Latest Price, Market Analysis, Database (2024)

Procurement Resource provides latest prices of Glass. Each price database is tied to a user-friendly graphing tool dating back to 2014, which provides a range of functionalities: configuration of price series over user defined time period; comparison of product movements across countries; customisation of price currencies and unit; extraction of price data as excel files to be used offline.

Glass Regional Price Trend

Get the latest insights on price movement and trend analysis of Glass in different regions across the world (Asia, Europe, North America, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa).

Glass Price Trend for the Second Quarter of 2022

The Chinese glass market had a mild downturn in the first half of 2022, and the sector progressively started to lose money. The industry's customary peak season won't occur as anticipated in the coming months due to the stark supply and demand disparity and strong inventory pressure. There were302 float glass production lines in China and as of the end of June, 263 of which were actively producing float glass.

The average daily melting volume from January to June was 173,783 tonnes. A total of 8 production lines with a combined 4,450 tonnes of production capacity will be cold repaired in the first half of 2022, thereby further impacting the price trends for glass in the domestic market.

Glass Price TrendFor the First Quarter of 2022


On March 30, prices were 24.2 RMB/square metre in China. Traders in Shahe, North China, were mostly flexible in their shipments, and downstream processing companies restocked supplies on demand, while logistics were hampered in some places. The overall market trade environment in East China was general, logistics were hampered in certain locations, and market prices remained consistent.

For the Fourth Quarter of 2021


Prices in Asia by the end of the year had increased by 30-40% by the final quarter of 2021. The flat glass prices per 0.04 inch increased by almost 30%. The price hike came after the increase in raw material prices globally by almost 35%. As the regional demand increased in the automotive, architectural and electronic sectors, the prices too increased as production levels were not enough to keep up with the supply requirements.


As the vaccine for coronavirus surfaced, the vial demand increased in the region for companies like Pfizer and BioNTech. Schott Ag reported a production of over two billion glass vials in 2021. CIMC in United Kingdom had planned to open a new production facility for glass in 2021.

North America

North America continued to suffer from global glass shortages which caused prices to remain high even in the final quarter of the year. This affected the prices for several other major end-user industries of glass such as the food and beverage, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics industries.

Most of the glass in US was imported from Europe and Asia but disruptions in supply chains and high freight costs drove up the prices amidst the shortage. In the meantime, its demand as a packaging material was skyrocketing with the upcoming holiday season in the region. Glass prices had risen by 5.4% by the end of the year 2021. The domestic production was at full capacity but not enough to satisfy the demand in the domestic market.

For First, Second and Third Quarters of 2021


China too followed similar patterns and witnessed a price rise in 2021. Major producers like XYG, SYP, CSG and Jinjing increased their prices for mirrors, low e-coated, low iron and float glass, etc. The float glass prices were 405 USD/MT in the region in May 2021, which was twice as much of that in May 2020. The requirements were soaring high in both domestic and international markets as the economies recovered from the aftermath of the pandemic and the construction activities resumed. This increase in the demand pushed glass prices upwards reaching record high levels since 2012.

Glass future prices reached a value of 455 USD/MT. The main reasons for the soaring prices were accounted to limited production capacities which could not keep up with the high requirements. Other reason was global inflation which increased the prices not just for glass but also for other construction materials such as aluminium, steel, bronze, copper, etc.


In Europe, the market prices witnessed an upward trend as a result of shortages in supply in the region caused by the low inventory levels. The production in the region had been hit by the lockdowns imposed due to the pandemic. The production resumed in 2021 but was still lagging to keep up with the demand. France reported a national shortage of the product.

The demand increased after the economies reopened following the pandemic. As plastic use had been discouraged, keeping in mind the environmental situation, glass was used as a recyclable alternative as a packaging material. It also had applications in the architectural and construction industries. All these reasons coupled with the increase in raw material prices caused prices to rise in the region.

North America

The prices for float glass and coated float glass increased as a result of high freight costs, rising packaging and transportation, and raw material costs. Major companies like Virakon, Kuraray, Syracuse, etc. increased the prices of their products over a course of five months in 2021.

A glass fabricator in Midwest reported a 10-13% increase in prices in April. The rise in fuel and labour prices also contributed to the increase in prices to almost twice the value in 2021. The demand and sale had also increased by 8-13% which was yet another factor in driving up glass prices in the region.

For the Year 2020


The demand for glass mainly comes from the real estate industry which accounts for 75% of total demand. Due to the pandemic, the construction work had halted in the region and even after the lockdowns were lifted, the resumption of work was delayed. Along with this, there were problems in logistics, especially in the main glass producing areas such as Hebei in China, where vehicles after moving from one city to another were required to be quarantined for 14 days which caused severe problems for the trading activities of the market.

This kept the inventory levels very high and prices went down in the region. The production capacities were however difficult to be brought down even amidst the soaring inventory levels which in turn pushed down glass prices. The demand was mostly negligible as China suffered from the epidemic, causing a slowdown in the construction activities.


Due to the onset of the covid-19 pandemic, several major end-user industries for glass were heavily impacted in Europe in 2020. The imposed lockdowns had slowed down the sales of cosmetic products and fragrances in Germany, UK, Italy and France. The wine and liquor sectors were also hit by the lockdowns. However, downstream sectors like food and beverage and pharmaceuticals drove the market in the region.

Europe is one of the major glass manufacturing countries with over 162 manufacturing plants. As more and more focus is being given to reduce the plastic use and switch to recyclable products, the demand in the region is generally high with major applications in packaging. In Germany, a major pharmaceutical glass packaging company, Gerresheimer Ag, increased its production using recycled glass.

North America

The flat glass market globally was valued between 111.3 to 265.85 billion USD in 2020. The pandemic had affected the sector adversely. Several manufacturers were forced to halt operations temporarily to comply with the restrictions mandated by the government. This ultimately had a detrimental effect on the automotive sector and crippled construction activities which in turn affected the demand for the product, the construction industry being a major end-user.

In the second half of 2020, the industry recovered a bit in spite of the setbacks. In the first half of 2020, Fuyao Glass Industry Group reported a loss of 13.4 million USD. However, as the economy reopened in the second half, the residential and commercial construction projects resumed which in turn positively impacted the demand in the region. Tomakk Glass Partners announced a new fabrication facility in Louisiana to keep up with the rising demand in the region.

Latest Price, Market Analysis, Database (2024)


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Examples of market research questions

Did you consider any of our competitors? Who and why? What do you wish our product could do? How would you rate your most recent experience with us?

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Trade Associations & Trade Magazines/Journals can be excellent sources of market share data. Trade Associations often collect data on industry growth trends, sales figures, product developments, shipments and market share rankings. Try using the resources of an association's web site.

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Consider these 30 market research questions to ask before your next big business or market change:
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  • How dynamic is our market? ...
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  • Where can we take more of a share? ...
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The four questions of data analysis are the questions of description, probability, inference, and hom*ogeneity. Any data analyst needs to know how to organize and use these four questions to be able to obtain meaningful and correct results.

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Economic systems are ways that countries answer the 5 fundamental questions:
  • What will be produced?
  • How will goods and services be produced?
  • Who will get the output?
  • How will the system accommodate change?
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Market research studies are more than asking questions. There are four pillars to any successful market research study: The client, the moderator, the participants, and the recruiting agency.

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3 Types of Market Research: Which Does Your Business Need?
  • Exploratory Research. Companies use exploratory research methods to uncover facts and opinions regarding a particular subject. ...
  • Descriptive Research. ...
  • Causal Research.

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There are lots of different ways you could conduct market research and collect customer data, but you don't have to limit yourself to just one research method. Four common types of market research techniques include surveys, interviews, focus groups, and customer observation.

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A market analysis is a thorough assessment of a market within a specific industry. You will study the dynamics of your market, such as volume and value, potential customer segments, buying patterns, competition, and other important factors.

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Your market analysis checklist
  • Research your industry. Gain a holistic understanding of everything happening in your industry and prepare to navigate it.
  • Investigate competitors. ...
  • Identify market gaps. ...
  • Define your target market. ...
  • Identify barriers to entry. ...
  • Create a sales forecast.
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Market Analysis definition. a quantitative and qualitative assessment of a market. Market Analysis objective. to show an investor you know your market and you know the market is large enough to build a sustainable business.

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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.