Top 5: Best Quality of Life Countries in Europe (2024)

Freedom. That’s the word we value the most here at Nomad Capitalist. Freedom to live a life as you want and especially where you want.

Looking for a better and brighter future is in our DNA. Go where you’re treated best. That’s what we always tell our clients.

So, if you’re living in the US, Canada, or Australia and dreaming of a new life in Europe, we get it.

But when Europe has such an abundance of wonderful countries, how can you make the right choice?

Where should you settle down? In northern Europe? western Europe? Or should you opt for the south or east instead?

To make your life slightly easier, the Nomad Capitalist team has compiled a list of the top 5 European countries with a high quality of life. These are the countries where you’ll feel safest and best able to live a glamorous life to the max, just like we love it.

There are various indicators to analyse when it comes to quality of life. But to create a holistic and comprehensive ranking that will be useful for you, we decided to focus on factors like economic stability, safety, political stability, tax policies and life index.

So, if you’re asking yourself which European country you should move to, the answer is here. Take a sip of your cup of coffee, and let’s dive in!

Which Are the Best Quality-of-Life Countries in Europe?

Europe has always been a highly coveted destination for people all around the world. And for good reason.

Rich in history and culture, it’s also incredibly modern and developed. The stunning scenery, numerous UNESCO World Heritage sites, visa-free travelling, and a high standard of living all combine to make this region one of the most appealing in the world.

But we know that for you, as a high-net-worth individual, there are other factors that impact your decision to move, such as:

  • Is this country safe?
  • Can your nomad family feel secure?
  • Can you be sure that your business keeps growing?
  • Can you feel free?

So, taking into consideration all of your concerns, here is the Nomad Capitalist list of thebest countries to livein Europe.

1. Switzerland

Top 5: Best Quality of Life Countries in Europe (1)

Let’s start with Switzerland, a peaceful country with favourable business opportunities. It’s one of the top countries, and you’ll notice it’s not the first time we have mentioned it.


Switzerland is an excellent destination if you’re looking for apeaceful countrywhere you can calmly enjoy life. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Better Life Index, Switzerland performs well in many areas compared to other countries. People enjoy high life satisfaction here –residents are happy about their quality of life, the health care system, and the job market –and this results in higher life expectancy.


Switzerland has a three-tier tax system: federal, canton, and municipal. The federal level uses a progressive tax system, meaning that the more you earn, the higher your tax rate.

Switzerland’s highest income tax rate is around 40%, but it’s possible to pay much less, depending on the location or canton. Under the lump-sum tax regime, foreigners living but not working in Switzerland are taxed on the basis of their living expenses and standard of living rather than their global income and assets.

Swiss banksare safe, and the corruption level in the country is low.

Politically and economically, Switzerland is renowned for its stability. And, since Switzerland is one of the safest countries in the world, you can be sure that you and your family’s welfare are safe, too. There’s an added bonus that Switzerland is also one of the mostcrypto-friendly countriesin the world.


Securing Swiss citizenship can be challenging and may take up to twelve years unless you qualify forcitizenship by marriage.

Having Swiss citizenship comes with the perk of obtaining a Swiss passport, which allows you to travel visa-free to 174 countries.

If you plan to make Switzerland your long-term residence, various residency permits are available, each with its own requirements and advantages. These include the Swiss Investor Visa, Swiss Company formation, as well as the option of lump-sum taxation. Whether you intend to start a business, make investments, or join family members in Switzerland, there are numerous pathways to establishing a permanent home in the country.

2. Sweden

Top 5: Best Quality of Life Countries in Europe (2)

Sweden is one of the best European countries to live in, and according to theWorld Happiness Reportby the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, it is one of the happiest as well.


Sweden is a perfect destination for you if you’re keen on Nordic minimalism, sustainability and connection to nature.

The country is politically stable, has one of the best health systems in Europe and strives to reach income equality. Also, its public education system has a superb international reputation.


As a Nordic country, Sweden does have high taxes but consider those the country’s trade-off for quality services, safe streets and overall peace of mind. From a political standpoint, Sweden is transparent and doesn’t tolerate corruption, which makes it one of theleast corrupt countriesin the world – a crucial factor for businesses.


If you’re a wealthy individual, moving to Sweden will secure multiple opportunities for you, both in terms of family and business life.

Swedish citizenship would allow you to greatly benefit from international taxation laws, visa-free travel and personal freedom. The Swedish passport, meanwhile, is ranked in the top 10 passports in the world, according to theNomad Passport Index.

3. Germany

Top 5: Best Quality of Life Countries in Europe (3)

Politically, financially and economically – Germans are known for their pragmatic approach to life and a society that values hard work and punctuality. It’s worth remembering, though, that Germans aren’t all work and no play. As anyone who’s ever been to Oktoberfest can tell you, they also know how to let loose and enjoy life. As a leading European power and one of the world’s biggest economies, Germany boasts one of thehighest standards of livingin the world, making it an obvious choice for this list.


The EU’s powerhouse economy has a reputation for being extremely bureaucratic. But despite all the paperwork, the country functions efficiently, giving its citizens confidence in their institutions. The public health system is free, as is education.

Famous worldwide for its engineering, machinery and chemical industries, the German economy remains one of the strongest in the world.

Add to this the country’s art and culture, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, forests and more than a few stunning castles perched on mountains, and it’s easy to see this country’s appeal.


Germany is a crucial business magnet for foreign investors and entrepreneurs. Yes, the bureaucracy can be a nightmare, but the stable legal environment compensates for all the paperwork. As a high-net-worth individual, it’s reassuring to know that the people you rely on have a meticulous and professional work ethic.

Even high taxes don’t stop entrepreneurs from investing here, especially in cryptocurrency. In recent years, Germany has invested a lot of effort in creating a solid environment for this industry and has become one of the mostcrypto-friendly countriesin the world.


If you have already visited Germany and decided that this is the place for you, we may have good news, depending on your personal circ*mstances. It’s possible to obtain Germancitizenship by descent, with the added benefit of allowing successful applicants to hold dual citizenship.

Before 2000, Germany generally did not allow its citizens to hold dual citizenship, except in very limited circ*mstances. However, under current law, individuals born to at least one German parent or through descent are permitted to hold dual citizenship.

Additionally, individuals applying for German citizenship through naturalisation may be able to retain their original citizenship, depending on the laws of their home country. However, it’s important to note that some countries do not recognise dual citizenship.

Alternatively, you can apply for afreelance visa, a popular form of temporary residence permit which also allows holders to travel freely within Europe’s Schengen Area.

4. Denmark

Top 5: Best Quality of Life Countries in Europe (4)

Are you looking for a country with a high quality of life that perfectly combines a buzzing lifestyle with a peaceful outlook? Denmark might be a good fit.


In Denmark, everything is about ‘hygge’. This word translates as ‘cosiness’ and is a heartfelt cry encouraging people to cherish the little things in life. ‘Hygee’ goes a long way to explaining why life in Denmark is so relaxed and its people are the mostsatisfiedon earth.

Even though Danish citizens are obliged to pay high taxes, they also benefit greatly from a variety of efficient public services like the free public education system and the universal health system, which affords its citizens free health care. On a global scale, Denmark is also one of the safest and cleanest countries.


Denmark can be pricey and has high taxes, but it also scores high on innovation, and there are plenty of business opportunities with full access to all EU markets.

Additionally, you can network seamlessly without worrying about the language barrier. Denmark is among the topEnglish-speaking countriesin the world, so don’t worry about being misunderstood. As in many other Nordic countries, Denmark is also famous for its low level of corruption,in fact, according to thecorruption index, it tops the chart.


Securing citizenship in Denmark is not easy, but if your heart is set on settling down in Denmark, you can try applying fordual citizenship.

5. The Netherlands

Top 5: Best Quality of Life Countries in Europe (5)

Fields of vibrant-coloured tulips, scenery lifted straight from a Van Gough painting and peaceful bike rides along the canals of old Amsterdam: If you imagine this when you think of the Netherlands, then we’ve good news for you. The Netherlands is full of all those attractions, but there’s so much more to this country than mere sightseeing.


According to theOECDWorld Report, the Netherlands has a high quality of life and is a wonderful place to live in Europe. A very tolerant country, the Netherlands actively promotes human rights, meaning people can freely express themselves. Unity and inclusion are something that Dutch people greatly value, and in this welcoming culture, you won’t feel alone.

Dutch art and craftsmanship are recognised worldwide, with Dutch Masters ranking among the most respected in history. But while these cultural masterpieces along with Holland’s national iconic symbols, such as wooden shoes, lace caps, tulips, and windmills, are famous worldwide, they only represent a small part of Dutch life.


The Netherlands enjoys an exceptional business climate with a reputation for providing stability in an increasingly chaotic world.

Its excellent location and access to western Europe are especially appealing to investors who are interested in expanding their business connections. Yes, the taxes are high, but the Dutch tax system has many benefits for entrepreneurs.


If you feel that the Netherlands is the place you’ve been looking for, you can apply for aresidency permit. There are several routes to becoming a Dutch citizen, including citizenship by birth, by descent, or by marriage.

The Netherlands has some of the strictest laws on dual citizenship in Europe, permitting it only in very specific circ*mstances, such as if your country does not allow renunciation of citizenship. The Netherlands wants to limit dual citizenship as much as possible.

How Can I Move to Europe?

Top 5: Best Quality of Life Countries in Europe (6)

Becoming aEuropean citizenis like opening the door to an entirely new world that can make your life more comfortable and diverse.

Life in Europe can be calm and peaceful, but if you prefer a more dynamic environment, there are also plenty of places where you can enjoy a more vibrant lifestyle.

How can I get European residency without losing my mind? Can my family live happily there? Sounds familiar? Well, if you’re planning to settle in Europe and these questions keep rolling in your head, let us help you.

Moving to another country is never easy. But when you are a high-net-worth individual, making the right decision gets even more complicated. That is where Nomad Capitalist comes in.Apply to become a client, and we’ll find the best solutions for you.

Top 5: Best Quality of Life Countries in Europe (2024)


What country in Europe has the highest quality of life? ›

Switzerland has the highest overall life satisfaction in 2022. With a mean country score of 8.0, Switzerland had the highest self-reported overall life satisfaction in 2022 (out of countries with available data). Rounding out the top 5 was Austria at 7.9 and Finland, Romania, and Poland all at 7.7.

Which place in Europe is best to live? ›

Vienna consistently tops of the list not just of the best places to live in Europe but in the entire world. We can see why. With a sophisticated population quality of life is high and crime is low. But Vienna is so much more than just that.

What are the top five best countries to live in? ›

The William Russell happiness report assesses various factors such as residents' perceptions of their environment, friendliness, safety, and inclusion. According to their findings, the top five countries were Denmark, Sweden, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

What 5 countries have the highest level of income in Europe? ›

The highest paying countries in 2022 were Switzerland (€106,839), Iceland (€81,942), Luxembourg (€79,903), Norway (€74,506) and Belgium (€70,297), whereas the lowest payers were Bulgaria (€12,923), Romania(€14,500), Croatia(€17,842), Hungary(€18,274) and Poland (€18,114).

What is the number 1 country in Europe? ›

Countries in Europe:
1RussiaEastern Europe
2GermanyWestern Europe
3United KingdomNorthern Europe
4FranceWestern Europe
40 more rows

What is the safest country in Europe? ›

As determined by the Global Peace Index, Iceland ranked as the safest country in Europe. Iceland, Denmark, and Ireland ranked as the three safest countries in the world.

What is the cheapest and safest country to live in Europe? ›

Cheapest European countries for expats
  • Portugal. This country is famous for good food, beautiful beaches, a relaxed lifestyle, and affordable living. ...
  • Slovenia. This Central European country became an independent country in 1999. ...
  • Spain. ...
  • Croatia. ...
  • Bulgaria. ...
  • Italy.

What is the most liveable city in Europe? ›

Zurich was named Europe's most liveable city in the 2023 report. Switzerland's largest city beat out the 82 other cities that were surveyed across the EU, the European Free Trade Association, the UK, the Western Balkans and Türkiye, based on answers from over 71,000 residents.

Which European country is best for work and live? ›

Norway is known as one of the best countries for work not just in Europe but all around the world. Norway is considered the 2nd happiest workforce in the world, while the interesting point here is that the work lifestyle is kind of passive and flexible, that is you work only about 7.5 hours a day.

Which country is best to live permanently? ›

Comparison table of the best countries to live in
CountryQuality of life scoreAffordability
16 more rows
Mar 4, 2024

Which country is best for quality living? ›

  • Sweden. #1 in Quality of Life. #3 in Best Countries Overall. ...
  • Norway. #2 in Quality of Life. #11 in Best Countries Overall. ...
  • Canada. #3 in Quality of Life. ...
  • Denmark. #4 in Quality of Life. ...
  • Finland. #5 in Quality of Life. ...
  • Switzerland. #6 in Quality of Life. ...
  • Netherlands. #7 in Quality of Life. ...
  • Australia. #8 in Quality of Life.

What is the number 1 safest country to live in? ›

The safest place in the world is Iceland, which ranks number one on the 2022 Global Peace Index. Iceland, with a score of 1.107, has held this position on the GPI for over a decade.

Which is the poorest country in Europe? ›

Despite having the highest GDP growth rate in Europe, Moldova is among its poorest states, and also has Europe's smallest GDP per capita.

What is the richest and poorest country in Europe? ›

Overview. In 2022, Luxembourg and Ireland recorded the highest level of GDP per capita in the EU, at 156 % and 135 % above the EU average. Bulgaria was the EU Member State with the lowest GDP per capita, at 38 % below the EU average.

What is the wealthiest country in Europe? ›

Luxembourg is the wealthiest country in the European Union, per capita, and its citizens enjoy a high standard of living. It is a major center for large private banking, and its finance sector is the biggest contributor to its economy.

What country has the highest quality of life? ›

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Quality of Life - U.S. News Best Countries Report 2023
CountryQoL US News
6 more rows

What countries have the highest quality of life? ›

The majority of countries with the highest quality of life are based out of Europe and Asia including Singapore, Switzerland, Denmark, Luxembourg, Ireland, Taiwan, and Qatar, among others.

What is the easiest country to live in Europe? ›

European countries Hungary, Malta and Austria are the easiest countries to relocate to for expats, according to a report by William Russell. According to the report, with a difficulty score of 3.85, Hungary stands out as relatively more accessible for expats.

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Name: Jamar Nader

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