Lancelot | (2024)





Alternate Names


Appears In

Tales of King Arthur


Son of King Ban

Character Overview

In the medieval legends about King Arthur of Britain and his knights, Lancelot is the greatest knight of all. In time, however, Lancelot's love for Guinevere (pronounced GWEN-uh-veer), the king's wife, leads him to betray his king and sets in motion the fatal events that end Arthur's rule.

Like many heroes of myth and legend, Lancelot enjoyed a royal birth and an unusual upbringing. He was the son of King Ban of Benoic (BEN-uh-wik) in western France, but he was raised by a mysterious figure known as the Lady of the Lake, who appears in various roles in the Arthurian tales. For this reason, he is sometimes called Lancelot of the Lake.

The Lady of the Lake prepared the youth to excel in all the knightly virtues and pastimes and then presented him to King Arthur's court. There Lancelot became the foremost knight, the model of noble behavior, and the good friend of the king. However, Lancelot fell in love with Queen Guinevere—an event that would ultimately destroy Arthur's kingdom.

Some of Lancelot's knightly feats had to do with Guinevere. On one occasion, he rescued her after she had been kidnapped by a rival prince, but he had to swallow his pride and ride in a lowly cart to do so. The same prince later accused Guinevere of adultery, and Lancelot fought as her champion against the accuser. His love for Guinevere was such that he resisted the charms of a maiden called Elaine of Astolat (pronounced AS-tuh-laht), who died of love for him. Another Elaine, this one the daughter of King Pelleas (pronounced peh-lay-AHS), proved more enterprising. She tricked Lancelot into sleeping with her, pretending that she was Guinevere. Elaine bore Lancelot's son, Galahad (pronounced GAL-uh-had), who grew into a pure and sinless knight. As Christian beliefs played an increasing role in the Arthurian legends over time, Galahad came to replace his flawed father as the supreme knight in tales of Arthur's Round Table.

The uproar over Lancelot's affair with Guinevere tore King Arthur's court apart—as those who opposed Arthur had hoped that it would. Some of the knights followed Lancelot to France and set up another court, while others remained with Arthur. The two sides went to war until a rebellion led by Arthur's nephew Mordred broke out and the king had to return to Britain to suppress it. Arthur was mortally wounded fighting against the rebel army and was carried away to the island of Avalon. When Lancelot returned to Britain, Arthur's court was no more. Guinevere, in the meantime, had become a nun. Lancelot followed her example and devoted himself to religious service as a monk until he died.

Lancelot in Context

Lancelot is generally considered to be a French contribution to the Arthurian legends. He first appears in the romances of the French writer Chretien de Troyes in the 1100s. However, some students of mythology see Lancelot as a later version of Celtic heroes or even of older images of gods associated with lightning and fertility. The myth of Lancelot and Guinevere may have served as a cautionary tale about the dangers of adultery, especially after the rise of Christianity in western Europe. However, scholars have suggested that the tale was actually requested by a woman of French royalty as an example—and, therefore a justification—of a noblewoman taking a lover who was not her husband.

Key Themes and Symbols

In many ways, Lancelot is a symbol of perfect knighthood: noble, just, and always willing to defend a woman's honor. However, he also symbolizes the human weaknesses of lust and envy, shown by his pursuit of and affair with Guinevere. Indeed, one of the most important themes of the tale of Lancelot is that no man, however he might appear, is perfect.

Lancelot in Art, Literature, and Everyday Life

Although it appears to be a later contribution to the myths of King Arthur, the tale of Lancelot and Guinevere is one of the best-known stories in Arthurian legend. It has been retold countless times in many forms. T. H. White's third volume of The Once and Future King (1958) is a notable version of the myth. The I960 musical Camelot, based on T. H. White's books, focuses on the affair between Lancelot and Guinevere, as does the 1995 film First Knight, starring Richard Gere as Lancelot and Sean Connery as King Arthur. Outside traditional Arthurian legend, Lancelot was the subject of a 1950s British television series. He is also portrayed as a violent fighter by John Cleese in the 1975 comedy film Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Read, Write, Think, Discuss

According to the legend, Lancelot and Guinevere are good people who struggle against their feelings of love for each other, but, in the end, are powerless to resist their attraction. Their forbidden love eventually ruins both their lives and the reign of a good and wise king. What does this story reveal about this culture's perception of the nature of love, and do we see this same attitude in modern society?

SEE ALSO Arthur, King; Arthurian Legends; Galahad; Guinevere; Holy Grail; Lady of the Lake

Lancelot | (2024)


What is the full meaning of Lancelot? ›

In English Baby Names the meaning of the name Lancelot is: Servant. God-like. Also a . In Arthurian legend, Sir Lancelot was King Arthur's close friend and a Knight of the Round Table. A central theme in Arthurian legend is the adulterous love between Lancelot and Queen Guinevere.

Who does Lancelot marry? ›

WeaponSecace (Seure), Arondight
FamilyBan, Elaine of Benoic, Lady of the Lake, Hector de Maris
SpouseElaine of Corbenic
Significant otherGuinevere, possibly Galehaut
13 more rows

Did Lancelot sleep with Guinevere? ›

They also tell of Arthur's infidelity: while Guinevere and Lancelot are sleeping their first night together, Arthur is apparently in bed with a beautiful Saxon princess, Camille, who turns out to be as evil as Morgan le Fay.

What was Lancelot known for? ›

Lancelot is one of the most well-known characters from Arthurian legend. According to most tales, he is considered the best, most skilled knight in King Arthur's Court. He is not mentioned in the first tales about King Arthur, but becomes popular in French Arthurian legends after the Middle Ages.

Was Lancelot evil? ›

Lancelot is a noble and honorable man, whose reputation is sullied only by his sinful relationship with Guinevere. He often feels acute guilt and shame about his adultery and his infidelity to Arthur, and he frequently makes strong but unsuccessful efforts to untangle himself from the influence of evil.

Who did Lancelot sleep with? ›

In one of these episodes, he writes specifically of the love affair between Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere and its effect on the fall of Camelot; its title, simply, is "Guinevere."

Who betrayed Lancelot? ›

In the medieval legends about King Arthur of Britain and his knights, Lancelot is the greatest knight of all. In time, however, Lancelot's love for Guinevere (pronounced GWEN-uh-veer), the king's wife, leads him to betray his king and sets in motion the fatal events that end Arthur's rule.

Was Lancelot a traitor? ›

Lancelot is accused of treason for both his affair with Guinevere and for the homicide of his fellow knights during his escape from the court.

Who is older Lancelot or Guinevere? ›

Most of people thinking that Guinevere is older than Lancelot, but actually Lancelot is her older brother.

Did Arthur forgive Lancelot? ›

Arthur said Lancelot had nothing to be sorry for, and knighted him on the spot. One of his deeds included slaying a dragon for King Pellas.

Who did Guinevere love Arthur or Lancelot? ›

In Marie's story, Guinevere does not love her husband and is bored, so she has affairs with Arthur's knights. In Chretien's tale, Guinevere does seem to care for Arthur but, as with the Tristan and Isolde paradigm, her true love is Arthur's best friend and greatest knight, Lancelot.

Did Lancelot sleep with King Arthurs wife? ›

In Chrétien's love triangle of Arthur-Guinevere-Lancelot, Guinevere consummated her love affair with Lancelot when Arthur and his knights are trying to rescue Guinevere from the land of Gorre.

Why is Lancelot a hero? ›

Lancelot was the First Knight of the Round Table, and he never failed in gentleness, courtesy, or courage. In addition to his courage and prowess on the battlefield, Lancelot was also a knight who was consistently serving others, thus giving him a good name and favor among most circles.

Why is he named Lancelot? ›

Lancelot Origin and Meaning

The name Lancelot is boy's name of French origin meaning "servant". In Arthurian legend, Lancelot was one of the most dashing of the Knights of the Round Table who eventually had an affair with Queen Guinevere: it makes for a romantic story-- but perhaps overly romantic-- name.

What weapon did Lancelot use? ›

Amazed by his honour, his skill with the sword and his bravery in combat, King Arthur decided to accept him as a knight of the Round Table. This was how Sir Lancelot became a loyal knight, companion and friend of King Arthur.

What was Lancelot's sin? ›

God hovers in the background of the novel, just as His ideas, found in Arthur's chivalry, hover only in the background of Lancelot's soul as he commits the sin of adultery.

What was Lancelots goal? ›

One of the most important stories about Lancelot is his quest for the Holy Grail, which he is unable to find because of his sin: he loves Guinevere more than he loves God, so he cannot enter the building where the Grail is kept.

Who is the real Lancelot? ›

Among scholars, it is generally agreed that the character of Lancelot originated in the work of Chretien de Troyes who first introduced him in his poem Erec and Enide (c. 1170 CE) and used him again in his Cliges (c. 1170's CE) but did not develop the character until his Lancelot or the Knight of the Cart.

Why does Lancelot fall in love with Guinevere? ›

He sees her as a formality; a king must have a wife so that he can produce an heir. Lancelot treats Guinevere more like a person. He is full of devotion to her, but he is also not afraid to call her out, which she likes.

Was Lancelot loyal to Arthur? ›

Lancelot is the greatest and most noble knight in Arthurian legend because of his strength and bravery, his loyalty and devotion to Guinevere, and because of his friendship and faithfulness towards Arthur.

Why was Lancelot banished? ›

King Arthur banishes Lancelot from the kingdom because he believes that Lancelot made a false accusation against King Marhaus.

Why did Lancelot fight Arthur? ›

War broke out after Lancelot staged an armed rescue of Guinevere, condemned to death for her treasonous love for the great knight. In the heat of battle Lancelot killed two of Arthur's best men, Gareth and Gaheris, who had defended the queen.

Did Lancelot have a daughter? ›

Sirina's dad is Sir Lancelot. Sirina and her father are very close. Lancelot was excited to have a daughter to teach the knights' ways. Sirina's mother is unknown, although it is known that she is a woman of the court.

What gender is Lancelot? ›

The eldest son of Duke Baroque—Lancelot was a handsome young man with [unmatched] sword skills. He'd received an all-round good education but also inherited his father's snobbery and haughtiness.

WHO adopted Lancelot? ›

Lady of the Lake
Lady of the Lake (Nimue / Viviane)
Significant otherMerlin, sometimes others
ChildrenBors, Lancelot, Lionel (all adopted)
HomeHer lake, Brocéliande, Avalon
7 more rows

Who betrays King Arthur? ›

Answer and Explanation: Mordred is often the character that betrays King Arthur, but Queen Guinevere and Lancelot also betray King Arthur as they are having an affair.

Did Lancelot come back to life? ›

Much to Merlin's surprise, however, the spell also brought Lancelot back to life for a brief moment. Restored to his true self, the knight turned to Merlin and spoke three final words: "Merlin.

Who is Arthur's half sister? ›

Morgana, also called Morgaine or Morgan, is a staple figure of the Arthurian legend. Her relationship to Arthur varies but usually she is introduced as Arthur's half-sister, the daughter of his mother Igraine and her first husband Gorlois, the Duke of Cornwall.

Who is the real lover of Guinevere? ›

Lancelot, also spelled Launcelot, also called Lancelot of the Lake, French Lancelot du Lac, one of the greatest knights in Arthurian romance; he was the lover of Arthur's queen, Guinevere, and was the father of the pure knight Sir Galahad.

Who did Guinevere truly love? ›

Guinevere was the wife of King Arthur, the legendary ruler of Britain. She was a beautiful and noble queen, but her life took a tragic turn when she fell in love with Lancelot, one of Arthur's bravest and most loyal knights.

Who did King Arthur sleep with? ›

In many versions of Arthurian legend, Arthur does indeed sleep with his half-sister Margawse (also spelled Morgause). Margawse then gives birth to a son, Mordred. This all serves to foreshadow Arthur's potential downfall, as by sleeping with his half-sister he has produced a son who will one day attempt to destroy him.

Did Arthur's wife cheat him? ›

In many renditions of the Arthurian legend, Guinevere gets lambasted for cheating on Arthur with Lancelot, while Arthur is celebrated as the faithful partner.

Do Guinevere and Lancelot end up together? ›

They tried to keep their love a secret from the king, but eventually, it became known and was a catalyst for the Round Table to fall. Like most romances, their love bloomed slowly. At first, Guinevere ignored Lancelot. But not for long and she soon succumbed to his charms and they became lovers.

Did King Arthur forgive his wife? ›

In Tennyson's verse cycle in the 19th Century, Idylls of the King, Guinevere is portrayed as extremely reluctant to betray Arthur with Lancelot. At the end, she flees to the convent again, but is ultimately forgiven by Arthur before her death and repents her sins.

What hero can defeat Lancelot? ›

Natalia: Natalia has a skill that can silence you (unable to use skill). This will help to kill Lancelot before Lancelot can use his skills and additional to that Natalia can be Invinsible everytime she goes to bushes.

What are Lancelot's powers? ›

Lancelot has great speed and perception, being able to easily keep up with Fiddich who was using his magic power Haste that increases his speed and can even block a kick from him before it starts. He also shows great archery skills, having enough precision to hit the opponent's pressure points with deadly effects.

Who is Lancelot in the Bible? ›

THE TOP TRANSLATOR and overseer of the KJV translation, Lancelot Andrewes was perhaps the most brilliant man of his age, and one of the most pious.

What is Lancelot's magic? ›

Levitation「Romaji: Rebitēshion; Kana: レビテーション」- Is a magical power that Lancelot derives from his status as a fairy. It allows Lancelot to fly at-will and with great agility and speed. It also allows Lancelot to subject a number of other entities to such a flight as well.

What was Lancelot sword name? ›


How strong is Lancelot? ›

Quite strong. Lancelot is the strongest Round Table Knight alongside Artoria and Gawain, probably only behind Galahad (I'm not sure how Nasu will treat Galahad in the future though, so far it looks like Galahad is stronger), his main point being his amazing combat skill, more than his force or powers.

Is Lancelot a good name? ›

Lancelot Origin and Meaning

The name Lancelot is boy's name of French origin meaning "servant". In Arthurian legend, Lancelot was one of the most dashing of the Knights of the Round Table who eventually had an affair with Queen Guinevere: it makes for a romantic story-- but perhaps overly romantic-- name.

Who is Lancelot God? ›

Lore. Tales of Lancelot du Lac, the knight of the lake, have spread far and wide through the lands of men – and even unto the realms of the gods themselves. He is renowned as a peerless warrior and a courageous hero; the orphaned prince of a lost kingdom and ward of the Lady of the Lake herself.

What was the origin of Lancelot? ›

Among scholars, it is generally agreed that the character of Lancelot originated in the work of Chretien de Troyes who first introduced him in his poem Erec and Enide (c. 1170 CE) and used him again in his Cliges (c. 1170's CE) but did not develop the character until his Lancelot or the Knight of the Cart.

Is Lancelot a good hero? ›

Lancelot was the First Knight of the Round Table, and he never failed in gentleness, courtesy, or courage. In addition to his courage and prowess on the battlefield, Lancelot was also a knight who was consistently serving others, thus giving him a good name and favor among most circles.

Is Lancelot a girl or boy? ›

With French origins and an interesting history, Lancelot is a strapping boy's name for the newest knight at your round table!

Is Lancelot faithful? ›

No matter who or what comes Lancelot's way, he always remains loyal to his lover Guinevere, who he treats like the queen she is. Their relationship is an ideal example of love during this time period and may even be considered “true love”.

Why is Lancelot a traitor? ›

Lancelot is accused of treason for both his affair with Guinevere and for the homicide of his fellow knights during his escape from the court.

Who created Lancelot? ›

The 12th-century poet Chrétien de Troyes gave us an account of their romance in his Lancelot, or the Knight of the Cart (c1177). No stories before this feature Lancelot, so we must assume that Chrétien invented him.

Who is Lancelot weak against? ›

1. Phoveus. It's no secret that Phoveus is the best hero to counter nimble heroes like Lancelot due to his Passive and Ultimate. If Lancelot uses a blink or charge skill near Phoveus, Phoveus can teleport to his location instantly while also inflicting a tremendous amount of damage.

What is Lancelot power level? ›

Power Level

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