles have become more popular these days and this trend has decreased the prevalence of bicycles. However, It’s a good sign that many young people these days are using bicycles.

Q. How often do you ride a bicycle? [Why/Why not?]
Answer:Honestly speaking, I scarcely ride a bicycle these days. Busy lifestyle, faster speed of motorized vehicles and our apathy to get involved in physical activities have forced us to use a bicycle less often. Once in a while, I ride a bicycle and that’s primarily to have fun and not to travel. Personally, I more often use a car than a bicycle because the former one is faster and more comfortable to ride in.

Q. Do you think that bicycles are suitable for all ages? [Why/Why not?]
Answer:Yes, I absolutely believe that bicycles are suitable for people of all age groups. Bicycles are cheap, have almost zero maintenance costs, and good for the environment and for our health. Since it doesn’t take much physical labour, children, youth and senior citizens alike can ride it without any hassle. The health benefits of riding a bicycle are unparalleled and that’s why people from all age groups should consider this as their primary means of transportation.

Q. What are the advantages of a bicycle compared to a car? [Why?]
Answer:Bicycles have far more benefits than cars except for the fact that a car is faster. The most important advantage of riding a bicycle is that it keeps us healthy. Bicycles do not pollute the air and they are environment-friendly. They are cheap and requires no costly maintenances or services. While cars take larger spaces to be parked into, bicycles do not. Considering the environmental consequences, bicycles could be a great replacement for motorised vehicles in our hometown.

IELTS Speaking Part 1 : Bicycles (Question-Answer) - IELTS Practice Online (Band 9) (2024)


What are the advantage of a bicycle compared to a car? ›

Riding is convenient because it: Offers door-to-door service—you can usually park a bicycle closer to destinations than cars. is often quicker than driving a car when travelling short distances up to 5km. Travel time by bicycle is more predictable than by motor vehicle as traffic is rarely a problem.

Did you learn how do you ride a bike when you were a child? ›

Did you learn riding a bicycle when you were a child? Yes, I learnt how to ride a bicycle when I was 10 years old. One of my close friends trained me; otherwise I had no idea about riding a bicycle. It took me a week to learn it properly and then I was able to ride it well.

Do you have bicycle ielts? ›

Answer: Yes, I absolutely believe that bicycles are suitable for people of all age groups. Bicycles are cheap, have almost zero maintenance costs, and good for the environment and for our health. Since it doesn't take much physical labour, children, youth and senior citizens alike can ride it without any hassle.

How often do you use bicycle? ›

For more experienced cyclists, the answer is more variable. Minimum of 3 rides a week: To make sustained improvements, you should ride at least 3 times a week. This is only the minimum amount, and you may choose to ride more often.

Why are bicycles important? ›

Bicycling reduces road congestion and air pollution

Traffic congestion wastes 4.8 billion hours and 3.9 billion gallons of gas per year in the U.S., costing the country an additional $115 billion. For every 1 mile pedaled rather than driven, nearly 1 pound of CO2 is saved.

Why bicycles are better than cars for the environment? ›

Human-powered and not reliant on gasoline, bicycles don't add pollution to the atmosphere. With a typical passenger vehicle emitting almost five metric tons of carbon dioxide a year from burning fuel, biking cuts back on fuel consumption. The clamor cars make creates noise pollution.

At what age should a child be able to cycle a bike? ›

Most children will be ready and willing to learn to ride between the ages of two and eight. Generally, the average age to learn is just over five. However, there are various stages of learning, and some children may start even earlier learning on ride-on vehicles or balance bikes before their first “real” bike.

What cycling means to you? ›

It means dealing with depression and keeping a positive fighting attitude in all aspects of life. Cycling is more than just a sport or hobby, its a lifestyle and life changing thing to participate in. Cycling is life.

How do you describe a bicycle? ›

bicycle, also called bike, two-wheeled steerable machine that is pedaled by the rider's feet. On a standard bicycle the wheels are mounted in-line in a metal frame, with the front wheel held in a rotatable fork. The rider sits on a saddle and steers by leaning and turning handlebars that are attached to the fork.

Do you ride a bicycle if yes? ›

bicycle is one of the most usable modes of transport.

How many minutes cycling per day? ›

The habit of cycling regularly for at least 30 minutes a day will help you lose weight and keep fit. We can gain many health benefits through daily cycling, such as cardiovascular fitness, improved joint health, and improved muscle strength and tone.

How many minutes cycling is enough? ›

Cycling for 15 to 20 minutes per day has some important health benefits. The effort and intensity of your cycling will dictate how far these benefits go, but even 15-minutes of gentle exercise is beneficial for overall health.

Which cycle is best for exercise? ›

One of the most popular types of stationary bikes is the upright bike. It's similar to a regular bicycle, with the pedals positioned under your body. The upright bike provides a great cardio workout while also strengthening your leg and core muscles.

What is the most important thing in bicycle? ›

When you look at a bicycle, it's easy to see that the frame is the most important part of this vehicle. Not only is the frame the one that holds the entire bike up and together and allows you to sit on and steer it, but it also attests to the quality of the materials used.

What is the important part of a bicycle? ›

The frame is the very foundation of the bike as it is where the other components of the bike are installed such as the wheels, the handlebars, and the like. Learning about the frame is important because if you want to purchase or replace your bike, you will have to choose one that fits your activity, and your height.

What are the 5 benefits of biking? ›

The health benefits of regular cycling include:
  • increased cardiovascular fitness.
  • increased muscle strength and flexibility.
  • improved joint mobility.
  • decreased stress levels.
  • improved posture and coordination.
  • strengthened bones.
  • decreased body fat levels.
  • prevention or management of disease.

What is the seat of a bike called? ›

A bicycle saddle, often called a bicycle seat, is one of five contact points on an upright bicycle, the others being the two pedals and the two handles on the handlebars. (A bicycle seat in the specific sense also supports the back.)

Are bikes eco friendly? ›

No Gas, No Pollution

By not using any gas, bikes don't release harmful emissions that pollute the atmosphere, nor any carbon dioxide that contributes to climate change. Just moderate increases in bicycle use each year could save an estimated 6 to 14 million tons of CO2.

Why do people prefer bicycles? ›

Bikes Are Easier To Get Around In

Bikes, on the other hand, are nimble and small. They can fit in tight spaces and make tight turns. All of these features make traveling on city roads much quicker.

How do you talk when riding a bike? ›

Wired Radios

These systems run on FM, FRS or GMRS frequencies. The radio is typically wired to the helmet, which allows you to speak and listen without taking your hands off the wheel, but you'll need to connect the wires before you hop on your bike. The system is usually permanently wired to the bike.

What is a balanced bike? ›

A balance bike is a pedal-less bike with two wheels. Kids ride them like regular bikes, but they are powered by a child's running legs rather than pedals. Balance bikes are perfect bikes for 2-year-olds (and up!) as they teach kids to balance on two wheels and ride independently.

What age is too late to start cycling? ›

Not everyone can ride a bike – or is confident.

How do you ride a bike in 5 steps? ›

How to ride a bike: 5-step guide for beginners
  1. Step 1: Get familiar with the controls.
  2. Step 2: Start the bike.
  3. Step 3: Practice with the clutch.
  4. Step 4: Gear shifts.
  5. Step 5: Braking to a stop.
Nov 29, 2022

What part of the brain controls riding a bicycle? ›

When one acquires a new skill like riding a bicycle, the cerebellum is the part of the brain needed to learn the co-ordinated movement.

Why is cycling a life skill? ›

Bike riding is an important skill that comes with a wide range of developmental benefits for all children. Beyond a few scraped knees, learning to ride a bike provides children with independence, confidence, and physical and mental strength.

Does cycling help mental health? ›

Cycling and walking both release our 'feel-good' hormones known as endorphins. These hormones help to relax your mind and make you feel happier. This boosts your mood and reduces your feelings of anxiety. Research shows that those who regularly cycle have a significantly lower risk of feeling stressed.

Why is cycling so happy? ›

It comes down to heightened production of chemicals in the brain that help to keep you happy, such as serotonin, dopamine and phenylethylamine. Not only this, but exercise releases growth hormones that increase the supply of blood and oxygen to the brain, stimulating the release of powerful mood-enhancing endorphins.

What are bicycle riders called? ›

If you ride a “bicycle,” your vehicle might also be called a “bike.” You might be called a “biker,” a “bicyclist,” or a “cyclist.”

What are other names for bicycle? ›

Synonyms of bicycle
  • bike.
  • velocipede.
  • push-bike.
  • two-wheeler.
  • cycle.
  • push bicycle.
  • mountain bike.
  • tandem bicycle.

What is a bike called? ›

A bicycle, also called a pedal cycle, bike, push-bike or cycle, is a human-powered or motor-powered assisted, pedal-driven, single-track vehicle, having two wheels attached to a frame, one behind the other.

What are two rules you should follow when you ride a bicycle? ›

When riding, always:
  • Go With the Traffic Flow. Ride on the right in the same direction as other vehicles. ...
  • Obey All Traffic Laws. A bicycle is a vehicle and you're a driver. ...
  • Yield to Traffic When Appropriate. ...
  • Be Predictable. ...
  • Stay Alert at All Times. ...
  • Look Before Turning. ...
  • Watch for Parked Cars.

Do you forget to ride a bike? ›

It is the unconscious memory that helps us understand how stuff works. Once one learns how to ride a bike, they can never forget it because it gets stored within the procedural memory. Procedural memory consists of using objects (including musical instruments), as well as movements of the body (such as typing).

How many steps is a 20 minute bike ride? ›

Generally speaking, riding a bike is equal to about 220 steps per minute or about 13,200 steps per hour.

How many miles is 1 hour of cycling? ›

Someone with reasonable fitness can cover around 12 to 15 miles per hour on a bike. A beginner can cover around 10 miles per hour – but if you factor in hills, wind-resistance and stopping at junctions or traffic lights – a more realistic figure might be around 8 miles per hour.

How many steps is a 30 minute bike ride? ›

For example, if you bicycled at a leisurely pace for 30 minutes, multiply 116 X 30 to come up with 3,480 steps.

How far can you cycle in a day? ›

There is no limit on how many miles you can bike on a given day. It depends on how to fit you are, what your workout routine is, and how far you ride. For beginners, 10 miles per day is OK. Forty-five miles is a reasonable limit if you're an experienced cyclist who can bike 25-30 miles per day.

Does cycling burn fat? ›

Bike riding is an excellent cardio workout. It can help boost your heart and lung health, improve your blood flow, build muscle strength, and lower your stress levels. On top of that, it can also help you burn fat, torch calories, and lose weight.

Can I cycle 1 hour a day? ›

Cycling one hour a day for weight loss is an excellent way to boost weight loss. A 180-pound individual cycling for an hour at a moderate intensity burns about 650 calories. If you ride six days a week for a year, you will burn about 202,800 calories, which translates to about 58 pounds of body fat!

Which bicycle is best for weight loss? ›

Hard pedalling consumes more energy and burns more calories of a cycle rider. Hence, gearless cycles can be the best option for weight loss. Furthermore, Non-geared cycles have got two types. The first one is Free Wheel Cycles or Regular Bicycles and the second is Fixed Wheel Cycles.

Which cycle is best for belly fat? ›

Fasted cycling: Cycling with an empty stomach is another method to burn belly fat effectively and faster. You can consider the 8-hour interval between the last meal and the time to start fasted cycling. It can give very impressive results.

Which cycle burns more calories? ›

Stationary biking

There can also be wind resistance and inclines such as hills, and this may help you burn more calories than when you're indoor cycling, depending on the spin class you do.

What is the difference between a bicycle and a car? ›

1) Cars don't fall over. 2) Cars don't lean over either and they are much easier to steer than a bike. 3) Cars are so wide that they have to drive in the same space that everyone else does and so never have to think about the right line through a turn because there is only one.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of bicycle? ›

There are many many advantages and one big disadvantage. Bicycles are great exercise. In urban areas they can be as fast as a car. And parking them is much easier.
  • You cant ride long distance.
  • Bicycle are Easy to steal.
  • Prone to accidents. ...
  • Weather is unforgiving. ...
  • Long commute takes much longer time.

Why are bicycles more efficient? ›

cycling & what makes it efficient

The resistance to motion of the wheels and bearings is very small compared with the inertia of the bicycle and rider and so the momentum of the bicycle can keep it coasting for significant distances especially on level ground or downward slopes.

Why do people travel by bicycle or car? ›

This contrasts with the cyclists who ride to work because it is faster than driving. In general, it seems that the majority of people who cycle to work do this for health and environmental reasons. By contrast, those who travel by car want to have a more comfortable journey over longer distances.

Can a bicycle be faster than a car? ›

In three out of five timed journeys in the challenge, cycling proved quicker than jumping in the car, and for the other two driving was only a couple of minutes faster.

Why is a bicycle called a bike? ›

The name comes from these two words - the prefix "bi-" meaning two, and the suffix "-cycle" meaning wheel. It is powered by a person riding on top, who pushes the pedals around with his or her feet.

How fast is a bike compared to a car? ›

At rush hour, in most cities, the bicycle is unbeatable for distances of less than 3 miles. The bike is easy to ride thanks to its manoeuvrability. The car, on the other hand, is subject to the vagaries of traffic. As a result, the average speed of a bicycle in the city is 9mph, compared to 8 mph for a car.

What is negative about the bicycle? ›

There are many types of pain on the bike: Neck and shoulder pain due to the body position and carrying too much weight on the arms. Can be corrected by adjusting the position on the bike. Leg pain when going up stairs or steep slopes.

What are the negative impacts of bicycles? ›

Despite these benefits, cycling commonly leads to injury, with up to 85% of all recreational cyclists citing an overuse injury. Given unbalanced pressure distribution when on the bike, the neck, hands, wrists, lower back, knees, and perineum are the regions most frequently affected by cycling.

What is the top speed for a bicycle? ›

To achieve her new cycling speed record of 296.01kmh (183.932mph), Mueller-Korenek took to the Bonneville Salt Flats of Utah in the USA.

What type of bicycle is most efficient? ›

Resistance varies with the square of your speed. A recumbent bicycle is more energy-efficient because being lower to the ground reduces the size of the bike and body that is being blocked by wind and air resistance (Proc Biol Sci, 2001 Jul 7;268(1474):1351-60).

What determines the speed of a bicycle? ›

Several factors influence a bicycle's performance and cycling speed in addition to weight: changes in rolling resistance, air resistance of the cyclist and bike, and drivetrain efficiency can all have a larger effect on a cyclist's speed than a moderate change in the bike's weight.

Are bikes the best transportation? ›

You travel around three times as fast as walking

For the same amount of energy and that's with taking into account the 'fuel' (food) you put in your 'engine' (stomach), you travel three times faster by bike than by walking.

Why do bicycles run when you pedal them? ›

Bicycles turn energy created by our bodies into kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is “a property of a moving object or particle and depends not only on its motion but also on its mass” (Encyclopedia Britannica).

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