Mesoamerican Calendar: Tracking Time in the Ancient Mesoamerican World (2024)

The Mesoamerican Calendar is what modern archaeologists call the method of tracking time used—with some variations—by most of ancient Latin America, including the Aztecs, Zapotecs, and Maya. In fact, all of the Mesoamerican societies were using some form of the calendar when the Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes arrived in 1519 CE.


The mechanisms of this shared calendar involved two parts that worked together to make a 52-year cycle, known as the Sacred and Solar rounds, such that each day had a unique name. The Sacred cycle lasted 260 days, and the Solar one 365 days. The two parts together were used to keep chronologies and king lists, mark historical events, date legends, and define the beginning of the world. The dates were chiseled into stone steles to mark events, painted on tomb walls, carved onto stone sarcophagi and written into bark cloth paper bookscalled codices.

The oldest form of the calendar—the solar round—was likely invented by the Olmec, epi-Olmec, or Izapans about 900-700 BCE, when agricultural was first established. The sacred round may have been developed as a subdivision of the 365-year one, as a tool specifically designed to track important dates for farming. The earliest confirmed combination of sacred and solar rounds is found in the Oaxaca valley at the Zapotec capital site of Monte Alban. There, Stela 12 has a date which reads 594 BCE. There were at least sixty or so different calendars invented in pre-Columbian Mesoamerican, and several dozen communities throughout the region still use versions of it.

The Sacred Round

The 260-day calendar is called the Sacred Round, the Ritual Calendar or the Sacred Almanac; tonalpohualli in the Aztec language, haab in Maya, and piye to the Zapotecs. Each day in this cycle was named using a number from one to 13, matched with 20-day names in each month. The day names varied from society to society. Scholars have been divided about whether the 260-day cycle represents the human gestation period, some as-yet unidentified astronomical cycle, or the combination of sacred numbers of 13 (the number of levels in heaven according to Mesoamerican religions) and 20 (Mesoamericans used a base 20 counting system).

However, there is growing evidence to believe that the fixed 260 days running from February to October represents the agricultural cycle, keyed to the trajectory of Venus, combined with observations of the Pleiades and eclipse events and potentially appearance and disappearance of Orion. These events were observed for more than a century before being codified in the Maya version of the almanac during the second half of the fifteenth century CE.

Aztec Calendar Stone

The most famous representation of the sacred round is the Aztec Calendar Stone. The twenty-day names are illustrated as pictures around the outside ring.

Each day in the sacred round had a particular fate, and, as in most forms of astrology, an individual's fortune could be determined on the basis of her birth date. Wars, marriages, planting crops, all were planned based on the most propitious days. The constellation Orion is significant, in that around 500 BCE, it disappeared from the sky from April 23 to June 12, its annual disappearance coinciding with the first planting of maize, its reappearance when the maize was sprouting.

The Solar Round

The 365-day solar round, the other half of the Mesoamerican calendar, was also known as the Solar calendar, tun to the Maya, xiuitl to the Aztec, and yza to the Zapotec. It was based on 18 named months, each 20 days long, with a five day period to make a total 365. The Maya, among others, thought those five days were unlucky.

Of course, today we know that the earth's rotation is 365 days, 5 hours and 48 minutes, not 365 days, so a 365 day calendar throws an error of a day every four years or so. The first human civilization to figure out how to correct that was the Ptolemies in 238 BC, who in the Decree of Canopus required that an extra day be added to the calendar every four years; such a correction was not used by the Mesoamerican societies. The earliest representation of the 365-day calendar dates about 400 BCE.

Combining and Creating a Calendar

Combining the Solar Round and Sacred Round calendars provides a unique name for each day in a block of every 52 years or 18,980 days. Each day in a 52-year cycle has both have a day name and number from the sacred calendar, and a month name and number from the solar calendar. The combined calendar was called tzoltin by the Maya, eedzina by the Mixtec and xiuhmolpilli by the Aztec. The end of the 52-year-cycle was a time of great foreboding that the world would end, just as the end of modern centuries are celebrated in the same way.

Archaeologists believe that the calendar was constructed from astronomical data built from observations of the movements of the evening star Venus and solar eclipses. Evidence for this is found in the Madrid codez( Troano codex), a Maya screen-fold book from Yucatan that most likely dates to the second half of the 15th century CE. On pages 12b-18b can be found a series of astronomical events in the context of the 260-day agricultural round, recording solar eclipses, the Venus cycle, and solstices.

Formal astronomical observatories are known in several locations throughout Mesoamerica, such as Building J at Monte Alban; and archaeologists believe that the Maya E-Group is a patterned temple type that was used for astronomical observation as well.

The Maya Long Count added another wrinkle to the Mesoamerican calendar, but that's another story.


Mesoamerican Calendar: Tracking Time in the Ancient Mesoamerican World (2024)


How accurate is the Mesoamerican calendar? ›

It is extremely accurate, and the calculations of Maya priests were so precise that their calendar correction is 10,000th of a day more exact than the standard calendar the world uses today. Of all the ancient calendar systems, the Maya and other Mesoamerican systems are the most complex and intricate.

What was the calendar system in Mesoamerica? ›

A 260-day calendar was used as a divinatory almanac throughout Mesoamerica, consisting of an internal structure of twenty day-names combined with thirteen day-numbers. This ritual calendar was used in conjunction with a solar calendar of 365 days, a recording of the seasonal year and important for agriculture.

What is the timeline of ancient Mesoamerica? ›

Archaeologists divide Mesoamerican civilizational development into three major time periods: the PreClassic or Formative period extending from 1500 B.C. - A.D. 300, the Classic period extending from A.D. 300-950, and the PostClassic period extending from A.D. 950-1521.

What was the first Mesoamerican calendar? ›

Mesoamericans Have Been Using a 260-Day Ceremonial Calendar for Millennia. In parts of Mesoamerica today, Indigenous communities use a 260-day ceremonial calendar. Now, fresh evidence suggests the practice dates back at least 3,000 years.

What is the most accurate calendar in the ancient world? ›

The Persian calendar has been called “one of the world's most accurate calendar systems.” Like the Islamic calendar, it dates back to Muhammad's Hegira in 622 CE, but it is otherwise quite different. It's a solar calendar, rather than a lunar one, with the year beginning at midnight of the vernal equinox in Iran.

How was the Mayan calendar so accurate? ›

Maya astronomical calculations even accurately dated a 1991 solar eclipse. Observations like these formed the basis for their calendar; the celestial clock provided a reasonably accurate means of measuring the passage of time. The Maya made use of several interlocking calendars, though they likely didn't invent them.

Which Mesoamerican civilization had the most accurate calendar? ›

Using their knowledge of astronomy and mathematics, the ancient Maya developed one of the most accurate calendar systems in human history. The ancient Maya had a fascination with cycles of time.

What was the importance of the Mesoamerican calendar? ›

This cycle was used for divination purposes to foretell lucky and unlucky days. The date of birth was also used to give names to both humans and gods in many Mesoamerican cultures; some cultures used only the calendar name whereas others combined it with a given name.

Which Mesoamerican civilization is famous for their accurate calendar? ›

The system developed by the ancient Maya civilization was astronomically more accurate than the Julian calendar used in Europe at the time of the first encounters between early explorers and native cultures. The Maya used three interrelated calendars, two of which were used simultaneously.

What is the correct chronological order of these Mesoamerican peoples? ›

Mesoamerican chronology divides the history of prehispanic Mesoamerica into several periods: the Paleo-Indian (first human habitation until 3500 BCE); the Archaic (before 2600 BCE), the Preclassic or Formative (2500 BCE – 250 CE), the Classic (250–900 CE), and the Postclassic (900–1521 CE); as well as the post European ...

What are the 4 Mesoamerican civilizations in order? ›

For thousands of years, this area was populated by groups such as the Olmec, Zapotec, Maya, Toltec, and Aztec peoples.

When did humans first arrived in Mesoamerica? ›

Archaeologists have dated human presence in Mesoamerica to possibly as early as 21,000 bce (though the dating of the Valsequillo finds on which that early date is based remains controversial).

What are the three calendars of Mesoamerican civilization? ›

The 260-day calendar is called the Sacred Round, the Ritual Calendar or the Sacred Almanac; tonalpohualli in the Aztec language, haab in Maya, and piye to the Zapotecs. Each day in this cycle was named using a number from one to 13, matched with 20-day names in each month.

When did the Mesoamerican long count calendar end? ›

Mesoamerican Long Count calendar. December 2012 marked the conclusion of a bʼakʼtun—a time period in the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, used in Mesoamerica prior to the arrival of Europeans.

What are the three calendars created by the Mayans? ›

The Mayan calendar consists of three separate calendars that are used simultaneously: the Long Count, the Tzolkin (divine calendar) and the Haab (civil calendar).

How did the Mayans track time? ›

To keep track of time, the Maya observed and recorded the yearly cycles of the Sun; including the times of equinoxes, solstices, and the zenith and nadir passages.

How did Mayans measure time? ›

For the Maya, the basic unit of time, a day, was called a kin. In the second order, 20 kins made up a uinal. In a vigesimal system the third order would be 20 uinals but, instead, 18 uinals made up a tun. Thus a tun was 360 kin (days).

What calendar was used in Jesus time? ›

The Julian calendar is the one that was introduced in the year 46 BC by Julius Caesar to all of the Roman Empire, and it is the calendar that was used during the life of Jesus Christ and at the time of the early Church.

Did the Mayans tell time? ›

The Maya had a numeric system, games, aqueducts, and even a calendar to tell time. The calendar that the Maya used looks very different in comparison to the 12 month Gregorian Calendar that we use. The Mayan Calendar consists of three dating systems, which make interpreting the date more unique than our dating system.

How accurate was Mayan astronomy? ›

Of all the world's ancient calendar systems, the Maya and other Mesoamerican systems are the most complex, intricate and accurate. Calculations of the congruence of the 260-day and the 365-day Maya cycles is almost exactly equal to the actual solar year in the tropics, with only a 19-minute margin of error.

Did the Aztecs have an accurate calendar? ›

It turns out that the Aztec calculation of an average 365.2420 days per year is actually closer to the real value of 365.2422 days than the old Julian value of 365.2500 days or even our current Gregorian value of 365.2425 days.

What is this Mayan calendar which is the most accurate calendar ever created? ›

Haab: Ancient Mayan Solar Calendar

The Mayan Haab calendar allowed the Mayans to track the seasons because it was made up of 365 days, which is the same as the actual length of the solar year. Therefore, the Haab could be used to predict the best times to plant crops and harvest them.

How did Aztecs measure time? ›

The Aztec calendar had two different systems of keeping track of time in their current world. They were called tonalpohualli and xiuhpohualli. The tonalpohualli was known as the "counting of the days." It was 260 days long the time it took for the sun to cross a certain point in the sky.

Was the Mayan calendar 365 days? ›

Mayan calendar, dating system of the ancient Mayan civilization and the basis for all other calendars used by Mesoamerican civilizations. The calendar was based on a ritual cycle of 260 named days and a year of 365 days.

What is the purpose of calendar in ancient times? ›

The purpose of the calendar is to reckon past or future time, to show how many days until a certain event takes place—the harvest or a religious festival—or how long since something important happened. The earliest calendars must have been strongly influenced by the geographical location of the people who made them.

How were Mesoamerican calendars similar to ours today? ›

Answer and Explanation: The Aztec and the Gregorian calendars are similar because they both use the calendar to tell the day, month and year. However, the Aztecs had 20 days in a month and therefore there were 19 months in one year.

What was the significance of the two calendars used by the Maya? ›

These calendars served a variety of purposes both practical and sacred. They were used in astronomical calculations, divination and recording important events, such as the reigns of rulers and their conquests.

Which ancient civilization was known for creating an accurate 365 day calendar? ›

Egyptian civilization - Sciences - Calendar. The Egyptian calendar was based of a year of 365 days, with twelve months and three seasons.

Which Mesoamerican culture is celebrated for the accuracy of its calendar and its classic period was 250 900 ce? ›

The El Tajin Period: 250-900 CE

The El Tajin Period was considered the Classic Period in both Mesoamerica and Mayan history. `El Tajin' “refers to the great city complex on the Gulf of Mexico.

What tribe was the first to create a 365 day calendar? ›

The Egyptians were probably the first to adopt a mainly solar calendar. This so-called 'heliacal rising' always preceded the flood by a few days. Based on this knowledge, they devised a 365-day calendar that seems to have begun in 4236 B.C.E., the earliest recorded year in history.

What is the correct chronological order of four civilizations of Mesopotamia? ›

Sumerians - Akkadians - Babylonians - Assyrians this is correct order.

What is considered to be the most advanced Mesoamerican civilization? ›

Science and technology in Meso-America. Having evolved over a period of 1400 years, the Maya civilization was well on its way to develop a true science and was the most advanced of all pre-Columbian civilizations in that respect.

What is the earliest civilization currently identified in Mesoamerica? ›

The Olmecs (/ˈɒlmɛks, ˈoʊl-/) were the earliest known major Mesoamerican civilization. Following a progressive development in Soconusco, they occupied the tropical lowlands of the modern-day Mexican states of Veracruz and Tabasco.

Which Mesoamerican civilization was the most important to history Why? ›

Arguably, the greatest civilization in Mesoamerica has been thought to be the Aztec. The Aztecs established a large and successful empire, and they were extremely powerful and wealthy.

What race were the Mayans? ›

The Maya peoples (/ˈmaɪə/) are an ethnolinguistic group of indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica. The ancient Maya civilization was formed by members of this group, and today's Maya are generally descended from people who lived within that historical region.

What was Mesoamerica before 1492? ›

Mesoamerican civilization. The term Mesoamerica denotes the part of Mexico and Central America that was civilized in pre-Spanish times. In many respects, the American Indians who inhabited Mesoamerica were the most advanced native peoples in the Western Hemisphere.

Who founded the first civilization in Mesoamerica? ›

The first complex civilization to develop in Mesoamerica was that of the Olmec, who inhabited the gulf coast region of Veracruz throughout the Preclassic period.

Who was the earliest human in the Americas? ›

In the 1970s, college students in archaeology such as myself learned that the first human beings to arrive in North America had come over a land bridge from Asia and Siberia approximately 13,000 to 13,500 years ago. These people, the first North Americans, were known collectively as Clovis people.

What ethnicity is Mesoamerican? ›

Mesoamerican Indian, member of any of the indigenous peoples inhabiting Mexico and Central America (roughly between latitudes 14° N and 22° N). Mesoamerican Indian cultures have a common origin in the pre-Columbian civilizations of the area.

What did the Mesoamerican calendar look like? ›

A 260-day calendar was used as a divinatory almanac throughout Mesoamerica, consisting of an internal structure of twenty day-names combined with thirteen day-numbers. This ritual calendar was used in conjunction with a solar calendar of 365 days, a recording of the seasonal year and important for agriculture.

How old is the Mesoamerican calendar? ›

In parts of Mesoamerica today, Indigenous communities use a 260-day ceremonial calendar. Now, fresh evidence suggests the practice dates back at least 3,000 years.

Why is the calendar important in Mesoamerica? ›

Calendars were central to Mesoamerican cultures because they were tied to major seasonal cycles, and related to ideas around individuals and their fates.

What is the Mesoamerican calendar based on? ›

Aztec calendar, dating system based on the Mayan calendar and used in the Valley of Mexico before the destruction of the Aztec empire. Like the Mayan calendar, the Aztec calendar consisted of a ritual cycle of 260 days and a 365-day civil cycle.

Who made the first calendar in Mesoamerica? ›

The Mesoamerican calendar probably originated with the Olmecs, and a settlement existed at Izapa, in southeast Chiapas, Mexico, before 1200 BCE.

What is the most accurate ancient calendar? ›

The Persian calendar has been called “one of the world's most accurate calendar systems.” Like the Islamic calendar, it dates back to Muhammad's Hegira in 622 CE, but it is otherwise quite different. It's a solar calendar, rather than a lunar one, with the year beginning at midnight of the vernal equinox in Iran.

How many calendars did the Mayans use to keep track of time? ›

The ancient Maya had a fascination with cycles of time. The most commonly known Maya cyclical calendars are the Haab, the Tzolk'in, and the Calendar Round. Aside from these, the Maya also developed the Long Count calendar to chronologically date mythical and historical events.

What did the Mayans accurately predict? ›

Mayans accurately predicted solar eclipses hundreds of years in the future.

How accurate is the Mayan calendar gender? ›

There's no scientific evidence that the (alleged) Mayan gender prediction method can accurately predict the gender of a child. At most, the method shares the gender prediction accuracy rate of flipping a coin-50%. The conception month and the mother's age don't affect a baby's gender.

Is the Aztec calendar more accurate? ›

It turns out that the Aztec calculation of an average 365.2420 days per year is actually closer to the real value of 365.2422 days than the old Julian value of 365.2500 days or even our current Gregorian value of 365.2425 days. The Sun Stone was hand-carved in the 52-year period from 1427 to 1479.

How accurate is Lunar gender calendar? ›

Some claim that using a Chinese gender calendar can be up to 93 percent accurate in predicting your baby's sex. And because it's based on your age and the month you conceived, you can consult the chart at any point during your pregnancy.

How accurate is gender chart? ›

patients can expect greater than 99% accuracy." Other ways of finding out a baby's sex include chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis.

How far back does the Aztec calendar go? ›

The Aztecs used a sacred calendar known as the tonalpohualli or 'counting of the days'. This went back to great antiquity in Mesoamerica, perhaps to the Olmec civilization of the 1st millennium BCE. It formed a 260-day cycle, in all probability originally based on astronomical observations.

How accurate was the ancient Egyptian calendar? ›

The intercalary month was five days long, which meant that the Egyptian solar calendar lost about one-fourth of a day every year relative to the actual solar year.

What was the Mayan concept of time? ›

The Maya are often credited as the first people to establish a chronological record of dates beginning with a fixed day in the distant past from which to number each day uniquely. They identified the beginning of recorded time as the date when they believed the world last came to an end and was recreated anew.

How did the two Mayan calendars differ from each other? ›

What is the Tzolkin? The Tzolkin date is a combination of two "week" lengths. While our calendar uses a single week of seven days, the Mayan calendar used two different lengths of week: a numbered week of 13 days, in which the days were numbered from 1 to 13.

Did the Mayans accurately predict eclipses? ›

Mayans accurately predicted solar eclipses hundreds of years in the future. Payson Sheets was among the professors interviewed by 9News on traditions in other cultures related to these astronomical events: “The Maya actually predicted solar and lunar eclipses during the Classic period (AD 300-900).

Were the Mayans the most advanced? ›

The ancient Maya had the most advanced system of mathematics of any ancient civilization in the Americas, and quite possibly in Europe and Asia. The Maya were one of the first ancient cultures to use the concept of zero, which allowed them to write and calculate large sums.

Why were the Mayans so good at astronomy? ›

They believed that the will and actions of the gods could be read in the stars, moon, and planets, so they dedicated time to doing so, and many of their most important buildings were built with astronomy in mind. The sun, moon, and planets—Venus, in particular—were studied by the Maya.

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