The Queen Is Mourning Two of Her Ladies-in-Waiting (2024)

Amid a scaled-back holiday season in the month of December, Queen Elizabeth mourned two of her long-serving ladies-in-waiting. Fortune Fitzroy, Dowager duch*ess of Grafton, died on December 3 at the age of 101. Diana Maxwell, Lady Farnham, died on December 29 at the age of 90.

A royal source told the Telegraph about the queen’s response to losing her friends. “It has not been a good year for the Queen—losing her husband and then the duch*ess of Grafton and now Lady Farnham,” the source said. “They were dear friends who supported the Queen on official duties. Unfortunately a sad consequence of living a long life is that you have to say goodbye to a lot of people you care about.”

The ladies-in-waiting are an organized hierarchy of close friends and confidants of the queen who have titles that date from the medieval period. (Though they are called Ladies of the Bedchamber, they don’t actually have any duties in her bedroom or closet.) “They are almost exclusively drawn from the aristocracy, many of them are friends of the royal family, and all have shared interests, inbred caution, an intricate understanding of court etiquette, and sociable personalities,” Sally Bedell Smith explained in 2012’s Elizabeth the Queen. They often attend luncheons at Buckingham Palace, respond to correspondence, greet guests of the queen, and stand ready to take any flowers or gifts given to the queen during the course of their duties.

Fortune Grafton was first appointed as one of the queen’s ladies-in-waiting in 1953, and in 1967, she became the Mistress of the Robes, which is the title given to the highest ranking lady-in-waiting. She was born in 1920 and trained as a nurse before her 1946 wedding to Hugh Fitzroy, who became the Duke of Grafton in 1970. In addition to her duties for the queen, she became a magistrate in 1949 and heard cases regarding juveniles for 23 years, before serving as a justice of the peace from 1972 to 1990, according to i News. According to the Times, the queen visited her friend on her 100th birthday shortly before the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020.

Lady Farnham, who was known to her friends as Marion, married Barry Maxwell, the 12th Baron Farnham in 1959 and became a Lady of the Bedchamber in 1959. She joined the royal household in 1987 and accompanied the queen on her 2012 tour of Ireland, the first visit to the country by a reigning monarch since independence. The source who spoke to the Telegraph said, “It is very sad for the Queen. Everyone loved Lady Farnham, she was always so good humoured. She was also a very glamorous and attractive woman. She was always very generous to new people joining the household.”

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The Queen Is Mourning Two of Her Ladies-in-Waiting (2024)


The Queen Is Mourning Two of Her Ladies-in-Waiting? ›

Amid a scaled-back holiday season in the month of December, Queen Elizabeth mourned two of her long-serving ladies-in-waiting. Fortune Fitzroy, Dowager duch*ess of Grafton, died on December 3 at the age of 101. Diana Maxwell

Diana Maxwell
Diana Marion Maxwell, Baroness Farnham, DCVO, JP (née Gunnis; 24 May 1931 – 29 December 2021) was a British courtier who served as Lady of the Bedchamber to Queen Elizabeth II from 1987 until her death in 2021. › Diana_Maxwell,_Baroness_Farnham
, Lady Farnham, died on December 29 at the age of 90.

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After the death of Elizabeth II and the accession of Charles III, it was announced that the King would be retaining the late Queen's ladies-in-waiting, with their titles changing to "Ladies of the Household". They will help with hosting events at Buckingham Palace.

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The composition of the group of ladies-in-waiting attending to the queen varied based on politics and individual monarchs, including both the queen and the king. Records show that some queens had more than 100 ladies-in-waiting, but most had significantly smaller households.

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The Queen's lady-in-waiting doesn't get a salary. Here's why she's still one of the most powerful people at the palace. Lady Susan Hussey is more than the Queen's lady-in-waiting. Hussey is a godmother to Prince William and a close friend to the monarch, reports say.

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In addition to Baroness Hussey, the late monarch had a number of other women around her, known as the 'Head Girls', some of whom were a part of the Queen's team for over 60 years. The Queen's other ladies-in-waiting were: Dame Mary Morrison, Lady Elizabeth Leeming, Susan Rhodes and Dame Annabel Whitehead.

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Although they do not live at Buckingham Palace, they sometimes stay there or in royal apartments in London should their duties require it.

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In the royal box, The King was (of course) joined by his wife and consort Queen Camilla. On his other side was Patricia Janet Scotland, Baroness Scotland of Asthal. Baroness Scotland is the sixth Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, and the first woman to hold the position.

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Enter Angela Kelly ‒ the queen's most loyal aide for the past three decades. She's also known as her hairdresser, dresser and “best friend”, as claimed by various media. But what do we know about the 64 year old so far?

Who was the queens most senior lady-in-waiting? ›

Late Queen's lady-in-waiting for more than 60 years. The confidante was Elizabeth II's lady in waiting for more than 60 years. The late Queen's loyal lady-in-waiting, Lady Susan Hussey, spent decades serving as one of Elizabeth II's closest confidantes.

Are ladies-in-waiting Friends of the Queen? ›

Ladies-in-Waiting are as appointed friends of royal women, including The Queen. Although they have certain duties and responsibilities that must be met, most of them are considered companions for whomever they work. Friends are forever and so are the Ladies-in-Waiting for The Queen.

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As for what the queen kept in her bag, royal biographer Sally Bedell Smith says the items weren't all that different from what normal women carry with them: a mirror, lipstick, mint lozenges and reading glasses. As for the rest of the royal family, they have their own dress code rules they have to follow.

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Who is Meghan Markle's lady in waiting? She doesn't have one. Neither does her sister-in-law Catherine. The other female working members of the family (the Queen, Camilla, Anne, Sophie) all have ladies-in-waiting.

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The late Queen's lady-in-waiting Lady Susan Hussey has apologised and resigned after she repeatedly asked a black British charity boss where she was "really" from.

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Ambassadors only: North Korea, Nicaragua and Iran

North Korea, Nicaragua and Iran were permitted to send ambassadors, but not their heads of state, according to the Telegraph — meaning North Korea's Kim Jong Un and Iran's Ebrahim Raisi are among the uninvited heads of state.

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While standing guard by the Queen's coffin as it lies in state inside Westminster Hall at the Palace of Westminster, a member of the royal guard collapsed and police rushed to his side.

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Princess Eugenie and her husband, Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi, were seen hand-in-hand as they arrived at Westminster Abbey for the Queen's funeral.

What is the male version of a lady-in-waiting? ›

A Lord-in-Waiting is a member of the House of Lords who is also a royal courtier. The female analogue of a Lord-in-Waiting is a Baroness-in-Waiting. The closest analogue of a Lady-in-waiting is an Equerry.

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The Queen had at least five ladies in waiting during her reign, including Lady Hussey. The ladies in waiting were considered the unsung members of the late Queen's household and were personally chosen by the monarch.

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The Countess of Rosslyn, Lady Margarita Armstrong-Jones and the King's godson the Hon Edward Tollemache were among the well-heeled guests who took their seats in Westminster Abbey. Lady Susan Hussey, Queen Elizabeth II's lady-in-waiting, was invited, as was Lord Coe. Here, Tatler reveals the names you need to know.

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The National Anthem will be sung at the conclusion of the Service. A Private Burial will take place in The King George VI Memorial Chapel later that evening, conducted by the Dean of Windsor. The Queen is to be buried together with The Duke of Edinburgh, at The King George VI Memorial Chapel.

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