Smoking & Drinking Laws in France (2024)

Visitors always seem to have a hard time figuring out what the rules are for drinking and smoking in France. It doesn’t help that the laws have changed several times between 2008 and 2019, and that some Parisians openly flout them. Here’s a primer to steer you in the right direction.


Thelegal drinking agein France is 18 years for ALL ALCOHOL INCLUDING WINE AND BEER.

Before 2009, it was legal for 16-18 year olds to drink “fermented” beverages such as cider, wine and beer, but the laws have changed, and now it’s 18 for all alcoholic beverages.

“Article 93 of Act No. 2009-87 of 21 July 2009 on hospital reform and on patients, health and territories confirms the prohibition of the sale of alcoholic beverages to all minors (and no longer only to minors under 16 years of age) and adds that the offer of such beverages free of charge to minors is also prohibited in drinking places and all shops or public places.” – translated from the French Ministry of Health article here.

You canbuy alcoholin any supermarket, convenience store or wine boutique (but only until 10pm; 8pm in places where consumption is forbidden after 4pm). Some restaurants only have a license to serve alcohol with food.

In the 1990s (when I was a student), the French, even university age students, didn’t engage in the excessive drinking habits of their Anglophone counterparts. That’s why so many student bars in Paris are English, Australian, or American! But that has all changed in recent years and the laws are catching up.

There aren’t generalized“open container” laws, but there are certain areas that restrict public alcohol consumption on the street after 4pm: Champs-Elysées (8the), all around the Eiffel Tower and Champ de Mars (7th) all around Notre-Dame (4th); “sensitive” districts like Stalingrad (19th), Saint-Blaise (20th) and around Gare de Lyon (12th); festive night life districts like the Latin Quartier (5th/6th), Oberkampf (11the), le Marais (4th)… and even after 9pm along the Canal Saint-Martin (10th) and after midnight along both banks of the Seine from Pont Bir-Hakeim to Pont de Tolbiac on the Right Bank and from Pont Mirabeau to Pont d’Iéna, as well as Pont Royal to Pont de Tolbiac on the Left Bank.Of course you’ll see a LOT of people breaking the rules along the Seine, but if your group is rowdy and has an open container, consider yourselves targets for the police.

Drinking and driving is a crime in France. The limit is 0.5 g of alcohol per litre of blood, which is approximately the equivalent of 3 halfpints of beer, 2 glasses of wine or 3 glasses of champagne for an adult male.

For more information, read the July 2019 article: “Are you sure you know the drinking laws in France?”

Cancer Sticks

Parisians smoke.People visiting Paris smoke (especially refugees from California). There’s a lot of smoke. Get used to it, or just resign yourself to seeking out the places that are less smoky (or at least better ventilated). But at least since 2008 they can’t smoke indoors anymore.

The new“Loi Anti-Tabac”(anti-tobacco law), voted into law October 16, took effect in 2008. Hotels are all non-smoking, which the managers like because they won’t have to pay the costs of cleaning the smoke and burn marks, but many are worried about enforcement. You can still smoke right outside the doors of bars and on café sidewalk terraces, so it’s not yet as strict as some places

Import Rules: Allowances for Alcohol and Tobacco

Persons living in a Member State of the European Union are not restricted in regard to purchasing goods for private use, but the recommended allowances for alcoholic beverages and tobacco are as follows: 3200 cigarettes, 400 cigarillos, 200 cigars, 3 kg of smoking tobacco, 110 litres of beer, 10 litres of spirits, 90 litres of wine, 20 litres of fortified wine i.e. port or sherry. Americans are allowed to bring in one liter of alcohol and 200 cigarettes duty free; after that you’ll have to pay duties.

Smoking & Drinking Laws in France (2024)


How strict are drinking laws in France? ›

It is prohibited to sell or offer alcoholic drinks to minors aged under 16 years old (in drinks outlets, shops and public places). According to the law of 10 January 1991 it is prohibited to introduce alcoholic drinks into establishments for physical and sporting activities.

Is drinking on the street legal in France? ›

Public drinking in France is legal. It is illegal to sell alcohol to minors (under 18). However local laws may ban public drinking or the purchase of alcohol in certain areas or at certain times.

Are the French strict on alcohol? ›

France has very strict rules regarding permitted alcohol levels in the bloodstream, and they are It is different to regulations in other countries, so don't assume it's the same as what you are used to. The legal limit is 0,5g of alcohol per litre of blood.

Can you drink at 15 in France? ›

The legal drinking age in France is 18, or 16 if the person is in the presence of adults (usually understood to be family members). There used to be an exception for beer and wine but it's no longer the case since 2009. This might seem surprising. After all, France has a reputation for being a country of wine-lovers.

Can a 14 year old drink alcohol in a restaurant France? ›

Minors under the age of 16, cannot enter a bar or cafe serving alcohol unless accompanied by a parent but can drink a glass of wine or two, in moderation, when with their family.

Can you walk around with alcohol in France? ›

Alcoholic beverages are sold in grocery stores, specialized shops and supermarkets in Paris. Even if the wine is one of the national drinks, drink alcohol with moderation or you can be arrested for drunkenness and disorder in public roads. However, and unless you disturb someone and drive, you will not be bothered.

Can you smoke in Paris? ›

Smoking is generally prohibited in indoor public places and workplaces; however, in some of these places, owners or managers may create designated smoking areas. Smoking is prohibited in most forms of public transport, with exceptions for taxis and outdoor places on commercial watercraft.

Can you drink alcohol in front of the Eiffel Tower? ›

Is it possible to picnic on the Eiffel Tower? There are no picnic areas on the Eiffel Tower and visitors cannot take glass bottles or cans of drink up the Tower. However a reasonable quantity of drink and food is allowed (at the discretion of the staff).

Is public drinking allowed in Paris? ›

Alcohol in parks: Though you will often see people sipping glasses of wine in the public parks, be aware that it is mostly illegal to do this and as this is France, occasionally enforced. Here's a great explanation for where and why this rule is applied.

Do French drink alcohol at breakfast? ›

Wine at breakfast is totally acceptable in France, Italy and Spain - so why not in the UK?

What alcohol do the French drink the most? ›

Champagne is one of the top French alcoholic drinks consumed around the world. Champagne is one of the country's most popular alcoholic beverages worldwide for its elegance and sophisticated taste.

Do the French drink alcohol every day? ›

You may have heard that the French drink wine every day, and although we usually like to debunk clichés about les français, this one is pretty accurate. In the US, your average adult drinks 12.4 litres of wine per year, whereas in France the number is 50.2.

What country has a drinking age of 13? ›

Burkina Faso — Age to purchase is 13 for males, 16 for females. Burundi — Age to purchase is 18 unless accompanied by parent. Cambodia. Cameroon — Age to purchase is 18 on-premise, 21 off-premise.

Which country has the lowest drinking age in the world? ›

In fact, 64 percent of the world's nations have legal drinking ages of 18. The youngest legal drinking age in the world is 15, with both Mali and the Central African Republic allowing folks to drink at that time.

What country has no drinking age? ›

This is actually a bit of a trick question, as several European countries including: Armenia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, and Russia have no formal laws on what age people are allowed to consume alcoholic beverages.

What is the drinking age in Russia? ›

In Russia, the legal drinking age is usually eighteen. Usually, because there are some exceptions to that case. Technically, stronger alcohol such as cognac and vodka is sold only to those over 21.

What's the drinking age in Mexico? ›

The legal drinking age is 18. 5. Open alcohol containers in public are illegal in Mexico. You may face a fine or time in jail.

What age can you drink in Italy? ›

What is the minimum drinking age in Italy? The drinking age in Italy is 18 years old. However, it is not strictly enforced. We recommend to always carry a photo ID to prove your age.

Can you drink tap water in Paris? ›

The tap water in Paris is very closely monitored for quality assurance, both by the water supply company Eau de Paris and independent health authorities, to ensure its quality. This means that tap water in Paris is legal to drink per French, European, and World Health Organization standards.

How to buy cigarettes in France? ›

Where can you buy cigarettes? In tobacconists (“bureaux de tabac”) which are recognizable by their red diamond-shaped signs. The average price of a packet of cigarettes is €6. In other places (restaurants, bars, clubs), a packet will cost you a bit more.

What is the drinking age in Japan? ›

In Japan, the legal adult age is 20. Japanese law prohibits individuals under the age of 20 to drink alcohol or smoke. Regardless of age, you must not force anyone to drink or smoke as it may cause serious health and social consequences.

Can you smoke on balcony in France? ›

Often, you will be directed to a hallway, balcony or terrace. For the most part, you are free to smoke outdoors with the exception of certain designated non-smoking beaches such as Centenaire beach in Nice and Bijou in Cannes.

Can you smoke on the Eiffel Tower? ›

The Eiffel Tower is a completely non-smoking area. The use of electronic cigarettes is also prohibited.

Is there a toilet at the top of the Eiffel Tower? ›

There are free toilets on all floors of the Tower (1st, 2nd and the top) as well as on the parvis. There are baby changing facilities on all floors (parvis, 1st, 2nd) apart from the top of the...

What is drinking age in France? ›

The drinking age is 18. But be aware that it is highly offensive to be seen drunk in public. Unlike Australia, France has no tradition of drinking for the sake of getting drunk. Having said that, if a family is dining in a restaurant, and a teenager has a glass of wine, the probability is that nobody will say anything.

What time can you buy alcohol in France? ›

You can buy alcohol in any supermarket, convenience store or wine boutique (but only until 10pm; 8pm in places where consumption is forbidden after 4pm). Some restaurants only have a license to serve alcohol with food.

Do cafes in Paris serve alcohol? ›

Although café means coffee, the proper term for the establishment is actually café-bar, as Paris cafés serve all sorts of hot and cold beverages, including herbal teas (infusion and tisane), mineral water, beer, wine, and other drinks.

Can you kiss in public in Paris? ›

Public displays of affection in France

People kiss acquaintances when they meet them in the street and you even shake hand with the plumber when he comes to fix your leaky pipe: the French are definitely touchy-feely. So, in Paris (and other major cities) anything goes; elsewhere, be more restrained.

What do you wear to drink in Paris? ›

For most restaurants and bars, the dress code is dressed-up casual. So, if you do decide to go with a co*cktail dress, the norm is for it to be accompanied by tights and a sweater/light jacket.

What is the 5 o'clock rule? ›

What began as colonial occupation became a colloquial phrase. Much like our “five o'clock,” the toast recognizes that no matter what the clock says, it's an acceptable time to start drinking, somewhere.

Do the French drink coffee all day? ›

Savor coffee all day long

The French love their coffee, especially after a large meal. Rather than indulging in milky lattés and cappuccinos, enjoy short pulls of espresso (referred to in France simply as café) all day long.

Do French drink coffee at night? ›

Coffee Etiquette

Traditional French restaurant etiquette dictates that you can drink a café noir any time of day or night, but the only time you can drink coffee with food is at breakfast.

What is the typical meal in France? ›

A typical main course may be meat or fish, with potatoes or rice and vegetables on the side. For instance, a person may order a steak with Pommes frites and a side salad. Or they could order grilled salmon with green beans and rice. The main course will be cheese (le fromage) and a dessert (le dessert).

What do the French eat for breakfast? ›

A typical French breakfast consists of a croissant or bread with butter and jam and sometimes a sweet pastry. Fresh fruit juice and hot beverages, like coffee or tea, are also included. Here all meals for French breakfast. The tradition of eating a large meal mid-day continues at dinner time in France.

Do French people shower often? ›

While there are numerous stereotypes about the French that are completely inaccurate, it turns out the whole "French people never shower" thing may indeed be true.

How many times a week do French people shower? ›

Weekly Bathing Breakdown: On average Spanish citizens have 7 showers and 2 baths a week. Weekly bathing breakdown – On average French citizens have 7 showers and 2 baths a week. Daily shower stats – 76% of women and 71% of men shower once a day.

Do French people drink a lot of water? ›

Average water consumption for a French household: the figures to remember. In 1975, French people consumed 106 liters of water per day. Today, it is about 150 liters per person per day.

Where in the US is the drinking age 18? ›

In the United States, the minimum legal age to purchase alcoholic beverages is 21 years of age; the two exceptions are Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands where the age is 18. The legal drinking age varies by state.

Can you drink at 14 in Germany? ›

Belgium, Denmark and Germany set 16 years as the minimum age for purchasing beverages containing less than 1.2 % of distilled alcohol and 18 years for buying spirits (more than 1.2 % of distilled alcohol).

What is the lowest drinking age in the US? ›

In 1984, the Federal Government passed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act and established 21 as the national minimum legal drinking age ("MLDA") age. It was phased in over a few years, and today all 50 states require one to be 21 or older to purchase alcohol.

What is Canada's drinking age? ›

Legal drinking age versus per capita

Standard drinks per week per person are calculated for each person of legal drinking age in Canada. The legal drinking age is 19 years and older in every province and territory except Quebec, Manitoba and Alberta where it is 18 years and older.

What is the drinking age in England? ›

If you're under 18, it's against the law: for someone to sell you alcohol. to buy or try to buy alcohol.

Which country drinks the most? ›

Looking at the amount of alcohol consumed per person aged 15 years or older, the Seychelles is in first place with around 20.5 litres of alcohol drunk per person per year, according to Our World in Data; studies show that young male peer groups primarily drink high amounts of alcohol in the Seychelles.

Can you drink alcohol in Dubai? ›

Generally, the legal age for drinking alcohol is 18 in Abu Dhabi, but a Ministry of Tourism by-law prevents hotels from serving alcohol to those under the age of 21. In Dubai and all other emirates besides Sharjah, the drinking age is 21. Drinking alcohol in Sharjah is illegal.

Why isn't the drinking age 18 in the US? ›

The drinking age was raised back to 21 over federal highway funding. In 1984, the National Minimum Drinking Age Act passed, which stated federal highway funds would be withheld from U.S. states that failed to set the minimum legal drinking age back at 21. By 1988, all the states had adopted the age minimum.

What is the drinking tolerance in France? ›

France has very strict rules concerning drink-driving; the legal blood alcohol limit is 0,5g/l of blood. If during a police check, your level of alcohol is found at between 0,5 and 0,8 g, you may be fined up to 135 €.

What is the alcohol tolerance in France? ›

France has very strict drink driving laws. The French drink-driving limit is 50mg of alcohol in 100ml of blood. Sanctions and Penalties : Drivers found with between 50mg and 80mg of alcohol in your blood can be fined € 135 (£ 112).

Can 16 year olds drink in bars in France? ›

The legal drinking age in France is 18 years for ALL ALCOHOL INCLUDING WINE AND BEER. Before 2009, it was legal for 16-18 year olds to drink “fermented” beverages such as cider, wine and beer, but the laws have changed, and now it's 18 for all alcoholic beverages. “Article 93 of Act No.

Can you drink in front of the Eiffel Tower? ›

Is it possible to picnic on the Eiffel Tower? There are no picnic areas on the Eiffel Tower and visitors cannot take glass bottles or cans of drink up the Tower. However a reasonable quantity of drink and food is allowed (at the discretion of the staff).

Do the French drink more than Americans? ›

In France, consumption reached 27 million hectoliters in 2017, compared to 34.5 million hectoliters in 2000. This means the U.S. consumed 5.6 million more hectoliters than France in 2017. So, not only are the French drinking less wine than they were — they're drinking less wine than Americans. Êtes-vous surpris?

What country has the strictest drink driving laws? ›

Europe has some of the strictest drink drive limits and rules in the world, with Malta, Liechtenstein and Armenia being the only EU nations to have a BAC above 0.05%.

Do French people drink every day? ›

You may have heard that the French drink wine every day, and although we usually like to debunk clichés about les français, this one is pretty accurate. In the US, your average adult drinks 12.4 litres of wine per year, whereas in France the number is 50.2.

Who has the highest alcohol tolerance in the world? ›

Andre the Giant. No one in recorded history could drink as much as Andre. The pro wrestler – who stood 7'5″ and weighed over 500 pounds – routinely shocked friends and spectators with his insane tolerance for alcohol.

What country has highest rate of alcoholism? ›

This is one of the most comprehensive reports on liters of pure alcohol that is consumed by individuals years.
Alcoholism by Country Statistics.
1. Russia16.29%2.58%
2. Hungary15.29%2.27%
3. Lithuania13.35%1.98%
4. South Korea13.10%0.41%
71 more rows
Mar 16, 2023

Which country drinks the most alcohol? ›

Looking at the amount of alcohol consumed per person aged 15 years or older, the Seychelles is in first place with around 20.5 litres of alcohol drunk per person per year, according to Our World in Data; studies show that young male peer groups primarily drink high amounts of alcohol in the Seychelles.

What country has the lowest drinking age? ›

In fact, 64 percent of the world's nations have legal drinking ages of 18. The youngest legal drinking age in the world is 15, with both Mali and the Central African Republic allowing folks to drink at that time.

Can you drink at 14 in Italy? ›

In Italy, minors (anyone under the age of 18) are not able to legally purchase or consume alcohol in bars, restaurants or even outdoors (although it is very unlikely for a restaurateur or server to “card” someone who appears to be younger than that when they are drinking with their parents).

Can you drink the tap water in Paris? ›

The tap water in Paris is very closely monitored for quality assurance, both by the water supply company Eau de Paris and independent health authorities, to ensure its quality. This means that tap water in Paris is legal to drink per French, European, and World Health Organization standards.

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