The Elder Scrolls: 5 Things Morrowind Does Better Than Skyrim (& 5 Ways Skyrim Is Better) (2024)

The two biggest milestone releases in Bethesda's flagship Elder Scrolls franchise are arguably The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, and The Elders Scrolls V: Skyrim. With the span of nearly a decade between them, thefranchisecertainly saw no shortage of evolution, as The Elder Scrollssought tocontinuously refine and balance its formula to broaden its appeal with every release. But while it has obviously been largely successful in that regard, it has definitely shed some of the charms that made Morrowind such an endlessly compelling game.

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That said, it isn't as if Skyrim didn't push the envelope in its own ways, despite enduring plenty of criticism levied at its alleged "dumbing down" of the Elder Scrolls gameplay formula. Given that Skyrim is the title largely responsible for making The Elder Scrolls a household name, what is it doing that Morrowind didn't? And what has the series lost since Morrowind to stir up so much contention among fans? These are the questions we're looking to dissect today as we examine five things that Skyrim does better than Morrowind,and vice versa.

10 MORROWIND: Custom Spells & Enchantments

The Elder Scrolls: 5 Things Morrowind Does Better Than Skyrim (& 5 Ways Skyrim Is Better) (1)

Morrowind featured a robust system for creating custom spells and enchantments, allowing the player to create nearly limitless combinations of effects. Whether they were useless, absurdly powerful, or totally ridiculous, there was little limitation beyond what magic the player knew and their own imagination.

Custom spells had been done away with entirely by the time Skyrim rolled around, and though enchantment was still very much a prevalent mechanic, it was heavily deprecated and limited to specific combinations of predetermined effects. Of course, Morrowind's system was notoriously imbalanced, but the fun that it offered is sorely missed.

9 SKYRIM: Fully Voiced Dialogue

The Elder Scrolls: 5 Things Morrowind Does Better Than Skyrim (& 5 Ways Skyrim Is Better) (2)

Oblivion actually introduced fully voiced dialogue to the Elder Scrolls series, but anyone familiar with its NPC inhabitants is sure to remember that the quality was spotty, to say the least. And Morrowind, for the purposes of this comparison, didn't really have any at all.


Skyrim took major strides in perfecting this, and although most conversations followed predetermined scripts, they felt much more natural and less jarring. Morrowind may pack in more dialogue per NPC as a whole, but with Skyrim, players no longer need to sit down and scroll through what is essentially a self-contained book every time they want to advance the plot.

8 MORROWIND: Unique Setting & Atmosphere

The Elder Scrolls: 5 Things Morrowind Does Better Than Skyrim (& 5 Ways Skyrim Is Better) (3)

Although Skyrim's Nordic fantasy setting is immersive and engaging, it's familiar and rooted in aesthetics that most fantasy fans are plenty intimate with. Morrowind, on the other hand, truly transports the player into an almost alien landscape of mushroom trees and ash storms. It's foreign, alluring, and absolutely begging to be explored.

The landscape of Morrowind and the culture of its Dunmer inhabitants are endlessly compelling, toeing the line between conventional and dark fantasies while introducing unique elements all its own. Exploring it truly felt like exploring another world, and that's a big part of what renders it so memorable.

7 SKYRIM: It's Pretty

The Elder Scrolls: 5 Things Morrowind Does Better Than Skyrim (& 5 Ways Skyrim Is Better) (4)

Drawing a graphical comparison between titles that were released nearly a decade apart might seem pedantic, but it'd be awfully naive to think that Skyrim's breathtaking graphical fidelity isn't a factor here. Morrowind might be a fine game, but visually, itdidn't age too well.

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Going back to Morrowind after playing Skyrim hinges heavily on the nostalgia factor. Even then, the transition back to Morrowind's nearly polygonal models can be more than a little jarring. For those that didn't initially experience Morrowind's magic in its heyday, it's almost impossible to get past.

6 MORROWIND:Skills & Attributes

The Elder Scrolls: 5 Things Morrowind Does Better Than Skyrim (& 5 Ways Skyrim Is Better) (5)

Skyrim's skill and progression systems have been heavily streamlined over those found in both Morrowind and Oblivion, and it practically does away with their governing statistics entirely. To contextualize this, Morrowind featured twenty-seven different skills and eight attributes. No one character could do everything, making each playthrough feel personalized, unique, and special.

On the other hand, Skyrim features a total of eighteen skill trees and only three original derived statistics of health, Magicka, and stamina. Consequentially, Skyrim playthroughs seem to experience little in the way of variety, with the player character fitting more into a "jack of all trades" archetype, and racial selectionamounting to little more than an aesthetic choice instead of an important, role defining selection.

5 SKYRIM: It's Accessible & Forgiving

The Elder Scrolls: 5 Things Morrowind Does Better Than Skyrim (& 5 Ways Skyrim Is Better) (6)

Although there's definite legitimacy to the claim that Skyrim has "dumbed down" the Elder Scrolls formula, the less popular side of the coin needs to be considered: That this isn't necessarily a bad thing, in some cases. Morrowind's mechanical complexity made it entirely possible to ruin your character.

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Choosing the wrong skills in character generation or improving the wrong statistics as you progressed could have dire consequences that left your character less than viable, if not downright unplayable. Skyrim's streamlined and less restrictive skill system eliminates this issue, ensuring players wouldn't find themselves heavily invested in a character who proved dishearteningly frustrating to play.

4 MORROWIND: The Immersion Factor

The Elder Scrolls: 5 Things Morrowind Does Better Than Skyrim (& 5 Ways Skyrim Is Better) (7)

Morrowind truly encourages the player to thoroughly explore its game world. It doesn't lead the player by the hand to its quest objectives and fast travel options are limited, withcryptic directionsbeing offered in place of quest markers and HUD icons.

Traveling through Vvardenfell is truly a journey, with the player setting out into the unknown, making exciting discoveries, and having a truly organic experience as they make the trip from point to point. There was a reason to optimize routes and discover shortcuts, rather than make a single trip to their destination and never worry about the road leading to it ever again.

3 SKYRIM:Much Improved Combat

The Elder Scrolls: 5 Things Morrowind Does Better Than Skyrim (& 5 Ways Skyrim Is Better) (8)

Combat in Morrowind, especially melee combat, really boiled down to a pretty dull and uninspired affair. You picked the best attack type for your weapon, you spammed it until the thing in front of you died, and you repeated the process until everything that wanted to hurt you was dead.

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Skyrim, while still a far cry from perfect, took some major steps in refining the combat system to make it more engaging, immersive, and most importantly, fun.Combatis more timing oriented, power attacks and dual-wielding flurries add interesting dynamics, and of course, instant kill executions made low health engagements equal parts deadly and visually rewarding.

2 MORROWIND:Player Freedom & Agency

The Elder Scrolls: 5 Things Morrowind Does Better Than Skyrim (& 5 Ways Skyrim Is Better) (9)

One of the most well-known hallmarks of an Elder Scrolls title is the immense amount of player freedom offered. Morrowind definitely has Skyrim beat when it comes to the amount of freedom that is truly in the player's hands.

Though it seems ridiculous, the best example is the fact that Morrowind will actually allow the player to completely ruin the main quest if they so desire. Where all of the plot-critical NPCs in Skyrim are made invulnerable until they're no longer necessary, no essential NPC in Morrowind enjoys such a luxury. If they're killed, the player will simply be alerted that they've broken the game, and then allowed to persist in their doomed world if they so desire.

1 SKYRIM: Here Be Dragons

The Elder Scrolls: 5 Things Morrowind Does Better Than Skyrim (& 5 Ways Skyrim Is Better) (10)

Because who doesn't want to slay dragons over the course of their medieval fantasy adventure? They're an absolute cornerstone of the genre, and fans were enthused to no end when they found out that dragons would be a central adversary and plot device during the course of their adventure through Skyrim.

While dragons had made appearances in previous Elder Scrolls titles and spin-offs, never before had they been presented with such grandeur and spectacle. The encounters were every bit as epic as they needed to be. Morrowind may have had you squaring off against an ancient demigod, but even that has a hard time comparing to the pulse-pounding action of a good dragon-slaying.

NEXT: Skyrim: Every Dragon From Weakest To Most Powerful, Ranked

The Elder Scrolls: 5 Things Morrowind Does Better Than Skyrim (& 5 Ways Skyrim Is Better) (2024)


The Elder Scrolls: 5 Things Morrowind Does Better Than Skyrim (& 5 Ways Skyrim Is Better)? ›

Morrowind is the best to date in terms of lore, story, setting and some aspects of gameplay where skyrim has a better fighting system (kind of) and also a decent setting.

What's better, Skyrim or Morrowind? ›

Morrowind is the best to date in terms of lore, story, setting and some aspects of gameplay where skyrim has a better fighting system (kind of) and also a decent setting.

How much bigger is Skyrim than Morrowind? ›

Its a bit under half the size - estimated at 16KM for Morrowind vs 37KM for Skyrim. Morrowind seems large - because it didn't have an easy fast travel on your map, and often stacked side quests in uninhabited areas around cities/towns, so you could chain a few and stay in any town for a few days.

What is the time difference between Skyrim and Morrowind? ›

Specifically, Oblivion, which is the game that follows Morrowind in the series, takes place 6 years after the events in Morrowind. Then, Skyrim takes place 201 years after the events of Oblivion. This makes the total time difference between Morrowind and Skyrim 207 years in the in-game timeline.

Is Elder Scrolls better than Skyrim? ›

However, if you are not into the lonely atmosphere of the gameplay in Skyrim, choose The Elder Scrolls Online. With other players, you will experience an exciting adventure full of various quests, pleasant crafting, PvP gameplay, and dozens of great bosses, mounts, and DLCs.

Why is Morrowind so much better? ›

Whether through narrative or visuals, Morrowind takes every opportunity to swerve on its players to create a world that looks and feels wholly distinct. From creatures to weapons and locations, everything is lovingly rendered to skirt the line between high strangeness and grounded believability.

Why does Morrowind feel bigger than Skyrim? ›

Yeah, I think it was the lack of fast travel and really weird terrain (Red Mountain is almost impassable) was what made Morrowind 'big'. I noticed that when I stopped using fast travel in Skyrim, the world doubled in size.

Is Skyrim's map bigger than Morrowind? ›

Skyrim is much larger than Morrowind, more than doubling that game's size at 37 kilometers (which doesn't include the impressive verticality of the fifth Elder Scrolls title). Some of that space is water and mountains, but nearly all of the landscape has something for players to discover.

How long is Skyrim after Morrowind? ›

No its exactly 207 between Morrowind and Skyrim. Oblivion took place 6 years after the events in Morrowind. Skyrim took place 201 years after the events of Oblivion.

What game is bigger than Skyrim? ›

Hunt cryptids in a massive new game from former Bethesda developer Nate Purkeypile.

How many hours does Morrowind take? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Game of the Year Edition is about 46½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 355 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

How long is 2 hours in Skyrim? ›

The default time scale in Skyrim is 20, so that one minute of real time is 20 minutes in Skyrim, or each hour in Skyrim is only three minutes in real time.

Do I need to play Morrowind before Skyrim? ›

Each Elder Scrolls game has a self-contained storyline. You don't need to play any of the previous games to enjoy it or understand it but doing so will help broaden the world. Try Skyrim first, then if you like it, go back and see what Oblivion and Morrowind are about.

Can Skyrim be beaten? ›

Completing the entirety of the game itself is almost impossible, with all the side quests that seems to lead you nowhere near the end. However, beating the game is a whole different story and is actually very doable.

Why Skyrim is the best? ›

Check out The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition trailer below! One of the main reasons Skyrim is so popular today is largely thanks to its ever-vibrant modding community. That being said, whether you indulge in mods or not, there are literally years of fun to be had in the mythical world of Tamriel.

Is Skyrim similar to Morrowind? ›

Although Skyrim's Nordic fantasy setting is immersive and engaging, it's familiar and rooted in aesthetics that most fantasy fans are plenty intimate with. Morrowind, on the other hand, truly transports the player into an almost alien landscape of mushroom trees and ash storms.

What is the best version of Elder Scrolls? ›

This article has been updated to include the specifications of most of the franchise's releases.
  • 5 The Elder Scrolls Online: Dragonhold (81, 5.3) ...
  • 4 The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset (83, 6.2) ...
  • 3 The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind (89, 8.8) ...
  • 2 The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (94, 8.1) ...
  • 1 The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (96, 8.6)
Sep 23, 2023

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