Social Classes in the Philippines: Which Class Do You Belong to? (2024)

When talking about income inequality in the Philippines, the discussion would always focus on the poor vs. rich divide. But with the recent economic challenges that the country has faced, it has shifted to the poor vs. middle class.

As such, low-income families are prioritized when it comes to receiving government help like relief goods and cash aid especially during the first year of the pandemic. On the other hand, middle-class households hardly receive government assistance.

This raises the question: Who should the government help more, the poor or the middle class? Before we get to that, it's important to understand first the different social classes in the Philippines.

What is the Meaning of Social Class?

Contrary to popular belief, social class is more than just about how much money you're making.

Sociologists define social class as a group of people with similar socioeconomic status or standing within the society based on the level of income, education, and occupation.

Social classes range from low to high and often reveal inequalities in terms of power, influence, and access to resources.

Which Social Class are You?

Social Classes in the Philippines: Which Class Do You Belong to? (1)

3 Social Classes in the Philippines: Low, Middle, and High Income

Three primary social classes exist in the Philippines: the low-income class, the middle-income class, and the high-income class.

The latest Family Income and Expenditure Survey[1] by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) shows that majority (58.4%) of Filipinos belong to the low-income class, while the middle class comprises around 40% of the population. Only 1.4% fall in the high-income class.

The Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS), the government's socio-economic policy think tank, notes that the low-income class has a bigger share of the population because they tend to have larger families than other social classes.

The middle class is further classified into lower, middle, and upper middle-income classes.

In between the poor and the middle class is another social class called the low-income class—they're not middle class but not considered poor.

And then there's the upper-income class in between the middle class and the rich. Although people in this social class make six-digit figures monthly, they're not considered among the elite group of the wealthiest in the Philippines.

For policy-making and public service purposes, the Philippine government looks at the per capita income (in relation to the poverty threshold) to classify the income level of its citizens and to assess their standard of living.

The current average estimated poverty threshold in the Philippines is ₱12,082,[2] which is the minimum amounta family of five needs in a month to buy their basic food and non-food items. If your family income is higher than the poverty threshold, the government doesn't consider you poor.

Types of Social Class in the Philippines

Wondering what social class in the Philippines you belong in? Your guess might not match the government's definition of social classes.

Income ClusterPer Capita IncomeMonthly Income (for a family of 5)
PoorLess than the official poverty thresholdLess than ₱12,082
Low-income class (but not poor)Between the poverty line and twice the poverty lineBetween ₱12,082 and ₱24,164
Lower middle-income classBetween two and four times the poverty lineBetween ₱24,164 and ₱48,328
Middle middle-income classBetween four and seven times the poverty lineBetween ₱48,328 and ₱84,574
Upper middle-income classBetween seven and 12 times the poverty lineBetween ₱84,574 and ₱144,984
Upper-income class (but not rich)Between 12 and 20 times the poverty lineBetween ₱144,984 and ₱241,640
RichAt least 20 times the poverty line₱241,640 and above

Note: Data from the Philippine Statistics Authority. To provide updated and accurate information that better reflects the present situation, the income computation is based on the current poverty threshold.

Read more:

  • 5 Ways Minimum Wage Earners Can Save
  • Tired of Living Paycheck to Paycheck? Live Within Your Means with These Tips

Who Exactly is the Middle Class?

Social Classes in the Philippines: Which Class Do You Belong to? (2)

How do you know if you're middle class? Is it the clothing brands you wear? The places you've traveled to?

The government defines the middle class as those earning incomes between two to 12 times the poverty line. This means if your family income is between around ₱24,000 and ₱145,000, you fall in the middle-income class.

A 2018 PIDS study[3] provides deeper insights into the middle class in the Philippines. Here are some important and interesting facts to know about the social structure in the Philippines, specifically the country's middle classvis-à-vis their poor and low-income counterparts:

Facts About the Middle Class in the Philippines

  • Middle-income households have significantly greater access to education, health, and other services (not necessarily from the government).
  • Most of them live in urban areas, especially in Metro Manila and nearby areas.
  • Three in every four middle-income households live in a space that they own, while 23% rent. A small percentage (3%) of the middle class live in the slums, but they make up a large chunk of informal settlers in the country (42%). This is attributed to the lack of affordable housing in the cities.
  • Middle-class workers have stable jobs (mostly salaried) in wholesale and retail trade, transportation, communication, and government sectors. These include sari-sari store owners, tricycle and jeep drivers, bus conductors, call center agents, public school teachers, clerks, private-sector employees, and government workers.
  • They have higher educational attainment, which is why more of them have better-quality jobs.
  • Their families are smaller with fewer children.
  • Middle-class families spend more on their children's education, sending them to private schools and getting them tutoring services.
  • In Metro Manila and other traffic-congested cities, most cars are owned by the middle class.
  • Middle-class households are less dependent on the government, shifting away from using public services and leaning towards private ones. This is especially true in the case of transportation, healthcare, and education.

Read more: Living in Manila with P15,000 Income

Which Social Class Must the Government Help?

Social Classes in the Philippines: Which Class Do You Belong to? (3)

Amid the pandemic, the government has prioritized the poorest of the poor in terms of providing financial support. It has allocated ₱200 billion for the social amelioration program to help 18 million low-income households tide over for two months during the enhanced community quarantine in Luzon. Each of these families received cash aid between ₱5,000 and ₱8,000.

On social media, Filipinos engaged in heated debates about which social class deserves to receive more government assistance during a crisis. Is it the poor who have nothing, or the hardworking, tax-paying middle class?

This issue has sparked appeals for the expansion of the social amelioration program's coverage to include the middle class. After all, even though they rely less on government help, it doesn't mean the middle class is completely resilient to a financial crisis. They're just as affected by it as the poor.

Related reading: Laid Off? Here’s How to Compute Separation Pay in the Philippines

Government Financial Assistance for the Middle Class

To the government's credit, it has responded to the calls for assistance to middle-class families with the Small Business Wage Subsidy Program.[4] It benefitted 3.4 million middle-class workers of micro, small, and medium enterprises during the height of the pandemic. The program gave cash aid worth ₱5,000 to ₱8,000 for two months to affected workers.

Aside from that, other ongoing government assistance programs, such as the SSS unemployment benefit, cover the middle class.

Why the Poor Need More Help

Social Classes in the Philippines: Which Class Do You Belong to? (4)

Valid as their grievances are, some people in the middle class assert that the poor don't deserve government assistance because they're not working hard and just relying on government dole-outs.

However, according to Jose Ramon Albert, senior research fellow at the PIDS, what people fail to realize is that when the economy is down [due to the crisis], it's the poor who suffer the most. "[They're] much more affected, so they need more help than us,” he said in an interview with ABS-CBN News.[5]

Considering the government's limited funds, giving them the priority for government assistance makes a lot of sense. The PIDS study also notes that if the government shifts public resources away from the poor toward the middle class, this would impede inclusive growth in the country, make it harder for the poor to reach middle-class status, and make the current socio-economic divide worse.

Final Thoughts

While everyone is affected by the health crisis and the oil price hikes in one way or another, vulnerable groups—the poor, low-income class, and lower middle class—have it worse. They're at a higher risk of losing livelihood. Thus, they deserve support not just from the government but also from the upper class in the Philippines who are in a position to help others.

The National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) Ambisyon NATIN 2040 proposes that expanding the Filipino middle class is key to achieving Philippine development goals. Many scholars believe that the middle class play a big part in the Philippines' drive for progress and equality.[6]

Moreover, the country should work to create more job opportunities that pay well and improve financial services and the quality of education, skills, and training of the labor force.

In short, this shouldn't be a battle between social classes in the Philippines. In the grand scheme of things, it should be about the poor and low-income becoming middle-income and enjoying a better quality of life.


Social Classes in the Philippines: Which Class Do You Belong to? (2024)


What determines which social class a person belongs to? ›

Most sociologists define social class as a grouping based on similar social factors like wealth, income, education, and occupation. These factors affect how much power and prestige a person has.

Who belongs to middle class in the Philippines? ›

The government defines the middle class as those earning incomes between two to 12 times the poverty line. This means if your family income is between around ₱24,000 and ₱145,000, you fall in the middle-income class.

What are the 3 social classes and who is each class? ›

Today, concepts of social class often assume three general economic categories: a very wealthy and powerful upper class that owns and controls the means of production; a middle class of professional workers, small business owners and low-level managers; and a lower class, who rely on low-paying jobs for their ...

What are the 3 main social class? ›

Results from these three research methods suggests that in the United States today approximately 15 to 20 percent are in the poor, lower class; 30 to 40 percent are in the working class; 40 to 50 percent are in the middle class; and 1 to 3 percent are in the rich, upper class.

What is social classes in the Philippines? ›

Three primary social classes exist in the Philippines: the low-income class, the middle-income class, and the high-income class.

What determines your class? ›

A focus on objective social class entails a direct determination of a person's social class based on socioeconomic variables -- mainly income, wealth, education and occupation.

What is class C in the Philippines? ›

These letter-groups have no standard names. A is on top, but B is upper-class too; C is middle-class in the cosmopolitan sense; D is the “masa”; E is very low-class. Upper-class households are so few that often they are combined into AB.

Who belongs to lower class? ›

When used by social scientists, the lower class is typically defined as service employees, low-level manual laborers, and the unemployed. Those who are employed in lower class occupations are often colloquially referred to as the working poor.

Who are the high class in the Philippines? ›

 Highest class – the people that belong in this class include the Spaniards, peninsulares and the friars. They have the power and authority to rule over the Filipinos.

Who belongs to upper class? ›

The term upper class refers to a group of individuals who occupy the highest place and status in society. These people are considered the wealthiest, lying above the working and middle class in the social hierarchy.

Who is 3rd class people? ›

of the lowest or poorest class or quality; inferior.

What is an example of middle class? ›

The middle class or middle classes are the people in a society who are not working class or upper class. Business people, managers, doctors, lawyers, and teachers are usually regarded as middle class.

What is an example of lower class? ›

In the US, the term lower class generally means the group of people who work for a low hourly wage. The working poor, manual laborers, and service industry workers all might be considered part of the lower class.

What are the social classes today? ›

More complex models propose as many as a dozen class levels, including levels such as high upper class, upper class, upper middle class, middle class, lower middle class, lower class and lower lower middle class. while others disagree with the American construct of social class completely.

What do you mean by social class? ›

A social class is a group of people who are similar in terms of their income, the kind of job they do, and their level of education, among other factors. Social class is mainly about wealth, but it's also connected to status within society.

What is class D in the Philippines? ›

Members of the class C and E comprise only eight and 14 percent of the voters, respectively. Those from class D are self-employed – the market vendors, drivers – and not necessarily informal settlers. Most of them own the place that they live in or they rent.

What are the social classes of early Filipino? ›

The Tagalogs had a three-class social structure consisting of the maginoo (royalty), the maharlika (lit. freemen; warrior nobility), and the alipin (serfs and slaves).

What is the social class in the Philippines before? ›

Social classes in the Philippines goes beyond Pre-Hispanic times. The classes were divided into four: Maginoo (Noble Class), Timawa (freeman or commoner), Maharlika (warrior), and Alipin (servant). The Maginoo are the royal blooded such as the Datu, which is the leader of the barangay consisting of 100-500 persons.

Am I middle class or upper class? ›

Pew defines “middle class” as those earning between two-thirds and twice the median American household income, which in 2021 was $70,784, according to the United States Census Bureau. That means American households earning as little as $47,189 and up to $141,568 are technically in the middle class.

How do you determine first class? ›

Remember that marks in the 50–70% range are perfectly normal.
Understanding grades
  1. First-Class Honours (First or 1st) (70% and above)
  2. Upper Second-Class Honours (2:1, 2. i) (60-70%)
  3. Lower Second-Class Honours (2:2, 2. ii) (50-60%)
  4. Third-Class Honours (Third or 3rd) (40-50%)

What makes a class a good class? ›

In the final analysis, the major keys for having a good class are the attitudes of the professors and the students. We need to have the desire to be engaged, be challenged, and work together to make the whole experience better. Having good students and good professors without a good synergy is not as effective, either.

What is class A and class C? ›

Class A motorhomes are generally taller and wider than Class C designs. Class As are often equipped with multiple slide-outs for maximum square footage. Class As tend to be more residential on the inside. Kitchens tend to be a little bigger.

What does a class C mean? ›

Class C DL –

You may drive a: 2-axle vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 26,000 pounds (lbs.) or less. 3-axle vehicle weighing 6,000 lbs. or less gross. Housecar 40 feet or less. 3-wheel motorcycle with 2 wheels located in the front or back.

What is a class D vs class C? ›

Class C - required to drive a vehicle designed to transport 16 or more passengers, including the driver. This is a commercial driver's license. Class D - required to operate a vehicle weighing 26,000 pounds or less. This is a non-commercial driver's license.

What are three methods of determining social class? ›

Sociologists use three techniques to determine social class: the reputational method, the subjective method, and the objective method. in the United States: the upper class, the upper middle class, the lower middle class, the working class, the working poor, and the underclass.

What is one of the most important factors in determining a person's social class? ›

(1) Wealth and Income:

Possession of substantial amounts of wealth is the main characteristic distinguishing the upper class from other class groups in society. Persons having more wealth and income generally have higher social position and respect in society.

How is a person's social class determined in a caste system? ›

A caste system is one in which social standing is based on ascribed status or birth. Class systems are open, with achievement playing a role in social position. People fall into classes based on factors like wealth, income, education, and occupation.

What factors determine social class quizlet? ›

A person's social class is difficult to determine. It depends on many factors, including occupation, sources of income, marketable abilities, access to consumer good and services, and membership in status groups and political parties.

What are examples of upper class? ›

Today, celebrities, politicians, investors, and other wealthy individuals fall into this group. In the United States, those who lived—and continue to live—in leadership roles in society are often considered part of the upper class.

How do you assign people to social classes? ›

Functionalist sociologists rely on measures of socioeconomic status (SES), such as education, income, and occupation, to determine someone's social class.

Is the lower middle class poor? ›

That same three-person family with an income between $0 and $32,048 per year was considered poor or near-poor. A family earning between $32,048 and $53,413 was considered lower-middle class.
What Is a Middle-Class Income?
Income groupIncome
Upper-middle class$106,827 - $373,894
Rich$373,894 and up
3 more rows

Why is social class important in identity? ›

People with a lower social class identity have a lower sense of access to public services and have lower satisfaction. People with a higher social class identity have a stronger sense of acquisition and have higher satisfaction. Many factors influence the satisfaction of public services.

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.