Ten of the Best – Western Stars (2024)

Well, the holidays are fast approaching, work is pretty hectic, and I didn’t feel like doing one of my usual reviews. So for a change, and a bit of light relief too, I’ve decided to do something a little different. Even the most casual perusal of this site ought to make my fondness for the western abundantly clear. I make no apologies for that; it’s far and away my favourite genre and the richness and variety contained within it mean that I continue to make new discoveries all the time. Yet for all that, there are the old familiar faces that turn up time and time again. I generally don’t bother too much with lists but thought I’d give one a go because…well, just because. Seeing as I mostly review films I reckoned I’d skip over a selection of titles and concentrate instead on the stars, the men who brought the cowboys to life. Bearing in mind that almost every major Hollywood star has at least one western to his credit, this could have been a potentially huge list. So, in the interests of brevity and sanity, I’ve pared it down to ten. I’m not placing them in any particular order, others may do so if they wish, nor am I going to claim that it’s any kind of definitive selection either. These are just ten guys who’ve lent their talents to the greatest genre of them all, and given me a lot of pleasure watching them over the years.

John Wayne

Ten of the Best – Western Stars (1)

If you were to ask the average person to name the archetypical screen cowboy, then I’d lay odds Wayne would be the one most would mention. Ever since his iconic appearance in John Ford’s Stagecoach, it’s been hard to separate the man from the genre. His influence on the western is immense, and the popular conception of how a cowboy should walk, talk, shoot and ride a horse owes much to Wayne’s portrayals. You’ll often hear it said, not from me though, that the man couldn’t act but his work with Ford and Hawks in particular prove that assertion to be nonsense.

James Stewart

Ten of the Best – Western Stars (2)

One of the nice guys, an apparently lightweight lead in the 1930s. Stewart seemed to undergo a transformation after his wartime experiences. The geniality was still there, but it was mixed up with a darker, more desperate quality too. Hitchco*ck managed to capitalize on that in his pictures with Stewart, though it was first used to great effect by Anthony Mann in the series of psychological westerns they made together during the 50s. From Winchester 73 through The Man from Laramie, Stewart and Mann produced a body of work that was and is of the highest quality.

Henry Fonda

Ten of the Best – Western Stars (3)

One of the great actors of American cinema, a man whose long and distinguished career saw him excel in every genre. His partnership with John Ford saw him create some of the most memorable screen characterizations. His portrayal of Wyatt Earp in My Darling Clementine is a beautiful blend of the diffident and the deadly. Although his relationship with Ford wasn’t always the smoothest, he went on to do notable work with Anthony Mann and Edward Dmytryk in the 1950s. Then, in a radical and chillingly effective departure from his noble image, he played the cold and heartless killer for Sergio Leone in Once Upon a Time in the West.

Gary Cooper

Ten of the Best – Western Stars (4)

Like Wayne, Cooper was another actor who has had his range as a performer called into question. And again this is a spurious allegation. Coop’s style was a subtle and naturalistic one – the fireworks may have been absent but his depth wasn’t any less in spite of that. His most famous part may well be as the increasingly isolated and desperate lawman in High Noon, and it’s a marvelous performance. However, we should not forget two late career roles that are perhaps as strong, if not stronger: the reluctant outlaw in Anthony Mann’s Man of the West, and the doctor with a dark secret in Delmer Daves’ The Hanging Tree.

Randolph Scott

Ten of the Best – Western Stars (5)

Way back when I was a kid, it seemed like every Saturday afternoon saw the TV showing another western. And so many of them featured Randolph Scott. As such, Scott was an inseparable part of my earliest memories of the genre, and also one of my earliest heroes. More than anyone else, he represented the ultimate cowboy to my young self – strong, honorable and brave. As I got older, and saw more of his movies, my appreciation of his work only increased. If the years brought a greater understanding of characterization and theme to me, then it has to be said that time also brought a gravitas and greater nuance to Scott’s acting. He spent the latter part of his career exclusively in westerns and grew into them. His series of films in collaboration with Budd Boetticher, beginning with Seven Men from Now, are milestones in the genre, and his swan song in Sam Peckinpah’s Ride the High Country provided him with a stylish and fitting exit.

Joel McCrea

Ten of the Best – Western Stars (6)

Both McCrea and Randolph Scott hit late career highs in Ride the High Country, and that’s not the only parallel in their work. McCrea was another who became something of a genre specialist as the years wore on, and he carved out a comfortable niche for himself. If he’s not as celebrated as Scott, and I think it’s fair to say that that is the case, then it’s probably because he didn’t have Boetticher and the Ranown cycle forming part of his filmography. However, he appeared in a number of hidden gems, Andre de Toth’s Ramrod and Raoul Walsh’s Colorado Territorybeing just two.

Richard Widmark

Ten of the Best – Western Stars (7)

Widmark started out in the movies as the giggling psycho in Henry Hathaway’s Kiss of Death and carried over a little of that same character into his western debut in Wellman’s Yellow Sky. Still, he was nothing if not versatile and gradually broadened his range as he went along. Over the next twenty years, he played in an assortment of westerns, becoming more heroic all the time. I especially enjoy his take on Jim Bowie in Wayne’s production of The Alamoand his handling of a complex role in Edward Dmytryk’s Warlock is a fine piece of work.

William Holden

Ten of the Best – Western Stars (8)

Making a name for himself with Golden Boy, Holden soon graduated to western parts and would return to the genre a number of times. Maybe he doesn’t initially seem a natural for frontier tales but, like others, age brought him more success out west. Having worked with John Sturges and John Ford, Holden landed one of his best roles as the aging outlaw Pike Bishop in Sam Peckinpah’s visceral and poignant The Wild Bunch. Even if it had been the only western he ever made, I feel that this film alone would be reason enough to earn his inclusion on this list.

Clint Eastwood

Ten of the Best – Western Stars (9)

OK, I’m going to hold my hands up and admit that I’m not much of a fan of spaghetti westerns, at least not beyond those made by Sergio Leone. However, although Eastwood had already gone west on TV in Rawhide, it’s the Euro western that made him a star. He brought an Italian macho chic to the traditional image of the cowboy, and in so doing helped breathe new life into a genre that was beginning to look slightly jaded. Along with Wayne, Eastwood has come to define the popular image of the westerner.

Steve McQueen

Ten of the Best – Western Stars (10)

“The King of Cool” didn’t make all that many westerns but he certainly made an impression whenever he strapped on a six-gun. Building on his success in the TV show Wanted: Dead or Alive, he scored a hit in The Magnificent Seven. His scene stealing antics left director John Sturges bemused, co-star Yul Brynner fuming and audiences very satisfied. He returned to the genre only a handful of times, unfortunately, and his penultimate movie Tom Horn remains underrated to this day.

And there you have it, my “Ten of the Best” western stars. If I were to revisit this list tomorrow I’ve no doubt I would remove some names and add some others, but that’s the nature of such things. I would encourage readers to feel free to chip in and agree or disagree with whatever you like. It is, after all, a bit of fun and nothing more.

Ten of the Best – Western Stars (2024)


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The Top Five Cowboy Actors of All Time
  • John Wayne. No cowboy movie list would ever be complete without John Wayne. ...
  • Clint Eastwood. ...
  • Gary Cooper. ...
  • Tom Mix. ...
  • Gene Autry.
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1 Clint Eastwood Is The Western Genre's Greatest Star

After first achieving success starring in 217 episodes of the Western television show Rawhide, Eastwood shot to international superstardom following his leading roles in Sergio Leone's Dollars Trilogy.

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Most Famous Cowboys of All Time
  • Doc Scurlock (1849-1929)
  • Cliven Bundy (b. 1946)
  • Ty Murray (b. 1969)
  • John Wesley Hardin (1853-1895)
  • Ben Johnson (1918-1996)
  • Will Rogers (1879-1935)
  • Annie Oakley (1860-1926)
  • Billy the Kid (1859-1881)
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How Clint Eastwood Spends His Fortune, He's the World's Richest Cowboy | How Clint Eastwood Spends His Fortune, He's the World's Richest Cowboy | By Facts VerseFacebook.

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The Top 100 Male Actors of All-Time
  • Robert De Niro.
  • James Stewart.
  • Marlon Brando.
  • Toshirô Mifune.
  • Al Pacino.
  • Jack Nicholson.
  • Daniel Day-Lewis.
  • Humphrey Bogart.
Sep 2, 2023

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1 John Wayne

Wayne soon started taking on minor and extra roles before his breakthrough performance in Ford's classic Western, Stagecoach. Wayne's frequent Western roles established him as an American icon as well as one of Hollywood's most exceptional leading men.

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Some notable figures, such as Henry Starr and Emmett Dalton, acted as themselves in films, narrating events from their lives. These Western legends, like Henry Starr and Buffalo Bill Cody, continued their involvement in the film industry, either as actors or as producers, even after their days of outlawry.

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The actor John Wayne came to personify the Old West, a guy who slow-talked and fought his way across the frontier, who could ride and tumble with the best of them. He became the archetypal tough-guy cowboy. But he wasn't a cowboy, far from it.

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William Preston Longley (October 6, 1851 – October 11, 1878), also known as Wild Bill Longley, was an American Old West outlaw and gunfighter noted for his ruthless nature, speed with a gun, quick temper, and unpredictable demeanor. He is considered to have been one of the deadliest gunfighters in the Old West.

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Hyman G. Neill, better known as Hoodoo Brown, was the leader of the Dodge City Gang in Las Vegas, New Mexico in 1879 and early 1880. According to Harold Thatcher, curator of the Rough Rider Museum in Las Vegas, Hoodoo was "the baddest cowboy of them all".

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One — John Wesley Hardin

Hardin was one of the most notorious gunslingers of the Wild West. He is said to have killed over 40 men, including his first victim at 15.

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The Real Story of John Wesley Hardin, The Meanest Outlaw in the Old West (The Wild West Book 13)

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Today's article is by Chuck Lanehart. He writes about Jim Miller, the Baddest Outlaw of the West. Many infamous outlaws terrorized the Old West, gunslingers like Billy the Kid and John Wesley Hardin. But one name stands out as the most efficient, elusive killer of the bunch—Deacon Jim Miller.

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Grizz Brickbottom was known as the toughest cowboy.

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Tom Mix: Considered one of the first Western movie stars, Tom Mix was renowned for his horseback riding abilities [2].

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William Frederick Cody – “Buffalo Bill”

Cody is considered one of the key contributors to the colorful, fantastical image of the American West celebrated worldwide. At one point, Cody was the most recognizable man on earth!

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How many times has Clint Eastwood won the best actor? Though he's never won, he was nominated for “Million Dollar Baby” and “The Unforgiven”. He did, however win best director Oscars for both. Why has Clint Eastwood never won an acting Oscar?

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John Wayne and Clint Eastwood weren't the only Hollywood stars who made the Western genre better, including Kevin Costner, Sidney Poiter, and others. Many Hollywood stars have sat tall in the saddle to make the Western movie genre better over the years.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.