Language of Espionage (2024)

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If you expect to make it out there, you’re going to need to learn the lingo. Put in the work here and you’ll be talking the talk in no time. Check out our glossary of spy terms and code words.




A person unofficially employed by an intelligence service, often as a source of information.


A government employee who is influenced to cooperate with a foreign government instead of defecting; now working for two employers instead of one.


A person who works within the government or media of a target country to influence national policy.


A clandestine source or method, usually an agent.





An agent who pays spies and bribes authorities.

Bang and Burn

Demolition and sabotage operations.


Slang used by British Intelligence for a spy.

Black Bag Job

Secret entry into a home or office to steal or copy materials.

Black Operations

Covert operations that are not attributable to the organization performing them.

Black Propaganda

A disinformation that is deniable by (and not traceable to) its source.


A deception planted abroad by an intelligence agency to mislead another country that returns to the originating nation with bad consequences.


Discovery of an agent's true identity or a clandestine activity's real purpose.


Polish electro-magnetic device created to help decipher Enigma cipher machine settings; early precursor to the modern computer.

Bona Fides

Proof of a person's claimed identity.

Bridge Agent

An agent who acts as a courier from a case officer to an agent in a denied area.

Brush Pass

A brief encounter where something is passed between case officer and agent.


When a case officer or agent is compromised.


Camp Peary

CIA's secret domestic training base (also known as "The Farm").

Camp X

Canada's secret domestic training base during World War II.


Computer program designed by the FBI to allow the FBI (in compliance with court orders) to collect electronic communications from a specific user targeted in an investigation (at the exclusion of all other users' transmissions).

Case Officer

A staff officer who manages agents and runs operations.


KGB headquarters in Moscow.


Russian secret police founded in 1917 to serve the Bolshevik party; one of the many forerunners of the KGB.

Chicken Feed

Genuine, but not seriously damaging, intelligence knowingly provided to an enemy intelligence agency through an agent or a double agent to establish his bona fides.

Chief of Station

The officer in charge at a CIA station, usually in a foreign capital.


Central Intelligence Agency; U.S.'s foreign intelligence gathering service


A system for disguising a message by replacing its letters with other letters or numbers or by shuffling them.

Clandestine Operation

An intelligence operation designed to remain secret.


Unknown to enemy intelligence


A spy who creates false passports, visas, diplomas and other documents.


A system for disguising a message by replacing its words with groups of letters or numbers.


A list of plain language words opposite their codeword or codenumber.


Colossus was an electronic device that helped solve German cryptograms; the world’s first electronic computer.


All intelligence gathered from intercepted communications.


When an operation, asset, or agent is uncovered and cannot remain secret.


Officer in charge of agents (a handler).


The business of thwarting the efforts of foreign intelligence agencies; includes but is not limited to spy-catching.


The purported occupation or purpose of an agent; it must be consistent with the agent's background and presence in the target area.

Covert Action Operation

An operation designed to affect foreign affairs; may be lethal or non-lethal.


The science of secret writing in all its forms.


A mechanism or person used to create a compartment between the members of an operation to allow them to pass material or messages securely; also an agent who functions as an intermediary between a spymaster and other subagents.



A person sent by the intelligence agency of his or her own country who approaches an intelligence agency in the hope of being recruited as a spy so as to allow a double agent operation for the purpose of intelligence collection or disinformation.

Dead Drop

A secret location where materials can be left for another party to retrieve.


The Soviet and Russian term for disinformation operations: operations designed to pass false information to the enemy.


An agent whom a service will permit to be detected and arrested so as to protect more valuable agents.


Incorrect information spread with deliberate intent to deceive, distract, confuse, and/or spread fear and suspicion. This false information is often meant to manipulate what you think, feel, or believe to be true. Examples include conspiracy theories, spear phishing, clickbait headlines, and altered images and videos (deep fakes).

Double Agent

A spy who pretends to be working against one country but who is in fact working for that country’s opponent; often a conduit for disinformation.

Dry Clean

Actions agents take to determine if they are under surveillance.



Electronic intelligence; derived from the interception of radiation sources such as radars.


A cipher machine used by the Germans to encode messages during WWII.


The operations officer assigned to lead a defector along an escape route.


The practice of spying or using spies to obtain secret or confidential information about the plans and activities of a foreign government or a competing company.

Exfiltration Operation

A clandestine rescue operation designed to bring a defector, refugee, or an operative and his or her family out of harm's way.


Citizens of one country who live in another.

Eyes Only

Documents that are intended for the eyes of one specified person only.



Federal Bureau of Investigation; U.S.'s domestic counterintelligence service and federal law enforcement agency.

Flaps and Seals

The tradecraft involved when making surreptitious openings and closings of envelopes, seals, and secure pouches.


A person used one time, occasionally, or even unknowingly for an intelligence operation.


General slang for members of an intelligence service; specifically British slang for members of the Secret Intelligence Service.



Agent who searches obituaries and graveyards for names of the deceased for use by agents.



A case officer who is responsible for handling agents in operations.

Honey Trap

Slang for use of men or women in sexual situations to intimidate or snare others.


Russian slang for prison.


Intelligence collected from human sources.



KGB/SVR operatives infiltrated into a target country without the protection of diplomatic immunity, having assumed new identities and even new ethnicities.


Russian slang for someone under arrest.


Imagery intelligence.


The secret movement of an operative into a target area with the intent that his or her presence will go undetected.

Innocent Postcard

A postcard with an innocuous message sent to an address in a neutral country to verify the continued security of an undercover operative.

Intelligence Officer

Intelligence officers are professionals trained by their governments. Called case officers, operational officers, or handlers, they run operations and recruit and manage the actual spies.



OSS and SOE term for teams dropped into Europe before D-Day to help resistance groups.



The Soviet Union's all-powerful intelligence and security service during the Cold War.



A poison pill used by operatives to commit suicide.


A spy's claimed background or biography, usually supported by documents and memorized details.



Measurement and signature intelligence; a form of technical collection that uses signatures that do not fit into the traditional scope of IMINT and SIGINT.


The British domestic counterintelligence service; officially known as the Security Service.


The British foreign intelligence service; officially known as the Secret Intelligence Service.


Incorrect information. This may be spread accidentally, without intent to mislead or deceive. Examples include misquotes, miscaptions, rumors, or simply information which is inaccurate, mistaken, incomplete, or unintentionally biased.


An agent of one organization sent to penetrate a specific intelligence agency by gaining employment; a term popularized by John Le Carre.

Music Box

Slang for a clandestine radio.


Slang for a clandestine radio operator.



A spy operating without cover or backup.


National Security Agency; branch of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for ensuring the security of American communications and for breaking into the communications of other countries; "No Such Agency".


British term for the bait (money, political asylum, sex, or career opportunity) offered to a potential defector.


Russian term for the security service officer who accompanies delegations to other countries to prevent anyone from defecting.



Secret police under Russian tsars 1881-1917.

One-time Pad

Strings of random numbers for singular use as a key in enciphering messages; the proper use of a one-time pad renders a message mathematically unbreakable.


Open source intelligence; intelligence information derived from publicly available sources.


Office of Strategic Services; U.S.'s WWII intelligence, sabotage, and subversion organization; "Oh So Secret," "Oh Such Snobs," “Oh So Social”.



Passwords to identify intelligence personnel to each other.


The behavior and daily routine of an operative that makes his or her identity unique.


Photographic intelligence, usually involving high-altitude reconnaissance using spy satellites or aircraft.


Russian intelligence term for traitor.


The original message before encryption.


To provide false information to the enemy while gaining accurate information from him or her.

Pocket Litter

Items in a spy's pocket (receipts, coins, theater tickets, etc.) that add authenticity to his or her identity.


An operative sent to incite a target group to action for purposes of entrapping or embarrassing them.


American name for the Japanese diplomatic cipher machine used from 1939-1945.



Intelligence gathered from radar.


A male agent employed to seduce people for intelligence purposes.


American name for an early Japanese diplomatic cipher machine.

Rezident [Resident]

KGB or GRU (Soviet and Russian military intelligence) chief of station in any foreign location.


When an operation goes bad and an agent is arrested.

RQ-1 Predator Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

A medium-sized, long-endurance asset for reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition in moderate risk areas.



To delete specific material or revise a report or other document to prevent the identification of intelligence sources and collection methods.


A false passport or visa.


Signals intelligence; consists of COMINT (communications intelligence) and ELINT (electronic intelligence).


Secret Intelligence Service; the official name of Britain's MI6.

Sleeper Agent

Agent living as an ordinary citizen in a foreign country; acts only when a hostile situation develops.


Short for "Smert Shpionam" (Death to Spies); a Soviet counterintelligence agency that existed from 1943 to 1946; made famous in the James Bond novels.


Special Operations Executive; Britain's WWII sabotage and subversion organization.


In the intelligence world, a spy is strictly defined as someone used to steal secrets for an intelligence organization. Also called an agent or asset, a spy is not a professional intelligence officer, and doesn’t usually receive formal training (though may be taught basic tradecraft).


The leader of espionage activities, and an agent handler extraordinaire.


The East German Ministry for State Security; East Germany's Cold War domestic and foreign intelligence service.


Post from where espionage is conducted.


Techniques for concealing the very existence of a message (secret inks or microdots).

SVR [Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki]

The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki), formed on December 18, 1991.


A female agent employed to seduce people for intelligence purposes.



Technical intelligence; analysis of fielded equipment for training, research, and the development of new weapons and equipment for eventual intelligence use.

The Company

An unofficial term for the CIA popularized by fiction.

The Take

Information gathered by intelligence collection operations.


An agent considered expendable.

Timed Drop

A dead drop that will be retrieved by a recipient after a set time period.


The methods developed by intelligence operatives to conduct their operations.

Traffic Analysis

Methods for gaining intelligence from the patterns and volumes of messages of communications intercepts.



The world's most famous spy plane, developed by the U.S. specifically for intelligence collection in the thin atmosphere 55,000 feet above the Soviet Union; it is still in use today.


Codename for intelligence derived from decryption of messages encrypted by the German Enigma cipher machine during WWII.


Headquarters of any espionage service.



A defector who declares his or her intentions by walking into an official installation and asking for political asylum or volunteering to work in-place.

Wet job

An operation in which blood is shed; a KGB term for an assassination.

Window Dressing

Ancillary materials that are included in a cover story or deception operation to help convince the opposition, or other casual observers, that what they are observing is genuine.

Language of Espionage (2024)


What do spies use to communicate? ›

That's why sharing information relies on covert communication or COVCOM. Methods include secret writing (such as invisible ink or tiny microdots) or sending and receiving secure messages using special technology (often concealed or even disguised to look like everyday objects).

What does the CIA call a spy? ›

Agent: a person who spies on their own country; typically a citizen of a foreign country who is spying on behalf of the United States Government. Not to be confused with CIA employees, who are known as intelligence “officers.” Often used interchangeably with “asset.”

What are the 5 types of espionage? ›

Sun Tzu breaks the network into five categories: i) local spies - citizens of the enemy state; ii) inward spies - enemy operatives working as double agents; iii) converted spies - enemy agents now working against their former ruler; iv) doomed spies - expendable agents fed false information to be shared with the enemy; ...

What is a cut out in spy language? ›

Cut-out. A mechanism or person used to create a compartment between the members of an operation to allow them to pass material or messages securely; also an agent who functions as an intermediary between a spymaster and other subagents.

How do spies send secret messages? ›

Ciphers and Coded Letters

Some spy groups even created their own pocket guide to serve as a cipher's key. Similarly, some letters were written in intricate secret codes where numbers and special characters replaced letters, a method most notably practiced by the Culper Spy Ring.

What do Secret Service agents use to communicate? ›

Each agent has an earpiece that allows him or her to hear other Secret Service personnel and to receive directions from a special command center. Much like an air traffic controller who is helping pilots land airplanes, agents at the command center are able to alert agents to information they need.

What is a dead drop in espionage? ›

A dead drop or dead letter box is a method of espionage tradecraft used to pass items or information between two individuals (e.g., a case officer and an agent, or two agents) using a secret location.

How to spot a secret agent? ›

Secret agents don't take short cuts or make quick decisions. Instead, they insist on doing everything through “channels”. They might talk constantly while you are trying to work, telling long, elaborate stories.

What is the term spook for a spy? ›

The spooks were senior constables who wore no uniform, worked in pairs and followed constables about the city and suburbs to see if they did their work properly. The idea of making a living as a spy—' spook ' in current Washington slang—is repugnant to most of us.

What is the first rule of espionage? ›

In the International Spy Museum in Washington, D.C., the Moscow Rules are given as: Assume nothing. Never go against your gut. Everyone is potentially under opposition control.

What is a reverse spy? ›

Reverse spies are hired from among enemy spies. Dead spies transmit false intelligence to enemy spies. Living spies come back to report.

What are the signs of espionage? ›

Indicators for espionage can include the following.
  • Removing information from the workplace. ...
  • Bringing electronic devices into secure or sensitive work areas. ...
  • Attempting to elicit sensitive information. ...
  • Excessive photocopying or printing. ...
  • Unexplained wealth. ...
  • Lack of discretion.

What code language do spies use? ›

Substitution ciphers and decoder rings

We use substitution ciphers all the time. (Actually, substitution ciphers could properly be called codes in most cases.) Morse code, shorthand, semaphore, and the ASCII code with which these characters are being stored in inside my Macintosh are all examples.

What is a CIA spook? ›

But, the CIA only calls foreign recruits agents, so a case officer is not a 'CIA agent. ' Because of the clandestine, sometimes covert nature of their work, they're known simply as a 'spook' to many in the world of intelligence. Doug Patteson worked for the CIA as a case officer for ten years.

What is a burnt spy? ›

A "burn notice" is an official statement issued by an intelligence agency to other agencies. It states that an asset or intelligence source is unreliable for one or several reasons, often fabrication, and must be officially disavowed.

What were two of the methods spies used to communicate? ›

The spy ring employed systematic tactics of dead drops, codes were hidden in plain sight (a petticoat hanging from Anna Strong's clothesline could indicate the location of a meeting or that a message was available at a dead drop), and even messages written in invisible ink with ciphers and coded letters.

Do spies communicate through radio? ›

Believe it or not, there are powerful radio stations all over the world sending out messages to spies every day, and you can hear them with an inexpensive shortwave radio and a simple antenna. You probably won't be able to decode them, but it's a real kick to tune into these clandestine signals.

What do real spies use? ›

To avoid being seen themselves, spies often use fancy gadgets to help them with their surveillance. For example, to keep an eye on someone from a distance, a spy might use binoculars. Spies might also use high-tech cameras hidden in all sorts of different objects, from pens and buttons to key fobs and ties!

How did spies communicate during the war? ›

The methods used were numerous. They included traditional practices such as placing spies and sending trained carrier pigeons, as well as newer electronic encryption systems. When the Germans developed a new machine, they thought it was completely undecipherable. The German machine was known as Enigma.

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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

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Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.