The best-robo advisors in Canada 2024 | (2024)

Natasha Macmillan, Business Unit Director - Everyday BankingJanuary 2, 2024

Robo-advisors use technology to grow your money, save on fees, and take the work out of investing for you. The cost of a robo-advisor depends upon which firm you go with and what services you use. Below is a comparison table of some of Canada’s more prominent robo-advisors. The table below lists robo-advisors and their account minimum, ETF management fees, and annual management fees.


Wealthsimple Invest

Expertly designed portfolios built for long-term success.

Managed investing tailored for your growth.

Simple, low cost portfolios with access to dedicated advice when needed.


0.50% on $100K
0.40% on $100K+

Administrative transfer fees are reimbursed when you transfer $5,000+ from your bank or other brokerage.

Average MER

0.40 - 0.50%

Frequently asked questions

Should I consult a financial advisor?

Not for this particular function.

You don’t rebalance a portfolio to maximize a rate of return, at least in the short term. Instead you switch around investments to keep the risk-return equilibrium of the stocks and bonds within the bounds of what you wanted when you originally set up the portfolio.

Besides, there is an amount of academic literature that says financial advisors aren’t any better at picking individual stocks than anyone else. So—this line of reasoning goes—you’re better off holding a fistful of ETFs that mirror industries than you are having a financial pro picking single stocks that just lose money.

What are robo-advisor fees?

The fees associated with the robo accounts consist of three factors:

  • Advice fees—You’re looking at somewhere in the range of 0.5% for minimum dollar accounts and a smaller percentage for people with more money.
  • Fund fees—This is the money you fork over when you buy the ETFs. But you don’t pay these directly; instead these fees are subtracted from the ETF returns.
  • Trading commissions—These are generally covered in the advice category.

Some services work on the basis of a monthly subscription fee, say $10 to $40, versus a percentage of the amount invested. Overall, a typical robo-advisor will cost an individual between 0.5% and 0.8% of the monies invested every year.

Are robo-advisors insured?

In the event the robo-advisor goes bankrupt, the assets you hold are as safe as they would be if you invest with one of the big banks or other large financial institution.

That’s because most robo-advisors are basically storefronts whereby the investment part is run by some third party. And it is those back office entities that complete the trades.

Usually, the third party group is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF), which provides investor help in the case of member bankruptcy. That said, you should check to make sure the advisor you’re considering is a CIPF member or has a back office partner that is a member.

Can't I just buy ETFs instead?

You could and save the higher commissions you would pay in a robo-advisor versus an ETF-only vehicle. In that scenario, however, you’d still face the problem of making sure your mix of ETFs reflected your risk-reward trade-off.

That process could be time-consuming. And the whole point of buying into the robo funds was to save yourself the time and effort rebalancing your portfolio.

What are the advantages of robo-advisors?

Robo-advisors offer a cost-effective, hands-off approach to investing, creating a diversified portfolio tailored to your financial goals and risk tolerance. They provide automatic rebalancing and often incorporate tax-efficient strategies, making them a popular choice for both novice and experienced investors looking for a hassle-free and efficient way to grow their wealth.

What are the disadvantages of robo-advisors?

While robo-advisors offer a convenient and cost-effective way to invest, they may not be suitable for everyone. Particularly investors who want more control over their portfolios, prefer a wider range of investment options or require immediate access to their assets. Its essential to weigh these disadvantages against the benefits mentioned above when deciding whether a robo-advisor aligns with your investment objectives and preferences.

Are there any robots in robo-advisors?

No. You talk to human beings.

The ‘robo’ part of the term refers to the automatic process of adding or subtracting ETFs to maintain the original shape of the portfolio. Some robo firms do offer more sophisticated financial advice for individuals at an additional price.


Additional robo-advisors

Our guide to the robo-advisors in Canada

What is a robo-advisor?

A robo-advisor is a cloud-based technology platform revolutionizing the world of investing. These platforms automatically invest user funds in various exchange-traded funds (ETFs) based on individual risk tolerance and financial goals. You begin by completing a questionnaire, which informs the robo-advisor's strategy. Then you link your bank account, specify the investment amount, and the robo-advisor handles the rest, continually monitoring and adjusting the portfolio to align with your goals.

Robo-advisors streamline portfolio management by trading ETFs instead of individual stocks. This rebalancing process ensures that the portfolio maintains the desired balance over time, responding to market fluctuations. This approach is more mathematical, simplifying the investment process and making it accessible to a wide range of investors. Robo-advisors have gained popularity for their ease of use, cost-effectiveness, and ability to deliver personalized investment strategies.

Why choose a robo-advisor?

Robo-advisors offer a time-efficient and cost-effective investment solution by eliminating the need for extensive stock research and high-priced financial advisors, ultimately benefiting clients.

You save time because figuring out which individual stocks to buy, whether you're doing it on your own or listening to your advisor's rationale underlining each stock move, can be a time-consuming process. Additionally, focusing on individual stocks can lead to excessive worry about day-to-day price fluctuations and market changes.

By opting for ETFs, you eliminate much of the uncertainty associated with individual stock investments. This not only takes away the gambling aspect of the stock market but also alleviates the anxiety associated with equity markets.

Furthermore, you save money with robo-advisors because these accounts typically incur lower fees compared to traditional brokers or financial planners. Robo-investing is automated, so you avoid the higher costs associated with human advisors who might charge substantial fees for their services. These cost savings are usually passed on to clients in the form of lower fees.

Who should use robo-advisors?

Whether you’re an inexperienced investor or an investing aficionado,with their low fees, ease of use and competitive returns, robo-advisors have something for everyone. They are particularly ideal for newbie investors who want someone else to take the reins, or experienced investors who want reliable returns without putting in hours of work. Robo advisors make investing extremely easy because all you usually have to do to get started is provide some basic information about your investment goals and risk tolerance and then you get matched with a pre-built portfolio that fits your comfort level.

Since robo-advisors generally operate on the principle of passive investing without a human advisor actively managing your portfolio (at least to the degree of traditional investment managers), fees are also significantly lower than with traditional brokers. As Canada has some of the highest investment management fees in the world (fees that can take a chunk out of your returns) robo-advisors are also a perfect fit for fee-averse investors.

Robo-advisors are also particularly well suited for people looking to make medium to long-term investments (think five to ten years) because robo-investment firms embrace the principles of passive investing and riding the market.

There are, however, some cases where a robo-advisor may not be right for you. For instance, if you’re looking for quick, short-term gains, robo-advisors are not a good fit as their investment strategies rely on a long-term market outlook rather than on immediate returns.

Robo advisors are also not intended for investors who need a lot of guidance and hand-holding. Passive investing financial institutions provide a service rather than a one-on-one personal investing relationship. They’ll invest your money but don’t expect advice on how you should change your strategy if you plan on buying a house (i.e. less fees means less advice).

Furthermore, if you’re an extremely high-net individual, a robo-advisor may not offer all the tax optimization and planning benefits you’ll get from a traditional human advisor. That being said, many robo advisors like Wealthsimple offer a unique higher tier service for people who invest large sums of money.


What is MER?

MER is a term you’ll frequently come across when investing so it’s crucial to understand what it means. MER stands for “management expense ratio” and it’s an annual fee that is associated with managing a mutual fund or an exchange-traded fund (ETF). The fee covers a spectrum of expenses, including the salaries of fund managers, operating expenses, market research, broker fees, taxes and more.

The fee is expressed as a percentage and indicates the amount that is subtracted annually from the fund’s overall holdings. You don’t pay the fee yourself directly, rather the amount is paid by the fund itself before its overall returns are calculated (i.e. the fee is deducted before the mutual funds returns are calculated). While you don’t need to understand all the fine points of how an MER works, it’s vital to be aware that an MER will cut into your earnings. For example, if you invest $10,000 in an ETF with an MER of 2%, you’ll pay $200 in MER fees annually.

Furthermore, investors pay this fee no matter how well the fund performs so an MER can take a big bite out of your earnings especially if the fund doesn’t do well. To make matters worse, Canadian investors pay some of the highest MERs in the world, with many funds charging MERs of over 2%!

Luckily, robo-advisors usually offer investing portfolios with ETFs that feature MERs well below even 1%. Be aware, however, that the management fees charged by robo-advisors are separate from the MERs charged by individual funds. A management fee (which is a percentage of the overall amount of money you have invested) is something you pay directly to the robo-advisor company. The management fee covers things like rebalancing your portfolio, dividend reinvestment and customer assistance.

Robo advisors vs. mutual funds

Mutual funds have long been a favourite investment of Canadians - you may even own some yourself. According toThe Investment Fund Institute of Canada (IFIC), Canadians have over $1.71-trillion invested in more than 4,000 mutual funds, managed by 140 different firms.

When you invest in a mutual fund, you’re pooling your money with others to buy a portfolio of investments that are taken care of by a management company. Rather than doing the work of picking investments yourself, you simply buy into the fund that is managed on your behalf. The fund manager buys and sells investments according to the fund’s ethos while you relax.

This may sound a lot like the value proposition of robo-advisors; your money is invested on your behalf and someone else takes care of the details. All you have to pick is which funds you want to invest in. The problem with this is that all mutual funds are not created equal. They all have different strategies, different asset mixes and different fees. It’s very unlikely that your investment needs will be met by a single mutual fund.

According to theWallStreet Journal, between 71% and 93% of U.S. stock mutual funds either closed or failed to beat their closest index funds over a ten year period.

Human financial advisors also take on a big role in helping Canadians navigate the world of mutual funds. By understanding your needs, they can recommend a mix of investments including mutual funds that will, hopefully, help you meet your financial goals. However, even the best financial advisors aren’t likely to know the details of literally thousands of different mutual fund products and rarely make the right moves to beat the stock market in the long term.

A key difference with robo-advisors is that they skip mutual funds and instead invest your money in a number of different ETFs. Rather than being actively managed by people, ETFs cover an entire segment of the market. For example, the Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF is invested in “approximately 100% of the investable U.S. stock market” The fund includes shares of practically every stock and holds on to them whether they’re going up or down. This takes advantage of an investing strategy that acknowledges that people who invest in the entire market have typically seen better returns than those who pick and choose their stocks.

Like a human financial advisor, the robo advisor’s job is to select and invest in ETFs on your behalf. Unlike a human financial advisor, who may review your portfolio as little as once a year, the robo-advisor continues to monitor your ETFs, buying and selling them automatically as needed to keep your portfolio balanced according to your risk tolerance.

Robo advisors vs human advisors

Handing your investments over to a “robot” may sound scary, but it offers several benefits over using a human advisor.

When it comes to costs, robo-advisors are much more affordable than humans. Traditional advisors make their money by selling you actively managed stocks and mutual fund investments that pay them a commission on the money you earn. These fees can add up and take a big bite out of your returns over time. The logic to this is that it’s in your advisors best interest to make you as much money as possible; the richer you get, the richer they get.

Robo advisors skip this expensive investment approach and focus primarily on exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that cost very little to manage. Rather than charging a commission on your earnings, robo advisors instead charge a small management fee based on the value of your portfolio. Since the overhead costs are much lower and investments are more efficient, robo-advisors can be very profitable while charging far lower fees, and a result, let you pocket higher returns.

When it comes to portfolio performance, the investment methodology behind robo-advisors (of passively managing ETFs) has also proven to outperform human advisors.

The theory of using human advisors goes as follows: people who’ve accumulated years of experience in the financial industry are equipped to strategically pick the right investments that will outperform and make you richer. The problem is, in reality, human advisors have a particularly poor track record ofoutperforming the market overall. In 2012, anexperiment from the Observer Newspaperfound that a cat (yes, a cat) actually beat a team of expert money managers when it came to picking stocks. In 2008,Warren Buffet took a $1 million wagerthat stashing money away in an index fund would outperform a team of expert hedge fund investors over a period of ten years. And, he won.

Human advisors (even experts in their field) are susceptible to making very human mistakes, and tend to underestimate the randomness involved in the stock market

Robo advisors get around this by using a well-diversified portfolio of ETFs to invest in entire markets, regardless of how the individual stocks or companies perform. The goal of robo advisors is to match the market, and while that may sound underwhelming at first, this methodology beats most human advisors, costs less in fees, and can earn lucrative returns of 10% annually over the long term (if past stock market performance is an indicator).

For safer and conservative investment options, also consider:

  • Best GIC rates
  • Best savings accounts

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The best-robo advisors in Canada 2024 | (2024)
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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.