TV Detox FAQs — Raise Wildflowers (2024)

TV Detox FAQs

Should we cancel Cocomelon?

Young children, but particularly infants and toddlers, simply take in the effects of the show - lights, sounds, flashes, vibrant colors - rather than the content itself. Screen-time for our youngest children is simply an intense and unnatural sensory experience.

Cocomelon, along with many other popular infant/ toddler shows such as Little Baby Bum, Blippi, and Baby Einstein, are so overstimulating that they actually act as a drug, a stimulant. These types of shows are carefully designed to hold a young child’s attention, and they are very successful in doing so.

The overall question is - at what cost?

Young children who view these types of shows, even in moderation, experience very real symptoms of addiction and withdrawal, which understandably leaves them emotionally dysregulated. The more a child is exposed to these types of shows, the more their brain begins to crave and expect this intense level stimulation, making it impossible for them to play creatively and without entertainment.

Does screen-time cause ADHD or Autism?

No, screen-time does not cause ADHD or Autism.

The issue is that the effects of screen-time on the young child’s brain - particularly with extremely overstimulating shows such as Cocomelon - very much look like the symptoms of ADHD and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder which is leading to a steep increase in the amount of misdiagnoses in young children.

Neurotypical children are looking neurodiverse, and neurodiverse children are being overmedicated because screen-time is exacerbating their symptoms.

Isn’t moderation key?

You’ve likely heard that “educational” screen-time is safe within the recommended time limits, especially for children who still have plenty of time for play and nature exploration. You’ve also probably rationalized that, despite the recommended guidelines of avoiding screens entirely before age two, it must be “fine” since 1) everyone does it, and 2) these shows were literally created for babies.

Unfortunately, “everything in moderation” doesn’t seem to apply here. The idea for The TV Detox was initially birthed when Jerrica began noticing the way different types of children’s shows affected her three-year-old son’s sleep and behavior. She found that the elements of the show were far more important than the amount of time viewed, which are the findings she initially began sharing with her small Instagram audience in 2020.

Since then, hundreds of other parents have echoed the premise that a child who has just watched 30 minutes of Cocomelon and a child who has just watched 30 minutes of Trash Truck will look like a very different child.

We’ve also heard countless stories of children who have had a strict 20-minute daily screen-time limit, and a detox still completely transformed their behavior - bringing moms to tears and convincing dads to hop on the minimal and better screen-time train.

What is “better” screen-time?

Jerrica combined current screen-time research with her extensive background in child development and early childhood education and created a detailed rubric for scoring TV shows for young children.

Upon scoring nearly 100 children’s shows by popular request, it became obvious that the vast majority of shows for young children, especially those advertised as “educational”, are fast-paced and attention-grabbing with high-stress scenes and modeling of negative behavior.

Only a handful of children’s shows passed the rubric. These shows are slow-paced with natural color tones. They don’t use unnatural visual effects such as dancing letters, swirling shapes, flashing colors, or high-contrast backgrounds to hold the child’s attention. They speak in normal voices and use rich vocabulary within natural conversations. The high-quality storylines provide context for the vocabulary and they are careful not to distract from character conversations with loud music and/or distracting sound effects. Most importantly, they model kindness, empathy, friendship, prosocial skills, and emotional intelligence.

Of course, this rubric is highly subjective. However, many parents have reported a dramatic improvement in their young child’s sleep, play, and behavior simply by replacing their typical shows with better ones.

What if my child doesn’t have behavioral issues?

In Reset Your Child’s Brain by Victoria L. Dunckley, MD, Dr. Dunckley explains that screen-time causes, “hyperarousal, overstimulation, irritability, reduced activity in the brain’s empathy area, desensitization to violence, stress hormones, reduced deep sleep, reduced frontal lobe activity, reduced serotonin levels.”

It’s certainly possible that very minimal screen-time has had no negative impact on your child’s brain, but it’s also possible that the symptoms of these screen-time effects (aggression, social anxiety, reduced capacity to tolerate disappointment, defiance, trouble sleeping, clinginess, whininess, frequent crying or meltdowns, hyperactivity) have been brushed off as either temperament or age-appropriate behavior.

Our argument is that, if a child has had daily screen-time since infancy or toddlerhood (especially ultra overstimulating screen-time such Kids’ YouTube or iPad/ tablet games), it’s nearly impossible to differentiate between screen-time symptoms and the child’s true personality. From our current anecdotal evidence, this seems to hold true whether that daily amount has been 5 minutes or 5 hours.

By breaking your child’s screen-time addiction (yes, even if they have very limited daily screen-time) and reintroducing better shows (or going screen-free, it’s up to you), you’ll almost definitely see an improvement in your child’s sleep, emotion and mood regulation, creativity, language skills, independent play, and overall behavior.

What is this ‘baseline’ you talk about?

The goal of The TV Detox is to discover your child’s baseline. Who is your child without screen-time?

Once you discover the answer to that question, you’ll be able to make empowered decisions about screen-time, because it will be obvious to you when your child has moved away from their baseline in response to screen-time.

Yes, all children are different, and that is precisely why you need to be 100% certain that you know who your child is when their brain is neither stimulated by nor withdrawing from the effects of electronic screen-time.

Is my child ruined?

The young brain is malleable and resilient. These changes to your child’s brain don’t have to be permanent.

In order for the child’s brain to work to balance hormones and rewire itself, it needs to go on a detox. This means ditching overstimulating and interactive screen-time for 1-4 weeks depending on your child’s level and length of exposure, and seeing how your child responds. After experimenting for yourself at home, the results will likely speak for themselves.

Why does The TV Detox focus on toys?

Our belief is that an increase in screen-time and a decrease in play go hand-in-hand.

At Raise Wildflowers, we believe in “do less parenting. We don’t believe that you should replace screen-time with yourself. Rather, we believe that parents and caregivers who prioritize distraction-free caregiving tasks and meaningful moments of connection can leave young children to play independently in a safe, developmentally appropriate “yes space” while you sip a cup of coffee, check your email, put the baby down for a nap, or use the restroom in peace.

Understanding the basics of facilitating safe, engaging, and developmentally appropriate unstructured play is essential in conquering the detox period and implementing changes that will last. You’re here because you care about and want the best for your child. Even the very parents and caregivers need a break, and independent play is the ultimate screen-time replacement.

Is it too late for my older child?

As an Early Childhood Specialist, Jerrica’s programs focus on children ages 0-6. Dr. Dunckley has seen wonderful success in children of all ages. We highly recommend her book and program: Reset Your Child's Brain: A Four-Week Plan to End Meltdowns, Raise Grades, and Boost Social Skills by Reversing the Effects of Electronic Screen-Time.

What if my infant or toddler doesn’t like the “better” shows?

As mentioned previously, infants and toddlers are more interested in the visual effects of the show rather than the show itself. If a child isn’t interested in our recommended children’s shows, this is a good indication that their brain isn’t ready for screen-time quite yet.

We recommend adhering to the current screen-time guidelines by The World Health Organization:

  • 0-24 Months: No screen-time

  • 2 Years: No more than one hour daily - less is better

  • 3-4 Years: No more than one hour daily

How much TV is too much?

Although watching better shows and staying within these recommended daily limits is a great start, you can expect to see the greatest and most longterm improvements for your child by eliminating the daily screen-time habit altogether and instead using TV as an occasional tool throughout the early years.

In The TV Detox, you can choose whether to replace your child’s current screen-time with ‘A’-list TV shows or to cut screen-time cold turkey. Remember, this is an experiment. Some children are more sensitive to the effects of screen-time than others. Some children will still be affected by our recommended shows. Some children will handle an hour of daily TV just fine, while an hour of daily TV will launch others into a cycle of meltdowns and aggressive behavior.

All young children will function at their best with zero screen-time, but the key is to discover your child’s baseline so that you can make empowered decisions about screen-time.

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TV Detox FAQs — Raise Wildflowers (2024)


What does it mean to raise wildflowers? ›

Kids need room to grow freely, explore, learn about their environment, and become their “glorious selves.” They are wildflowers.

Who is jerrica sannes? ›

I'm Jerrica Sannes

I hold a Master's Degree in Early Childhood Curriculum & Instruction, a Bachelor's Degree in Family & Child Development, and an Associate's Degree in Early Childhood Education.

What kids shows are too stimulating? ›

Cocomelon, along with many other popular infant/ toddler shows such as Little Baby Bum, Blippi, and Baby Einstein, are so overstimulating that they actually act as a drug, a stimulant. These types of shows are carefully designed to hold a young child's attention, and they are very successful in doing so.

Does TV overstimulate babies? ›

TVs, phones, and other devices can all be too much for a baby's brain to process before they're at least 18 months old. That's why the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends avoiding screen use before age 2 — then limiting exposure to around 1 hour of educational programming a day until they're 5. Too much activity.

What do wildflowers symbolize? ›

Wildflowers have long been used as symbols to spark memories and celebrate those we have lost.

Why planting wildflowers makes a difference? ›

Wildflowers support pollinators such as bees and butterflies, which in turn help provide food sources for both wildlife and people.

Why are parents canceling CoComelon? ›

CoComelon is causing tantrums in children

What's more, parents also claimed that the show wasn't only affecting their little one's speech development, it also contributed to their daily tantrums.

Why not to watch CoComelon? ›

' This leads to 1) children experiencing symptoms of addiction and withdrawal, often leaving them dysregulated, and 2) a general discomfort with the speed of everyday life. The more children watch the show, the more the brain begins to expect that kind of stimulation.

Is CoComelon sensory overload? ›

"Without empirical research on the show CoComelon, there is no data to substantiate claims that this show is overstimulating due to the pace of the scenes," says Rebecca G. Cowan, Ph. D., a professor in the college of social and behavioral sciences at Walden University.

How do I break my kids TV addiction? ›

Eight ways to break a screen habit
  1. Make a family media plan.
  2. Make screens inconvenient.
  3. Choose media carefully.
  4. Set firm limits.
  5. Watch programs, not just shows.
  6. Watch together.
  7. Ban screens during playdates.
  8. Be a role model.

Does TV cause sensory overload? ›

If the information is coming too fast, the brain will suffer a sensory overload and shut down. All screens, be they for video games or movies, include accelerated changes. These changes, in turn, speed up the brain to a degree that comes in just beneath the visual sensory overwhelm.

What does TV do to a baby's brain? ›

Yes, watching TV is better than starving, but it's worse than not watching TV. Good evidence suggests that screen viewing before age 18 months has lasting negative effects on children's language development, reading skills, and short term memory. It also contributes to problems with sleep and attention.

What happens to a child's brain when they watch too much TV? ›

Too Much Screen Time Can Have Lasting Consequences for Young Children's Brains. Growing data suggests that exposing young children to too much time in front of a TV or computer can have negative effects on their development, including issues with memory, attention and language skills.

What is unique about wildflowers? ›

It adapts easily to the different soils and weather conditions. The wildflower provides food in the form of leaves, nectar and pollen to the insects. This process continues when they pollinate the wildflower, which ends up in new seeds. In other words, these plants contribute to protect the cycle of life.

What do wildflowers attract? ›

Wildflower Power

Flowers attract all kinds of beneficial insects – not just bees and butterflies but also predatory insects such as hoverflies and ladybugs. Together they help to boost harvests and keep common pests like aphids under control.

Which flower is a symbol of healing? ›

Petunias are colorful flowers that have been associated with hope, healing, and well-being for a long time. Petunias represent empathy, affection, optimism, and new beginnings. These vibrant flowers are available in many shades like purple, pink, white, and blue.

Can you just scatter wildflower seeds? ›

If it's a smaller area, you can simply spread the seed by hand. After spreading the seed, compress the seed into the soil. To allow the seeds full sunlight, do not cover them in any way. The better seed-to-soil contact, the better chance of germination.

What are the benefits of growing wildflowers? ›

Wildflowers support ecosystems and pollinators (and us!)

Wildflowers provide seeds, nectar, pollen, and leaves as a source of food and life, especially for pollinators that have small home ranges or that depend on one or two specific host plant species, such as the Mission blue butterfly.

What happens if you plant too many wildflower seeds? ›

It is important to avoid using more than the recommended planting rate because it can lead to poor results. Our trials have shown that heavy seeding rates can produce a thick stand of annuals with lower diversity than expected.

Why can't kids watch CoComelon? ›

Babies should not watch Cocomelon or any other programs that involve screen time. The World Health Organization recommends children abstain from sedentary screen time until 2 years of age. After this, the guide is up to 1 hour per day, but no screen time is better than some.

Why is my kid addicted to CoComelon? ›

The show's repetitive nature and the propensity for children to want to replay episodes add to “CoComelon's” appeal. In the same way that children ask to hear a certain book night after night, seeing the show more than once stimulates their brains.

What does JJ stand for Cocomelon? ›

JJ's real name is Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt . He is a baby and the main character in Cocomelon.

What is the lost episode of Cocomelon? ›

“Bluey” briefly passed longtime kids streaming leader “CoComelon,” which airs on Netflix, generating more than 900 million minutes of viewing the week of Aug.

What words should a 1 year old be saying? ›

By the time your baby is a year old, he or she is probably saying between one to three words. They will be simple, and not complete words, but you will know what they mean. They may say “ma-ma,” or “da-da,” or try a name for a sibling, pet, or toy.

Why is it bad for babies to see their reflection in the mirror? ›

In Greece, locals believe that a newborn baby shouldn't see themselves in the mirror, as mirrors can capture and trap souls, never to be freed again. This superstition isn't only exclusive to Greece though – a lot of cultures and countries share this belief.

What age is Paw Patrol for? ›

Children aged two to four are the key demographic of this show. This is the stage when they should be learning to share, take turns, understand and regulate their emotions—so why is there never a single clear lesson at the end of an episode of PAW Patrol?

What age is Peppa Pig for? ›

While Peppa Pig is predominantly aimed at children aged 4 to 6 years, there is no upper age limit for who can watch Peppa Pig and it is enjoyed by people of all ages. Peppa Pig is suitable for family viewing and can be enjoyed by older children and parents alike.

Is Hey Bear good for babies? ›

Hey Bear Sensory - Smoothie Mix

Ideal for older babies or even for your toddler to dance along to, this up-beat, slightly faster moving baby sensory video is another great watch from Hey Bear Sensory.

What are the signs of TV addiction? ›

You always feel the need to do the action and have often tried to stop unsuccessfully. You spend a lot of time using and recovering from an action. You stop spending time on important things and people in your life. You keep on doing it even though it isn't making you feel good.

Can too much TV causes behavior problems? ›

In multiple studies, excessive screen time has been linked to school problems, anger, aggression, frustration, depression and other emotional problems. Over-stimulation causes kids to have poor focus and depletes their mental energy, which often leads to explosive behavior.

How do you detox from watching TV? ›

It takes time to change behaviors, so be gentle with yourself and don't get too discouraged if you slip along the way.
  1. Keep track of how much you watch. ...
  2. Explore your reasons for watching TV. ...
  3. Create specific limits around TV time. ...
  4. Distract yourself. ...
  5. Connect with others.
Jan 29, 2020

What does too much TV do to your brain? ›

“Researchers have found that moderate to high television viewing during midlife is associated with increased memory loss and decreased fine motor skills,” explains Manisha Parulekar, M.D., director, division of Geriatrics, and co-director, Center for Memory Loss and Brain Health at Hackensack University Medical Center.

How does TV affect nervous system? ›

Drawing on data spanning 20 years, he led a study published in the September issue of Brain Imaging and Behavior suggesting that greater amounts of TV viewing can lead to reduced amounts of cranial gray matter—home to the neurons that perform the bulk of our mental processing.

Does TV increase anxiety? ›

According to a 2021 study published in Psychology Research and Behavior Management, binge-watching correlated with mental health symptoms, including stress, loneliness, insomnia, depression, and anxiety.

What age should a child have a TV in their room? ›

The Academy of Pediatrics recommends no TV for children younger than 2 and no more than two hours of high-quality programming for older kids.

What are the negative effects of screen time on child development? ›

Too much screen time can be linked to:
  • Obesity. The more TV and video your child watches, the greater his or her risk is of becoming overweight. ...
  • Irregular sleep. ...
  • Behavioral problems. ...
  • Impaired academic performance. ...
  • Violence. ...
  • Less time for play.
May 28, 2021

What are the negative effects of television? ›

Too much screen time can lead to obesity, sleep problems, chronic neck and back problems, depression, anxiety and lower test scores in children. Children should limit screen time to 1 to 2 hours per day. Adults should also try to limit screen time outside of work hours.

Can you reverse the effects of too much screen time? ›

Incorporate more movement, exercise and free play. While stress and screen-time break down brain connectivity, exercise does the reverse—it builds connections and actually makes the brain bigger.

Does TV influence children's behavior? ›

Too much TV watching can also take away time from reading, studying, learning activities, play, and exercise. Television can also show alcohol and drug use, smoking, and sexual behavior before a child is emotionally ready to understand these issues and practice good decision-making.

How do you raise wild flowers? ›

Our Complete Guide To Growing Wildflowers
  1. Prepare Soil. Prepare your soil by removing all existing growth and debris. ...
  2. Compress Seeds Into Soil. Good seed-to-soil contact encourages good germination and healthy roots. ...
  3. Watch Growth & Blooms Appear. Sprouts will start in late spring or early summer.

What do wildflowers mean in the Bible? ›

In Matthew's Gospel, Jesus tells us to “learn from the way the wildflowers grow” (6:28). They do not “work and spin,” they just sway in the wind of their God, accepting whatever comes their way: rain or sun.

What does wild flower child mean? ›

: a hippie who advocates love, beauty, and peace.

Why do farmers plant wildflowers? ›

Areas rich with wildflowers can provide valuable habitat for insects and those which feed on them. They also have numerous benefits from a farming perspective, including integrated pest management and crop pollination.

Can you just throw wildflower seeds on the ground? ›

Your Planting Questions, Answered!

No matter if you're planting in spring or fall, there is generally no need to cover the seed. Wildflower seeds are often very tiny, and many require light to germinate.

Can I just scatter wildflower seeds? ›

Scattering or throwing wildflower seeds on bare ground is the easiest way to sow wildflower seeds, but doesn't always yield good results. For best results, aim to sow thinly over bare patches of moist, weed-free soil that's been raked level, and keep the soil moist to ensure even germination.

What is the easiest wildflower to grow? ›

A spectacular customer shot of easy-to-grow purple coneflower.
  1. Purple Coneflower. Purple Coneflower, aka Echinacea, is a famous native variety, painting entire meadows pink throughout the country. ...
  2. Zinnia. Oh, Zinnia. ...
  3. Shasta Daisies. ...
  4. Marigolds. ...
  5. Blanket Flower. ...
  6. Sunflowers. ...
  7. Black Eyed Susan. ...
  8. Morning Glories.
Jan 30, 2017

What flower represents Jesus in the Bible? ›

The white lily, also known as the Easter lily, is considered to be a representation of Christ's purity and divinity.

What flower is a symbol of God? ›

Pinks hold a deep Christian significance. They were associated with the nails used in the Crucifixion and coronations, while the name dianthus translates to “flower of God” (from the original Greek Dios for Zeus), and can be found represented in numerous illuminated manuscripts.

What is the flower of God? ›

The flower of god is Dianthus caryophyllus or Carnation . The name is a fusion of the Greek words "dios" and "anthos." The Greek god Zeus is depicted by "dios," and "anthos" means flower. That's why the Carnation is recognized as “God's Flower.”

Why is it called wildflower? ›

A wildflower (or wild flower) is a flower that grows in the wild, meaning it was not intentionally seeded or planted.

What is the rarest wildflower? ›

The Middlemist's Red camellia is considered the rarest flower in the world. Only two known examples are believed to exist, one in New Zealand and another one in England. The plant was brought from China to England in 1804 by John Middlemist.

What is a tulip child? ›

The Tulip Child is a Mix of Both Sensitive and Resilient

More recently, researchers (source) have identified a third type — the medium-sensitivity child that falls somewhere in between the dandelion and orchid child. The tulip child has a mixture of both remarkable resilience and sensitivity. ⁠

Are wildflowers high maintenance? ›

Get The Look: Use Wildflowers To Beautify Hard-To-Mow Areas

For steep slopes, uneven ground, and areas of your yard that are difficult to mow, wildflowers offer a low-maintenance solution! They only need to be mowed once a year at most.

Why do wildflowers like poor soil? ›

On the poorer soil, the grasses and weeds lying in the seedbed can't take a hold as much as they would in nutrient rich topsoil, allowing the wildflower seed to germinate and grow to the best of its ability.

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.