Totalization Agreement with Italy | International Programs (2024)

Totalization Agreement with Italy


Eliminating dual coverage for self-employment
Italian certificates for employees
Italian certificates for self-employed workers
Monthly benefits
How benefits can be paid
Claims for benefits
Payment of benefits
For more information about Italy's social security programs


For Italy, the Agreement covers compulsory general insurance for old-age, disability and survivors, including substitute benefits provided by compulsory general insurance.

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Eliminating dual coverage for self-employment

Self-employed U.S. nationals working in the United States and Italy are assigned U.S. coverage. Self-employed Italian nationals working in the United States who are residents of the United States are assigned U.S. coverage.

U.S. nationals who would otherwise have coverage by both countries only has coverage by the United States Social Security system. An Italian national or dual U.S./Italian national who would otherwise have coverage by both countries generally may choose the country that person will pay social security taxes.

Self-employed Italian nationals working in Italy who are residents may elect either U.S. or Italian coverage. Self-employed U.S. and Italian dual nationals working in Italy may elect either U.S. or Italian coverage. Self-employed U.S. and Italian dual nationals working in the United States are assigned U.S. coverage.

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Italian certificates for employees

To establish an exemption from coverage under the U.S. Social Security system, the employer in Italy must request a certificate of coverage (form IT/USA 4) from Italy by writing to the provincial office of the Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale in the province where the Italian employer is located. No special form is required to request a certificate.

To request a certificate by mail or fax, provide the following information:

  • Full name of worker (including maiden name for married woman);
  • Date and place of birth;
  • Citizenship;
  • Country of worker’s permanent residence;
  • U.S. Social Security number;
  • Name and address of the employer in the United States and Italy;
  • Date the employment began;
  • Italian social insurance number (if known);
  • Date of hire;
  • Country of hire; and
  • Date of transfer and anticipated date of return.

U.S. employers should retain certificates of coverage in case of an audit by the IRS. Employers should not send a copy to the IRS unless the IRS specifically requests the certificate of coverage.

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Italian certificates for self-employed workers

If you are an Italian national or dual U.S./ Italian national and wish to elect Italian coverage, write to the provincial office of the Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale in the province where you work.

Please provide the following information:

  • Full name (including maiden name);
  • Date and place of birth;
  • Citizenship;
  • Country of permanent residence;
  • U.S. Social Security number (for a certificate of U.S. coverage) or Italian social insurance number (for a certificate of Italian coverage);
  • Nature of self-employment activity;
  • Dates the activity was or will be performed; and
  • Name and address of your trade or business in both countries.

Self-employed workers should attach a copy of the certificate of coverage to their U.S. tax return every year as proof of the exemption.

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Monthly benefits

Under the U.S. Social Security system, you may earn up to four credits each year depending on the amount of your covered earnings. For example, in 2022 you receive one credit for each $1,410 of your covered annual earnings up to a maximum of four credits per year. The amount needed to earn a work credit goes up slightly each year. For more information, see How You Earn Credits (SSA Publication No. 05-10072).

Under the Italian system, credits are measured in weeks. To simplify the information in the table, requirements are shown in years of credits.

Retirement or old-age benefits

United States


Worker—Full benefit at full retirement age.* Reduced benefit as early as age 62. Required work credits range from one and one-half to 10 years (10 years if age 62 in 1991 or later).

Worker - The age requirement for accessing retirement benefits is 66 years and seven months for men, and 65 years and seven months for women.

The ages are rising gradually based on increases in life expectancy.
Minimum- Workers first covered before 1996 must have at least 20 years of contributory or deemed coverage, or a combination. However, as few as 15 years of contributory or deemed coverage, or a combination, may apply for workers first covered before 1996 who agree to benefits calculation under an updated formula. Workers first covered January 1, 1996 or later may receive their benefits at age 70 and 7 months, with at least 5 years of contributory coverage, before age 70 if their calculated benefits are social welfare-based allowance.

Early retirement- Males – any age, with 42 years and 10 months of coverage. Females – any age, with 41 years and 10 months of coverage. Workers first covered on or after January 1, 1996: at age 63 and 7 months, with 20 years of coverage, if the calculated benefits are at least 2.8 times the monthly social welfare-based allowance. Early retirement benefits are not subject to any permanent reduction.

*Full retirement age for people born in 1938 is age 65 and 2 months. The full retirement age increases gradually until it reaches age 67 for people born in 1960 or later.

Disability benefits

United States


Worker—Under full retirement age* can get benefit if unable to do any substantial gainful work for at least a year. One and one-half to 10 years credit needed, depending on age at date of onset. Some recent work credits also needed unless worker is blind.

Depending on the degree of reduction in work capacity, Italy pays two different types of disability benefits, both of which are payable outside of Italy:

  • Partial disability benefits (AOI) which after disability confirmation three times, every three years, become permanent; or
  • Total disability benefits.

Requirements to qualify

  • Italy pays partial disability benefits (AOI) to persons who: Have at least a one-third reduction in the capacity to perform occupationally suitable work due to a physical or mental condition or illness; and
  • Have at least five years of contributory coverage, three years of which are within the five-year period before claiming benefits.
Required coverage ranges from zero to five years, depending on the cause of the disability.

*Full retirement age is 66 for people born in 1943-1954 and will gradually increase to age 67 for people born in 1960 or later.

Family benefits to dependents of retired or disabled people

United States


Spouse—Full benefit at full retirement age* or at any age if caring for the worker’s entitled child under age 16 (or disabled before age 22). Reduced benefit as early as age 62 if not caring for a child.

Surviving Spouse or (Registered) civil partner Surviving spouse or (Registered) civil partner.

Eligible persons include a surviving separated spouse receiving alimony from the worker.

  • Base benefits are 60% of the deceased worker’s calculated retirement or disability benefits.
  • Benefits are also means tested based on the surviving spouse or civil partner’s earnings from work. Means test is waived for surviving spouses with children under age 18 (up to age 26 if children are students, or indefinitely if children are disabled).
  • Remarriage terminates surviving spouse benefits, but Italy pays a termination lump-sum settlement equal to the amount of two years of benefits.

Divorced spouse—Full benefit at full retirement age.* Reduced benefit as early as age 62. Must be unmarried and have been married to worker for at least 10 years.

Divorced spouse—No provision.

Children—If unmarried, up to age 18 (age 19 if in an elementary or secondary school full time) or any age if disabled before age 22.

Children — Up to the age of 18 (Age 21 for dependent full-time students and apprentices, and to age 26 for university students). There are no age limits for disabled children.

  • Benefits are 20% of the deceased worker’s calculated retirement or disability benefit per child, or a total of 40% for 3 or more children divided by the number of children, if there is a surviving spouse or registered civil partner beneficiary. If there is no surviving spouse or registered civil partner beneficiary, or if both parents are deceased, the benefit increases to 40% per child, or 100% divided by 3 or more children. The benefit amount is 70 percent of the deceased worker’s calculated retirement or disability benefit if the only recipient is a child.
  • If the child is a minor, student, or disabled and lives in the household, the benefits can be combined with other benefits without any limit.

*Full retirement age is 66 for people born in 1943-1954 and will gradually increase to age 67 for people born in 1960 or later.

Survivors benefits

United States


Surviving Spouse—Full benefit at full retirement age* or at any age if caring for the deceased's entitled child under age 16 (or disabled before age 22). Reduced benefit as early as age 60 (or age 50 if disabled) if not caring for child. Benefits may be continued if remarriage occurs after age 60 (or age 50 if disabled).

Surviving Spouse or (Registered civil partner) —
Means tested. Benefits cease on remarriage, and convert to a lump sum equal to 2 years of benefits.
Eligible persons include a surviving separated spouse receiving alimony from the worker.

  • Base benefits are 60% of the deceased worker’s calculated retirement or disability benefits.
  • Benefits are also means tested based on the surviving spouse or civil partner’s earnings from work. Means test is waived for surviving spouses with children under age 18 (up to age 26 if children are students, or indefinitely if children are disabled).
For surviving spouse benefits, Italy pays a termination lump-sum settlement equal to the amount of two years of benefits.

Divorced Surviving Spouse—Same as surviving spouse if marriage lasted at least 10 years.

Divorced Surviving Spouse— Benefits only by judicial order, and only if receiving maintenance payments.

Children—Same as for children of retired or disabled worker.

Children — Up to the age of 18 (Age 21 for full-time students, and to age 26 for university students). There are no age limits for disabled children.

  • Benefits are 20% of the deceased worker’s calculated retirement or disability benefit per child, or a total of 40% for 3 or more children divided by the number of children, if there is a surviving spouse or registered civil partner beneficiary. If there is no surviving spouse or registered civil partner beneficiary, or if both parents are deceased, the benefit increases to 40% per child, or 100% divided by 3 or more children. The benefit amount is 70 percent of the deceased worker’s calculated retirement or disability benefit if the only recipient is a child.
  • If the child is a minor, student, or disabled and lives in the household, the benefits can be combined with other benefits without any limit.
Dependent parentAge 62 or older (even if others eligible).

Dependent parent Parents and siblings of the deceased worker (Benefits if no other survivors) -

  • With certain restrictions, surviving parents and siblings may receive benefits in the amount of 15% of the deceased worker’s calculated retirement or disability benefit per beneficiary if there are no other survivors.
  • Benefits continue indefinitely, as long as eligibility continues.
Dependent brother or sister—No provision. Dependent brother or sister —Same as for Dependent Parent.
Lump-sum death benefit—A one-time payment not to exceed $255 payable on the death of an insured worker. Lump-sum death benefit—No provision.

*The full retirement age for survivors is age 66 for people born in 1945-1956 and gradually increases to age 67 for people born in 1962 or later.
**In Italy, family members must be dependent on the worker and are presumed to be if they are living in the same household.

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How benefits can be paid

If you have social security credits in both the United States and Italy, you may be eligible for benefits from one or both countries. If you meet all the basic requirements under one country's system, you will get a regular benefit from that country. If you do not meet the basic requirements, the Agreement may help you qualify for a benefit as explained below.

  • Benefits from the United States - If you do not have enough work credits under the U.S. system to qualify for regular benefits, you may be able to qualify for a partial benefit from the United States based on both United States and Italian credits. The United States can only count Italian credits earned after 1936. However, to be eligible for the United States to count your Italian credits, you must have earned at least six credits (generally one and one-half years of work) under the U.S. system. If you already have enough credits under the U.S. system to qualify for regular benefits, the United States cannot count your Italian credits.
  • Benefits from Italy - Italy can also count social security credits from both countries, when necessary, to meet the eligibility requirements for Italian benefits. To be eligible to have your U.S. and Italian credits counted, you must have at least one year of coverage since 1920.

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Claims for benefits

If you live in the United States and wish to apply for United States or Italian benefits:

  • Visit or write any U.S. Social Security office.
  • Phone our toll-free number, 1-800-772-1213, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. any business day. People who are deaf or hard of hearing may call our toll-free TTY number, 1-800-325-0778.
  • Complete SSA-2490-BK (Application for Benefits Under a U.S. International Social Security Agreement) and mail to your local Social Security Administration office.

If you live in Italy and wish to apply for U.S. or Italian benefits directly with the Italian social security agency, complete Form SSA-2528-IT (Application for Benefits Italy - U.S.A. Agreement on Social Security).

For assistance, you may contact:

    Federal Benefits Unit
    United States Consulate General
    Piazza della Repubblica
    80122 Naples

    Federal Benefits Unit
    United States Embassy
    Via Veneto 119/A
    00187 Rome

  • Or the nearest office of the Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale to file for U.S. or Italian benefits.
  • You can apply with one country and ask to have your application considered as a claim for benefits from the other country. The country you apply with first will send information from your application to the other country. Each country will process the claim under its own laws—counting credits from the other country when appropriate—and notify you of its decision.

    If you have not applied for benefits before, you may need to provide certain information and documents when you apply. These include the worker's United States and Italian social security numbers, proof of age for all claimants, evidence of the worker's U.S. earnings in the past 24 months and information about the worker's coverage under the Italian system. You may wish to call the social security office before you go there to see if that office needs any other information.

    Return to Totalization Agreements overview

    Payment of benefits

    Each country pays its own benefit. The U.S. Department of the Treasury makes U.S. payments each month that cover benefits for the preceding month. The Banca Commerciale Italiana in New York pays benefits for beneficiaries living in the United States. If you live outside Italy, payments are made every four months for the two previous months and the two succeeding ones. For more information, contact the Italian authorities at the address in the section titled, “For more information.”

    Return to Totalization Agreements overview

    For more information about Italy's social security programs

    For more information about Italy's social security programs, visit any social security office in Italy. If you do not live in Italy, visit the Italian social security system website at or write to:

    I.N.P.S.-Direzione Generale
    Servizio Rapporti e Convenzioni Internazionali
    via della Frezza 17
    00186 Roma

    Return to Totalization Agreements overview

Totalization Agreement with Italy | International Programs (2024)


Does the US have a totalization agreement with Italy? ›

A totalization agreement permits foreign workers and certain U.S. workers to qualify for United States social security coverage with less than the required period of work. On February 28, 1978, the President submitted to Congress the totalization agreement between the Un ited States and Italy.

How to use totalization agreement? ›

If the employee is a U.S. citizen or U.S. resident alien and they are working in a foreign country with which the United States has a Totalization Agreement, and under the Totalization Agreement, pay is exempt from U.S. Social Security tax, the employee or employer should get a statement from the authorized official or ...

Will Italy tax my US social security benefits? ›

In conclusion, Italy does tax retirement income, including US social security benefits, but there are tax treaties and agreements in place to avoid double taxation. As a retiree in Italy, you may also be subject to Italian social security contributions if you work or have income in Italy.

Can I still get my social security if I move to Italy? ›

Under the agreement, however, you may receive benefits as long as you reside in Italy regardless of your nationality. If you are not a U.S. citizen and live in another country, you may not be able to receive benefits.

Does dual citizenship affect social security benefits? ›

The United States generally considers a person with dual U.S. and foreign citizenship a U.S. citizen for Social Security purposes. This does not apply if you are a U.S. citizen and a citizen of a country the United States has an international social security agreement with.

Which countries do not tax us social security benefits? ›

U.S. citizens residing abroad.
  • Canada.
  • Egypt.
  • Germany.
  • Ireland.
  • Israel.
  • Italy (You must also be a citizen of Italy for the exemption to apply.)
  • Romania.
  • United Kingdom.

Can you get social security from two countries? ›

Benefits from an Agreement country—Social security credits from both countries can also be counted, when necessary, to meet the eligibility requirements for an Agreement country's benefits. Click below for additional information on your country.

Can you live abroad and collect social security disability? ›

If you are a U.S. citizen, you may receive your Social Security payments outside the U.S. as long as you are eligible for them. However, there are certain countries to which we are not allowed to send payments.

How long can I stay abroad without losing my benefits? ›

Key Takeaways. U.S. retirees can receive Social Security benefits while living abroad, with some exceptions. There is no time limit on how long a person can live outside the country and receive benefits.

What is the 7% tax rule in Italy? ›

Italy's 7% tax regime for retirees allows holders of a foreign pension the chance to transfer their tax residence to one of the municipalities in the South of Italy. This allows them to opt out of the standard progressive tax rate and pay a tax rate of just 7% on all foreign-sourced income.

Can you retire in Italy as a US citizen? ›

In order to retire to this country, individuals must apply for and obtain an Italian elective residence visa. Issued by the Italian consulate, the elective residency visa is issued to foreign nationals seeking to live and retire in Italy provided certain conditions are met.

How much income do I need to retire in Italy? ›

What are the financial requirements needed to retire in Italy? You must have a minimum of €31,000 (approx. £27,000) per year; this increases to €38,000 (approx. £33,600) for a married couple, and increases by a further 20% for each dependant.

How do I get the $16728 Social Security bonus? ›

Have you heard about the Social Security $16,728 yearly bonus? There's really no “bonus” that retirees can collect. The Social Security Administration (SSA) uses a specific formula based on your lifetime earnings to determine your benefit amount.

What is the 5 year rule for Social Security? ›

The Social Security five-year rule is the time period in which you can file for an expedited reinstatement after your Social Security disability benefits have been terminated completely due to work.

What happens to my Social Security if I leave the US? ›

If you leave the U.S., we will stop your benefits the month after the sixth calendar month in a row that you are outside the country. You can make visits to the United States for specific periods of time, depending on how long you've been outside, to continue receiving your benefits.

Does the US have a treaty with Italy? ›

The United States and Italy were two of the original twelve signatories of the North Atlantic Treaty, the most successful and enduring alliance in history. Italy has led in that role since NATO's founding, leading important operations such as NATO Mission Iraq and Kosovo Force.

What countries does the US have totalization agreements with? ›

Agreement Descriptions
  • Australia. Austria. Belgium. Brazil. Canada. Chile.
  • Czech Republic. Denmark. Finland. France. Germany. Greece.
  • Hungary. Iceland. Ireland. Italy. Japan. Luxembourg.
  • Netherlands. Norway. Poland. Portugal. Slovak Republic. Slovenia.
  • South Korea. Spain. Sweden. Switzerland. United Kingdom. Uruguay.

Does the US have a double taxation agreement with Italy? ›

The United States and Italy have a totalization agreement in place, which is designed to avoid double taxation of their income with respect to social security taxes. It establishes clear rules about which country's social security system covers the employee.

Does Italy have an extradition treaty with the US? ›

Italy and the United States signed a Treaty about extradition on 1983. Pursuant the rules of the Treaty, the Contracting Parties agree to extradite to each other, persons whom the authorities of the Requesting Party have charged with or found guilty of an extraditable offense.

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.