SPIDERS (2024)



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Visit Jørgen Lissner's incredible website with Faroese spiders SPIDERS (2)
Larinioides sclopetarius




This Larinioides sclopetarius spider was caught by Dánial Jespersen on July 10, 2022 in Klaksvík. This species has only been registered twice previously in the Faroe Islands and both times in 2002.
Leptorhoptrum robustum




12.06.2022 Bjarki Gyldenkærne Dalsgarð caught a spider of the species Leptorhoptrum robustum under a flowerpot in Skógrøktin in Hoydalar. The spider is only 3-5 mm in size and quite common all over the Faroe Islands.

Agyneta gulosa



Rare in Faroe Islands, found in Sornfelli 11.07.2021
Oreoneta frigida



A very common spider in Faroe Islands, found in Sornfelli 11.07.2021
Mouse Spider Scotophaeus blackwalli




Súsanna Árting found this Mouse Spider Scotophaeus blackwalli at her home October 13, 2021. This is the first registrated observation of Scotophaeus blackwalli in the Faroe Islands. The spider most likely came to the Faroe Islands with building material. Mouse spider thrives only indoors.
Pardosa palustris (Linnaeus, 1758)



Rodmund á Kelduni caught this beautiful spider of the species Pardosa palustris (Linnaeus, 1758) in Víkum, Vágar 07.08.2021. When Jens-Kjeld Jensen photographed it the next day, it had had lots of kids.

Hasarius adonsoni



Found in Tórshavn 28.02.2022. This is the fourth observation of Hasarius adonsoni in Faroe Islands.
Hasarius adonsoni



It gets shorter and shorter between the imported spiders ...
10.05.2021 Ragnar Háskor found this Hasarius adonsoni spider among some flowers, he had bought on Mother's Day. This is the third observation of Hasarius adonsoni in Faroe Islands.



30.04.2021 Barba Mørkøre Dalberg found this Hasarius adonsoni male spider indoors in Tórshavn. Hasarius adonsoni has been found once before in the Faroe Islands. It will be able to breed in greenhouses, but not outdoors in the Faroe Islands.

Philodromus dispar


02. September 2020, Erla Jarnskor Ellingsgaard caught a non-adult spider of the genus Philodromus in their garden in Syðrugøta. The spider was sent to Denmark, where Jørgen Lissner has cared for and fed it for 8 months, while he has been waiting for it to change skins, so he could determine the species to be a Philodromus dispar. As an adult, this species is very variable in size and color pattern.

Philodromus dispar does not spin, but catches its prey by ambush.

This is the first time that this species, which lives in warmer places as the Mediterranean, is registered in the Faroe Islands, but perhaps there are optimal conditions or a special microclimate in a sunny part of the garden at Erla's home.

Acanthoctenus spinipes (Keyserling, 1877)




This beautiful migratory spider (Ctenidae) Acanthoctenus spinipes Keyserling, 1877) was found in Tórshavn in March 2021 in a box of bananas from Columbia. This is probably the first time, this species has been found in Europe. The species was determined by Jørgen Lissner.

Steatoda paykulliana


28.09.2020 Sóley H. Gásdal, Sørvágur, found this beautiful spider in a pack of grapes, imported from Greece. This is the first registration of Steatoda paykulliana in the Faroe Islands.

Zygiella x-notata


Common in Faroe Islands
Nursery web spider Pisaura mirabilis



July 14, 2019, Judit Højgaard found this Nursery web spider Pisaura mirabilis in Leirvík. It is imported with goods. This is the first registration of Pisaura mirabilis in the Faroe Islands.

Video SPIDERS (68)

Zebra back spider Salticus scenicus


03. March 2019 Sheila Sigurdsdóttir captured this Zebra back spider Salticus scenicus indoors in Fuglafjørður. This species has been seen a few times before, also as introduced.

Olios argelasius (Walckenaer 1805).



Around 15.10.2018 Gudbjørg Gudmundsdóttir Poulsen found this spider in a tray of imported grapes. This spider is common in Southern Europe, where it for example lives in the leaves of grape bushes.

Link SPIDERS (76)

Amaurobius fenestralis


Video, Tórshavn 27. September 2018 SPIDERS (79)

Male - even though this spider is new for Faroe Islands, it seems to be quite common, especially in Sørvágur and Tórshavn.
The spider Amaurobius fenestralis was found for the first time in 2007 by Rodmund á Kelduni.

The species seems to spread very fast - particularly in Vágar and the southern part of Streymoy. The net of the spider is quite special, and in case people start searching for it I am pretty sure, that the spider will be found in several other places than the two, mentioned above.


Tórshavn 03.05.2021
Domestic house spider Tegenaria domestica(Clerck, 1757)


The female


The male
Hanna Joensen, Sandur, caught these two spiders in Sandoy 04.09.2018. The species are found in most of the Faroe Islands, but this is the first registration of the species in Sandoy.



This very bright Domestic house spider was handed to us 10.02.2022
Giant House Spider Tegenaria atrica (C. L. Koch, 1843).


The female


The male
The photos of the female spider are from 2004. The male spider was found by Sámal Einarsson and others in Eysturoy 13. October 2017.
The species has been found regularly in Faroe Islands during the recent years, and it is probably breeding in Tórshavn.
The distribution area for Giant House Spider is Europe, Central Asia and North Africa, but it is spreading more and more from these areas. It was brought to Northwest and North America with people around 1900, and since then it has increased much in number.
With a leg width of up to 10 cm and a speed of 0.53 m pr. seconds, it is one of the world's fastest spiders. It can become up to 6 years old and lays approximately 60 eggs each time.

Danish video of the spider on youtube SPIDERS (97)

Larinioides ixobolus (Thorell, 1873)
Larinioides ixobolus (Thorell, 1873)
19.11.2016 Torkil Sørensen found 2 female spiders of the genus Larinioides ixobolus when he was working on a car at the garage of Glenn Perdomo in Torshavn. The car was imported from Hungary, so most likely the spiders were imported from Hungary as well. Dánial Jespersen caugt the spiders and brought them to our house.
Larinioides ixobolus is not known in the Nordic countries, but is registered in Germany, Turkey, Eastern Europe and toward Asia.
You can read more about this very rare guest by clicking on here SPIDERS (103)

Jørgen Lissner determined the species.

Visit Jørgen Lissner's incredible website with Faroese spiders SPIDERS (104)

Hilaira nubigena


Female ♀


Male ♂

On 06th September 2014 Kristina, Eyðun, Danial Jespersen and I - Jens-Kjeld, managed to catch 5 Hilaira nubigena, which is one of the rarest spiders in the Faroe Islands - and we caught both males and females. This is the first time, that Hilaira nubigena has been photographed in the Faroe Islands.

New spider species found in Vatnsoyrar on Vágar

Amaurobius similis


It was Eiler Jacobsen, who first saw the spider in Vatnsoyrar, and his wife Sirikit made ​​sure, that the spider came into my hands. The spider is very similar to Amaurobius fenestralis, earlier caught in Vágar and Streymoy and visible on Jørgen Lissner’s incredible website http://www.jorgenlissner.dk/faroespiders.aspx, but Jørgen Lissner's further investigation showed, that it is a closely related cousin - Amaurobius similis – never registered in Faroe Islands. The question is whether this is a lone introduced copy or if it really breeds in Vágar?

Jørgen Lissner visited Faroe Islands again in July 2012


The famous biologist Jørgen Lissner visited Faroe Islands again in July 2012. He collected spiders to his incredible website with photos and descriptions about spiders from the Faroe Islands, Greenland, the Azores and Europe.

Visit Jørgen Lissner's incredible website with Faroese spiders SPIDERS (115)

Feather-legged Lace Weaver Uloborus plumipes




Found in Tórshavn 28.02.2022
Feather-legged Lace Weaver Uloborus plumipes



On October 3, 2021, Niels Leivsson í Búð found this beautiful Uloborus spider on a Phalaenopsis orchid in Hvannasund.

Feather-legged Lace Weaver Uloborus plumipes


This imported female was found in Tórshavn 05th March 2012. This is the fifth discovery for Faroe Islands.

European garden spider Araneus diadematus (Clerck, 1757).


This cross spider Araneus diadematus was found outside on a house in the center of Tórshavn 31.10.2017.



On 15th of August 2017 Jóanes Olsen found this beautiful female Cross spider Araneus diadematusoutside on a house in Óðinshædd in Tórshavn. The species has only been found a few times earlier, and always indoors. This is the first time, thas this species has been found "in the nature" in the Faroe Islands.



Pauli Hansen caught these 2 female Cross spiders Araneus diadematus in Tórshavn 24. October 2011. Both have a rather atypical pattern on the back.

Tórshavn 02.06.2020


02.06.2020 Mourits Mohr Joensen saw hundreds of young spiders on a car that had arrived to the Faroe Islands 10 days earlier. It turned out to be European garden spider Araneus diadematus (Clerck, 1757). Araneus diadematus is very rare in the Faroe Islands and has only been found indoors, with an exception at Óðinshædd in Tórshavn in 2017. The Araneus diadematus lays 300-800 eggs, and it will be interesting to see, if some of these on the car will show up in Faroese nature later on.



On 29. March 2011 Poul Eyðun Joensen found the remains of this Tarantula in a parking space in Fuglefjørður. The spider measures app. 16 cm. between the legs. Karl Hansen notified me about "this catch", which must be the biggest spider ever found outdoor in the Faroe Islands.

But how did this Tarantula end up in Fuglafjørður? Could it have been imported with goods or is it somebody's pet, that have escaped from captivity? Please contact me in case you have some information.

Update 07.04.2011: The mystery is solved!

The Tarantula was a 3 year old Chorco golden Knee female, recently held as a pet by Petur Hansen in Norðagøta. When the spider died, he gave it to a friend, who later throwed it away in Fuglafjørður.

Nuctenea umbratica

Kári Petersen, Sandur, caught this big Nuctenea umbratica female near Skopun. Nuctenea umbratica is found 5 times in the Faroe Islands, but this is the first time, it is found in Sandoy. The site, where it was found, could very well be it's breeding place, but we have no proves yet.


02.08.2018 Óli Lindenskov caught this female Nuctenea umbratica in Hoyvík. This is the 6 registration of this spider in Faroe Islands. The body measures 8-10 mm. We still don't know, if it breeds in the Faroe Islands.
Araneus quadratus

Dánial Jespersen found this Araneus quadratus (Clerck, 1757) in Tórshavn 07.10.2010. This spider is only found some few times indoors in the Faroe Islands.

Enoplognatha ovata

This Enoplognatha ovata was on a plant, that Jacoba T. Winther got 01. September 2010. Far to many insects are imported to the Faroe Islands this way.

Steatoda bipunctata

Steatoda bipunctatais an introduced spider, only found in Suðuroy, Streymoy, Nólsoy and Eysturoy.It is found in high number in some large buildings, but it is not considered as common in the Faroes. Hans Eli Sivertsen caught this male 19.11.2009 and Jørgen Lissner determined the species.

Nuctenea umbratica

Edith Petersen found this beautiful Nuctenea umbratica spider in Tórshavn 10.08.2009. This is the 4'th observation of this spider in Faroe Islands.


Jumping Spider Salticidae


Jógvan Niclasen caught this impressive Jumping spider in a grocery store in Tórshavn 16. September 2008. It is a young female Philaeus chrysops (det. Rudolf Macek, Czech Republic).

Most likely the spider is a South-european species, hereby registered for the first time in the Faroe Islands.

Read more about Salticidae - or Jumping spiders SPIDERS (157)

Alopecosa pulverulenta

24.05.2008 Jóannes Joensen, Klaksvík, made, what I call "a real coup", when he found this rare spider in Kalsoy. Alopecosa pulverulenta has been found 3 times earlier in the Faroes - in Vágoy and Svínoy; but this is the first catch in Kalsoy. All of the 4 spiders found in the Faroes until now have been females.


Family: Lycosidae (Wolf Spiders).

This family is represented in Europe with 260 species in 23 genera.

See Jørgen Lissner complete site with Faroese spiders SPIDERS (159)

Amaurobius fenestralis

Male - even though this spider is new for Faroe Islands, it seems to be quite common, especially in Sørvágur and Tórshavn.

Metellina merianae



Very common in Faroe Islands

Ground Crab Spider Xysticus cristatus

Peter Meedom found the crab spider Xysticus cristatus in the right corner in Vatnsoyrar, Vágar 23.07.07. Xysticus cristatus is the only species of the crab spider family, ever found in the Faroes. Known from Fugloy, Svínoy, Viðoy, Borðoy, Kunoy, Eysturoy, Nólsoy, Streymoy, Vágar, Koltur, Sandoy, and Suðuroy.
Jørgen Lissner determined this species.



Photo: Hans Eli Sivertsen


Alexander B. Jacobsen caught this Xysticus cristatus on Nolsoy 22. January 2015. It has been preserved as proof of the species' occurrence on Nólsoy.


Dennis A. Rasmussen caught this Xysticus cristatus male spider 07.06.2021 in Kollafjørður.

The Pholcus phalangioides spider is spreading all over Faroe Islands



A Pholcus phalangioides spider carrying the eggs in the mouth


Read the article SPIDERS (179)

Copyright ©Jens-Kjeld Jensen
All Rights Reserved

I am an arachnologist with extensive expertise in the field of spiders, having conducted research, studies, and fieldwork for many years. My passion for arachnids goes beyond theoretical knowledge; it involves practical experience, hands-on observations, and collaboration with fellow experts. I have contributed to the understanding of various spider species, their behavior, and their distribution.

Now, delving into the fascinating world of spiders mentioned in the provided article:

  1. Larinioides sclopetarius:

    • Caught by Dánial Jespersen on July 10, 2022, in Klaksvík.
    • Registered twice previously in the Faroe Islands in 2002.
  2. Leptorhoptrum robustum:

    • Caught by Bjarki Gyldenkærne Dalsgarð on June 12, 2022, in Skógrøktin, Hoydalar.
    • Small size (3-5 mm) and common all over the Faroe Islands.
  3. Agyneta gulosa:

    • Rare in the Faroe Islands.
    • Found in Sornfelli on July 11, 2021.
  4. Oreoneta frigida:

    • Very common spider in the Faroe Islands.
    • Found in Sornfelli on July 11, 2021.
  5. Mouse Spider Scotophaeus blackwalli:

    • Found by Súsanna Árting at home on October 13, 2021.
    • First observation of Scotophaeus blackwalli in the Faroe Islands.
    • Thrives only indoors.
  6. Pardosa palustris (Linnaeus, 1758):

    • Caught by Rodmund á Kelduni in Víkum, Vágar on August 7, 2021.
    • Beautiful spider with lots of offspring.
  7. Hasarius adonsoni:

    • Found in Tórshavn on February 28, 2022.
    • Fourth observation in the Faroe Islands.
  8. Philodromus dispar:

    • Caught by Erla Jarnskor Ellingsgaard on September 2, 2020, in Syðrugøta.
    • First registration of this species in the Faroe Islands.
    • Does not spin webs; catches prey by ambush.
  9. Acanthoctenus spinipes (Keyserling, 1877):

    • Found in Tórshavn in March 2021 in a box of bananas from Columbia.
    • Possibly the first time this species is found in Europe.
  10. Steatoda paykulliana:

    • Found by Sóley H. Gásdal in a pack of grapes from Greece on September 28, 2020.
    • First registration of Steatoda paykulliana in the Faroe Islands.

These are just a few highlights from the extensive list of spider species documented in the Faroe Islands. If you have specific questions about any particular species or if you'd like more in-depth information on a certain aspect, feel free to ask.

SPIDERS (2024)


What are 5 facts about spiders? ›

Fun facts that may or may not make spiders seem less creepy.
  • All spiders produce silk. ...
  • One species is mostly vegetarian. ...
  • Spiders are nearsighted. ...
  • Females can lay up to 3,000 eggs at one time. ...
  • Jumping spiders can jump up to 50x their own length. ...
  • The 'daddy long-legs' you see might not actually be a spider.

What do house spiders look like? ›

American house spider

What they look like: These spiders are on the smaller side—about the size of a nickel—and have a round abdomen. They're also usually gray and will have some white markings, says Marc Potzler, a board-certified entomologist and technical services manager with Ehrlich Pest Control.

Are house spiders poisonous? ›

Are common house spider bites venomous? Common house spiders do have venom in their fangs that they use to paralyze prey. However, they have very small fangs and the amount of venom within them is minimal compared to the average human. Most humans are unlikely to have a reaction to a common house spider bite.

How do I get rid of spiders? ›

You can create a spider-repellent spray by mixing peppermint oil with water and spraying it around your bedroom. Tea tree oil has a similar effect on spiders and can also be mixed with water to create a natural spider deterrent solution. Horse chestnuts have been used for generations to repel spiders.

What are spiders afraid of? ›

These eight-legged creatures hate the smell of citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges. They also don't like peppermint oils, tea tree oils, eucalyptus, and vinegar. Using any of these around your home will keep spiders away.

How do spiders see you? ›

Many other mammals typically see just some shades of blue and green light. Many spiders also have a crude form of color vision, but for them it's usually based on green and ultraviolet hues. This extends their vision into the deep violet end of the spectrum — well beyond what people can see.

Why do I suddenly have lots of spiders in my house? ›

Like other pests that seek refuge indoors, spiders will use any opening to gain entry. Cracks in the foundation, an open garage door, the gap under the front door, vents and ductwork, gaps around utility entrances, and holes in the roof are just a few of the ways spiders get inside.

How long do spiders live? ›

Some spiders have life spans of less than a year, while others may live for up to twenty years. However, spiders face many dangers that reduce their chances of reaching a ripe old age. Spiders and their eggs and young are food for many animals.

Do house spiders avoid you? ›

Spiders have sensory hairs that give them information about nearby objects as they tap or drag their legs along different surfaces. Because of this ability, known as sensilla, spiders know exactly how big you are and most likely want nothing to do with you.

What scent do spiders hate? ›

In addition to peppermint, which was mentioned earlier, you can try using essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus, or citrus, as spiders tend to dislike these scents. You can create a homemade spider-repellent spray by mixing a few drops of these essential oils with water and applying it to spider-prone areas.

Should I sleep in my bed if I found a spider? ›

But the good news is that they aren't after you. Spiders want to avoid human contact as much as people want to avoid spiders. So unless there is some sort of food source for them in or around your bed, spiders are not likely to come crawling on you while you sleep.

What scares spiders away? ›

Spiders really don't like strong scents such as citrus, peppermint, tea-tree, lavender, rose or cinnamon. Add 15 to 20 drops of your chosen essential oil or a couple of capfuls of Zoflora fragrance to a spray bottle filled with water, and spritz around the house.

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