Notre Dame’s famous rose windows survived fire: report (2024)

Notre Dame Cathedral’s three stained-glass windows survived a fire Monday that burned through the Paris landmark.

The archbishop of Paris told CNN’s affiliate BFM TVon Tuesday that all three of the iconic 13th-century windows, called therosewindows, are intact.

{mosads}The fire was controlled Monday evening, after engulfing thecathedral for several hours.

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo also said in a tweet that “the Crown of Thorns, the Tunic of Saint Louis and several other major works” had been saved, according to CNN.

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“Thanks to the @PompiersParis, the police and the municipal agents the Crown of Thorns, the Tunic of Saint Louis and several other major works are now in a safe place,” Hidalgo tweeted.

The building’s twin bell towers also remain visibly intact.

The archbishop of Paris also told BFM that the Great Organ, one of the world’s most famous musical instruments, was preserved.

The cathedral’s spire collapsed Monday, as did thewooden latticework of the building’s roof.

Officials are currently considering the fire an accident. Paris prosecutor Remy Heitz has opened an investigation into the cause.

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Notre Dame’s famous rose windows survived fire: report (2024)
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