Pokemon Anime's greatest mystery is finding Ashs' alleged wife (2024)

Several theories about the two new lead characters in the upcoming series Pokemon Pocket Masters have begun to circulate on social media platforms such as Twitter. Fans have made an interesting connection primarily with Liko, the female lead. It has been suggested that Liko is Ash's daughter. But this raises the question of who Ash's wife could be.

The end of Pokemon Journeys, which officially retires Ash and Pikachu as the franchise's key protagonists, has left fans with mixed feelings. Many people who grew up watching their ups and downs find it strange to see them being replaced. Fans will be pleased if this series takes place in the future and one, if not both of the leads, is linked to Ash.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers

Who could be Ash's wife in Pokemon Pocket Masters?

Is Serena Ash's future wife?

Pokemon Anime's greatest mystery is finding Ashs' alleged wife (1)

The long-running fan theory about Ash may be the most reliable guess right now, and for good reason. Serena is the appropriate match for Ash's wife if Liko is his daughter.

Serena is a Pokemon Performer who accompanied Ash on his journey through the Kalos region. Her primary goal is to be crowned Kalos Queen.

For a long time, Ash has been shipped with Serena, and if anyone notices, there is some resemblance between Liko and her. For example, they both have blue eyes and the same type of hair, albeit in different colors. More importantly, they both wear similar head caps.

What if Dawn is Ash's future wife?

Pokemon Anime's greatest mystery is finding Ashs' alleged wife (2)

Liko, on the other hand, also has some commonalities with another of Ash's friends, Dawn. She is a Pokemon Coordinator from Twinleaf Town who once accompanied Ash and Brock.

Fans have speculated that Dawn could be Liko's mother, owing to the similar shades of blue in their hair and eyes. Dawn is also seen wearing a cap, further complicating matters for those who believe Serena is going to be Ash's future wife.

The only aspect that makes this theory less credible is that Serena and Ash appear to have feelings for each other, whereas Dawn and Ash have been nothing more than good friends.

Final thoughts

Pokemon Anime's greatest mystery is finding Ashs' alleged wife (3)

At this point, all of this is purely speculative, as there is very little information about the new series available. For Liko to be Ash's child, there must be a significant timeskip.

Furthermore, some fans believe that Liko and Roy are related to Goh. Everything about him matches Liko and Roy, even the color of his eyes, hair, and complexion.

This argument nevertheless holds little weight, given that a section of Liko's hair matches the L shape on Ash's cap. For the time being, there is no way to determine Liko's parentage, so fans will have to wait and watch the series, which premieres in April 2023.

Fans can also watch the eleven special episodes of Pokemon Journeys commemorating Ash and Pikachu's journey that will premiere on January 13, 2023.

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Edited by Vinay Agrawal


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Pokemon Anime's greatest mystery is finding Ashs' alleged wife (2024)
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