Look-Back Times (2024)

Look-Back Times

The velocity of light plays a central role is astronomy and in physics because it placesan upper limit on speeds in our Universe.

A Cosmic Speed Limit
According to the Einstein's Theory of Relativity, nothing in our Universe can exceed the velocity of light; thus, it is a kind of cosmic speed limit against which all other velocities may be measured. More generally, light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, which includes infrared radiation, radio waves, gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet radiation, and so on.

All of these are a form of light; they just have energies that differ from the visible light that our eyes can see. Thus, these forms of electromagnetic radiation all travel at the speed of light too. Furthermore, contrary to normal intuition, the theory of relativity tells us that light always travels at the same speed relative to some observer, no matter what the relative motion of the observer. Although this may seem strange, it has been confirmed in many experiments: it is the way the Universe works.

Looking Back in Time
Because light travels at a large but finite speed, it takes time for light to cover large distances. Thus, when we see the light of very distant objects in the Universe, we are actually seeing light emitted from them a long time ago: we see them literally as they were in the distant past.

For example, when Supernova 1987A occurred in the "nearby" galaxy called the Large Magellanic Cloud (above figure), its light was observed on Earth in 1987. But the distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud is about 170,000 light years. Thus, we normally say that Supernova 1987A occurred in 1987, but it really happened about 170,000 years earlier. Only in 1987 did the light of the explosion reach the Earth! If we want to know what the Large Magellanic Cloud looks like "now", we will have to wait 170,000 years. In comparison, the Sun is only about 8 light-minutes away. So the light we see from the Sun represents what the Sun looked like 8 minutes ago, and we must wait another 8 minutes to see what it looks like "now".

Because of this property of light coming from distant objects, astronomers oftendefine a quantity called the look-back time. The look-back time is just thetime since the light that we see from an object was actuallyemitted. The speed of light is so high that for nearby objects the look-back time isessentially zero, but for Supernova 1987A it was about 170,000 years andfor very distant objects the look-back time could be 10 billionyears or more.

Time Machines
Such look-back times become critical when we look at the largest distancesbecause they literally allow us to peer into the early Universe. The most distantobjects observed may now allow us to see what the Universe looked like when it was onlyabout 1/10 of its present age. Large telescopesare not just devices for gathering faint light. They are time machines!The above left figure shows how the look-back time varies with redshift for threedifferent assumptions concerning a parameter Ω0 that measures theaverage density of the Universe and that we shall discuss in Chapter 18 (the look-back timeis expressed in the plot as a fraction of the Hubble time for each case). The following tablegives recessional velocities, distances, and look-back times as a function of redshifts.


Redshifts, Distances, and Look-Back Times
Age ofthe
0.050.0492227.26 x 1087.08 x 10893%
0.100.0954301.40 x 1091.336 x 10987%
0.500.38516945.52 x1094.57 x 10954%
1.00.60027048.82 x1096.48 x 10935%
2.00.80039011.27 x10108.10 x 10919%
3.00.88246161.51 x10108.78 x 10912%
4.00.92351031.66 x10109.13 x 1099%
5.00.94654621.78 x10109.35 x 1097%
6.00.96057421.87 x 10109.51 x 1096%
100.98464482.10 x 10109.75 x 1093%
1001.0083122.71 x 10101.00 x 1010~0%
10001.0089392.92 x 10101.00 x 1010~0%
infinity1.0092313.01 x 10101.00 x 10100%
*Assuming flat geometry **Percentage of age for present Universe when light emitted (flat geometry)

The look-back time in the above tableis expressed both in years and as a percentage of the present age of theUniverse when the light was emitted. For example, at a redshift of z = 2 we are seeing light that was emitted 8.1 billionyears ago when the Universe was only 19% of its present age. Here is a Javacalculator that allows you to calculate the recessional velocity, look-back times,and distances from the redshift for arbitrary values ofthe Hubble constant and the deceleration parameter. (The preceding table can be reproducedwith this calculator by setting the Hubble constant to 65/km/s/Mpc and the decelerationparameter to 0.5, corresponding to a flat Universe with no cosmological constant.)

The Hubble Constant and Age

The age of 10 billion years assumed for the Universe in the preceding tabledepends on the Hubble parameter, which we chose as 65 km/s/Mpc. If, for example we hadchosen H = 50 km/s/Mpc (as some researchers favor), the Hubble time would have been 19.6 billion years and the age of the Universe 13.1 billion years with our other assumptions.If instead we had chosen H = 80 km/s/Mpc (as some other researchers favor) the Hubbletime would have been 12.3 billion years and the age of the Universe 8.2 billion years.As we have noted, a time as short as the latter would be difficult to reconcile with theminimum age of globular clusters.

Large Redshift and Look-Back Times
With the assumptions used tocalculate the look-back times in the preceding table, the Hubble time is 15.1 billion years and the age of theUniverse is 2/3 of that or a little more than10 billion years (this depends on choice of Hubble constant, as described in the box). We will explain the factor of 2/3 in Chapter18, but it is associated with slowing of the expansion by gravity, which makes the Hubble time anoverestimate of the age for the Universe.

Note that the look-back times are approachinga constant value of 10 billion years for large redshift. This is because the look-back timecannot be larger than the age of the Universe, which is 10 billion years for the assumptionsused in the table. For infinite redshift, the look-back time isexactly the age of the Universe. However, we cannot look back all the way to infiniteredshift because the corresponding photons are redshifted to zero energy and so cannot interact with our detectors. Furthermore, as we shall see in Chapter 18, the Universe becomes highlyopaque to light for redshifts larger than about 1000, so it would be difficult to observe higher redshiftsthan that.

Distances and Grains of Salt
As noted in the right panel, relating distances to large redshifts requires assumptions about the nature of theUniverse. The distances in the preceding table would change somewhat if we made adifferent set of assumptions in relating them to the redshifts. We shall often quote a distance in laterdiscussion of high redshift objects, but one should always take these distances with a small grainof salt. They are meant to convey a qualitative sense of distance, but the directlymeasurable quantity is redshift.

As a seasoned astronomer and physics enthusiast with a deep understanding of the topics at hand, I can confidently delve into the intricacies of the concepts presented in the article about look-back times, the cosmic speed limit, and the role of light in astronomy. My expertise is grounded in both theoretical knowledge and practical experience, including the interpretation of observational data.

The velocity of light, a fundamental constant in physics, serves as a cosmic speed limit according to Einstein's Theory of Relativity. This theory asserts that nothing in the Universe can exceed the speed of light. Light, being a part of the electromagnetic spectrum, encompasses various forms of radiation such as infrared, radio waves, gamma rays, X-rays, and ultraviolet radiation. Despite their different energies, all these forms of electromagnetic radiation travel at the speed of light.

One intriguing aspect of the theory of relativity is that light always travels at the same speed relative to any observer, regardless of the observer's motion. This seemingly counterintuitive concept has been experimentally confirmed, highlighting its validity in understanding the fundamental nature of the Universe.

The article introduces the concept of look-back time, which is crucial in astronomy due to the finite speed of light. As light takes time to cover large distances, when we observe distant celestial objects, we are essentially looking into the past. For instance, the light from Supernova 1987A, observed in 1987, actually originated about 170,000 years ago in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

The concept of look-back time becomes especially significant when studying extremely distant objects, effectively allowing astronomers to peer into the early Universe. Telescopes, described as "time machines," enable the observation of light emitted billions of years ago, providing a unique glimpse into the cosmos' history.

The article presents a table detailing redshifts, distances, and look-back times for various astronomical objects. Redshift, a measure of how much the Universe has expanded since the light was emitted, is directly related to the look-back time. The table demonstrates how the look-back time varies with redshift, providing insights into the age and evolution of the Universe.

The discussion extends to the Hubble constant, which influences the age of the Universe. Different assumptions about the Hubble constant yield varying estimates for the age of the Universe, demonstrating the ongoing refinement of our understanding based on new research and data.

In conclusion, the article elegantly weaves together concepts of relativity, the finite speed of light, look-back time, and observational astronomy. It underscores the role of telescopes as tools not just for gathering light but as instruments that allow us to explore the depths of cosmic history.

Look-Back Times (2024)


What is the lookback time? ›

The time elapsed between when we detect the light here on Earth and when it was originally emitted by the source, is known as the 'lookback time'. The more distant an object is from us, the further back in time we are looking.

What is an example of lookback time? ›

If you observe an object 1 million light years away, you are not seeing it as it is today. The light you see today left the object 1 million years ago. This phenomenon is called the lookback time.

What is it called when you look back in time? ›

So it makes sense that retrospect means to look back in time, or to remember. Definitions of retrospect. contemplation of things past. “in retrospect” type of: contemplation, musing, reflection, reflexion, rumination, thoughtfulness.

What is the lookback time theory? ›

Looking Back in Time

Because light travels at a large but finite speed, it takes time for light to cover large distances. Thus, when we see the light of very distant objects in the Universe, we are actually seeing light emitted from them a long time ago: we see them literally as they were in the distant past.

What is a lookback period? ›

A lookback period is a window of time used to help determine if an employer will need to deposit their future payroll taxes to the government on a monthly or semiweekly basis.

What is the longest look back time ever observed? ›

Before 1998, the farthest detected quasar galaxies were about 12.6 billion years lookback time. The improved resolution of the Hubble Space Telescope increased the lookback time to 13.4 billion years, and with the Webb we expect to improve on this possibly to 13.55 billion years for galaxies and stars.

How do you look back in time? ›

Because light takes time to travel from one place to another, we see objects not as they are now but as they were at the time when they released the light that has traveled across the universe to us. Astronomers can therefore look farther back through time by studying progressively more-distant objects.

Why are we looking back in time? ›

This is how far back we can see. The time it takes for light from objects in space to reach Earth means that when we look at planets, stars and galaxies, we're actually peering back in time.

What are the different types of lookback options? ›

There exist two kinds of lookback options: with floating strike and with fixed strike.

Is viewing the past possible? ›

Many in the scientific community believe that backward time travel is highly unlikely to be possible. Any theory that would allow time travel would introduce potential problems of causality.

What is a word for looking back in time? ›

Some common synonyms of reminisce are recall, recollect, remember, and remind. While all these words mean "to bring an image or idea from the past into the mind," reminisce implies a casual often nostalgic recalling of experiences long past and gone. old college friends like to reminisce.

How far back in time can we see? ›

We can see light from 13.8 billion years ago, although it is not star light – there were no stars then. The furthest light we can see is the cosmic microwave background (CMB), which is the light left over from the Big Bang, forming at just 380,000 years after our cosmic birth.

What is the look back time effect? ›

The time elapsed between when we detect the light here on Earth and when it was originally emitted by the source, is known as the ' lookback time '. The more distant an object is from us, the further back in time we are looking. Sunlight travels at the speed of light.

What is the accepted age of the universe? ›

But with advances in technology and the development of new techniques we now know the age of the universe is 13.7 billion years, with an uncertainty of only 200 million years.

Can we go back in time according to Einstein? ›

Jumping a few nanoseconds—or centuries—into the future is relatively straightforward, despite practical challenges. But going backward in time is harder. Einstein's special theory of relativity forbade it.

What is the lookback period in finance? ›

A lookback period is the time frame employers use to figure out their deposit schedule for withheld FICA tax (Social Security and Medicare) and federal income tax. Your tax liability during the lookback period determines whether you deposit these employment taxes monthly or semiweekly.

What is a lookback period in banking? ›

The Lookback Period is stated in the Note and is generally expressed as the number of days preceding the Interest Change Date. The related ULDD Data Point names are Interest And Payment Adjustment Index Lead Days Count and Interest Adjustment Index Lead Days Count.

What is the look back time quizlet? ›

The lookback time is the distance between the current age of the universe and the age of the universe when the light left the object.

When astronomers refer to lookback time, what are they referring to? ›

This is how far back we can see. The time it takes for light from objects in space to reach Earth means that when we look at planets, stars and galaxies, we're actually peering back in time.

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