Is £100k a good salary in the UK? - Evans Weir Chartered Accountants (2024)

The simple answer to this question is yes, a salary of 100k + does still put you in a relatively select group at the top of the UK earners list. Whilst those at the very top of that heap are touching seven-figure salaries, the proportion of those on more than £100k continues to grow.

But with a cost of living crisis, slow growth and record amounts of government borrowing needing to be paid back, if you’re earning £100k or more in the UK, you may find yourself in the spotlight if there are any changes to the income tax bands.

‘Higher earners should pay more tax’

This is the mantra of many an election manifesto in recent times and unsurprisingly it is likely to form the backbone of the next general election too. Those earning the most are likely to be targeted to make a greater contribution to the national effort and the £100k mark seems to be the natural point of focus.

At present, UK income tax rates don’t make a distinction at £100k, with the higher rate tax covering everything from £50,001 to £150k. Other than the Conservative party, most other mainstream political parties believe this income bracket is too broad, especially given that the tax free and basic rate tax segments are much smaller. The general feeling is that the additional rate of 45% should kick in at £100,000 and a new upper rate of 50% should apply beyond £150k. Whilst this would see more people paying an increased amount of tax, it is not clear what would happen to the hidden rate of tax that already applies beyond £100k as a result of a reduction in the personal allowance.

If you earn £100k or more or are required to submit a self-assessment tax return for any other reason, please contact our team today to find out how we can help you hold on to more of your earnings through careful personal tax planning.

‘Hidden’ tax rates over £100k

If you’re earning £100k, or are due to break that threshold, you may already be aware of the intricacies of the tax rate set up that mean you end up paying a hidden rate of tax. Whilst higher rate tax applies from £50,001 to £150k, many are unaware that their personal allowance reduces gradually after £100,001 such that it is removed by the time you earn £125k – the allowance reducing £1 for every £2 earned. The impact of this is you end up ‘retrospectively’ paying basic rate (20%) tax on income that you had previously received free of tax.

Some suggest that this actually creates a 60% tax rate (40% higher rate + 20% on personal allowance) which arguably sounds better for the UK treasury than simply reducing the point at which additional rate tax (45%) becomes payable.

So, it will be interesting to see, as we approach the election and potentially even during this parliament, whether the thresholds are up for discussion and how the tapered reduction in personal allowance is approached. It’s certainly a complex calculation and as ever there will be some that benefit and some that end up worse off. Undoubtedly there’ll also be those that work out the best way of earning the most whilst paying the least in taxation.

Is £100k a good salary in the UK? - Evans Weir Chartered Accountants (2024)


How many people in the UK earn over 100k? ›

According to the Institute for Government, just 1,560 of the 456,410 civil servants earned more than £100,000 in 2020.

Is 100 000 pounds a good salary in London? ›

A 100k salary is above the nation's average for a full-time employee. The average yearly wage for full-time workers in London in 2022, according to Statista, was £41,866, compared with £29,521 for workers in North East England. A 100k salary will likely be a director's or senior management position at a larger company.

Is 100k a year a good salary UK? ›

A salary of £100k per year is a great salary in the UK. It is more than three times the national average. Even in London, the UK's most expensive area, earning £100k enables you to have a good lifestyle.

What is the top 1% salary in the UK? ›

The Office for National Statistics found that the median total wealth for individuals in Great Britain was estimated to be £125,000 between April 2018 and March 2020.
Percentile pointWealth to qualifyPercentage of total wealth owned by people at and above this level
Top 1%£688,22821% of total UK wealth
5 more rows

What is considered a high earner in the UK? ›

Key findings. To be in the top 1% of income tax payers in the UK (i.e. to be among the 310,000 individuals with the highest income), a taxable income of at least £160,000 is required. £236,000 is required to be in the top 0.5% and nearly £650,000 to be in the top 0.1%.

What salary is top 5 percent UK? ›

Verdict. A salary of more than £80,000 a year does put someone in the top 5% of earners, even if they do not necessarily feel wealthy.

What is a livable salary in London UK? ›

What is a Living Wage? The London Living Wage is based on the Real Living Wage: an independently calculated hourly rate of pay based on the cost of living. As of September 2022, the London Living Wage rate is calculated £11.95 per hour. For the rest of the UK, it's £10.90 per hour.

Who earns 100k a year UK? ›

Most large companies pay their CEOs easily over £100,000 per year and you need only look at companies like Amazon, Google and Microsoft to see just how high some CEO salaries can go.

Is 120k gbp a good salary in the UK? ›

£120k isn't a huge salary for London. Especially if it's a single salary as it's in the salary spot that takes a beating for tax as over £100k you lose the personal tax free allowance. It's approx £6k per month net. Rents in central London are rising fast.

What salary is upper middle class UK? ›

With a purely statistical head on, if the upper middle class is the top 5th percentile of the disposable income distribution, it's about £70,000 after tax which equates to £100,000 gross per annum i.e. around $135,000 or above. That represents 5% of a labour force of 34 million so around 1.7 million people.

How much tax do you pay on 100k UK? ›

If you make £100,000 a year living in United Kingdom, you will be taxed £34,040. That means that your net pay will be £65,960 per year, or £5,497 per month. Your average tax rate is 34.0% and your marginal tax rate is 43.3%. This marginal tax rate means that your immediate additional income will be taxed at this rate.

What is middle class income UK? ›

Median income for non-retired households decreased by 0.3% in FYE 2022, from £34,100 to £34,000, following a 1.0% increase in the previous year, with an average annual growth of 1.7% in the 10 years leading up to 2022 (FYE 2013 to FYE 2022).

What is a respectable salary UK? ›

What is a good salary in the UK? Between £2,500 and £3,000 is considered to be an ideal monthly net income in the UK. That salary could support a comfortable life in a city, including a two-bedroom flat, entertainment and leisure.

Are U.S. salaries higher than UK? ›

The UK pays significantly less money in salaries than the US, and this might have you contemplating if you are living in the wrong country. There are lots of different reasons for this salary disparity between the US and the UK.

What is a wealthy salary UK? ›

£60,500 income per year. This corresponds to the bracket of people in the top 10% of earners in the UK. Therefore we can say that you need to be earning £60,500 to be considered rich by the general public, or that you need to have earnings in the top 10% of the population to be considered rich.

What is the average salary in the US vs UK? ›

How do salaries compare with the UK? According to the Office for National Statistics, the average UK salary is £26,266, while the latest data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics shows the average annual wage in the United States is $53,490 per year (about £38,941).

What do the top 10% earn in the UK? ›

Data on the average annual gross salary percentiles in the United Kingdom in 2022showed that the bottom ten percent of full-time workers earned an average of 19,403 British pounds a year, with the top ten percent of workers earning around 62,583 pounds a year.

What income is top 10 percent in UK? ›

per year puts you in the above of households in the UK. The top 10% of households have an average equivalised disposable income of £70,900 per year while the bottom 10% have an average of £10,600. More details about how these data have been equivalised are available.

Is 90k a good salary UK? ›

With the average salary in the UK being around £30,000 per year, a 90k salary is significantly higher than what the average person earns. However, while this is considered a “good salary” in the subjective sense, that all depends on your personal living expenses and financial responsibilities.

Is $100 000 a year good? ›

Is $100K a good salary? In almost every case, yes. It's well above the poverty line as well as the American median income for both individuals and smaller families. Even in the face of rising inflation, a $100,000 annual income can typically afford a comfortable lifestyle and financial stability.

Is 150k a good salary in UK? ›

Yes, it is an excellent salary for someone who is probably in their early thirties, easily in the top couple of percent of incomes for that age group, even in London. You would take home just over £7000/month after tax.

What is the best salary to live in UK? ›

High and low-income earners in the UK in 2022

Therefore, high-income earners make a gross income of £45,504 per annum, while low-income earners make a gross income of £20,160 per annum.

Which area in London is best to live? ›

10 best places to live in London
  1. Borough of Bromley. Bromley is our top-rated London location, with an average score of 4.62 out of 5 among reviewers in the borough. ...
  2. Borough of Kingston upon Thames. ...
  3. Borough of Richmond upon Thames. ...
  4. Borough of Sutton. ...
  5. Borough of Islington. ...
  6. Borough of Hackney. ...
  7. Harrow. ...
  8. Croydon.
Jan 11, 2023

What is a comfortable salary in London UK? ›

Nowadays, a decent salary in London is likely to be anything beyond the median of £41,000 a year. This median is a whopping £14,700 higher than the median for the UK!

Is 100k a year middle class UK? ›

According to the Office of National Statistics (ONS), the median income for full time workers in 2021 was £31,772 p.a. With this figure in mind, £100,000 looks like a bloody good salary given that it is almost three times the national median full time income in 2021!

What happens when you earn over 100k UK? ›

Your Personal Allowance goes down by £1 for every £2 that your adjusted net income is above £100,000. This means your allowance is zero if your income is £125,140 or above. You'll also need to do a Self Assessment tax return.

How to make over 100k UK? ›

How to make 100k a year
  1. Choose the right industry. Firstly, ensure that you are working in the right industry, and if you are not, take steps towards doing so. ...
  2. Expand your skill set. ...
  3. Take on more responsibilities. ...
  4. Air your concerns. ...
  5. Look for promotions and vacancies.
  6. Look externally.
  7. Be flexible.
Sep 21, 2022

How many people in the UK earn over 120k? ›

There are about 540,000 people in the top 1 per cent income bracket across the UK and that requires £120,000 a year, the IFS said.

How much take home pay is 120k UK? ›

On a £120,000 salary, your take home pay will be £72,950 after tax and National Insurance. This equates to £6,079 per month and £1,403 per week.

What is a six figure salary in the UK? ›

a salary of between 100,000 and 999,999 pounds, dollars, etc. a year: As a lawyer she can earn a good six-figure salary. Want to learn more?

What is the average UK salary by age? ›

Average UK salary by age
Age10th percentile75th percentile
4 more rows

What is a good salary in the UK for a family of 4? ›

How much money do you need to live comfortably UK? To live comfortably in the UK with some financial freedom and luxuries, you need £33,600 as an individual, £49,670 as a couple and £67,554 per year for a family of four with two young children.

What percentage of the population earns more than 100k? ›

To find out more about how many people make over 100k per year, we've gathered essential facts and data. According to our extensive research: 18% of individual Americans make over $100k per year. 34.4% of US households make over $100k per year.

What is the tax trap in the UK? ›

What is the 60% tax trap? The current UK income tax bands are charged at 0%, 20%, 40% and 45% (this differs slightly if you live in Scotland where it is 0%, 19%, 20%, 21%, 41% and 46%). This implies that the highest marginal rate of income tax in the UK that one could pay is 45%.

How much tax do I pay on 150k UK? ›

How Much Is £150,000 After Taxes? The calculation above shows that, after tax, a gross income of £150,000 per year in 2023 leaves you with £89,779 taken home. This is equivalent to around £7,482 per month. There is about 40 pence taken away for taxes and national insurance contributions from every pound earned.

What salary is upper class? ›

What Is Middle-Class Income?
Income groupIncome
Low incomeLess than $52,200
Middle income$52,200 - $156,600
Upper incomeMore than $156,600
Feb 27, 2023

What is average UK household income? ›

Figure 5 shows that in FYE 2022, the average (median) real terms household income before housing costs ( BHC ) was £565 per week (around £29,500 per year).

What is the salary of a teacher in the UK? ›

An England school teacher that's qualified starts as a newly qualified teacher with a teaching salary £28,000 to £34,502 according to the school location in England. Each point on the teacher salary scale requires you to successfully teach and complete a full academic year before moving up the salary scale.

How much money should I have in the UK? ›

Most experts recommend having at least three months' worth of salary in your savings, and some suggest it should be as much as six months' worth.

What is the average salary of a British man? ›

In 2022 the average annual full-time salary for men in the United Kingdom was 35,260 British pounds, compared with 29,684 pounds for women, a difference of 5,576 pounds.

Is it cheaper to live in the UK than the USA? ›

What is the Average Cost of Rent in the UK vs the USA? The average rent per month for a one-bedroom flat in the UK is £700. In the USA it is $1,169, which works out to around £940 per month, making the UK a clear winner here.

Is it better to live in England or America? ›

The UK is often considered to be a cheaper place to live. The cost of living in both countries is not the same and can vary depending on where people choose to live. It's also important to note that the average salary for someone in the US is significantly higher than what it would be in the UK due to taxes.

Do Americans get taxed more than UK? ›

Which country, the United States or the United Kingdom, has higher overall tax rates? The United Kingdom has taxes that are marginally more demanding than those of the United States.
United States.
Tax rate brandsIncome 22/23($)
10%0 to 9,875
12%9,876 to 40,125
22%40,126 to 85,525
24%85,526 to 163,300
3 more rows
Oct 28, 2022

How much do the top 10% earn UK? ›

Data on the average annual gross salary percentiles in the United Kingdom in 2022showed that the bottom ten percent of full-time workers earned an average of 19,403 British pounds a year, with the top ten percent of workers earning around 62,583 pounds a year.

What is a successful salary UK? ›

What is a good salary in the UK? Between £2,500 and £3,000 is considered to be an ideal monthly net income in the UK. That salary could support a comfortable life in a city, including a two-bedroom flat, entertainment and leisure.

What is the 99th percentile salary in the UK? ›

In the three months to November 2020, the 10th percentile of the monthly pay distribution was £660, the 90th percentile was £4,562 and the 99th percentile was £13,069 (Figure 5).

How many people in the UK earn over 150k? ›

About 295,000 men earn more than £150,000 a year, which is roughly Theresa May's salary, compared with only about 61,000 women. Their dominance extends from those earning above the higher-rate tax threshold of £50,001 to the elite on seven-figure salaries. There are 2½ times as many men as women paying higher-rate tax.

What is 100k after tax UK? ›

The calculation above shows that, after tax, a gross income of £100,000 per year in 2023 leaves you with £67,050 taken home. This is equivalent to around £5,587 per month. There is about 33 pence taken away for taxes and national insurance contributions from every pound earned.

What salary is considered upper class? ›


Is 100k salary rare? ›

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, only 15.3% of American households pull in more than $100,000 annually. However, a “household” might consist of two or more salaries totaling $100,000.

How many Americans make $100,000 living paycheck to paycheck? ›

In December 2022, 51% of people who earn more than $100,000 reported living paycheck to paycheck, which is 7% more than the previous year, according to a survey from financial insight and advising companies PYMNTS and Lending Club.

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