Should I Stop My Baby from Thumb Sucking? | Blog (2024)

Oct 08, 2018

As a parent with a thumb sucking child myself, and actually, I often wondered if the thumb sucking habits would affect my child’s development. Thumb sucking is nothing new, and it is completely normal for babies to exhibit this kind of behavior. With that in mind, as parents, we should be carefully monitoring the development of our child’s teeth. And the following article we will discuss a few different factors in tips that will help guide us on this journey that is thumb sucking.

When Will My Child Stop Sucking Their Thumb?

It is typical for children to stop sucking their thumbs anywhere between the ages of two and four. However, if you have a child that continues to suck on their fingers or thumbs beyond the time in which permanent front teeth are ready to erupt, it may noticeably affect the shape of your child’s mouth and teeth.

Effects of Thumbsucking on Baby Teeth

Children that thumbsuck for a prolonged and excessive amount of time can experience an effect on growth and development. Some children can begin to develop problems with their baby teeth, which holds space in the job for permanent teeth. Other problems that could ail your child include:

  • Crowded, crooked teeth or overbite issues
  • Speech development issues
  • Misaligned jaw
  • Changes in the structure of the roof of the mouth

Are There Benefits to Thumbsucking?

Many parents, including myself, are very aware of one of the main benefits to thumb-sucking, which is making them feel more secure and sue them while attempting to fall asleep. Your baby’s thumbs are naturally a built-in way to calm themselves down when they’re feeling cranky, or they need an extra effect of comfort. It’s not uncommon for babies to begin sucking their thumbs while still in the womb.

How Can I Help My Child Stop Sucking Their Thumb?

What do you think the best course of action could possibly be to helping your child finally kick their habit?

  • Children often suck their thumb for comfort or when they are feeling insecure or anxious. Focus on addressing the cause of their anxiety and provide alternative comfort.
  • Praise your child when not thumbsucking. Create a chart and reward them for a change in behavior.
  • If your child sucks their thumb when they are tired, comfort them with an alternate security item.
  • You can also try reminding them of their habit by bandaging the thumb or putting a sock or glove on their hand at night.
  • Consider a baby thumb guard.

If you have finally exhausted all of your other options, a visit to our Taylor and West Bloomfield, MI dental office can be the last straw solution you’ve been asking for. All of our dental professionals are trained to work with children in order to get through to them and set them up for dental success in their futures. If you are still concerned about your child’s thumb sucking habits, feel free to give our office a call or send us an email to set up an appointment. We can’t wait to help you help your child!

Should I Stop My Baby from Thumb Sucking? | Blog (2024)
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